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My five favorite things about Season 4 of ‘The Boys’

(No spoilers. This review is made possible by advance screeners of “The Boys” Season 4 for review purposes).

The new season of Prime Video’s hit streaming show “The Boys” premieres this Friday with the first three episodes after an almost two year wait. I’ll be back with episode reviews, but overall, I loved the entire season. Without any spoilers – because that would ruin all the fun – here are five reasons why.

  • 5. Rob Benedict. I can’t spoil anything, but I just have to say that although his character is only in one scene in one episode, he really made an impression! Full disclosure, I love Rob Benedict. I loved his character Chuck aka God on “Supernatural” – he’s a talented actor and a talented musician and a talented writer too. But perhaps I had never seen the full extent of his talent until this role. So many facets of his character in one scene (it’s actually a fairly complicated series of scenes that all run together). Rob even made me feel a mix of emotions for his character – I laughed, I covered my eyes, I even felt a bit bad for him. I chatted with Rob on the weekend and told him my mixed reactions. Let’s just say he can’t wait to hear everyone’s thoughts on what he brings to this portrayal…
Jeffrey Dean Morgan laying back with Karl Urban in homage to Supernatural Baby Nova
Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Karl Urban: Two of our favorite things on The Boys Season 4. Images courtesy of Amazon Prime
Karl Urban with Jeffrey Dean Morgan The Boys Butcher Season 4
  • 4. Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I can’t spoil anything about his character either, but suffice it to say that JDM and Karl Urban together eat up the screen like a couple of movie stars. They play off each other perfectly – in fact, I would bet money that the two had a blast working together. Butcher is, if anything, an even more fascinating character in Season 4, which is saying a lot because he’s been pretty fascinating all along. Urban and Morgan have the same sort of rough-hewn charm even when their characters are violent, like Butcher or Neegan on “The Walking Dead” often are, and the two in a scene together are doubly charming (and sometimes doubly disturbing).
  • 3. The continued parallels to real life, are brilliantly interwoven into the plot. Sometimes it’s a throwaway line here and there that makes you go OOOF. Sometimes it’s a story arc that has so much to say about something that isn’t just fiction. There’s so much validation to knowing that someone else is seeing the insanity around us too, and then putting it on our screens in a slightly displaced fictionalized form so we can all look at it without cringing too much.
  • 2. The new supes. Sister Sage and Firecracker energize the Seven and the show. They each have parallels to real life that make them extra interesting, but it’s their dynamic with both the existing characters and with each other that really make this season pop. Susan Heyward and Valorie Curry sizzle when they’re onscreen together. Both are unlikely choices for the Seven and both have unexpected twists and turns to their story arcs that took me by surprise – I love when a show can surprise me! Both also have an interesting relationship with “the truth” which offered a lot of real life commentary options.
  • 1. The deep stuff. Not The Deep stuff, though his story arc in this season is part of it. Almost every character has an evolution over the eight episodes, going in vastly different directions. Much of that evolution is driven by something universal and ultimately very human – the need to figure out who we are and define ourselves in some coherent way. To discover our identity. To “go home” and figure out how and what and who shaped us, whether we wanted them to or not. Sometimes that means breaking away from an identity foisted upon us and remaking ourselves the way we want to be.

Sometimes that means trying to break away from the constraints and traumas of the past to be free of them, only to be sucked right back into the chains that has left around us, keeping us from being someone different. Sometimes that means not being able to figure out who the real you is at all. You can follow each character’s journey, sometimes cheering for them and sometimes despairing when the journey is downhill not up. It’s quite a feat to afford each character that room to evolve and enough screen time to follow their journey when you have so many characters!

I was also thrilled to see that the show is continuing its exploration of many of the themes that are included in the new book ‘Supes Ain’t Always Heroes: Inside the Complex Characters and Twisted Psychology of The Boys’. Toxic masculinity, breaking the chains of generational trauma, personality disorders, PTSD, racism, sexism, social media. The book delves into all of those, and takes apart all the complicated characters to see what makes them tick, with exclusive interviews and insights from the actors as well as media experts and psychologists. If you haven’t checked it out yet, catch up on everything about the first three seasons with Supes wherever you buy books, and then get ready to dig into Season 4.

I’ve loved this show since its very first episode, and it hasn’t disappointed me yet. I love that its characters keep slogging it out, every kind of obstacle – physical, psychological, emotional, societal – thrown in their way.

Beaten down, halfway to giving up, struggling to hang onto themselves, but they keep fighting. Along the way, there are some unlikely heroes, and some tugs at my heartstrings.  It’s an oddly hopeful commentary on humanity at a time when the struggle is more real than ever, and I appreciate it.

The Boys Season 4 Truthcon image

Be sure to watch the first three episodes of Season 4 of “The Boys” on Prime Video this Thursday! Showrunner Eric Kripke has already announced that Season 5 will be the final season of “The Boys” so enjoy while we can!

‘Walker’ Gets Darker with 4.10 End This Way Deep Dive Recap

Multiple storylines come to a head, and one to a resolution, in last week’s episode of “Walker.” With three more to go, there’s a sense of urgency and foreboding about the Jackal case that is really adding to the tension – and I am here for it!

Cassie and David and… Ed?

We get some more shirtless Luna with Cassie, and some nice banter. He wants her to meet his best friend Ed, saying she’ll like him, they both love to talk.

Spoiler alert: She does not like him.

Extra spoiler alert: Neither does anyone else. Except Luna, for some reason I can’t fathom yet at all.

The three meet up at the SideStep, Ed taking issue with how much Austin has changed and with the trendy drink Cassie orders (a Boulevardier, which many “Supernatural” fans immediately associated with Steve Carlson, a musician friend of Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles – that’s a line in a song of his.) Anyway, Ed and Cassie don’t exactly hit it off. He criticizes the SideStep too. Cassie defends it, saying they’re about to open another, in fact.

Ed: Where, at the airport?

He is NOT happy to hear that Luna is moving to Austin. Like not at all. Luna blurts out he’s moving “because I love her” and Cassie overhears.

He tells Cassie that Ed had a pretty rough relationship with his mom and can get defensive; that they were there for each other and he’s afraid to lose that.

He also admits that what she overheard is true.

Luna: I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but there’s no denying it. I love you.

Twisted Family History

We pick up Stella’s story with her taking off to find the necklace, while Liam confronts Augie about where she’s gone, pissed as hell that she kept lying to him about being okay and desperate to know where she might have gone. August, unfortunately, doesn’t really know. Bonham and Mawline hear all the yelling and August comes clean about the necklace and Joanna Rawlins’ threats.

Anybody who saw Mawline’s face when Joanna’s name was mentioned knew something interesting was about to happen.

Geri calls Cordell to tell him about his daughter being in danger, Liam warning he’s “not in the best headspace”.  Geri wants him to come home and help, but he says he’ll go check out a gazebo where she’s hid out before instead.

Liam waves a huge kitchen knife around saying how angry he is about how many times he asked Stella if she was okay and she lied to him.

Geri: Let’s just put the cutlery down, shall we? Liam, just because she’s a grown up doesn’t mean she’s not gonna make mistakes.

Liam: Is this a Walker thing, this blatant arrogance in my family?

Geri: Yes, but surviving against all odds is too. She’s gonna need a lot of forgiveness, so start now.

Liam is so hurt that she didn’t trust him though. Geri sends him out to chop some wood. I kinda love everything about that scene, and about the sibling-esque relationship that Liam and Geri have.

Walker gay Liam brandishing a knife in front of Stella 4.10.

Stella goes to the house, determined to find the necklace. Joanna meets her there – with a kidnapped Sadie! 

Me: Wait, does she know that’s her own granddaughter!?

Walker Joanna with some bad boys and girls 4.10.

Alas, she does. Stella offers the letter from Hoyt with info about the necklace in exchange for Sadie, but she says no deal, only if the necklace is put in her hand. Instead, a rather frighteningly smug Stella gets out a lighter and burns the map and the clues, which are now only in Stella’s head.

Her henchman punches Sadie and Joanna says not to kill her – that prompts Stella to tell Sadie just who Joanna is, so now they both know. Have to say, I was entirely with Sadie being incredulous about her terrible luck with family because, wow. Your own granddaughter?? That’s messed up.

Sadie: I have heard some messed up family drama, but granddaughter hostage has to take the cake!

Joanna: Family don’t mean Jack to me. We’re strangers.

Family don't mean jack to me says white trash Joanna to Sadie.

You can see that she’s not as unfeeling as she claims at times though, thanks to some stellar acting from Sharon Lawrence. When they pull up to the old falling-apart house that was where Joanna lived with her son Hoyt when he was a child, there’s a moment of wistfulness, perhaps sadness at what might have been but never was. I can’t help but feel for her a little.

Walker Sharon Lawrence looking fierce 4.10.

They search the old house for the necklace, which leaves Stella and Sadie on their own to talk, which seems like a dumb thing for Joanna and her henchman to do, honestly.  (But it gives Stella time to tell Sadie to follow her lead when she gives the signal). When the henchman finds them, Sadie says she was just asking Stella for a tampon, which accomplishes her purpose of throwing him off. Pretty smart, Sadie!

Sadie finds an old photo of little boy Hoyt in what was his old room, and Joanna finds her there, and I foolishly think that Joanna is going to soften because come on, that’s her son! And her granddaughter! But the point of this episode, I think, is that people get warped by the unfairness of life, the cruel and undeserved and awful traumas that happen to them. Sometimes they can’t get past that, and all they can do is try to make other people suffer the way they did.

Joanna: You’re the reason all this is happening. I’ve been looking for this necklace for years, but it wasn’t until you took that DNA test and I got the alert I had a granddaughter, I thought maybe he left it for you.  The cops stole the necklace from me – I spent years living paycheck to paycheck and it’s worth $800,000. That’s not fair!

Sadie: Neither is having a homicidal grandmom.

Joanna, in her own weird way, conveys some words of advice to her granddaughter.

Joanna: Nobody in the world is looking out for you. The best thing I did for my boy was leaving.

She seems to really believe that, and it’s pretty heartbreaking.

Sadie: Abby told me that he never really got over you leaving him.  You really didn’t know him.

She caresses Sadie’s cheek, but once again, it’s not the tenderness you’d expect.

Joanna: Neither did you, honey.

Walker Joanna caressing Sadie's face.

This is a tragic tragic story arc, honestly. All the props to Saylor Bell for her acting in this episode too. As with Joanna, she puts on a brave face all the time and doesn’t show much emotion unless it’s anger, but there’s a moment there when she thinks she’s getting some affection from her grandmother and longs for it; you can see it in her expression, just for an unguarded second.

Stella finds the place where the necklace was hidden in the fireplace, but the bag is empty. Joanna breaks down sobbing in disappointment, having pinned all her hopes and dreams on finding what she feels is rightfully hers and getting some payback for all the bad stuff that’s happened to her.

Walker Sharon Lawrence sitting in front of white trash fan 4.10.

Her henchman is just an asshole. Now that it seems clear they won’t find the necklace, he pulls a gun and points it at her, saying she owes him 50 grand.  Chaos ensues, and Stella turns to Sadie.

Stella: Signal! Signal!

Sharon Lawrence playing trash momme on Walker 4.10.

The girls take down the bad man – I guess those self-defense lessons that Stella took with Bonham have really REALLY paid off!

Joanna runs for the door – and opens it to find Mawline standing there with a shotgun.

Pretty priceless moment, tbh. Of course, she went after Joanna on her own to make sure nothing happened to her granddaughter. We find out that Abeline reached out to Joanna after Hoyt died to tell her, but never heard back. She’s furious that she spent all those years being the mother to Hoyt that Joanna refused to be, only for her to turn around and threaten Abeline’s grandbabies.

The contrast drawn between “Mama Bear” Mawline and Joanna, who wasn’t able to let herself love her child or her grandchild, is stark. And tragic.

Joanna in handcuffs, Abby confronts her, saying that she resented her a lot every time Hoyt cried for his mama.

Abeline: But it was also one of the blessings of my life watching Hoyt grow up.  I feel pity for you because you couldn’t see the treasure that you had in that boy, and you didn’t have the guts to fight that legacy like he did.

Joanna: All the years I spent in the system, they tell us we’re not good enough to be mothers. It started to feel true.

Me: Okay, have I mentioned this storyline is really tragic??

Liam and Geri show up, and he forgives Stella immediately, hugging her. She apologizes for lying to him though, and for saying she was okay when she wasn’t. She swears she won’t make that mistake again.

Walker gay Liam shaking Stella in frustration 4.10.

Sadie teases Stella about the signal being her yelling ‘Signal Signal”

Geri: That is the most Cordell thing I’ve ever heard!

Sadie teasing Walker Stella bout Signal Signal.

Stella apologizes for reading her letter from Hoyt and setting it on fire. And to Sadie for blaming her about not going to the cops.

It turns out that Stella actually has the necklace – she got it from the fireplace before they drove over with Joanna.  Which means she was really playing it cool with a couple of unhinged people determined to get it!

Walker stella showing she has Geri's necklace 4.10.

She couldn’t hand it over though, she says, because there was a letter in the bag with the necklace that she thinks is for Geri. Geri opens it, then gives it to Sadie, who reads the note.

“Lore says it was given to one of our ancestors by a dear friend, and that Rawlins further gifted it to his daughter, Ophelia. It’s been passed down ever since. I hope to give it to a rugrat of my own one day. I want it to stay in my family. It now belongs to you.”

Supernatural” fans all loved the “lore says” since that’s what Padalecki’s beloved character Sam Winchester always said. My heart.

Sadie cries. Geri too. Stella hands her the necklace.

Sadie: In the spirt of my Walker-Broussard family, I think it should go back to the museum. Right one last karmic wrong for my old man.

But Where Is Walker?

Cassie, Luna, Trey and James show up at the house too, and they realize that nobody has heard from Walker and everyone thought he was with the others. No one ever heard anything back.

James: Guys, where the hell’s Walker?

Cut to Walker lying on the bed, a ceiling fan spinning slowly overhead.

He wakes up gradually, groggy. He’s in socks, in sweats.

He hears noises in the kitchen and fights to wake up fully, looking sleep rumpled and confused.

He struggles to get out of bed, Padalecki adding the little nonverbal cues to tell us that something is very wrong – gripping the side of the bed to haul himself up.

Slowly he wanders into the kitchen, finding August making breakfast.

Cordell: I feel like I’m supposed to be looking for Stella….

Stella: I’m right here…

Cordell is confused, as the kids banter.

Stella: Do not drag Mom into this…

Someone starts the blender.

The noise startles Cordell, and we see that he’s actually tied up in a chair, the blender being used to make a mush of rotten fruit mash.

The Jackal, telltale black rubber gloves on, grabs Cordell’s jaw and spoons the disgusting mush down his throat roughly. He chokes, tries to wake, but can’t. 

Walker Jackal forcing Jared Padalecki to open mouth wide to take in Jensen Ackles huge member for the Walker 4.10 End this way come shots.

The Jackal injects him in the neck with the digoxin, and Cordell hallucinates again, back in the kitchen.

Supernatural fans: It’s just like the djinn episode omg!!

It is, and it’s heartbreaking. It’s what Cordell would want, his kids at home and happy and all kinds of breakfast foods on the table, not just bowls of cereal.

In the kitchen, he rubs his neck, confused.

Cordell Walker held hostage but not knowing it yet 4.10 End This Way.
Screencaps courtesy of spndeangirl.

Augie: Hey mom, Stella’s questioning the integrity of game night, can you come downstairs?


Cordell looks up at the stairs, confused and shocked.

Cordell: Emily?

Okay, that was an amazing ending! And next week we get to see Gen Padalecki return as Emily one more time, which is awesome. And heartbreaking, because just like in Dean Winchester’s djinn-induced world, his mom was alive – in Cordell’s fantasy, Emily is still alive too.

It’s interesting (or one might say ‘sus’) that they introduced a new character in Luna’s bff Ed this late in the season. We don’t know who the Jackal is, but we know they had some kind of really messed up childhood and felt helpless. Hmmmm.

As much as the fandom enjoys seeing Cordell a bit bruised and bloodied from time to time, it was hard to see him tied up and helpless and being force fed. Jared Padalecki is SO damn good at making you feel what his character is feeling – so much so that everyone felt a little sick to their stomach witnessing that scene.

But I love love love how dark this show is getting, so I’m not complaining!

Brand new “Walker” 4.11 episode Wednesday on the CW!

‘Walker’ 4.09 gets Weird with A history of horrors and other tales

As “Walker” heads into its final five episodes, the show is taking some innovative turns, which I’m really enjoying. I don’t like media to be too predictable, and while some things still are (Stella, I’m looking at you…), there’s plenty going on that’s not. In fact, some of it is downright confusing, which I actually don’t mind as long as there’s eventually an explanation.

Full disclosure, my good friend Alana King is the production coordinator on this episode, but seriously, look at this episode! I love the look of it, the innovative editing, the music, everything! Jared Padalecki’s portrayal of Cordell is fascinating right now – what’s going on in his head?? We can so clearly see that he is not okay, even as he keeps insisting he is, because of all the little nonverbal cues Padalecki uses to tell us in no uncertain terms that something is very wrong.

But what exactly is it? I love that I’m asking that question.

The “previously” ends with Cordell knocked out by the Jackal, which is….interesting. I had heard that this episode was kinda trippy and maybe a little unreal, so I was already looking for clues that things might not be as they seem, and that felt like it could be one. We’ll see…

Not On The Same Page at HQ

Cordell wakes up at 3 am in the dark, falling back to the mattress and looking like I do when I REALLY don’t wanna get up in the morning.

There’s a montage of the morning that’s beautifully cut together but also confusing, as Cordell goes back to his wall of weird and Captain James starts his morning out with the case too and Cassie and Trey talk about their upcoming interviews for lieutenant.

Walker night show of Cordell drinking down fluids given by Coby Bell James on set.

Everything is weird right off the bat though, HQ nearly deserted other than Cassie and Trey. And Cordi and Geri sitting in the lounge area. Geri is back, excited to tell Cordell about her plans for the new Side Step, and a bit annoyed with him – as she puts it – “boy listening.” He’s distracted, twitchy, on edge. Geri talks about it as their business, the next step in their lives.

Cordi: I’m so happy for you.


She urges him to think about taking a break – a vacation even.

Both are themes of the episode, the tension between “us” and “you” and how decisions can be made that are one or the other and maybe not seen in the same way by two people. And, also the theme of needing to step back and take a break, or risk getting tunnel vision and making some very bad decisions. I like that the show tackles a lot of those universal themes; that all of us can relate to.

Communication between two people is hard, whether you’re partners or siblings, related by blood or otherwise. When are things about “us” and when is something just about “you”?

There’s also an underlying tension throughout the episode because of time pressure, and isn’t that realistic to just about all of our lives? James says they need to have a real breakthrough by the end of the day or the Jackal case will be turned over to the FBI, which nobody is happy to hear (though I can’t help but think that might be a good thing!) 

As they go over the loose ends, Cordell has that pounding and ringing in his ears, as they talk about the one victim who got away. They all recall that victim said the digoxin made him feel like he was crazy, or on an acid trip, or having a lucid dream.

Hmmmmm. Lucid dream, huh? Hmmm.

Cordell is shady, grabs one of the files and suggests they take a break and leaves, the other three looking at him skeptically and like they’re disappointed in him.

He doesn’t come back for quite a while, so Trey and Cassie and James keep on working. Cassie eventually has a breakthrough, realizing that trying to find similarities between the victims keeps leading to a dead end. Maybe what’s important to look at is what sets them apart?

There was only one person who wasn’t a parent, Sheila, so they get the records for her unsealed. She had a wrongful death suit against her, it turns out – a five-year-old child died in her backyard. She was running a daycare out of her house. So maybe she wasn’t an outlier after all. And just like that, the commonality snaps into place.

Cordell comes back to them already figuring out the Jackal’s MO –  that the Jackal targets bad parents or caretakers. (So obviously we’re going to find out that whoever it is had a very bad parent or caretaker indeed).

Cordell Walker knows the Jackal killer's MO now for James and Cassie and Trey.

Cordell: Wow, I wish I’d been here for this.

They do too. Cassie confronts him, in an uncharacteristically harsh way. Cordell complains that they’re talking about him behind his back; she accuses him of being obsessed, of putting them all in danger.


Cordell stammers and apologizes; she doesn’t want to hear it.

There are so many painful scenes in this episode of people being confronted by their loved ones, and Padalecki here embodies everything Cordell is feeling. He’s like seven feet tall but here he looks like a defensive little boy being yelled at by his mom, trying to protest his innocence and beaten down and ashamed.

It hurts just to look at him – and it’s so well done! So much acting is not in the dialogue but in the embodiment of the character, and Padalecki excels at that.

Cordell has tried so hard to take on all the responsibility, sometimes because he’s been explicitly asked to – for the Jackal case to protect James and really to protect everyone, to make up for all the people they haven’t been able to save over the years. For his family, after he ended up the only parent. You can see it weighing on him heavily that he feels he hasn’t been able to do those things.

Cassie is understandably worried and frustrated, but it’s hard to watch. They start over tomorrow, she says, clean slate.

The confrontation. We get the feeling, isn’t exactly helpful to Cordell, though. He’s in over his head and can’t get out, and all the guilt that gets heaped on top just seems to make him feel more responsible and more desperate to find the Jackal and take them OUT.

James asks Cassie and Trey to run the press conference the next day, but they say this is his white whale and his case, and they won’t let the Jackal take anything else from him.  So, James is back on the case, and he tells Cordell. Cordell says he realizes he’s taken on too much and put the case before his family, and that he has to get back to Geri, but we all know he’s not telling the truth. . Like daughter like father!

Once again, his body language makes clear the sense of failure and desperation he’s feeling as he hands the case back over to James.

James asks for the notebook back and Cordell tries to stall, then hands it over since it’s right in his truck, visible.  He insists he’s good but he’s clearly not.

Like Father Like Daughter – Again

Stella is also not okay, and the themes of communication breakdown, us versus me, and the risks and benefits of confrontation play out with her story arc too. Stella and Augie continue their search for the necklace, using Hoyt’s letter to Geri and feeling similarly desperate and time pressured – by Joanne – to find it by that night.

Stella waited for Augie to read those letters, which they decide not to do (though she didn’t have any qualms about reading Geri’s).

Walker Stella pressured to do good by Joanne with Augie 4.09.

They decide the necklace might be in the fireplace at the ranch. Augie uses some fancy new photography tricks to be able to see fingerprints in the fireplace, but they’re interrupted by Geri, who wants to catch up and make some lunch – some ‘Spaghetti Mes’ that you cut out the alphabet letter pasta for. Which is a pretty complicated impromptu lunch!

The kids make it clear that they have no problem with her and Cordell.

Augie: You make Dad very happy.

Walker Gay Augie flouncing in to help bake cookies with Geri.


Stella decides to kind of interrogate Geri about how things were back then, but we know it’s only because of her single-minded pursuit of the necklace that she won’t ask any of the adults for help with. Geri warns the kids not to read those letters.

Geri: Those were from a different version of your dad to a different version of you.

Geri shares more about the old days, how Hoyt had a place to grow up safely for the first time when he was there with them. How they came to seize his mom’s possessions when he was six and he was terrified they’d take his little superhero cape too. 


Eventually, she says, Hoyt’s mom tried to find some heirloom that could pay off their debts – which of course they think was the necklace.

There are some great shots of the clock in the background hanging over Stella, a reminder of the pressure she’s under (and a reason why she is so single-mindedly focused on finding the necklace and – in her mind – making this all go away).

Walker 4.09 Stella on phone late at night.

In the course of investigating further, they make the shocking discovery that Joanna, who’s threatening to kill Stella and her family in a matter of hours, is, in fact, Hoyt’s mother.

Augie once again wants to tell someone, thrown by this latest news, but Stella won’t do it.

He bows out; she says I didn’t ask for your help in the first place. Ouch.

Communication is not any of the Walkers’ strong suit right now, and once again it’s “me” instead of “us”.

Stella figures out that the necklace may be at the old Rawlins house.

Three Generations of Walkers Not On The Same Page

Abby and Bonham are having as much success communicating and being on the same page as the other two Walker generations. They argue about making up a living will and getting on the same page about their retirement.  Bonham is ready to settle down and thought that Abeline was in agreement when they talked about it in Italy. Nope.

Frustrated, Bonham tells Abby and Liam to “do your thing” and leaves. Once again, something (in this case renovations for Abeline and Ben’s new business venture) was assumed to be an “our” thing and it turns out not to be that at all.

Abeline confides to Liam that she’s recently realized she wants more, and wants Liam to act as mediator for them. He agrees.

Abeline: I knew there was a reason you were always my favorite.

Liam: You always said you didn’t have a favorite!

Me: And you should keep saying that!

I love Abeline and I love that she’s not perfect but ooof, I would never say that to one of my two children. Can’t be good for either of them to hear – or think – that.

Bonham is not on board at all with the renovations she wants to do for her business with Ben and the cost, despite Liam’s best efforts to be a “mediator” for his parents.

Bonham: This is supposed to be our time.

He’s hurt that Abby seems to want to do anything but, focused on something she wants to do for herself. Bonham is ready to “hold onto the lull” and Abby isn’t.  Liam has a heart to heart with his dad and tries to help, but that goes off the rails too. Communication, in this episode, is a complicated and imperfect thing – just as it often is in real life.

Walker gay Liam talking with Bonham in the outhouse shed.

Bonham’s interpretation of what he should do?

Bonham: Bought us a boat.


Both: Not now William!

She finally tells him that she realized she wants more.  She was inspired by a woman she met in Italy who lived a lifetime before she found her passion, before she even knew something was missing. Bonham doesn’t get it, and she feels hurt that he doesn’t get it, and that he bought the boat without even telling her.

Walker gay LIam rubbing one off on the set of the show with Gay Augie and Jared Padalecki.

There is a lot of ouch in this episode!

Also, Liam is trying so hard to hold his family together right now, and things keep backfiring despite his best efforts. Poor Liam.

I will forever love this show for not short shrifting the older generation of Walkers in its nuanced exploration of how we all develop and grow and change, throughout our lifetimes. If you watch many TV shows, you might think all that stops about about 50, but of course that’s not true – and Walker reflects that with the in-depth story arcs it gives Bonham and Abeline. Mitch Pileggi and Molly Hagan make those characters so real, and so relatable, and I’m so grateful.

Going Their Separate Ways

Things come to a head for all the Walkers in the last segment of the episode, which parallels the story arcs explicitly.

August confides in Geri that he’s worried about their dad.

Geri: But it’s not your job to take care of everything and everyone. You’re just like your mom.I miss her. I don’t want to have to miss Dad or Stel too.

Walker Augie looking weirdly at Geri making her cry rape for help 4.09.

Geri knows something is up when he says that, and August agrees to bring Liam in. When Stella comes downstairs, Liam confronts Stella about her lies that she’s okay, saying he knew there was something very wrong.

She says she wants to take a minute, which seems like a terrible idea.

Walker gay Liam hands on hips like a big ole girl 4.09.

And is, because she goes out the window and off to try to handle this on her own.

Another parallel of Stella and her dad as both lie about being okay and then go off on their own to do what they think they have to do.

Geri: Whenever Stella or Walker are confronted, they…

Liam: They run!


The episode’s signature split screen shows just how divided the Walker family is right now as Stella drives off, Bonham and Abeline are upset and feeling misunderstood in different parts of the house, and Walker checks into a motel, wearing the black hat that I love so much on him.

Is he… setting himself up as bait for the Jackal?

Does he think he’s that much of a bad parent that he now fits the type??

Have I said ouch enough in this review?

I can’t wait to see what plays out next week! A brand new “Walker” airs on Wednesday at 8 pm on the CW.

“Tracker” Justin Hartley Goes Off With Jensen Ackles

There was a whole lot of anticipation among Jensen Ackles fans for last week’s episode of “Tracker” – and probably a lot of anticipation mixed with glad-you-finally-discovered-this-great show emotion from Tracker fans who have made the show a bona fide hit well before Ackles joined the party. I’ve heard nothing but good things about the show and put it on the “shows I’d like to watch” list that lives in my head and rarely gets any shorter but hadn’t managed to yet.

That meant watching the previous episode live and then doing a 2-day binge watch to catch up. I watched “Tracker” with a couple friends and we all got sucked into the show and the Shaw family mystery and the beautiful (and often familiar) Vancouver locations – so two nights of 5 episodes in a row was actually a lot of fun!

So, I already loved Colter and Justin Hartley’s portrayal on “Tracker,’ understated and nuanced and with the same ability to convey a lot of emotion with very few words that I’ve been spoiled by “Supernatural” for. I already loved Reenie and Bobby and Teddi and Velma and Colter’s sister Dorie – and I was already very very curious about the mysterious older brother and black sheep, Russell.  Especially after what Dory said about wanting her family to be back together again, including her two brothers.

Trackers set shots 1 ep 12.

So, like I said, a whole lot of anticipation – one of the most enjoyable things about fandom, whether it’s “Tracker” or “Supernatural.”

There are also just some plot similarities to “Supernatural.” A murdered parent under mysterious circumstances, growing up with a paranoid militaristic father, estranged brothers, saving people hunting things (in this case people not monsters), living a relatively isolated life. And Vancouver! But the story and the family and the characters are also very different.

“Tracker” often has a scary cold open that reminds me of “Supernatural,” and this episode was no different. Roanoke, Virginia, a terrified man hiding behind a truck at a gas station in the dark, nobody around, trying to duck the security cameras. A man comes through the woods with a flashlight, looking shady, and the other man stashes something in the trash and runs away.

Cut to Colter in his trailer at night in the woods when a car pulls up. Colter pulls his gun and goes outside. A man gets out of the car and we can’t see him clearly in the car’s headlights as he walks toward Colter – until we see the light shining through some familiar bowlegs.

Russell: Hey, little brother.

That packed a punch.

“Tracker” isn’t “Supernatural,” it’s a hit show all on its own. Justin is great as the main character, and the supporting characters are awesome and it’s enjoyable just as it is. But Justin and Jensen have been friends for a very long time, and that meant the show is well aware of the passion of “Supernatural” fans and appreciative of its star’s and his friends’ sense of humor, so paying a little homage to “Supernatural” was a no brainer. And fun!

The Shaw brothers are very much not the Winchesters, but Jensen Ackles saying “hey little brother” will never not evoke Sam and Dean a little bit too. An affectionate nod, if you will.

I love a show that’s self-aware and writers that aren’t afraid to go there.

Colter is guarded, but Russell is trying to be friendly. Remember, these two haven’t seen each other for decades – Colter was still a kid when tragedy struck the family and his big brother disappeared (after possibly killing their father). Talk about an awkward reunion!

Russell: You gonna shoot me or can we sit down and have a few? Brought some of my home brew.

(An amusing little shout out to Ackles’ real life brewer business – and also an in joke between Justin and Jensen, because Justin sort of started that whole venture. As Jensen related at a con a little while ago, Justin left his home brew equipment at Jensen’s when he moved, and never picked it up. Eventually Jensen’s brother-in-law, Gino, said hey how about we try this out? And the rest is Family Business Brewing Company history.)

The two brothers sit around a fire drinking beer, tentative and awkward with each other. Apparently, Russell didn’t show up for a meeting they set up the week before, saying “something came up”. Which, ouch. Good for you, Colter, for still being willing to sit down and hear what your brother has to say.

Their father’s death is like the elephant in the room, and Russell goes there – because really, he had to. He says he didn’t push him, doesn’t know if he fell or if someone else pushed him, but does know that there was someone else in the woods that night. Their dad was a crazy sonofabitch, but he had enemies.

(Maybe not a Dean Winchester shout out, but ‘sonofabitch’ is certainly a Dean tag line)

Colter has been Team Dad (and Team Mom) all this time, the “good son” who stayed connected and loyal while his two siblings both got out, one way or another.

Russell: The man was hard as hell on us. Made us learn how to skin a rabbit, not exactly a skill I need these days.

(Sorry, but the parallel to John Winchester is too obvious not to see. Not that it’s an Easter egg, it’s just that the Shaw family story is similar to the Winchester family story in some striking ways. Skin a rabbit, gave me a .45…)

Russell says that their mom was the one who told him to stay away, which obviously leaves Colter with a lot of questions. Especially in light of what his sister said in last week’s episode about their mom having as many secrets as their dad.

Russell: She said it would be best if I left and kept quiet. She said our lives depended on it.

So, he left, and stayed gone, then enlisted – to leave it all behind.

Colter: Why would mom let me believe that you did it?

Russell: Yeah, I don’t know. I like to think she did the best she could, but mom had her secrets, trust me.

That little exchange gave us a bit of insight into Russell. He’s not an uncaring man who left his family because he was angry at them or because he was guilty of something. And even after his own mother told him to leave and then poisoned his relationship with his brother by blaming him for their dad’s death, he’s trying to give her the benefit of the doubt here. That’s pretty big of him, honestly.

Russell also tells Colter that the other man he saw in the woods that night is someone he’d seen talking to their mother. Colter bristles, unwilling to think his mother might have played some part in it all. He’s understandably confused, and there’s no reason for him to trust this brother who took off all those years ago. He tries to push Russell away, and Justin does a great job of letting us see all the hurt and fear that’s behind that. If he lets his big brother in, will he just do something that causes pain again?

Colter: So, I guess we’re done here, right?

Russell: I thought this would be two brothers burying the old family hatchet, huggin’ it out…

Finally, he allows himself a moment of vulnerability and admits why he’s really there. Ackles lets us see every bit of how hard that is for Russell. These are two men who were wounded and hardened by their paranoid father, who once drew a knife on his own children and threatened them and was often terrifyingly out of control around them. Both brothers are tough because they had to be, and unwilling to be vulnerable because they were taught not to be. Both have been going it alone, not trusting others, and both are reluctant to change that now. But Russell takes a chance.

Russell: I… I could use your help.

Immediately, Colter goes into tracker mode. It’s been his way of dealing with the harsh hand life dealt him, to go out there and help other people find loved ones who are missing. A way of working through his own experience of losing people he loved – not just his dad, but his siblings too. He purposely keeps Dory at arms’ length, and he truly lost Russell. Until now.

Russell tells Colter about his friend Doug, who he clearly cares about. Colter asks the same questions he would ask if this were any other job.

Russell: I can pay you for your help.

Colter: It’s not about the money.

Ain’t that the truth! I give Russell a lot of credit for not chickening out and walking away – and Colter a lot of credit for the same.

Russell: Well, will you help me or not?

They don’t look at each other, casting furtive glances at the other now and then, trying to size each other up, looking and then quickly looking away before the other catches them. It’s something Sam and Dean did too, a nod to some of the norms of masculinity that make it hard for men to connect openly and easily.

Colter says yes, and Russell takes it in, looking down, swallowing down the emotion until he can take a sip of his beer and hang onto that toughness that he feels he needs.

Well done, Justin and Jensen. That scene said so much with only the barest of dialogue.

Colter picks up Russell at the motel he’s staying in the next morning; it’s a motel used in “Supernatural” too, in Season 12. I love the distinctive motels dotted throughout the Vancouver area, and love that productions take advantage of them.

Russell has a cup of free motel coffee, and some tales of pro-cheerleader-turned-dental-hygienist forays in the hot tub out back with a grin. They’re definitely posturing for each other, showing off, jockeying for position, two very alpha males both trying to figure out how they can partner up and have each other’s backs.

Russell’s vulnerability shows again when he checks in with his brother though.

Russell: We’re good, right? You believe me – about Dad?

Colter: I don’t know what to believe.

Justin Hartley driving hard on Jensen Ackles rear in trackers

Russell leaves it at that, but it’s clear that he cares. After all this time of keeping the family secret, it’s important to him that this brother believes him.

Russell puts his shades on and crosses to the other side of the truck to get in, pausing to pat a black 60s Chevy affectionately as he comes by.

Trackers car but not Supernatural baby for Jensen Ackles
It’s not ‘Baby’

Just about every “Supernatural” fan watching immediately gasped “was that an Impala??”  It wasn’t, but it’s a clear affectionate nod to Dean Winchester’s “Baby.” This one was a ’65 Chevy Malibu but close enough. Classic black Chevy? Check! Thank you “Tracker!”

Russell settles into shotgun, shades on, Ackles’ distinctive tattoo (that he shares with “Supernatural” costars Jared Padalecki and Jeffrey Dean Morgan) on view.

Russell shares more about Doug, who’s like family. They served together, and now both are working for Horizon Group doing civilian contract stuff. As Russell says, lots of special ops guys miss the excitement when they transition to civilian life, so this kind of shady job keeps the adrenaline flowing. And of course can get you killed. Russell also says he owes Doug for saving his life.

They go see Doug’s wife, Tracy, who presents them with a package that was delivered that morning – a severed finger ewww.  Tracy is understandably freaked out, complaining that Doug doesn’t tell her anything about the work that he does. Russell answers, defensive.

Russell: Because he can’t, you know that!

Back at the truck, Colter asks Russell to fill in some pencil graphite on a paper.

Russell: What’re we doin?

(That’s a very subtle shout out if it is one, but Ackles fans know there’s a bit about how he often says that same phrase, along with “comedy elbows” when he and friends are about to do a bit. It made me laugh, intentional or not)

Russell is grudgingly impressed by Colter’s ability to pull a fingerprint off the severed finger (ewww) and the then calls Bobby, saying he’s “got a guy”.

Russell (incredulous and mostly affectionately mocking): You got a guy?? An op analyst for your reward hustle?

Colter (bristling): It’s not a hustle!

Bobby gives them an ID on the finger and they go to the morgue to see the body. Russell immediately tries to charm the morgue attendant, but he is no Dean Winchester.

Russell: Hi…(reads name tag obviously)… Yolanda. Beautiful name.

She rolls her eyes. Russell is undeterred. He points out that she has “kind eyes…helpful eyes…I like that…”

Colter looks at his brother with amused affection mixed in with his internal eye rolling.

Jensen Ackles comparing girth size with Justin Hartley on Trackers set

Yolanda says only relatives can see the body.

Russell: Oh I didn’t mention, we’re his cousins. We just need a minute…then maybe we can go grab a drink or somethin’ somethin’

Yolanda: No.

Russell: Ah, I was so close! Can’t believe the kind eyes didn’t work…

Colter does what he usually does and gets reckless, leaping up to the roof to break in.

Russell is caught off guard by his little brother’s badassery.

Russell: Whoa, whoa.

Colter turns back like, are you coming or what?

Russell barely makes it. Colter offers him a hand and he slaps it away and rolls to his feet, going ahead of Colter to the window. (If that wasn’t an Ackles adlib, I’ll be shocked). A fan who was lucky enough to watch filming tweeted that

Brothers, sheesh.

They manage to work together to break in the door, though.

Colter: Thanks.

Russell: Thank you.

Russell does note that not hearing an alarm is surprising and that it seems like breaking in was too easy…

They find the guy with all his fingers chopped off (ouch) and Russell just gives Colter a look when he asks if he’s ever seen something like that before. And at that moment the cops come to arrest them.

Russell to Yolanda as they’re taking him away in handcuffs: Kind eyes….offer for dinner still stands…

(The actress who played Yolanda tweeted that Russell was right, she does have kind eyes, and oh btw is it too late for that dinner? I mean, who turns down Jensen Ackles??)

Luckily (as always) Reenie shows up to free them from jail, saying she looked up Russell’s “Tracker” record and paid his outstanding fish and wildlife fees.

He flirts with her, to her amusement.

The three have a bite to eat at a food truck and then Reenie gets a phone call.

Reenie: Oh balls.

(Okay, that was a definitely “Supernatural” Easter egg, because that’s Bobby Singer’s trademark exclamation. Like Reenie, it was always Bobby who worked miracles for Sam and Dean)

Russell: Okay I’m gonna need a sit rep on the thing between you and her.

Colter insists there’s no situation, but when Russell clarifies that she’s fair game, he says no, she’s off limits.

Russell: I’m just messin’ with you.

It’s true, he is. It’s his way of trying to regain some of that sibling relationship they likely had as kids, with “Tracker” brotherly ribbing part of the way they connected.

They go to where the poor man’s body was found, Russell pronouncing it “sloppy work” and reminding us that he’s been a contract killer for hire for the government/Horizon so despite his charm he is actually a scary guy.  I’m a little vague about this whole part of the “Tracker” plot, but they end up in a shop that does rituals and blood magic. Russell says Doug was into that superstitious woowoo “Tracker” stuff.

The scene in the shop is priceless. The brothers are back in sync, trying to convince the skeptical shop owner that a friend sent them.

Jensen Ackles and Justin Hartley crusing gay bars for hot men in trackers

And ending up at gun point in a back room for “Tracker.”

Owner: On your knees, cop.

Colter: You don’t wanna do that.

Russell: Listen, if you’re gonna shoot, shoot my brother first.

It’s a clear code of some sort, followed by Colter’s “well in that case, on 3, ready? 3!” This only makes “Tracker” more fun.

They take down the shop guys just like that, and when they say they don’t want trouble, respond with “well, you got trouble.” Russell holds the owner with a gun in his face to force him to talk. The guy protests that when a ritual is started, it has to be completed, and Doug wanted a protective talisman to keep his wife safe.

(Me: And that involved some poor guy’s finger???)

Russell: Is there a blessing that can keep me from squeezing the trigger and blowing your face off?

Colter: He’ll do it…I’ve seen him do it!

The terrified guy gives them a name: Solano.

Russell reacts to it, a sneer on his face as it looks like he almost pulls the trigger anyway.

Jensen Ackles feeding hot juices to Justin Hartley on Trackers set.

Colter notices and asks him about it. Apparently, they did a job in Panama and killed Solano’s brother (a “health alternation”, Russell glibly calls it).  Doug went back to the kill spot to get a knife that Russell dropped and was seen, and now Solano is after Doug to avenge his brother.

Reenie calls and tries to warn Colter not to sniff around Horizon, it’s dark stuff, he can’t trust them. She and all of us know that he’s not gonna listen though.

Colter: I made a promise to Doug’s wife. He’s in danger and I’m gonna go get him back.

All business now, Colter asks Russell if he has a handler, and they go see her over Russell’s protest that it’s not a good idea. She’s keeping her shady business life separate from her personal life, in the middle of a party for her kid and unhappy with Russell for both being there and breaking his “Tracker” NDA.

Handler lady: Not the best move.

Russell: Well, I’m full of those.

Russell doesn’t care.

Russell: NDA is no Bueno now that Doug has been snatched. Come on, we’re not gonna stop.

She reluctantly gives them the address of a safe house and they go there, finding the door ominously open and a dead man on the floor and Doug gone. They realize Solano wants to kill Doug himself, revenge for his brother. Colter is a realist, saying they’re in over their heads and need the cops, but Russell says no, reminding him that Horizon is a black ops contractor for the government.

Russell: It’s just you and me, man, no one’s comin’ for us. If you wanna tap out…

Colter: I don’t tap out.

You get the feeling neither of the Shaw brothers does.

Russell: I didn’t think you would, I just wanted you to know what you’re getting into.

As they drive, he shows Colter the knife, saying that their dad gave it to him.

Russell: He said it was one of the few things a man could count on. Don’t know why I’ve kept it all these years. He didn’t make you carry one of these?

It’s the knife that Doug went back for.

Colter: It’s important to you. Not a lot of things you can count on in life.

Russell takes that in, lets a little fondness show on his handsome face.

Russell: It’s good to have you back, bro.

Colter: I never left.

Russell: You know what I mean.

I think he does.

The two talk a little about the future, about what’s the plan for next. Colter says he doesn’t have one and is surprised to hear that Russell does – opening up a little brewery.

Russell: You’ve had my beer, it’s good.

But Colter says for him, this is it.

Colter: Open road; wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else.

They meet up with Reenie, Russell is once again flirty. She gives them some intel, knowing that giving it to them is a mistake and will ruin her weekend.

Russell: I would make it up to you…

Reenie: Not necessary.

Russell: But the offer’s there…

As they head to the truck, Colter states the obvious.

Colter: This Solano guy is gonna have security everywhere. We can’t go in there guns blazing – we need backup, and our backup needs backup!

Russell shakes his head, approaches his brother, grinning reassuringly.

Russell: I got you – you and me. C’mon man, you good?

Colter nods, and Russell smiles, unabashedly happy to be teamed up with his little brother again.

They are very badass together in the Vancouver woods, taking out the guards.

Colter: Well done, Russ.

(Yes, they do call each other Russ and Colt. A nice touch.)

They scope out more guards in the house.

Russell: I still like our odds though. You good?

Colter: I’m good.

They sneak past the guards and up the stairs, get into a really badass gun fight with smoke bombs, there’s some wordless communication between the “Tracker” brothers, and they’re in sync with their guns drawn to take down the bad guys.

Unfortunately, one of them was only semi-down for the count and gets off a shot in Russell’s direction. The brothers turn in sync and take him out. Is it hot in here?

Trackers season 1 ep 12 with jensen ackles

Colter: You hit? Let’s see.

Russell: Yeah, I’m fine, let’s go.

Colter (protective little brother kicking in): You don’t look fine.

Russell frees a tied up Doug, helping his friend outside even though he’s bleeding. After he gets Doug in the truck, he half collapses against the truck.

Colter: Lemme see that.

Russell: It’s fine.

Colter is persistent, saying at least let me clean it up and wrap it for you. Russell allows it, shrugging off one sleeve of his jacket. This is the world of “Tracker.”

It’s like that jacket was part of his tough guy exterior, because when he slips it off he’s suddenly a guy in a Stevie Ray Vaughn tee shirt with a tattoo on his arm and bullet in it. He’s bleeding and hurting and a little woozy, and needs his brother’s help. He looks surprisingly vulnerable all of a sudden, and it makes the character even more compelling and nuanced. Ackles is better than just about anyone at showing a character’s pain and bravery and vulnerability all at the same time, and he pulls that off here, Russell breathing harshly through the pain, trying to be stoic.

Colter: You know the drill here, right? Gonna burn like hell.

Russell: Yeah yeah, just do it.

He grits his teeth as Colter cleans the wound and bandages it.

Russell: You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?

Colter: Little bit…

He urges Russell to see a doctor, but Russell insists he’ll do that later, that he needs Colter to get Doug to safety while he takes care of some unfinished business (It’s unlikely Solano would give up on his revenge quest that easily, after all)

Russell starts to walk away and Colter calls after him.

Colter: Just like that? Goodbye?

Russell turns back.

Russell: Hell no, I’ll come find you, talk about that exit plan of yours.

Colter: Told you, I’m fine.

Russell: Yeah, that’s very on brand. Hey man, thank you, okay? I’ll see ya when I see ya.

He smiles, and waves as he walks away.

“Tracker” has some great music, and a song starts to play as Colter takes Doug back home, where his wife greets him. She asks where Russell is and Colter shrugs.

Tracy: It’s hard, isn’t it? The half answers? You get used to it.

And we wonder, will Colter get used to it? Will Russell be back?

Colter drives to the motel, where the clerk tells him that Russell checked out a few days ago – but left a package for Colter. Inside is a roll of money (payment for the job as promised) and a note: “Keep this safe for me.”

It’s in Ackles’ handwriting, and we all kinda know what Colter is gonna find in that envelope. He pulls out the knife, with Russell Shaw on it. There’s a hint of a smile on Colter’s face as he drives away.

Justin Hartley writing and setting up his hot hard gun 2024 Trackers
Courtesy of Littlebeelife2

At first I was like, why did he leave his knife? But the more I thought about it, the more it made sense as full of meaning. It’s an object of connection, a tangible reminder that Russell doesn’t want to disappear again. That he trusts his little brother with his most prized possession, something from their childhood that binds them together. In fact, he trusted him enough to leave it here, knowing that Colter would come looking for him.

It’s also interesting to think of what his dad said when he gave it to his oldest son – that it was the only thing a man could count on. Colter and Russell grew up believing they could only count on themselves, and lived in a solitary way because of it. Russell is questioning that narrative now, saying that it is in fact not the only thing he can count on – because he can count on Colter.

A pretty emotional ending for this show called ‘Tracker,” and a really satisfying one for “Tracker” fans.

It seems like everyone had a blast behind the scenes on the show too, including Ackles and Hartley

Trackers with Justin Hartley and Jensen Ackles in tight jeans
Jensen Ackles with Justin Hartley on Trackers set hot tight jeans boys
Courtesy of Trackers

We already know we’ll see Russell again on “Tracker,” even if only briefly, in the season finale this weekend. And honestly? I can’t wait!

‘Walker’ Approaches Mid Season with 4.06 We All Fall Down

Last week’s episode of “Walker” was downright ominous. It’s close to mid season, and that means the stakes are getting raised for the ongoing plotlines that Season 4 has been following. You can feel the tension ratcheting up as it does.

And the cast really brought their A game to make us FEEL it.

The Return of Hoyt – and The Mysterious Mehar

One of the pleasures of this episode was the return of Hoyt (Matt Barr). In a flashback, he steals the necklace Stella and Augie have been looking for. For some reason he steals it in broad daylight in the middle of a social event, and then pulls his bandana right off his face to grin as soon as he does, but still manages to escape and get away with his friend Mehar and his lucky jacket and the car that’s now Stella’s.

They both enjoy the theft and the getaway far too much, but it’s hard to fault them for it when they’re kinda adorable.

In the present, Stella decides that Mehar was in on the theft with Hoyt, so they decide to try to find him. Which seems like a horrible idea. And undoubtedly will be.

Stella steals/borrows Geri’s phone to contact Mehar. Augie actually questions if they should go to an adult about this instead of contacting a known felon, but Stella doesn’t want their dad to know she “sorta” lied to the police – and insists that SHE is the adult they go to. Which, nope.

Stella sets it up that Mehar will a) steal her wallet and b) use the information she gave him to pull off another jewelry theft. Which, what are you thinking, Stella??? They “help” him pull off the theft and not get caught so he’ll owe them, entirely forgetting that they’re now accomplices to grand larceny!  Stella, you have not learned your lesson after all the times you tried to handle something like this on your own?

Mehar attempts the theft (once again in the midst of a big social gathering) and Stella and Augie blow off dinner with their poor dad, who is so craving some family time, to give him an assist so he’ll owe them. Stella also gives him back the lucky jacket, and asks for the necklace or the truth in return. Oh, Stella. Don’t look so pleased like you pulled something off that’s wonderful!


Mehar says he doesn’t have the necklace, that Hoyt played him all those years ago. They stopped at a bar for Hoyt to see “an old friend,” he says, and we get a flashback – of Hoyt meeting up with Duke when Cordell was undercover.

Cordell had some letters he’d written for his kids that he gave to Hoyt to keep safe, apparently not knowing if he’d ever come out from undercover alive. 

Cordi was under for three months at the time, clearly struggling, and they both agree not to ask questions.

Hoyt reminds him that they’re both survivors.

You get the feeling that Hoyt’s visit buoyed him a little and maybe helped keep him alive – and eventually, let him get back to his family.

Cordell: Hoyt, thank you, brother.

Hoyt: Always, bud.

Hoyt then ditches Mehar and drives to the little cemetery plot where Emily is buried – with the necklace. He misses her – they all do.

Walker Hoyt at gravesite for Emily Walker.

Geri meets him there. He tells her he saw Cordi, that he’s not good.

He tries to give her the necklace but she says no, she doesn’t want to be any part of whatever is keeping him from staying around.

Geri kisses him.

Geri: Call me when you’re back. But only if you’re staying.

Hoyt and Geri were such a tragic couple. You can tell they really cared about each other, but their lives eventually became incompatible. They weren’t unhappy, as she admits, but unsettled. And that, ultimately, isn’t what Geri needs.

It’s a nice parallel to what’s happening with Cordell and Geri now, as they contemplate settling down.

Evolving Families – And a Few Happy Moments!

Poor Cordell is so happy to have his kids at home and waking up there, that he’s made a huge breakfast that looks amazing. I mean, there’s bacon!

He wants to make it their “family makeup day” before Stella goes back to college and Augie starts his senior year and Geri goes to open a new Sidestep.  He’s got a whole list of things he wanted to do with the kids that didn’t happen over their break, and he looks so hopeful and excited and I so relate.

But the kids instead say they’ve got other plans. The look on Cordell’s face is heartbreaking as he asks them to be home for dinner at least, to spend time all four of them together and “do one nice thing”.

Uh oh.

Liam is doing rehab trying to recuperate from the accident, with Ben’s support.


Cordell asks Ben and Liam if it seems like his kids have been acting a little weird – he thinks they’re reacting to Geri and him getting more serious, which of course is not what is happening at all. Cordell wants to ask Geri to move in (and tell the kids about it) but hasn’t managed to actually do either. Liam questions whether he’s serious about Geri moving in – as in, is it more about avoiding “the quiet” and the empty house. It’s not a ridiculous concern, but Cordi is a bit affronted.

After, Cordi and Geri have an awkward conversation, with Geri finally saying “Just tell me what’s going on – it’s fine, it’s me.”

He finally tells her that he talked to Liam about them moving in together, which is the first she’s heard of it. In his awkward endearing way, he asks her if she’ll move in with him – and she says yes. The surprise and happiness on her face makes it clear this is something she very much wants.

They have a moment of happiness and aww.

Liam and Ben also have some moments of happiness and aww. They wake up and get to snuggle in bed together and say “morning, babe” and be generally adorable. This show has always been matter of fact about Liam’s sexuality, and it is that matter-of-factness that can be powerful in its representation. Liam and Ben’s easy affection, both physically and emotionally expressive, is simple but important. Their little affectionate touches as they talk make it clear how much they care about each other.

Ben says he wants to quit his job so he can be around more, something that became clearer to him after Liam’s accident. He says that this is where he wants to be, working full-time at the ranch with Abby. Liam points out that his parents might actually go through with their casual talk of retiring soon, and Ben could get stuck running a ranch with Liam…and a law firm…and a horse rescue.

Ben smiles.

Ben: I think I could be persuaded to embrace that future.

Liam smiles too, a little loopy still as Geri noted.

Liam: I like that future.

They share a kiss and a moment of happiness too.

We All Fall Down

James, unfortunately, doesn’t get any of those moments of happiness in this episode – but that makes this episode a tour de force for the talented Coby Bell!

Trey checks in on how Cassie and Luna are doing (fine yay) but both say they’re worried about James. James shows up looking hung over with a coffee cup of…. something?

He and Cassie meet with a group of the Jackal’s survivors, who are still pretty upset and blaming it on James that the Jackal was never caught because they probably don’t have anyone else to blame for their shattered lives. James takes it all in, clearly going down a dark road.

Cassie picks a terrible time to try to convince James she should get the lieutenant position, asking why would he ask her to come back and turn down Quantico if not to give her that promotion?  Trey also puts in his bid, asking how many rookies have personally saved the mayor’s life?  (For some reason the promotion has a very short lead time and Walker’s out (because he apparently said that path wasn’t for him). Hmm.

I like Trey, but his meteoric rise to Ranger hasn’t made a lot of sense to me – so him getting this promotion instead of Cassie wouldn’t either.

Cordi isn’t having any moments of happiness either. When the kids don’t come home for dinner after all, he’s understandably upset. I love the framing of this scene, Cordell and Geri inside the house, waiting, wanting to keep it warm.

And then James shows up instead, drunk, with a bottle of liquor in a brown bag.  He brings what looks disturbingly like John Winchester’s journal with him, all his personal notes on the Jackal case.

Cordell: What’s this?

James: That is a book I can’t seem to finish.

Kelly found the book, along with a fifth of vodka, so she knows he’s drinking again. Their son was home, and watched his father get kicked out of the house, much to his father’s humiliation. James is distraught, desperately wanting to fix it. Like many who’ve experienced addiction, he says he thought he could keep it discreet like he did before, keep lying to everyone and himself, but is now recognizing once you give yourself rules for drinking, it’s way over the line.

Cordell is a supportive friend as James says that he was right, keeping the Jackal’s return from him.

James: It takes me straight to the worst version of myself.

Phew, shades of John Winchester again. I can’t not notice the parallel. But James realizes this isn’t the way he wants to live his life or what he wants to impose on his family. He asks Cordell to take point on the case moving forward and Cordi agrees.

Cordell: Hey. At one point, you beat this. You’ll beat it again. Let’s find our way back.

Damn, Coby Bell and Jared Padalecki knocked it out of the park with this scene. Many fans, myself included, tweeted that they couldn’t stop from tearing up while watching – it was that real. Some amazing acting from both men.

When Augie and Stella come home later that night and try to explain and apologize, Cordell cuts them off. He accuses them of disrespecting Geri, which confuses the kids and Geri herself.

Cordell is angry, saying he gave them space to be independent, but now they’re out of control and he feels taken advantage of.

Geri tries to calm things down, and Cordell manages to spring it on the kids that they were moving in together in the worst way possible. The kids didn’t know and Geri didn’t know they didn’t know, and everyone is upset.

Cordell insists the kids will be home more often so he can make sure they’re not getting into trouble.

Cordell: Am I clear?

Augie: Yes sir.

Stella: Yes.

He sends them off, so he still doesn’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into with the necklace, or what they now know about his time undercover as Duke. Geri is also upset.

Geri: I assumed they knew…

Jared Padalecki live tweeted the episode with lots of us, and had this to say about this difficult and emotional scene:

Jared: Last scene of “Walker” with Odette Annable, Violet Brinson and Kale Culley was the second time in my career that my brain wouldn’t allow me to remember my lines

He added a facepalm emoji, but honestly? The first time that happened was in the final season of “Supernatural,” and it resulted in a scene that was so full of raw emotion that it is one of fans’ favorite scenes of the entire 15 season series. That one hit a little too close to home as Sam tried to convince his brother not to sacrifice himself, frustrated and hurt and exasperated – and underneath sad and terrified – as the ending of the show in real life and no longer working with his onscreen brother loomed. No wonder the emotionality of the scene was in overdrive!

Similarly, this scene was full of raw emotion – and probably something that real life dad Padalecki could relate to. His kids are not nearly as old as Stella and Augie, but they are growing up, and every parent knows that separation is coming sooner rather than later. I wonder if that, and the fact that nobody knows if Walker will be renewed (and thus his relationship with his onscreen kids) once again put the emotionality into overdrive.

Whatever the cause, once again it resulted in a scene that was raw and real and very powerful. Similar to that “Supernatural” scene, Cordell is frustrated and hurt and exasperated, and underneath already starting to grieve his kids growing up and leaving, and terrified about that too.

I’m sure it’s not a fun experience for an actor to have, but someone Padalecki pulls it off and makes the scene itself a memorable one.

Getting Back Up

The next day, Trey asks if James is okay. He gives an obscure but honest answer.

James: I fell down. But today I got back up, so…

Trey: We all fall down, Cap.

Wise words. And true.

Cassie apologizes too. And the competition for lieutenant is on between them, which they both seem to relish.

Also, that morning, Geri tells Cordell that she doesn’t think he’s ready for her to move in.  Although he protests, I can understand her feelings. As Liam also worried, Cordell is going through a big transition right now, and she doesn’t want those fears to be why he asks her to move in with him.

Geri: When I do move in, I don’t ever wanna move out. And I want it to be about me, not about you trying to fill a nest, which is kinda how it feels right now.

She assures him she loves him, that “we are fine.”

I’m not sure he believes her.

She leaves for her trip, and he’s left alone in the house, looking around at how empty it feels. I really feel for Cordell, as a parent who’s gone through the struggle of letting your kids grow up and figuring out new ways of relating to them while also loving them and wanting to keep them safe somehow. He needs to let them grow up, but they are also making some really bad decisions and blowing their father off even when he let them know how important something is to him.

Cordell isn’t the best communicator, but he’s sincerely trying to be a good dad and to be there for his kids through these transitions. I think they know that, but they also do take him for granted sometimes. (A mark of a healthy attachment, on the plus side, but also something that they’ll need to stop doing as they become not-kids-anymore).

The ending of this episode is one of my favorite scenes of the series. Cordell sits down, picks up the John Winchester-esque journal.

Ominous music plays as he opens the book, references to hunting in it.

The camera pulls out seeing him framed in front of the fire.

This does not bode well at all!

Brilliant ending shot, brilliant music accompanying it.

I both dread and can’t wait to see what happens next with “Walker” 4.07 Hold Me Now!

‘Walker’ 4.05 Revisits the Past: We’ve Been Here Before

This week’s episode of “Walker” saw the search for the Jackal heat up (along with Cassie and Luna), while James, on the other hand, refuses to warm up to Cordell at all after their falling out. It’s an episode all about how our past impacts our present, for better or worse.

Down the Rabbit Hole (Again)

Picking up where last week left off, Walker reluctantly fills James in on their new leads on the Jackal, taking him to their wall of “Supernatural”-looking case notes. 

Walker Cassie and Cordell drawing up a murder board at the station.

They announce it to the news and all put their heads together to try to stop this guy before he keeps going on another killing spree.

Det. Luna pulls his hair back. Yes, this is an important note.

Cordell is still worried about James, who’s noticeably cool to him.

Walker Cordell knocking on James door at station.

In fact, lots of people are kinda hard on him recently. Geri has to do all the exposition of what happened to lead up to Walker and James’ rift, which makes it sound like she’s critical of him trying to protect Larry. She also tells him to focus more on being a Ranger and not a co-owner of the Side Step, going to meet with an influencer about opening another without him. She’s not wrong that he can’t be in three places at once, but he looks a little sad to be left out.

Then Kelly comes over wanting to make a plan to keep James grounded and tells him that Larry’s more or less forgiven her, when it’s clear he hasn’t forgiven Cordell.

Poor guy is trying to keep everyone happy and it really isn’t working. Kelly wants him to make sure James doesn’t drown, but how is he supposed to do that?? I feel like he’s being set up to be blamed when things go off the rails again.

Geri and Cordell are in a good place, though. There’s a tender little scene where she helps him button his shirt sleeve cuffs later in the episode.

The episode pulls the viewer in on the mystery that is trying to figure out who the Jackal is. Interestingly, the motel room had zero DNA, which makes me instantly worried that’s because Det. Luna was of course there already. I do not want him to be the bad guy!! Poor Cassie doesn’t need another Kevin experience (and isn’t it ominous that the title of the episode is We’ve Been Here Before… I hope that doesn’t apply to Cassie here too!)

Everyone is pretty much stymied so James suggests they take a day, which seems like him being a bit more measured than last time at least. 

Walker set with Jared Padalecki, Cassie, hot Luna and Cody Bell.

Walker sends the rest of them home and hangs back in case James needs him, obviously feeling the weight of that responsibility.

We see another flashback of the last time they were close to catching the Jackal, James assaulted and bloody, Walker trying to help, Kelly begging him to come home with her, James shutting both of them out.  Back then, Kelly admonishes Walker, says he should have kept his eyes on him.

He really can’t get a break. No wonder he feels so much responsibility this time!

There’s a lot of guilt driving people’s behavior right now on Walker, and it’s mostly encouraging people to make not so great decisions.

And so, Cordell takes an undercover car and tails James, which of course will be a terrible idea – but it gave us some gorgeous shots of Padalecki through the windshield. He sees James meet with a young man – it’s Henry (the young boy whose dad was buried alive), who’s not (understandably) overjoyed to see James.  The poor guy is still regretting that he never told his dad that he looked up to him, which only increases Larry’s guilt. He also gives James some new information – that his dad was hooked on Oxy, which didn’t show up in the toxicology report.

Henry also gives James what should be some much-needed forgiveness, and he gives Henry some understanding of addiction in return, and a promise that he’s gonna catch the Jackal.  Henry insists he already knows who the Jackal is – a guy named Joe Barnes who keeps coming into his car repair shop.  James tries to calm him down; Henry gets heated and goes to walk out and Walker comes to the rescue, which of course James does not appreciate.

Cordell: How long are you gonna keep punishing me?

James: I’m not, we’ve been here before; the lying to protect each other!

They go after Henry, who’s determined to enact his own version of justice on this Barnes guy.  They catch him just as he’s chloroformed the man. Henry runs and Walker goes after him, dodging lots of heavy items thrown at him and finally catching Henry, who insists he gave them the Jackal. They find Henry’s research notebook and a photo of the Jackal – who is not Joe. But it is a bona fide clue.

Walker is still trying to be helpful and friendly, and James is still keeping him at arm’s length, calling him “Ranger.” Ouch.

Kelly comes to find her husband that night, expressing her worry that what happened before is happening again. He assures her that he’s not going to repeat the past. She reminds him that Walker cares and that she asked him to look out for him, which I was glad to hear.

But James is overcome with guilt every time he looks at the photo of Henry’s dad. He swigs a little bottle of liquor before he goes home with her, which honestly, I didn’t expect. Uh oh.

Speaking of Warming Up

Trey and Cassie invite Luna to come have a bite at the Side Step with them since they have the day off and he agrees, saying he’d like to get to know them a little better. Trey sees the way Cassie looks quite interested at that and makes an amused face – and honestly it seems a little soon for him to be so cool with that. He was holding out some hope for a relationship with her not long ago, so I find it hard to believe he’d find it cute or amusing already.

Maybe you’re just a bigger person than me, Trey!

Cassie and Luna bond over weirdnesses, weighted blankets on “toesies” for him and obsessive search for the perfect ground roast for her, while Trey looks on and possibly judges.

Luna goes to get them drinks.

Walker Trey recognizing how hot Luna is to Cassie.

Trey: Luna’s got swagger for days, huh?

He apologizes for pushing Cassie into a romance with Kevin, but she says this is a different situation. Trey says he fully supports it as her best friend in Austin. I still think he’s being way too cool, but okay. (I prefer Cassie and Trey as friends so this is not a complaint).

Trey says goodnight and leaves, and then Luna says the exact same thing about Trey as he did about him, and oh crap, that can’t be a coincidence, can it? Damn it!

She invites Luna to crash at her place, giving him bedding, and we all get to admire Luna bare chested. So does Cassie.

She contemplates knocking on his door, clearly interested but then doesn’t.

Cassie wakes up to find the bed made and Luna not there and coffee beans roasting in the oven (which seems like a terrible idea if she was asleep) but I guess he was coming right back? He reappears and they make a mutual unspoken decision to make out, and I’m good with that decision too, gotta say.

Walker Cassie deep kissing on Luna.

Shady Family History Redux

Augie goes to check on Stella, the two of them trying to find the necklace that someone is willing to kill Witt for. Stella has been in touch with Denise Davidson to try to find out if there’s any antique jewelry in the Davidson line of the family (oh and btw she broke up with Colton, which we assumed, but too bad, I liked that kid).  Stella’s not happy that Augie has been searching for the necklace in pawn shops by himself and is awfully cocky about being invincible because he’s in boot camp now.

Walker gay Augie talking to Stella.

They go off to search together, Stella cancelling on Liam at the horse rescue again.

It is really not Liam’s day. After Stella cancels, he calls Ben to see if he can help while he’s standing up on an ATV looking for holes in the path, which seems like a bad idea especially simultaneously.

Sure enough, he runs his ATV right into a stump, gets catapulted off and then lands hard. Oof.

It doesn’t seem to me to be entirely Stella’s fault, but Abeline seems to think it is, and that he’s taken on too much responsibility as a result. Bonham and Abeline offer to help while Liam is laid up with injuries and ask Geri to stay with Liam, so she asks the influencer to meet them there.

The influencer is every bad thing you might think about influencers. Liam jumps in to review the contract, which turns out to be not such a great idea as it sounded. Geri instead decides to open another Side Step herself.

Walker social media influencer with Geri to help with Side Step bar.

Mawline guilt trips Stella (and Augie) into coming to help out which Augie totally calls her on.

I am usually the number one Abilene fan, but I’m not so sure this was the right message to send to Stella. She essentially tells her to put up and do what you need to do, which I don’t entirely agree with. Helping people, especially loved ones, is great, but if you’re in pain and overwhelmed, you ought to be able to say so and ask for help too.

Mawline: I understand college is tough and the last few months tougher, but the truth is life doesn’t get easier. People are gonna ask things of you even if you’re overwhelmed or in pain, and if you love and care for those people, you’re gonna have to help.

Stella apologizes, but also tries to get some info from her grandparents about the necklace.  Bonham estimates it’s from the late 1800s, so they end up getting some after all.

Liam thinks about maybe wanting to get back in the courtroom, after his positive experience helping Geri deal with the annoying influencer. His dad reminds Liam that he should be able to rest; he says he just wants to help people.

(That’s kind of a theme of this episode – helping as a value, but also as something that can be unwanted or intrusive, or become such a strong value that asking for help for yourself gets lost in the shuffle.)

As Liam is focused entirely on helping people, he’s having a hard time asking for any. So he starts taking some pain pills for his back, which… uh oh.

A Familiar Name

Armed with their new information, Stella and Augie continue their search for the missing necklace.

Augie (who reminds me of one Sam Winchester with his long-haired online research skills) finds out the necklace belonged to one Ophelia Rawlins and was stolen from a museum five years ago.

Stella: Rawlins? As in Uncle Hoyt? Our favorite thief? No way he’d let it collect dust in a museum. He’d have gotten it back…

The plot thickens!

As always, I really enjoy the underlying themes this show weaves throughout the action. In this case, the power of guilt to warp our perception and decision-making. Cordell feels guilty for what happened with James last time, so he’s trying to make up for it by being hypervigilant, but it’s driving Larry further away.

Larry feels guilty for not being able to save Henry’s father, and that guilt is eating away at him, pushing him back towards alcohol to escape it. Kelly probably feels guilty too, that she couldn’t “save” her marriage and protect her child from heartbreak back then, so she’s encouraging Cordell in his hypervigilance and putting a lot of responsibility on him.

Stella feels guilty about almost killing Witt, so she and Augie are deep into a case that involves way too much danger to keep to themselves. Liam’s drive to rescue and help sometimes is too much, getting in the way of him being able to allow others to help him, as Bonham tries to point out – but Mawline guilt trips Stella into doing more helping and less talking about her own feelings, and I fear where that will go.  Helping is one of those great things that can turn out to not be a great thing if it’s the only thing we believe we’re valued for.

The only ones not mired in guilt right now are Luna and Cassie – or are they? How much has the Jackal case infiltrated Luna’s psyche?

Be sure to tune in and watch “Walker” when it airs or stream it on the CW app – the show is on the bubble right now, not knowing if it will get a renewal, so every view and stream helps!

‘Walker’ 4.04 Gets Real Dark With Insane B.S. and Bloodshed

Walker” is both a family drama and a crime fighting mystery drama. So far this season, we’ve had more of the family drama, which if you’ve been reading my reviews, you know I’ve enjoyed. I’m usually not quite as drawn into the case focused episodes, but this one was an exception – the show is getting as dark as it probably has so far with the Jackal, and it’s pretty compelling.

And disturbing.

There are a lot of interesting team-ups in this episode, some new and some long-standing (but maybe soon-to-be-disrupted…)

Stella and Augie Team Up With Witt

I wonder if the situation with Witt will somehow wind into the Jackal case too, or if it’s separate. The episode also saw a lot happening with Witt and Stella, after we left off the last episode with Witt holding Sadie and Stella at gunpoint and ordering them to “just drive”.

Witt, after forcing Stella and Sadie to drive him away from HQ, insists they’re on the same side. I can understand why they’d be a bit skeptical, Witt!

Walker Witt has Stella at gunpoint in car with Sadie 4.04.

He says that the shady and scary woman who hired him to steal a necklace from Geri’s house (and got him shot when Stella and Sadie came back there) is after him. Turns out it was his accomplice who died in that burning car – Witt switched their wallets so he could play dead. He feels as guilty about the other man dying as Stella did when she thought she accidentally killed him.

Sadie: All this insane BS and bloodshed is over a frickin’ necklace??

Apparently yes.

Witt gives them his gun and says he wouldn’t blame them if they shot him, but he’s asking for their help finding the necklace and he’s sorry for what he put them through. Then he walks away, leaving Stella holding the gun and sobbing.

Sadie tries to console her, but all the emotions Stella has been trying to swallow all this time, believing she killed Witt, just come pouring out. I thought Violet Brinson did an amazing job showing Stella’s breakdown, the way her face just crumples as Witt walks away. Ouch.

Sadie and Stella go to HQ to tell her dad, but then Stella has second thoughts. She doesn’t want Witt to go to jail and wants to help him instead. She now feels a connection with him, knowing what it feels like to be responsible for someone else’s death. This time Sadie is the voice of reason, but Stella prevails. Like father like daughter, Stella wants to wait until they find out more about the necklace before they tell her dad.

Sadie’s not having it.

Sadie: You insist on carrying around this misguided guilt, and I won’t carry it too. We can end this right now, I wish you’d see that.

While the two are arguing about whether to confide in Cordell, Augie and Liam are at Cordell’s waiting for Stella, who had promised to come back there but hasn’t shown up. The two decide to eat massive amounts of midnight steak nachos in some odd masculine ritual about bulking up, make themselves half sick, and make lots of jokes about stinking up the bathroom (which has to be an inside joke for Jared Padalecki, whose reputation for being “gassy” precedes him on this set too I’m sure).

Walker gay Liam pumping himself up for Augie.

Augie is worried about Stella, but Liam has been told by so many people to leave her alone that he’s reluctant to be intrusive.

Liam: I heard loud and clear that we should stop hounding her so I’m staying out of it.

I knew all this accusing Liam of being intrusive would come back to bite someone on the butt!

Augie comes to check on Stella anyway, though, just in time to say goodbye as Sadie leaves. Stella tries to get him to leave too but he refuses, saying she can always ask for his help, considering all they’ve been through.

Augie: I feel like I only survived those things because we had each other’s backs.

That gets through to Stella, who really needs someone on her side right now. Stella asks him to promise not to say a word and he does. The siblings lay on the floor to talk as they’ve done probably all their lives, and she tells him what’s happening. Augie, wanting to be a man and the protective brother for his sister, agrees to help.

Augie: I’m doing this boot camp thing – I’m basically a Navy SEAL so…

Witt comes to the door, saying he got Stella’s text and appreciates her help.

Augie holds out his hand and introduces himself, and the three try to figure out where to start. Which I’m sure is going to end up nowhere good.

Cassie Teams up With Detective Luna

Cassie does not agree with keeping Captain James in the dark. In fact, she’s so upset about it that she’s forced into using a lot of air quotes to say no, they don’t lie to Captain James. (Which hilariously is contagious because Walker starts using them too).

Cordell explains that the Jackal case screwed up James too much the first time, insisting that he’ll understand because he did the same thing for Walker when his wife died (didn’t tell him until they confirmed something). It kinda makes sense when you listen to Walker tell it like that, but it also seems like something that is guaranteed to go south.

Trey points out that Kelly expressly asked them not to say anything until they knew for sure, which is more compelling to Cassie. I mean, she really did put them in a very tough position. She specifically asked them not to tell him, terrified of losing him again. I can understand why they didn’t want to, even if it wasn’t the best idea. Their hearts were in the right place.

Trey fills her in on the latest clues on the Jackal, including medical equipment in a car (the Jackal immobilizes victims with Digoxin) and planning kills from a motel. How very “Supernatural!”

Cordell and James have a boys night out at the Side Step, so Cassie heads down to meet with Det. Luna, which fandom was anticipating, me included. It’s wonderful to have Walker Independence’s Justin Johnson Cortez back on our screens!

At their first meeting, he hops in the car with her, trying make them not look like cops to the bad guys lurking at the seedy motel.

Luna: Lucky for us, they’ll just assume I’m propositioning you as a sex worker.

Cassie: Mmm, lucky for us.

Luna knows the culture, grew up in it himself, and cues Cassie in – including her way too classy earrings and letting down her hair. There are sparks between these two already and I don’t think anyone is surprised about that! Also, I want to know more about Det. Luna and his backstory right now if not sooner.

He asks her if she’s ever worked a serial killer case and she runs down her impressive credentials and asks if that’s sufficient. Nicely done, Cassie!  He apologizes, but unfortunately, he also brought meat that is not from the Perez family business and therefore she is insulted by that too. Cassie gives the dinner to Amy, a young girl who lives at the motel with her mom (played by Jared Padalecki’s niece, Cecilia Balldin).

 I would totally have kept the cornbread.

Luna tells Cassie the disturbing parts they didn’t tell the press – the Jackal paralyzes his victims and then feeds them pureed fruit to keep them alive. Before burying them alive.

Oof is right, Cassie.

Did I mention this episode gets very dark? I’m not complaining, I’m a “Supernatural” fan after all, I appreciate a dark story, but this one was darker than “Walker” has been for the most part, especially this season.

There’s an altercation at the motel desk and Luna and Cassie play sex worker and client to check it out. They learn that Amy’s mom is missing and suspect that she might be the Jackal’s latest victim. Unfortunately, the bad guys get suspicious when they try to help Amy, and when one of them pulls a gun on them, Luna and Cassie instantly pull theirs. And with some smoothly coordinated badassery, they get the upper hand and hold the bad guys at gunpoint. Nice!

They go looking for Amy’s mom in a scene that’s dark in every way – lit only by their flashlights, as Luna shares one of the other things that messed up James so bad about this case. The dad of a young boy named Henry was one of the victims – they found his dad buried alive in his own backyard, not flatlined yet but brain dead. But the body will still reflexively cough if the brain stem is intact, so Henry thought he could save his dad, trying desperately to resuscitate his father to no avail. That’s one of the things that James saw that he couldn’t get out of his head, and honestly? I can understand that.

Walker Cassie and LUna looking for Amys mom 4.04.

Cassie and Luna eventually find some freshly turned dirt and start digging frantically, hoping they might be in time to save Amy’s mom.

They find her buried but still warm and try desperately to revive her, but it’s too late. There’s dirt in her lungs and a jackal tooth in her mouth, and someone will have to tell Amy that her mom is gone. Cassie is rattled, knowing the woman was buried alive. 

Me too! There’s something so horrifying about that, it’s just an instinctive reaction I think we all have, a built-in fear that evolution has kept with us. Just in case.

James and Walker Team Up for a Guys Night Out

James and Cordell go to the Side Step to have some drinks and play some pool and talk about how their lives are going so much better, Cordell trying hard to be normal but so nervous he can barely answer normal questions.

James says Kelly has been acting oddly and asks Cordell about it. He stammers.

James: She emptied the liquor cabinet too.

James thinks that might mean she’s pregnant; Cordell knows that’s not what’s happening, that Kelly is terrified that the Jackal is back and James will soon find out about it.

Oblivious to Cordell’s anxiety, James confides that they tried to have another baby before, but it was around the time they were pursuing the Jackal and oh dear, that makes Cordell even more anxious.

It almost seems like James knows and is talking in code, ostensibly about Kelly keeping a baby secret but really about what he knows Cordell and Kelly are keeping from him.

James: I don’t wanna poke that bruise on a mere hunch… I’m just surprised she’d go down this road without even mentioning it…

Cordell mostly listens. He knows full well why Kelly emptied that liquor cabinet. Captain James says he’s happy to see how well Cordell and Geri are doing, that he crawled out of that dark hole that he was in after Emily’s death, reminding Walker again of how dark and deep those holes can be and how much he doesn’t want to see Captain James fall down one again.  

Walker confides that things are going well for him and Geri too – that they finally said “I love you” to each other. James teases him, and Cordell is kind of adorably shy about it.

The two play some pool, enjoying their partnership.

Which, of course, means…

Then Cordell goes to the bathroom (with another stinking it up joke) and all hell breaks loose.

A distraught Cassie calls Walker, and when he doesn’t pick up, she calls James, who does.

Cassie: He said we would tell you as soon as we had to, and this is real now. We found another victim. Buried alive.

Oh shit.

Walker comes back from the bathroom, still trying to be upbeat and happy about the possible baby, smiling and pouring them drinks, having no idea that everything has changed – which is kind of heartbreaking.

Cordell Walker smiling wide for James at Side Step bar.

James: Tonight was really special, man.

Then the captain’s expression changes, the warmth leaving it.

James: Right up until I learned you were lying to my face.

Game over.

Walker’s face falls, Padalecki does an amazing job of showing the cascade of emotions that runs through him at lightning speed. Shock. Horror. Dismay.

James: So, what? You here like babysitting me while everyone else is looking into the Jackal?

Walker tries to explain, but James cuts him off.

James: I have very little interest in how you rationalized this betrayal, Cordell. How long?

He realizes it goes back to before his honeymoon. And that Kelly knows too.

James walks out. Coby Bell also did an amazing job with this scene, showing the depth of his rage and fear and sense of betrayal as he disappears into that cold implacable shell that we know he must have worn the last time he tried to take on the Jackal.

Cordell is left shocked and dismayed – and probably terrified of what’s going to happen to Captain James’ happiness they’d just been celebrating.

WAlker Jared Padalecki at Side Step bar all shook up about Jackal 4.04.

Walker, Trey, and James join Cassie and Luna at the crime scene as they take away the latest victim, and the young girl Amy stands to the side, sobbing. It must seem like Henry all over again. The shallow grave, the dirt. The trauma of someone’s child who just lost their parent.

A great music cue starts to play, the lyrics “When the clock of life has ticked away…”

Walker, Trey, Cassie and Luna watch as Captain James takes it all in.

There’s a brilliant lighting change in the last frames, from James lit like the rest of them to a shift, the colors going colder. It seems like we’re watching that same chill envelop James, all the warmth of his second chance with Kelly and friendship with Walker going cold in the face of this killer he never was able to stop.

Chilling – literally.

Wow. I wonder what next week will bring – and honestly, I can’t wait for “Walker” 4.05!

‘Walker’ 4.03 Tackles Lessons From the Gift Shop

This episode of “Walker” is all about our ‘things.’ Physical, psychological, emotional. What we keep and what we decide to give up, and how we all make those decisions differently. How they change at different times of our lives as the meaning of all the “things we carry” changes over time. As someone who is probably too sentimental about a lot of things, I could relate to many of the characters’ struggles – so, as usual, I enjoyed this episode the most for its psychological explorations.

I’m guessing the title too is meant to hold multiple meanings. Yes, we buy things at the gift shop, and maybe they become souvenirs of experiences we want to remember. But some of the most important gifts we get in life aren’t things at all – love, caring, understanding, friendship, a gentle challenge. The space to be who we are and where we want to be. Space in every sense of the word.

This was a surprisingly deep episode, in other words!

Once again, the interconnected relationships also make the show work a lot more smoothly now. The becoming-family bond between Cassie and Liam is one of the relationships that I’m really enjoying.

Cassie and Liam, Giving Space and Taking Space

The episode begins with Cassie packing up some things that Geri had left in the spare bedroom that’s now hers, automatically assuming they might have some meaning to her now housemate.

Ben wants her to clean her stuff out of his storage unit (and bring those to Geri’s or donate them to a charity sale they’re having soon at Ranger HQ). Cassie’s been unwilling to put down roots for most of her life, but transferring things from a storage unit to a house is a step toward putting down those roots, symbolizing a new phase of life for Cassie.

She asks Liam to help her clean it out. Liam has been trying so hard to help everyone else. He wants Cordell and Trey to check out a podcast on Kintsugi – “embracing the broken and rolling that history into the future.” Could there be a more apt podcast for the repeatedly traumatized Walker clan?

Of course, no one else is very interested. (Kintsugi really is somewhat mainstream popular right now, seen as a metaphor for post traumatic growth in the midst of a world full of trauma – it’s actually the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery fragments and making the object whole again, but with visible cracks. Just like people who have been through trauma and come out the other side).

Cordell Walker going up with gay Liam and Trey at Side Step bar 4.03.

Liam is still worried about Stella, confiding in Cordell and asking him to talk to her. Cordell says he’s been trying hard to sit back and give his kids space, and he trusts that she’ll come to him if she needs him.  Liam is not so sure, but he respects Cordell’s decision as her dad.

Jared Padalecki showing off big ears on Walker set 4.03.

“Walker” picks up the theme of how it’s okay to be “perfectly imperfect” – which to many Jared Padalecki fans, reminds us of one of his tee shirts – “Imperfectionist”. I kind of love how all the themes in this episode are interwoven together, and how relevant they are to the show’s characters and to real life.

The theme of “space” goes hand in hand with the theme of “things” – psychological space to work out when we need help and when we just need time to deal with, and physical space that carries so much meaning. Our own space in a house, a space to make our own, versus a temporary space while we move around, restless and perhaps avoiding something. (Sadie is similarly on the move, trying to avoid facing what happened with Witt – and possibly before – by not staying in one place very long).

Liam doesn’t judge Cassie for having a lot of (well organized) stuff in the storage locker.

Liam: Our family has barns. Plural. With all kinds of stuff in them.

Walker Cassie and gay Liam going into storage shed to clean it out 4.03.

Cassie: I guess I never realized how much I was holding onto (physically and psychologically, I’m guessing)

One of the interesting things she’s kept is a Hawk’s Shadow game. I love fangirl Cassie!

She and Liam play the game during breaks in the clean-out. Cassie plays with the bear, which seems like a shout out to Jared Padalecki’s real life fear of bears, and guess what else is on the board? An Impala!  “Supernatural” Easter egg!

Walker gives Supernatural shout out with Black Impala and bears.

Liam is trying so hard to help Stella but she’s not having it, he tells Cassie, and Cassie is empathic but doesn’t want to insert herself in there either.

They sort through those little name license plate keychains that kids love, which Cassie laments she could never find in her name. Liam says he could have gotten one for himself but they never had any “Cordell” and he didn’t want his big brother to feel left out. Awwww.

I absolutely love that Cassie is also not giving up her Hawk’s Shadow on DVD, even though there’s streaming and digital.

Cassie: Everyone says that until their shows just disappear!

(A little pointed bit of reality right there – Do not come for my “Supernatural” 15 Season boxed set!)

I love everything about Liam and Cassie – she tells him that his love language is taking care of people and that’s awesome, but he could wait to ask how high until someone says jump.

Liam talking to Cassie about his love language for men Walker 4.03.

After volunteering at the charity yard sale (Rangers for Paws, which is similar to a real life charity that the “Supernatural” fandom has done charity events for, Paws 4 AKF, a nod to Jared’s mental health campaign Always Keep Fighting). Anyway, Cassie surprises Liam with a gift – a little license plate with his name on it. A new “thing” that has some special meaning. He gives her virtual tickets to Bot Fights, like the poster that she had – for both of them.

I love this friendship a lot.

Cordell and Geri, Leaving Space for Those You’ve Lost

Cordell confides in Trey and Liam that’s he’s struggling with something too – saying “I love you” to Geri and committing to a next step, since both of their previous relationships ended in literal tragedy.

(Trey and Liam immediately start with “I love you, man” and “look how easy that is!” Not all that helpful, boys.)

Trey: It could be a drawer at your place. That shows commitment and moving forward.

Again, the episode touches on the way having your own space in a place can symbolize that you belong there. The physical space is a metaphor for giving the person emotional space in the relationship, a sense of belonging.

Trey, as he’s leaving: Hey Walker, I love you.

So, Cordi surprises Geri with a drawer for her stuff – “more official, more of us.”

He’s adorably nervous, but she says it’s perfect and gives him a kiss. I like that they’re a bit bumbling and fumbling, but he says he trusts her judgment about tidying up the rest of the room and they hug. It’s a lovely gesture, truly, giving her a space of her own at his place.

Geri unfortunately, as she cleans out the room, donated to the charity sale a shirt that Emily gave him that had a lot of sentimental value. It’s from a vacation the four of them were on, and he can’t believe she doesn’t remember that and cherish the memory as much as he does.

Cordell can’t even talk about it; he storms out.

Cordell Walker realizes Geri has donated his special shirt to charity 4.03.

When he gets to the main house, he slams the door, clearly upset, telling his mom that everything is a mess.

Abeline: Just breathe and tell me what happened.

She reminds him that the chapter he had with Emily, and that Geri had with Hoyt, that experience doesn’t exist in any one “thing”.

Abeline: It exists in how we carry those memories.

(I’m gonna try to remember that next time I try to force myself to clean out the garage…)

I love Abeline and Cordell’s relationship, and that she calls him “love” with so much affection.

Later that day, Geri apologizes for donating the shirt, and she and Cordell have an awkward conversation, both of them really trying to communicate and apologizing to each other. 

Walker: It used to be the four of us, and now it’s… us.  We’ve both suffered losses and we need to leave space for…them.

It’s true. Sometimes the important space is not the physical space but the emotional space we leave for people we’ve lost who will always be important parts of our lives; who we will always love.

Geri says she had a version of that shirt – it was the coffee mug that Cordell accidentally broke the week before.

They realize they need to tell each other all the things, not leave things unsaid.

Jared Padalecki face showing major age lines on Walker set.

Then Walker tries to say something that’s clearly important, but he can’t get it out.

Geri takes his hands, says softly, “Cordi.”

It grounds him, and he says “I love you.”

Geri: I love you, too.

When they kiss, it feels very real.

Cordell: How’s that for communication?

Geri: Don’t ruin it.

Later that night, Geri finds that Walker puts her mug back together, with a note – I want you to have everything too.

Cordell may not think he’d enjoy a podcast on Kintsugi, but he sure as hell gets it!

Geri sees that Walker has put her mug together badly on 4.03.

August and What To Keep as You Grow Up

In keeping with the theme of stuff and space, August is also being encouraged to donate to the charity auction at HQ to benefit Rangers 4 Paws  – for me personally, that’s the most comfortable way to get rid of stuff, if I know someone else is going to use it and especially if it will benefit someone who needs it.

August is late to Boot Camp with Trey, who comes down on him a bit hard for being late (and for calling him “dude” and “huffing and puffing” his displeasure when he’s called on it.)

Walker Augie in officer training camp with Trey.

Augie promises to do better, taking to heart what Trey says of now being part of a “symphony” – a team, and about prioritizing that over other things.

After his talking to from Trey, August decides he’s going to donate his keyboard and all of his music equipment, to focus on boot camp and his aspirations to enlist – Mawline and Bonham aren’t so sure that’s the right thing to do, however.

August: This is all just stuff. I have a new symphony now. That’s where I’ve gotta focus.

Bonham nods approvingly; Mawline still isn’t so sure.

Walker Bonham and Maddie talk sense or try to with Augie 4.03.

Later at the charity sale, Augie sells most of his music equipment and tells Trey that he “eliminated all distractions” from his room.  Trey reminds him it’s more how you manage everything so you don’t end up with nothing; that it’s all a process.

Growing up is hard; so is deciding what you take with you through life and what you give up. August realizes maybe he doesn’t have to give up playing music in order to take boot camp – or enlist. He ends up keeping his albums that he was going to sell, working on finding that balance between things we keep and things we give up to make space for something else.

Stella and Sadie and Witt Oh My

Stella is still having nightmares, flashbacks to the shooting and Sadie lying to Liam that they didn’t know Witt. Sadie talked Stella into leaving it at that, though Stella had her doubts. 

When someone knocks on the door, she grabs her pepper spray before she opens it – only to find Sadie there. Instead of agreeing with Stella that they need to tell a detective about the “It’s Not Over” on her window, Stella wipes it off, insisting “There, now nothing’s changed.”

Sadie is firmly stuck in avoidance, keeping on the move and to try and avoid remembering the reality of what happened and wanting to believe it was all coincidence.

Stella: You’re a Rawlins, so you’re family. Which means the nonsensical terrifying scenario? That is always going to be the default.

Walker Sadie talking to Stella about being a Rawlings 4.03.

Stella insists that it wasn’t a coincidence that brought Witt to their house – that Witt must have targeted them, and that the message on her window was targeted too.

Sadie wonders if Bel could be involved, but Stella says the common denominator is Sadie herself.  Stella tells Sadie about running into Uncle Mike at the grave. Hmmm.

The girls come back to the car to find it doused with gasoline, a pack of matches and Witt’s picture on the dash – how Witt died.


Sadie reconnects with a surprised Geri at the charity auction, both of the girls still anxious. Geri senses that something is wrong and tells them they can confide in her.

Sade reconnecting with Geri on Walker at a charity event.

To Be Continued…

On night duty at HQ, Cassie asks Trey and Walker what she missed in the summer, joking “a serial killer?”

When she sees their faces, she knows, and they tell her about The Jackal.

And that they’re trying to do it outside of regular channels. She offers some FBI connections to help, but asks who they’re keeping in the dark?

Cordell: Captain James.

Jared Padalecki WAlker saying I love you to Geri finally 4.03.

Meanwhile, Stella and Sadie come out of the charity sale at the end of the night and get in the car, only to hear the cock of a gun from the backseat. It’s… Witt!

Witt: Just. Drive.

I am intrigued to find out just what the hell is going on with this Witt guy. Is he a bad guy? A good guy? What’s the real story with him and Sadie??

Tune in for next week’s “Walker” to find out!

‘Walker’ 4.02 Maybe It’s Maybelline Deep Dive Review


In its fourth season, “Walker” has gotten much better at integrating its story lines and its cast, so that none of the arcs or characters feel shoe-horned in anymore, and the transition from scene to scene is smoother. Geri and Cassie are the latest in the newly close relationships, and I’m here for it. They come back from a run together and Cassie tells Geri that she’s not going back to the FBI – in fact, it’s time for her to lay down some roots.

Also, Cassie has a cute nickname for Geri – Geri-rigged.

We eventually find out that Cassie is gonna be laying down those roots at Geri’s place –  they’re now roomies!

This episode continues the theme from last week, as Cordell struggles with both his kids growing up and soon moving out, and the fear that the quiet in their wake will be hard for him. Augie is definitely growing up WAY too fast, working out and doing an end run around his dad by asking his Gramps to sign a permission slip for a high school boot camp readiness program. Bonham, to his credit, keeps his boundaries where they should be and says he won’t sign – but he will talk to Cordell about it.

Walker Augie buffed up for Mitch Pilleggi birthday suit party.

Bonham goes to Trey’s to talk to him about it too, since Trey is the one teaching the boot camp. Trey is getting ready to host a hot date (played by his actual wife), opening the door to a knock with a rose and a “hello, gorgeous” only to find it’s Bonham. 

Bonham wants Trey to let August join his boot camp prep course; Trey too says Walker has to approve.

Finally, Bonham brings the permission slip to his son, who accuses him of interfering and asks him to stay out of it, August is his son. Which, valid – but Cordell is gonna have to deal with it instead of burying himself in the Jackal case to avoid it.

Bonham confesses to Abby that he’s been “meddling”, but he also says he knows a thing or two about raising boys, and that you can’t tell them not to do something or they’ll do just that.

Abeline: Please tell me more about raising two boys.

Walker Abby in flower shop.

Me: I love you, Abeline.

The Walker grandparents are thinking about retirement, so clearly this show is just going to bring all the emotions with all the developmental transitions all at once this season.

Why Can’t You Be True?

That’s another Maybelline reference, in case you were wondering.

The guest character of the episode is Maybelline (played to perfection by Debra Mooney), who Walker and Cassie and a bunch of other Rangers chase into the parking lot of HQ thinking she’s trying to steal a squad car – with a wrench. When he asks her to put it down, she demands to know who’s asking.

Cordell: Walker, Texas Ranger.

Maybelline: As you’ve said three times now. Congratulations, son. You are employed. I’ll alert the governor.

Cassie: I like her.

Me: Me too!

The Rangers have been charged with keeping Maybelline, a feisty grandma who’s a witness in an important money launderer case, safe. Which turns out to be easier said than done.

She manages to call Cordell Ranger Parker, then Ranger Walton, and then “Toothpicks” (which NGL made me laugh). She also makes it clear she’d rather be kept safe with Ranger Barnett (with a flirty smile).

Cassie checks out her bag and finds pink furry handcuffs, to which Maybelline casts Trey another glance and he gets even more uncomfortable.

Maybelline’s also got a bar cutter in her bag and is not too keen on all this being detained stuff. Clearly an independent woman! She is also possibly the only person in the universe who would look so put out at Jared Padalecki saying “you’re coming home with me.”

I’m not really a huge fan of making fun of older women’s sexuality so this is never my favorite bit – it was a pet peeve on “Supernatural” too, when Sam was often the one getting uncomfortable while Dean was far too delighted by that. 

Luckily, that’s a brief part of the character’s introduction. Maybelline turns out to be a lot more savvy (and wise) than it might seem at first glance. She sees a photo of Cordell and Emily and comments that his wife is out of his league – which caught me with unexpected emotion because that’s what Jared so often says about his real life wife Gen (who plays Emily).

Cordell Walker encounters Maybelline looking at pictures 4.02.

Maybelline also empathizes with him about being a single parent, saying that it’s tough.

Maybelline: Soak up every second, son. The days are long, but the years are short.

Damn this show, sneaking up on me and making me tear up when I least expect it.

In the middle of the night, Cordell finds Maybelline sitting in the kitchen (which, it’s a good thing she wasn’t trying to escape, just saying!). They end up sitting down together and having a bit of a heart to heart. Also, please please please, the powers that be at the CW and the Walker hair and makeup department, let Jared Padalecki’s hair be free from every bit of gel – and look like THIS!!

Maybelline: I raised five kids. I learned the art of stealing moments. Dead of night was the only down time I could get for myself.

(Pretty sure all of us with kids can relate.)

Cordell joins her for a late night chat, saying she’s courageous for how she’s facing the testimony the next day.

Maybelline: Well, you’re a single parent, you know courage is part of the job description.

I love that Cordi is getting credit now for how he came back and stepped up and has been trying so hard to be there for his kids, and at the same time that we get to see him struggle – because of course it will sometimes be a struggle!

Cordell tells her what’s on his mind when she asks.

Cordell: My baby boy, he wants to join the military, and I’m having a hard time with it.

Maybelline: Your baby boy is almost a man – and let me clue you in about children, they aren’t ours to keep.

Cordell confides that he’s anxious, thinking about the quiet again. (I do love a show with continuity).

Walker: They’re leaving me…

Maybelline says no, he’s got it backwards. That if you raise a child secure enough to leave, you’ve done a good job. And typically they often come back.

She’s right. It’s all about attachment – if that attachment relationship is secure, the child feels free to explore, knowing they can always come back to the safe haven the parent provides. Even when they’re almost grown, that sense of safety persists, so they can become their own person and be autonomous. It isn’t always easy for the parent to let go, but good parents know the relationship is strong enough to withstand temporary separations. Just like the toddler who has to go explore but then looks back over their shoulder to be sure the person they count on is still watching – just in case.

Maybelline says he seems like a nice man and calls him by his actual name – and then tries to take the liquor with her when she goes off to bed.

Jared Padalecki nice shots on Walker set.

Have I mentioned I like Maybelline? I think Cordell does too.

The next day when they arrive there’s a fight at the courthouse just as they enter – what a coincidence! Conveniently, someone who was dressed like a guard appears just in time and is put in charge of Maybelline while Cordell and Cassie come to the rescue, which of course was a ruse to get Maybelline out of there because of course it was. Too much of a coincidence, Rangers!

Cassie with Cordell Walker in station house.

Maybelline figures it out pretty quickly and manages to leave her bag as a clue while the bad guys force her into an SUV and try to drive out of the parking lot. But Walker and Cassie cut them off thanks to Cassie’s excellent driving.

(I kinda love that Jared always seems to play characters who are relegated to shotgun…)

Walker Cordell with Cassie in squad car.

The Rangers fight the kidnappers, giving everyone a chance to show off how fit they are…

Those long, long legs though…

Trey pops out of an elevator just in time to intercept the bad guys – using Maybelline’s giant bag as a weapon and then chivalrously returning it to her.

Maybelline is happy, it’s a job well done.

Jared Padalecki smiling weird on Walker set.

Maybelline to Trey: You saved me!

Walker: It was kind of a team effort…

Jared Padaleci with fancy earring on Walker set.

Don’t worry, Cordell, lots of viewers were appreciating your efforts.

Sometimes You Need Not-Family

Meanwhile, Stella’s having PTSD nightmares and Liam and Ben are worried. (I love this family, Ben and Liam hanging out while Stella naps on the couch, feeling a little safer I’m guessing with her uncle and Ben there, even if she doesn’t realize that’s why.)

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to keep the nightmares at bay.

Liam brings her a stuffed animal and a blanket and a lava lamp for her dorm room.  Liam means well, trying to relate to Stella by talking about his own PTSD, but she lashes out at him, saying it’s different for her, that it doesn’t work out for everyone.

She’s been researching the man she killed, finding out who he was, what his interests were, which is making the fact that she shot him even harder.

Stella: He was still just a college kid like me who had his whole life ahead of him, and now he doesn’t, and it’s my fault.

Liam wants her to find something, like equine therapy did for him, to “pull you out of it” but she’s not ready, asking him to leave. I feel for both of them, to be honest. It’s a fine line between being helpful and trying to paint a silver lining around someone else’s genuine pain.

Walker Stella crying to gay Liam.
Walker gay Liam talking deep to Stella about equine therapy.

Stella leaves flowers and a rugby ball on Witt’s grave, trying to do some kind of penance, shtarightening the plain wooden cross over his grave and saying she’s sorry.

She runs into Witt’s uncle Mike there and he’s very nice to her, which must be absolutely devastating for Stella.  Then Mike gets out his phone and tells someone “this is interesting.” Hmmmm.

Stella has been calling Sadie but getting no answer, and she’s increasingly freaked out by her difficulty with putting the tragedy behind her – which is totally understandable!

Later at the Side Step, she confides in someone who has a little distance because he’s not family (at least not yet) –  Ben, who normalizes her emotions by sharing with her that he still feels guilty about his ex-boyfriend Lucas and only now realizes how much of that is sadness. Ben gets a turn to be wise, saying it was an accident but he can understand how she’d feel bad about the outcome.

Ben: And I’m here to tell you, that’s called being normal.

And Sometimes You Need Family

Cordell and August have a heart-to-heart, on their family couch where so many heart-to-hearts have taken place for this little family that we’ve watched come back together again after the loss of their mom and Cordell’s beloved wife. I love hearing Cordell call his now-almost-as-tall-as-him son “kiddo”, it rings so real and says so much about how as parents we always – always – see our children as our babies, even as we cherish how they’ve grown up.

Cordell Walker having couch heart to hard talks with Augie son.

He’s understanding, but also sometimes regrets his own history of joining the military at such a young age, foregoing college and figuring himself out in other ways. This show sometimes has odd parallels to real life, since Padalecki also decided not to go to college to pursue acting, unlike most of the rest of his highly educated family.

Walker tells Augie how proud he is of him for being serious about his future, but also reminds him that he’ll always worry about him.

Cordell: You’re my son, you used to be my baby boy.

But Cordell is also doing the difficult work of letting his children grow up. He signs the permission, saying he promised to respect August’s decision and he meant it.

The two shake hands at first, then Augie hugs his dad and damn it is there something in my eye again??

Cordell turns as Augie goes upstairs, glances at the table, and remembers when Augie refinished it, when he had just come home and his kids had been without him. How he told Augie he never meant to make his kids grow up so fast.

We see his memories in flashback, marvel right along with Cordell how young Augie was even those three or four years ago. Again, this show gets the family stuff so right sometimes, and this scene really hit home.

It goes by too quickly, doesn’t it, Cordell?

Walker Cordell looking at pictures of his son Augie.
Walker Cordell with Augie in bedroom on set.
WAlker Jared Padalecki feeling up young boy on the set.

The gang ends the night at the Side Step playing darts (with Liam in a sweater that really shows off his biceps, and which fandom absolutely did not fail to notice) and everyone, including Stella, feeling better. Geri and Cassie are anticipating the fun of being roomies, and there to console Trey, who reports that Maybelline picked up a call from Trey’s recent date and sort of blew that out of the water.

Maybe we’re not getting Trey and Cassie platonic besties after all?

Walker gay Liam pumping up his boyfriend Ben.
Walker gay Liam and Ben touching each other up at Side Step bar.
Walker Trey and Cassie getting cozy at the Side Step bar.
Walker Jared Padalecki slaps hands with Maybeline beside gay brother Liam.

Stella wins at darts, everyone is happy, life is good.

So, of course, Stella comes back to her dorm room to find “This Isn’t Over” painted on her mirror.

Uh oh.

‘Walker’ Season 4 Finally Returns with The Quiet

There was a lot of anticipation for the season premiere of “Walker” last week – it’s the show’s fourth season, and it’s made a switch to Wednesday night, but fans were happy to follow it to its new day, posting their excitement online.

The cast and crew were equally excited – it was a long long break between seasons with the strike going on. They posted some bts photos and Jared Padalecki even took over the “Walker” Instagram for some fun videos.

The season premiere opens 5 months later – after a reminder of the reappearance of The Jackal, the reappearance of “Cordri” (the Geri and Cordell romance) to the elation of those who ‘ship it’, and the missing body after Stella and Sadie’s break in.  The episode is a treat for the Cordri shippers, opening with some Geri and Cordi making out – waiting all these seasons really created a lot of passion! I don’t ship it, but I don’t not ship it, so good for you, Cordell and Geri.

Also, Geri looks hot in his oversized shirt and a disheveled Cordell is a very good thing.

It’s Cordell’s birthday – Geri surprises him with a little cupcake before he reluctantly has to leave for work – more reluctant about leaving Geri than not eating the cupcake though.

Jared Padalecki gently blowing off a candle for Mitch Pilleggi on Walker set.

He’s saving room for a big steak eating competition at the Grand Lonestar. Augie isn’t thrilled about it, but Geri wants to surprise her man by the whole family being there too.  Also, I’m happy that Ben’s eating breakfast with the Walkers so I guess things are going well with him and Liam. Lots of happiness it seems….which I’m sure means something will go very wrong soon.

Walker with Liams boyfriend Ben by Audie.

Oh, and it does! Stella oversleeps for the meeting she and Liam have about the break-in case. She’s clearly despondent and is asking for space and maybe avoiding her family (and leaving a lot of telltale pizza boxes strewn around her dorm room).

Walker STella oversleeping.

Cut to Cordell having a bad day already too, as he and the other Rangers are tossed around a big truck as the bad guy bank robber driver takes a whole lot of sharp turns. He somehow stole a bunch of gold bars all on his own and didn’t notice a bunch of Rangers sneaking into his truck – or did he?

Cordi: Guys, I’m starting to think this may have been a bad idea…

Cordell Walker inside of a moving truck hijacked.

The truck finally comes to a screeching halt and the bad guy comes around with a gun at the ready.

Walker: I got this.

Walker Jared Padalecki waiting for a truck.

Everyone else: Oh boy…

Cordell slides to the end of the truck and kicks open the door, flying out and knocking the bad guy down just like that.

Cordell: Walker, Texas Ranger. You’re under arrest.

Okay, that was pretty sweet.  For Jared Padalecki, apparently it didn’t feel as smooth as it looked – he had injured a toe on a coffee table at home and even putting a boot on it was painful, let alone flying out the back of a truck. Ouch!

Jared: I had an “altercation” with my coffee table on New Year’s Eve and shot the sequence in the back of the truck with a fractured toe…. Not as fun as it sounds

Back at HQ, the gang tease Cordell about his steak eating contest and getting the “meat sweats” which sounds kinda disgusting, but Cordell has a plan and is confident he’ll get the commemorative tee shirt and that’s adorable. Cordell is kind of a fanboy and I’m here for it. I can totally see him rocking that tee shirt. Trey clearly appreciates that side of him too – or else he’s thinking about winning the contest himself…

The guys are wondering when Trey and the woman he’s dating are going to join Cordell and James on their double dates, with the implication that nothing serious has been going on with anyone Trey’s been dating. And then, right on cue, Cassie comes back for a visit.

Apparently, none of them have heard from her for months. Now I know some people were hoping she and Trey would be a thing, but as I said last season I love their relationship as platonic and hope it stays that way. We’ll see…

Walker Cassie hugging Jared Padalecki tight Quiet.
Walker Trey walks in on Cassie hugging Jared Padalecki Cordell.

The FBI needs their help.

Cassie: What do ya say we get the band back together?

Trey isn’t too happy that she totally disappeared, but Cassie seems to be really enjoying her work with the FBI and Tessa Graves – who’s in the hospital with a gunshot wound.  Cassie’s chasing the Delmonico brothers and the fentanyl ring they’re bringing to Austin. That puts a crimp in Cordell’s steak plans and Geri’s birthday party plans, but of course they’re in to back Cassie up.

Meanwhile, Det. Luna has a lead on The Jackal, which Trey and Cordell are trying to keep from the Captain. Trey sneaks out to run down that lead while Walker covers for him. The two are trying to protect James since his life was upended by the Jackal before, but of course that sort of subterfuge never ends up going well, does it?

Poor Geri is disappointed, especially since Cordi went all out for her birthday, taking her to all the places that she mentioned loving as a kid. Awwww, he’s so sentimental.

Abeline: I knew I raised that boy right.

Bonham: He gets that from his daddy.

Walker Mitch Pilleggi in Kitchen with Maddie.

Bonham also gets to the say the memorable line “Hells bells cockleshells” which was apparently a Mitch Pileggi ad lib that everyone liked so much they left it in. It sounds very Bonham.

Augie: What if we just got a big ass staek and had him eat it here?

Stella and Liam meet with the detective investigating the break-in case, which the county wants to close.  He asks Stella to read over her statement to be sure she didn’t leave anything out. Stella has a hard time with the memories brought up by reading the case summary – of the intruder, Witt McCarthy, being shot (and then found dead in his smoldering car, of that gunshot).

Walker LIam sitting with Stella to read over her statement about killing.

It’s considered self-defense, and Stella doesn’t correct that Witt was a stranger, saying she’d never met him. Which we know is not the truth, since they met him at that party where Bel was also. Hmmm. I feel like signing something that’s not true could be a problem down the line, Stella…

Cassie didn’t forget Cordell’s birthday, gifting him with some cowboy boots, which he pronounces awesome and puts right on.  I love his boyishness as he sticks his feet out and grins at his new boots like a little kid. We don’t get to see that side of him very often, but Padalecki can really pull off that kind of little boy energy.

Cordell isn’t so happy about Cassie considering re-upping with the FBI, but he also wants what’s best for her. And he’s lived long enough, and had enough loss and change, to understand that it’s a fact of life.

Walker: I think it’s an incredible opportunity that doesn’t come around too often. Everyone leaves eventually, so do me a favor. Don’t be a stranger again.

Cassie invites him to lunch at the ranch which is a ruse for the surprise birthday party.

On the way, they catch up about the show-within-a-show ‘Hawk’s Shadow.’ Cassie’s love of Hawk’s Shadow is one of my favorite things about this show, so I was thrilled that she told Walker that they’re doing a reboot, which I choose to view as a “Supernatural” Easter egg since Jared and Jensen Ackles are constantly talking about doing a reboot of that show.  The reboot is ‘more grounded, more about his family’ lol.  Walker’s been watching it too – more fanboy Walker, yay!

They walk into the house, and everyone shouts surprise!!

Walker enters for surprise birthday party which was really for Mitch Pilleggi.

Jared Padalecki is always so good at adding those little physical touches that tell you who his character is and what he’s been through – he startles a lot at the surprise, as anyone would who’s had some PTSD after the violence he’s experienced.

Walker Jared Padalecki prances on set of show.

Augie asks his dad if he can leave early for a high school party, and poor Cordell struggles with the answer. His son reminds him that Walker told him to enjoy his high school years (and not drop out early to join the armed forces), and Cordell really does want him to do that. But he also wishes his son would stay for his party – it’s so hard to let your kids grow up, ouch.

Also, when did Kale Culley grow up so much??

Meanwhile, Stella’s keeping to herself, sitting alone at the piano while the rest of the family is celebrating. Liam comes to sit with her, realizing she’s struggling – and remembering his own struggles.

Walker Stella confides with Uncle Liam.

Stella confides in him. She can’t sleep, is behind in class and her hair has been falling out.

Stella: I can’t keep the dorm room window open because of the noise.

She says she keeps hoping to wake up and have things be different, which I think is a feeling anyone who has been challenged by physical or mental stressors has experienced.

Stella: But I still feel like…like this.

Liam confides that he felt similarly after the shooting and talking with his big brother helped.

Liam: Your dad told me that I needed to forgive myself. I didn’t know what that meant, to forgive myself for killing a psychopath…but it takes time. Slowly it gets better.

He’s right.

Trey and Walker try to figure out the lead about the Jackal away from Captain James, but Kelly finds them and figures it out. They all know that the multiple jackal teeth that were found means he’s gearing up. She asks them to do what James did when Emily passed – protect Cordi as long as he could.

Kelly: Because he cared for you. I’m asking you to do the same thing now.

Walker Season 4 Quiet set shots.

Then it’s time for the steak eating contest, which is a playful interlude to the rest of the episode that everyone in the cast seemed to thoroughly enjoy.

Jared shared a little bts tidbit:

Keegan and I were both in there still eating when they said cut, and Jeff Pierre was as well.  I probably went through a couple pounds over the course of six or eight hours.

Ah, the joys of filming.

No sooner does the steak eating contest end than the Delmonico brothers come to town and everyone goes to intercept them.

Cut to a montage with music, flashlights in a dark warehouse – it’s actually a really beautiful scene, and the music works with the lyrics “gonna get my vengeance”. I enjoy seeing Cassie run things and be in charge, and everyone follow her lead seamlessly.

They’re suddenly under gunfire, ducking for cover.

Walker and Trey do a ‘fake sweep’ where Trey baits the shooter out and Walker manages to sneak up behind one guy and capture him.

Cassie finds the brothers, but they have Captain James at gunpoint so she has to put the gun down.  They offer to exchange the Captain for her letting him leave, but Cassie has another idea – she ignores that and starts sharing some of the “intel” they’ve gotten. Cassie gives the brothers the bad news that one of the brothers is sleeping with the other’s girlfriend and that gives them the distraction to turn the tables and take them down.

It’s so hard to be in business with your family. Unless you’re the Winchesters, that is.

Cassie: Perez, Texas Ranger. You’re under arrest.

Walker Cassie Perez smiling at Trey.

Well played, Cassie.

Trey and Cassie finally have a conversation, and it seems to put them back on the platonic track, though I guess we’ll see.

Cassie: The best part of today was just having my friend back.

Trey smiling at Cassie on Walker.

Captain James asks her which way she’s leaning, but she says she doesn’t know.  James says she can make as big a difference there as with the FBI and asks her to think about it, and to trust him.

At the end of the long day, Cordi is struggling with all the change happening, Augie almost done high school, Stella at college, Cassie going back to Quantico.

Cordell: It all hit me.

Geri: What’s so bad about an empty nest?

Cordell: The quiet.

That was a great line, and such a meaningful one. Jared Padalecki delivered it with impact.

Cordell: When you can’t keep the darker thoughts from work at bay, it can eat you alive. Gonna be a lot of quiet in this house real soon.

Cordell Walker looking sad at fireplace.

Geri is there for him, listening and accepting. He adds that it helps to say it out loud.

He’s right.

Cordell turns to Geri, a serious expression on his face. He’s emotional, eyes glistening a little.

Cordell: I hope you know…

Cordell Walker looking intense at Geri.

Trey knocks on the door, interrupting their conversation.

But before Geri leaves them to talk, she leans down and touches his face, says gently “Cordi – I know.”

Walker Geri stroking Jared Padaleckis face.
Walker Geri looking and smiling down at Jared Padalecki.
WAlker close up shot of intent looking Jared Padalecki.

That was a beautiful little moment, a lot of vulnerability from Padalecki and a lot of empathy from Odette Annable. It felt very real, just a quiet little moment. Apropos of the title of the episode, those can be the most powerful.

The two Rangers go down the hall, to the room where an entire wall is devoted to The Jackal. Shades of the Winchesters!

Jared tweet:

Is that a…. hunter wall??

It definitely is. A little “Supernatural” Easter egg perhaps.

WAlker Jared Padalecki looking at a hunter wall.

Trey asks just how bad things got before with James, and we get a flashback of that time. James holed up for days and nights on end, drinking too much. Cordell brings Kelly to try to talk him into going home and drying out but he refuses, insisting he’s fine and throwing Cordell up against a wall, slamming him against it.

Shades of the Winchesters again!

Walker Kelly drinking Scotch while looking at evidence Season 4
Walker Kelly lifting Jared Padalecki up by his shirt.
Walker Kelly close up shots.

James (anguished): Why did you bring her here?? I can’t come home, just tell DJ…. I’m so close…

The perfect music cue plays, melancholy, in the background as Walker remembers. (‘Night’ by Daniel Spaleniak, a beautiful, mournful kind of song, very evocative).

Cordell: It all just kinda ate away at him I guess.

Trey: The depravity?

Walker Trey talking tough depravity with Jared Padalecki.

Cordell hesitates, then answers softly.

Cordell: The quiet.

Walker Season 4 Quiet with Jared Padalecki.

Nice wrap around to the theme of the episode and how when we don’t let anyone in, the quiet really can eat away at us. And a better understanding of why Captain James doesn’t drink and why Kelly is so determined that this case not get under her husband’s skin again.

Anyone who has ever witnessed a loved one losing themselves to something they can’t give up, no matter what it takes from them, probably cringed at that flashback scene. I know I did. I felt for Walker, trying to be so gentle with his friend, not expecting the lashing out and the rage directed at him, and for Kelly, helplessly witnessing it and wanting to protect their son from that out of control anger. So sad, so scary.

The two Rangers share a look, knowing they have to try to prevent that from happening to their friend again.

Jared Padalecki close up from Walker season 4.

This was a coherent episode, with some nice action sequences mixed in with family moments and some deeper themes. I think I’m really gonna relate to Cordell’s empty nest stress. It’s a huge transition, even if your kids are doing great things, not to have them be little kids anymore. It’s hard to know how to let go, when to still step in, when to not.

If you’re lucky, you have a bunch of people around you who care enough to ask questions, and to listen to your answers – and you’ve got the courage to share with them. I’m glad Cordell has Geri, and Stella has her Uncle Liam, and the whole family tries to have each other’s backs even if it doesn’t always go smoothly.

My favorite things are always the psychological and emotional touches that this show often gets right.

Walker’s lingering hypervigilance as he startles at the surprise party.

Stella confides all the ways that the trauma of shooting Witt has affected her – they even included her hair falling out, which is something that absolutely does happen but is rarely portrayed on TV. (We didn’t get to see it, but that’s understandable and I’m sure Violet Brinson is grateful for that!) 

Her emotional struggles aren’t something we just hear about either – we see them, from the pizza boxes strewn around her apartment to how set apart from the rest of the family she is at the party.

Walker Stella deals with her emotions from Witt's killing.

Walker’s wistful sadness as he anticipates the quiet that will come with his kids growing up (and leaving home). It’s a quiet that anyone who has experienced their children getting older will immediately understand – I did. His comment to Cassie about how everyone leaves is both evidence of the way his losses have shaped his perspective and also of some of the healing he’s done recently – it’s wistful but it’s also accepting, an acknowledgment that loss is a part of life even if we don’t like it. It’s clear that he’s not alone anymore, that his relationship with Geri is much closer and there’s a solidity to it that he can pull from when he’s struggling.

Walker Jared Padalecki spending a fire chat.
Screencaps courtesy of spndeangirl

And speaking of emotions… Jared also tweeted asking if we all wanted to guess Cordell’s birthday. The break-in was June 16 and it’s five months later, which brings it awfully close to November 19, the day that Sam Winchester went to Heaven on that other little Show that Jared was on. Too big an Easter egg? Hmmm.

Looking forward to next week’s episode with Maybe It’s Maybelline!!

How Rod Serling Used ‘The Twilight Zone’ For His Own Mental Health

SyFy’s annual “The Twilight Zone” marathon brings us back to the late 1940s and early 1950s, an era dominated by TV shows depicting ideal families and neighborhoods, like “Leave it to Beaver.” However, Rod Serling’s “The Twilight Zone” revolutionized TV by exploring paranormal themes and addressing real societal issues.

Unlike its predecessors, “The Twilight Zone” delved into the realms of the strange and unusual. It was a show that dared to explore the paranormal, weaving tales of time travel, telepathy, and even pacts with the devil. At first glance, it might seem like Serling’s creation was a leap further away from reality compared to the idealistic world of “Leave it to Beaver.” However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that “The Twilight Zone” was more than just a series about the supernatural; it was a platform for addressing very real and pressing issues.

Serling’s Idyllic Childhood

Rod Serling had that perfect idyllic childhood presented by many of the shows of that day. But like many of us, he entered the read world to discover the harsh cold reality of life.

Rodman Edward Serling was a Christmas baby born in Syracuse, New York, on December 25, 1924. He was the unexpected joy in the lives of his parents, Sam and Esther Serling, a grocer and a homemaker. Rod quickly became the apple of their eye, especially since his arrival was a bit of a miracle after doctors had told his mom she couldn’t have more kids.

Rod, the younger of two boys, was the life of the party in the family, always full of energy and laughter. This was quite the opposite of his older brother Robert, who was more on the reserved side.

In 1926, the Serling family packed up and moved to Binghamton, New York, a place that Rod would later fondly remember as the backdrop of his childhood. He often said, “Everybody has a hometown,” and for him, Binghamton was that special place, a safe haven he would revisit in his thoughts and in his writings. You can see this nostalgia in some of his famous Twilight Zone episodes like “Walking Distance” and “A Stop at Willoughby.”

Rod was a bundle of energy and competitiveness, especially when it came to sports. During his time at Binghamton Central High School, he had his heart set on being the quarterback for the football team. But fate had other plans – he was just a bit too light to make the cut. Rod, with his ever-present humor, would later joke about being lighter than the team mascot!

Not one to be easily discouraged, Rod threw himself into other sports like intramural football and tennis, where he played with a fiery spirit. His high school buddy, Sybil Goldenberg, said his determination was twice as strong because he was on the shorter side. And speaking of height, Rod was always a bit self-conscious about being 5 feet 4 and a half inches tall, even wearing lifts and preferring not to be filmed in full frame for his Twilight Zone intros.

But where Rod really stood tall was in the world of words. He was a star on his high school debate team, known for his quick wit and clever comebacks. He dived into school politics too, eventually becoming the president of the General Organization and the editor of the school newspaper. His fiery editorials in the paper were just a hint of the passionate advocate for social justice he would become.

Fighting CBS and 1950s Censorship

What was most interesting was that Serling was able to use science fiction as a way to skirt all the issues of censorship that began surfacing in the late 1950s…much like today’s world. He had to fight hard with the CBS network when the executives insisted on editing his (what they consider to be) very controversial scripts.

CBS often won the censorship war with Serling such as his piece about lynching which was called “A Town Has Turned to Dust” along with “The Rank and File” about labor union corruption. Rather than continue the losing fight, he switched over to the sci-fi fantasy genre in 1959 and found himself able to write freely. The network didn’t pay as much attention to his scripts for “The Twilight Zone,” giving Serling more creative freedom than he had ever had there. He wound up writing 92 episodes of the 156-episode series.

Rod Serling’s journey to creating this iconic show was as intriguing as the show itself. Born in Binghamton, New York, a city that remarkably skirted the harsh impacts of the Great Depression, Serling grew up in a relatively comfortable environment. His father owned a successful grocery store, allowing the family to live a life that closely resembled the blissful images portrayed in early television shows. However, Serling’s brush with the harsh realities of life came at the tender age of 18.

Serling’s War

Like many young men of his generation, Serling was compelled to enlist in the army following the attack on Pearl Harbor. As a Jewish man, he felt a strong urge to fight against the Nazis during World War II, but fate had other plans, and he found himself in the Pacific War, battling against Japan. It was during the Battle of Leyte in 1944 that Serling’s life changed forever. He sustained injuries to his wrist and knee from bomb shrapnel, earning him a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star. But the scars of war ran deeper than his physical wounds.

Upon his return from the war, Serling found himself relentlessly pursued by the specters of his past, his mind a battleground scarred by nightmares and flashbacks. Among these haunting memories, one harrowing incident during World War II stood out, a moment that would forever alter the course of his life and the essence of his creative work. It was amidst the chaos of the Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Pacific, a brief respite twisted into a scene of horror.

As Serling and a comrade shared a moment, capturing it in a photograph, fate struck a cruel blow. From the skies, an Air Force plane unwittingly unleashed a deadly cargo – a box of extra ammunition. It plummeted to the earth with tragic precision, striking Serling’s friend, crushing him under its brutal weight. This gruesome and fateful moment would not only scar Serling’s memory but also ignite a dark spark of inspiration, weaving its way through the tapestry of his scripts and stories, forever etched in his haunted narrative.

His daughter, Anne Serling, recalls her father being tormented by nightmares of the war, a clear indication of the post-traumatic stress he suffered. This is a plight all too common among veterans, with a staggering 47% not receiving the necessary support for their PTSD. Fortunately for Serling, he found solace and a means to process his trauma through his writing.

Before The Twilight Zone

Before creating “The Twilight Zone,” Serling worked on various TV shows, including “Lux Video Theatre” and “Studio One.” These early works sometimes touched upon themes of war and the paranormal, setting the stage for what was to come. In 1959, “The Twilight Zone” was born, a series that is often remembered for its exploration of the bizarre and eerie. However, Serling’s primary goal wasn’t just to thrill and chill his audience; he used the paranormal as a lens to discuss broader societal issues such as prejudice, brutality, and the horrors of warfare.

Episodes like “He’s Alive,” where the ghost of Hitler inspires an American neo-Nazi, and “I Am the Night—Color Me Black,” which explores the consequences of hatred and injustice, are prime examples of how Serling used the show to comment on the persistent issues of bigotry and moral decay. A significant portion of “The Twilight Zone” episodes also focused on war, reflecting Serling’s own traumatic experiences. “A Quality of Mercy,” for instance, is a poignant story about an American GI and a Japanese soldier swapping bodies, offering a powerful critique of the senselessness and cruelty of war.

In essence, “The Twilight Zone,” while famous for its foray into the fantastical, was Rod Serling’s way of grappling with his own demons and shedding light on the darker aspects of reality that often go unspoken. Through his genius storytelling, Serling not only entertained but also enlightened his audience, leaving a legacy that continues to resonate with viewers to this day. Top of Form

twilight zone favorite episodes of rod serling

Rod Serling’s Favorite Twilight Zone Episodes

Have you ever wondered which “Twilight Zone” episodes Rod Serling himself loved the most? I certainly did and it turns out, he had two favorites. The first one? “Time Enough at Last.” It’s the eighth episode and an absolute classic. It’s like the show hit its peak super early. But, you know, while “Time Enough at Last” is a standout, it paved the way for more amazing episodes.

The episode stars Burgess Meredith, you know, the guy from “Rocky” and “Of Mice and Men.” He plays Henry Bemis, this super mild-mannered bank teller who’s just not getting any love from his boss or, even worse, his wife. Poor Bemis isn’t a bad guy; he’s just super into his books, and that’s his happy place. But everyone around him just doesn’t get it and gives him a hard time for it.

Serling’s take on Lynn Venable’s short story hones in on Bemis’s tough situation. Watching Meredith, with his thick glasses and his kind of awkward way of speaking, you can’t help but feel for the guy. He’s a dreamer surrounded by nightmares, judged way too harshly. They’re always on his case, messing with his books. All we want is for Bemis to have his moment with his books. He totally deserves it.

Then, boom, the apocalypse hits, and suddenly, Bemis is the last man on Earth. Lucky for him, he was in the bank vault when it all went down. Now, with no one to bug him and a mostly intact library, he’s got all the time in the world to read. Perfect, right?

But then, tragedy strikes. His glasses break. All those books, and he can’t read a single one. Bemis is devastated, and we’re left with one of the most memorable moments in TV history.

Twilight Zone’s Iconic Twists

A lot of “Twilight Zone” episodes have this ironic, tragic twist, but usually, the characters kind of had it coming. Like the astronaut in “I Shot An Arrow Into the Sky” or the conspiracy theorist in “Four O’Clock.” But Bemis? He did nothing to deserve such a sad ending. Life was tough on him, and then, when he finally got a break, fate (or the Twilight Zone) had other plans.

In a 1970 chat with sci-fi writer James Gunn (not the “Guardians of the Galaxy” guy), Serling shared that “Time Enough at Last” was one of his top picks. He loved the irony of it all and was pretty proud of how they pulled it off with a TV budget, using an MGM backlot to make it look like a movie.

rod serling favorite twilight zone episodes invaders with agnes moorehead

His other favorite, “The Invaders,” with Agnes Moorehead fighting tiny aliens, didn’t fare as well in the special effects department. Serling wished they could’ve done more, but hey, it was the ’60s, and TV had its limits. They had to work with what they had, even if it meant using not-so-convincing rubber aliens.

So, yeah, for Serling, “Time Enough at Last” was a big win, even if it wasn’t such a happy ending for Mr. Bemis.

The Twilight Zone Helps Shape Mental Illness Perceptions

The original “Twilight Zone” series, a seminal television program from the late 1950s and early 1960s, utilized themes of mental distress as a critical lens to examine American cultural norms of the era, particularly the emphasis on unwavering rationality, social conformity, and the prioritization of work in daily life. This exploration was not merely metaphorical; it also challenged the prevailing notion of mental soundness as a mandatory standard, highlighting its potential perils for both individuals and society at large.

Episodes such as “Mirror Image,” “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet,” and “The Arrival” feature protagonists who confront inexplicable phenomena, compelling them to reassess their conventional, rational perspectives to make sense of their experiences. This narrative device underscores the idea that perceptions of madness are socially constructed. Furthermore, the scrutiny these characters face for deviating from middle-class American behavioral norms underscores the enforced expectation of mental soundness.

During the era of “The Twilight Zone,” American perspectives on mental health were evolving significantly. The deinstitutionalization movement was reintegrating mental health patients into society, while psychoanalytic theories intersected with emerging preventative medical practices. This convergence fostered a belief in an inherent, latent madness within all individuals, which responsible citizens were expected to control. The series frequently depicted asylums, with several episodes concluding with the protagonists being involuntarily committed for failing to adhere to societal expectations of mental stability in the face of unexplainable events.

Through its portrayal of mental distress, “The Twilight Zone” was able to shed light on the inhumane treatment of mental health patients in mid-20th century America. It encouraged viewers to consider unconventional, non-normative, or even ‘mad’ approaches as viable alternatives to the prevailing social norms.

Art As Therapy

Rod Serling masterfully demonstrated the power of art as a tool for navigating life’s challenges. His iconic work in “The Twilight Zone” resonates with audiences even today, addressing timeless issues that continue to be relevant. Serling skillfully channeled his experiences with PTSD into his art, bringing attention to a subject that was scarcely discussed at the time, while also confronting his personal traumas from the war. This exemplifies how art can be a therapeutic medium for many. Regrettably, the decline of art programs in schools has limited this vital outlet for those who might benefit from it most.

‘Gen V’ Finale Ends With a Shocker


Gen V’s ‘The Guardians of Godolkin’ doesn’t refer to who you think it does. And that’s not the only twist and turn in the season finale of Gen V. Alliances break and are formed, the ever-present question of who’s the good guy and who’s the bad guy and is there anything that is NOT a shade of gray at this point still not solved. Am I complaining? Hell no.


The Question of Right and Wrong

We pick up where we left off on Gen V. Everyone is shocked that Cate killed Shetty, but she insists she did it for all of them, that she’s being a hero. Surprisingly, Sam agrees, saying Shetty sucked, that he’s not an experiment – that he wants to be a hero too.

He tells himself that he’s doing it for Emma, echoing Hughie in The Boys – after Emma saved him, he thinks maybe it’s time for him to save her. He tells himself it’s for the right reasons, partly to keep Emma and the others from being tortured the way he was if they’re found out.

It’s the question that the entire The Boys universe poses again and again. Is doing something terrible okay if you’re doing it for the “right” reasons? If that isn’t a relevant question right now in the real world, I don’t know what is!

I think Sam does want to do the right thing. But Sam is angry too – and free for the first time to make his own decisions. This show is all about the choices we make, especially when we’re young and able to direct our own lives for the first time. Most of us don’t get through all that without some regrets.

Jordan, on the other hand, isn’t so sure that freeing the kids trapped in the Woods is a good idea, wanting to call campus Security instead (which, unfortunately, is not a good idea either). There’s always that temptation, when everything is falling down around you, to fall back on what has always been the status quo, trust whoever you thought you were able to. Marie knows that’s a mistake, though.

The Price of Power

Meanwhile, Andre watches over his father, ignoring Marie’s phone calls.  He gets the bad news from the doc that every time his dad uses his powers, a micro tear occurs in the neural pathways, damaging his brain. (Asking if Andre himself has had any symptoms lets us know it’s not only his dad who’s being destroyed by using his powers). What can they do?

Unfortunately, he just recommends physical therapy, which sounds like what everyone with a chronic condition hears over and over again. How does this show always get it so right?

Doc: And no more using powers.

They always come with a price on this show, in this universe.

When Polaris wakes up, he apologizes to his son for knowing about the Woods and staying quiet but claims he did it to protect his son. Andre tries to tell him that their powers are (literally) killing them, but his father keeps interrupting, insisting that Andre take on being Polarity, do whatever they tell him to do.

Polarity: No one gets through life without regrets, but goddamn I don’t regret being able to take care of my family and I know you’ll do the same. This family is counting on you.

It’s just another form of manipulation, and another one that works. Andre wipes away a tear.

Of course, it’s always Vought who has the real power in this universe. Ashley Barrett from The Boys joins the fun in this episode. She calls a board meeting because they need a distraction from the shit show that Godolkin has become – so why not send someone straight to the Seven? They review the candidates, a board member worrying that though Andre is surprisingly smart, his skin tone “reads dark”.

Ashley: We’ll get Annie fucking Leibovitz to shoot him you racist piece of shit!

Sometimes I kinda love Ashley, I can’t help it.

Into The Woods

Cate and Sam go to The Woods, where a guard “not Greg, I’m Bob” is at first happy to see her, accustomed to the pliant and easily manipulated Cate, but that version is GONE. He’s then momentarily terrified before Sam puts a fist right through his helmet. And his face.

Cate compels the guards to unlock the cells. Sam wanders into his old cell and hallucinates Luke, who accuses him of helping Supes and hurting humans, and tries to talk him out of it. In other words, Sam’s having an argument with himself, trying to figure out right and wrong.

Luke: I killed one human once, and I killed myself from guilt. And what about your tiny friend Emma?

Sam: He’s not here and neither are you – You killed yourself, leaving me in this cell!

Sam slams the door on the hallucination and follows the other freed Supes out, realizing the engineered virus was intended to kill them all. Cate moves seamlessly into the role of leader, seemingly without remorse, rallying the troops.

Cate: This school said they could torture you – why? Because they said you were crazy, inferior. You’re not inferior! You are superior to them and it’s time we showed it.

She turns to one of the guards.

Cate: Eat your own fucking hand, you monster.

The freed supes aren’t exactly discriminating, infuriated by their captivity and torture and planned extermination. Which is, you know, enough to make anyone pissed. But it’s now an us versus them war, with Supes vs. humans. One guy walks around asking everyone he sees on campus “are you a Supe?”  Rufus, always in the wrong place at the wrong time and always being a dick, says no shit and goes on his way.

Gen V Rufus showing up at wrong time again

The next person asked says no, she’s an adjunct professor, and oops, he incinerates her face. It’s hard enough being an adjunct professor (I still remember), this is just insult to injury!

Marie, Jordan and Emma get to the Woods too late, so they try to clear the campus and save some human lives. For a little while it seems like Jeff the marketing guy might be the unlikely hero to save the school with his handy dandy Supe deafener.  When a freed supe kid confronts him, he sneers “you were safer inside, dummy” and blows her up. Chaos breaks out across campus as the freed ‘experiments’ wreak havoc.

Campus Chaos

Ashley and company are oblivious, focused on finding the next member of the Seven and considering Translucent’s son, Maverick, the invisible kid we’ve seen (well actually we’ve only seen his cap mostly and his llama).  Meanwhile, the intern in the corner is on the phone freaking the fuck out. (It’s always the intern who knows what the fuck is going on!)

Outside the window, Cate makes Jeff eat the exploder device – and then detonates it.

Ashley: Where the fuck is Shetty???

In another part of campus, director PJ Byrne is holding auditions, being his narcissistic asshole self, when Sam comes in. He grabs him by the throat just as he’s bragging about being close personal friends with Josh Hartnett. Lucky for him, Emma comes in and asks Sam to stop.

It’s a painful moment for Sam and Emma shippers. Sam’s angry that she saved him when he didn’t ask for it (again, shades of Hughie and Annie), angry that people hurt him and wanting to hurt back, insistent that he’s “normal” because he’s always been told the opposite.

Sam: This is what normal looks like when you’ve had my fucking life!

Which, damn, that’s a great line. It’s essentially what I teach my students to understand as they’re studying to become therapists – it’s how to tap into empathy even when it’s initially hard to understand how someone got to where they are (and who they are).

Emma: I risked everything for you.

Sam: Emma, you would do anything for everyone to like you. You’re not a hero.


Nooooooooooooooo Sam! He walks out on her. Emma stands on the dark stage alone, sobbing. And then she’s tiny, like the metaphor for her being silenced and alone and confused once again just couldn’t resist enacting that feeling.

Emma: WTF?

Me: Yeah, WTF??

The Final Showdown

Cate calls Andre to tell him that she freed the kids in the Woods, trying to pull him back in by saying that they can be together.

Sam struggles with hallucinations of Luke, encourages Sam not to go along with Cate killing people. Sam wavers, asking Cate if “this is right”?

She insists they’re holding humans accountable, but Luke (another side of Sam) disagrees.

Gen V Luke and Cate at school

Luke: Killing innocent people? This is your fucking moment. You are not defined by what’s happened to you. You are what you do. Be a hero, right now. Stop Cate. I love you.

You’re not defined by what’s happened to you – it doesn’t matter who you ARE, it matters what you DO. That’s a core message of that other Kripke show I love so much too (Supernatural). And, like that other great line above, it’s also very very true.

Unfortunately, Sam is too messed up to do listen. He knows this is his hallucination, and he hates himself, so how can he trust it? He asks Cate to help him feel nothing, and tragically she does.

Sam: I feel so empty. It feels good.

She essentially turned him into a psychopath. It’s heartbreaking because when people are in that much pain, it IS tempting to want to be numb and feel nothing at all. It’s so understandable that Sam asked for that, but there was so much vulnerability and tenderness and empathy in him and it’s so sad to see it erased. Unfortunately, even in real life, you can’t take away one feeling without taking away the others.

Marie hits the panic button in Shetty’s office, which sets off an ear splitting noise that temporarily incapacitates the supe kids.

Influencer girl: OMG I have no signal!! Who’s gonna know if we die??

But not for long. They manage to take it out, and Ashley swings into action and shows why she actually is pretty damn capable of being the boss.

Ashley: Whoever stops these rogue kids gets in the Seven!

She calls Marie, cool as ice, offering her a spot in the Seven if she ‘cancels’ the rogue students. When Marie hesitates, she promises to get her a meeting with her sister.

A rescue helicopter arrives but Cate takes it down – until Andre uses his powers at the last minute to help it land. He and Marie proclaim themselves Guardians of Godolkin, but Cate and Maverick go up against them in a brutal fight.  Marie thinks about cutting herself to blood fight Maverick, but remembers Shetty and doesn’t. She closes her eyes and can see his blood instead, managing to stop him. He becomes not invisible – and naked lol.

Andre takes down Sam with an electrified baton. Ouch. Jordan tries to protect the board members, siding with the humans and herding them all into the helicopter.

Andre tries to convince Cate that they’re better together, they can figure it out. She considers, says okay, holds out her bare hand. But he doesn’t take it, doesn’t trust her.

Marie confronts Cate, saying she just wants to be a good person, but Cate is convinced that SHE, not Marie, is doing the right thing. The heartbreaking thing is that none of these kids wants to fight the other, they all wish they were still on the same side.

Cate: You are not a person, you are a product to them, a freak! I’m trying to save you!

But Marie can’t stand by.

Gen V finale Marie shocked by bloodbath

In desperation, she pulls all the blood on the ground to her, remembering all the violence, and stops the Supes going after the helicopter.

PJ: Fucking Christ, I’m putting that in my next movie.

In the most shocking moment of the episode so far, Cate goes to touch Jordan to stop them from helping the humans escape and Marie loses it, exploding her arm right off, blood spurting everywhere, holy hell!

Gen V finale Cate and Jordan shocker
Gen V finale marie ends with blood bath
gen v finale season 1 recap movie tv tech geeks

Suddenly out of nowhere, Homelander appears. Antony Starr, I’ve missed you!

Marie: Sir, hi…

The Boys Antony Starr Homelander crosses over to Gen V finale

Homelander waves his finger at her in reproach.

Homelander: What kind of animal are you? Do you like attacking your own kind?

His eyes glow and he turns them on Marie WTF?!

Where Do We Go From Here?

Cut to Cameron Coleman: Tragedy has happened again on campus. Four Godolkin students went on a brutal murder spree (we see Emma, Marie, Andre and Jordan’s photos).

Gen V Cameron Coleman news reporter like FOX News

Coleman: Many more would have been killed if it hadn’t been for the Guardians of Godolkin – the new Guardians of Godolkin.

We see Sam and Cate’s photos.

Coleman assures everyone that “all of us are safer with heroes like Cate and Sam protecting us, our values and our way of life.”

Homelander watches, looking satisfied.

Marie (still alive after having taken Homelander’s blast “like a fucking champ”), Emma, Jordan and Andre wake up in hospital gowns in a hospital room – with no doors.

Marie: Where are we?

That would have been a great ending, but we got something even better.

In the dark hallways of the The Woods, in walks a shadowy figure, who we recognize immediately from his flowing coat and his boots and his swagger. 

Billy Butcher: Weren’t they a bunch of cunts.

The Boys Karl Urban Billy Butcher crosses over to Gen V finale


And Season 2 of Gen V!

“We’re the kids in America” plays over the credits.

What a wild ride this show turned out to be – let me know what you thought of it!

And if you’re fascinated with the world of The Boys, pre-order the new book Supes Ain’t Always Heroes – with chapters that take a deep dive into what makes the characters tick and exclusive in-depth interviews with some of the show’s actors and co-creator Darick Robertson. The book’s release date is December 5th.

When you preorder, you get free bonus original artwork of Soldier Boy and Kimiko too! Link to preorder: https://smartpopbooks.com/theboys/

You can check out all episodes of Gen V here on Amazon Prime.