Movies with the most Oscar wins

#12. Amadeus

Oscar Wins: 8
Oscar Nominations: 11
Release Year: 1984

Milos Forman filmed this period piece based upon the 1979 play of the same name, continuing a tradition of slightly fictionalized biopics that still stayed true to history. “Amadeus” was nominated for 11 Oscars in 1985, and won eight.

#12. Gandhi


Oscar Wins: 8
Oscar Nominations: 11
Release Year: 1982

Like “Chariots of Fire” before it and “Amadeus” after, “Gandhi” continued an impressive tradition of 1980s historical dramas that were true to period. The film was a career-defining showcase for Ben Kingsley as he portrayed the fallen Indian holy man.

“Gandhi” took home eight out of its 11 Oscar nominations, including best director and best actor.