Celebrity Gossip Roundup: NeNe Leakes Wendy Williams Fluff Up Terrence Howard Expensive Penis Pics

nene leakes irritated at wendy williams 2015 gossip

celebrity gossip nene leakes wendy williams beyonce terrance howard

What do you get when two messy ass women call themselves “beefing?” A messy ass mess. NeNe Leakes and Wendy Williams apparently have been feuding for a while and it came to a head over the weekend with an incident in Atlanta at the Ultimate Women’s Expo. At the Georgia World Congress Center, William’s husband Kevin Hunter started the mess when he demanded that organizers move Leaks’ dressing room away from his wife’s. I mean this dude was adamant about his wife being nowhere near NeNe.

nene leakes and wendy williams fight erupts 2015 gossip

Then to make matters worse, NeNe threw some major shade at the talk show host when she mocked an anecdote she used during her speech, interestingly titled, ““10 Rules Every Woman Should Live By.” Hmmm, I wonder if one of them is no beefing.

Her husband blew all the way up back stage after the jab and you kind of can’t blame him. I mean NeNe got up there after Williams and said,

“I’m your home girl — I live my life as an open book, and I’m happy I don’t need 10 rules to live by!”

Now I thought Peter from the Real Housewives of Atlanta got in females business too much but from what it is reported Hunter said, he takes the cake. Right after NeNe dissed Wendy, he exploded backstage saying to get her “motherfucking ass of the stage” and “turn that bitch’s mic off.” Damn Kevin, mad much? He defiantly needs to chill in the future and just let women have their squabbles. There really is no need for him to act that way.

nene leakes irritated at wendy williams 2015 gossip

The real kicker though is NeNe’s attitude after it all happened. She told Andy Cohen during an interview on Watch What Happens Live Sunday “I didn’t even see Wendy or her husband today.”

beyonce met gala dress 2015 gossip

Met Gala Fashion: Beyoncé Ruled the Red Carpet

Say what you want about Queen Bey. When it comes to making a statement and taking people’s shine, she does it without apology. The 2015 Met Gala also known as the Costume Institute Gala, is an annual fundraiser to benefit the “Metropolitan Museum of Arts Costume Institute in New York City.” Each year there is a theme and this year it was “China: Through the Looking Glass” and there were several “looking glass” dresses.

However, none of them stood out as much as Beyoncé’s. Now people are saying that she was doing the most and that it was unnecessary, etc. but there really is no denying the fact that she looked absolutely amazing. From her hair to her shoes, she slayed the damn thing. And really, can you expect anything else from her? Bey’s look way absolutely breathtaking.

beyonce met gala dress gets complaints 2015 gossip

You know, it always makes me wonder when people openly and vehemently hate on her and others about what they wear and what they do. I think it is all from a source of hateration and people just need to stop. Don’t get me wrong though, some people deserve the criticism they get (Kim Kardashian… cough).

jamie foxx national anthem panned by everyone 2015 gossip

Jamie Foxx on National Anthem: “I Was a Little Off”

You’ve got to love someone who can look at him or herself and say whatever one else is thinking (and saying). Jamie Foxx has finally broken his silence on the outcome of his rendition of the national anthem at the Mayweather Pacquiao fight.

Very aware that his stab at the song was less than enjoyable, he spoke with Ellen on her show Tuesday jokingly telling her,

oprah shocked at jamie foxx national anthem

‘Now some people were a little upset about how it went down. But here’s the thing first of all, anytime a black person sings the national anthem you know we gotta – “Oh sayyyyyyy can youuououou.”

He went on to further kind of “blame on or or or or or or or organ” saying that he couldn’t really hear it over the crowd and that messed up his “inner ear.” He then says,

“So some of it was a little off, but in the arena it killed. The telecast was a little off. But ya know we still love America!”

Oh Jamie Foxx, brushing off how he fucked up with humor and charm. There’s a reason he is rich and famous.
terrence howard ex wife extortion for naked pictures 2015 gossipTerrence Howard Extorted by Ex Wife

And another one bites the dust. One of my favorite green-eyed men is in a bit of a dilemma. Terrence Howard, star of the hit Fox show Empire, claims his ex wife Michelle, extorted him by threatening to release naked pictures of him unless he gave her what she wanted.

The marriage only lasted a year but this chick got five years worth of spousal support because of her threats. He has now filled legal documents that claim he recorded her saying how much she can make by revealing his package for the whole world to see.

In the docs filed by his attorney Brian Kramer, Terrence says he secretly recorded her saying, “I can make a good $2 million right now … you want to see your little **** out there in front of TV?”

Terrence says he has her on tape saying she will tell every woman in the world he gave her an STD.

He says she’s also caught on tape saying, “Trust me, you’re f****** with the wrong person. You f***** with me way too much. I will f****** bury you deep in the ground.”

Well damn, what the hell did he do to get on her bad side? He wants a judge to throw out the settlement, which makes sense because he is set to get a shit load of money from the second season of Empire. Of course I hope he wins, (for a whole other reason I will not go into right now).