The saga that is Bobbi Kristina Brown’s rush to the hospital and subsequent hospitalization continues. So many rumors have come out about how it all happened and if she is indeed going to make it. Every day that passes is beginning to feel like an episode of Empire. A quick update: Brown has been moved from North Fulton Hospital in Roswell, GA to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. TMZ is reporting that tensions between Houston and Brown family are rising quickly over who has access at the hospital.
As one source put it, “The Houston family is sick of the Brown family acting up, as they always do.”
The most recent update since last night is that Bobby Brown‘s attorney Christopher Brown of Brown & Rosen put out a statement clarifying that Nick Gordon is not Bobbi Kristina’s husband and never was contrary to statement she made to TMZ.
“We are currently investigating the events that led to the hospitalization of Bobbi Kristina,” Christopher Brown of Brown & Rosen, legal counsel for Bobby Brown said. “To correct earlier reports, Bobbi Kristina is not and has never been married to Nick Gordon.”
As reported early today by Movie TV Tech Geeks’ Curt Johnson, Bobbi Kristina was found by Nick Gordon, the man she calls her husband and his friend Maxwell Byron Lomas, face down in a tub in her Roswell, GA home. We don’t know exactly how long she was without oxygen, she has been on a ventilator for at least the last several days, she is surrounded by family, the police initially didn’t find drugs at the house when they did their first sweep but did when the visited the residence a second time, and her condition goes back and forth from bleak to getting better.
As fans of her mother Whitney Houston we were all upset and sad that Whitney met her demise the way she did. And it is clear based on Bobbi Kristina’s social media postings and interviews that she was still having a hard time dealing with her mom being gone.
Another report, that seems to not be getting a lot of attention, is that there is a strong possibility she suffered cardiac arrest during the whole ordeal which leads us to the dreaded assumption that most of us feared to be true- she overdosed.
This whole situation sheds a serious light on the emotional and mental health of those who have lost loved one and who struggle with drug addiction. As much as we want to believe otherwise, the chances that Bobbi Kristina was still doing drugs is high. The fact too that Gordon’s friend Lomas was arrested for drugging his own girlfriends not too long ago begs the question, why the hell did she have people like this around her in the first place?
When I first heard that the family would not allow Gordon to see her, I thought that they were out of order because regardless of how they feel, he is Bobbi Kristina’s husband. But we have found that to be a lie. The two never married according to her dad Bobby Brown and the Houston family backs him on that. Then it all made sense why they didn’t want him around. If he cared for her as a husband, he should have helped to create an environment that was conducive for her healing and growth. People who struggle with addition or who have in the past should not have enablers around them. Perhaps, however, Bobbi Kristina kept him around because he allowed her to do what she wanted, even to her own demise.
With new information being released around the clock (the whole world is watching) this is my conclusion of it all. Bobbi Kristina is a 21 year old girl who needed her mother. She has been damaged by the fact that Whitney is gone (and more than likely by other life events) and probably doesn’t have a great relationship with her father, so she turns this man who then takes advantage of her. He had no business calling himself her husband when a ceremony never officially happened. That sounds shady itself. She is now paying for the actions of her decision and her inactions to get help and heed advice.
It is unfortunate and despite the reports that things are getting better, to me, that’s just media talk for “we can’t let ya’ll know the truth yet.” We should all take a note from her family and plan for the worst.