On last night’s episode of Big Brother, Da’vonne said she is a super Big Brother fan. Jeff said he had hoped Jackie would win the first HOH competition. Jace said Austin was the yang to his ying. Jason moved into the HOH room with James, who said he needed to establish a foundation in the game. Jace said he wanted to take over the room and make the women in the house his women. Jason said he and James being along together in the HOH room would help them talk about the game. Jason said his biggest threat in the game would probably be the bigger guys in the house. Jeff said his relationship with Jackie was shaky because she wanted to be a couple and he didn’t. He then said his strategy was to create space between him and Jackie so the housemates wouldn’t see them as a pair.
Phil then came onscreen and told them their risk was paying off. He then introduced the next twist. Da’vonne and Vanessa were told they can’t be eliminated this week.. Then Da’vonne and Vanessa each got to choose a house guest that would also be safe. Vanessa she she wanted to pick someone who was likely to become HOH next week and that she wanted it to be someone with a different skill set than her. Steven said James has been avoiding him and Da’vonne said that was because Steve reminded the housemates of the person who won the previous season of Big Brother. Da’vonne chose Liz to be safe from elimination. Vanessa chose Austin to stay in the competition for at least another week
Austin said Jace was a huge target because of his loud mouth. Clay said he was enjoying getting to know Shelli. She said she wanted to spend time with Clay and get to know him. Da’vonne said Shelli was making her very nervous because of her budding relationship with Clay. Audrey said she and Jason were bonded by their culture. Dav’onne said Austin and Jace had an alliance and she didn’t trust Jace. Audrey said Jace was a beast and that was in issue in the game. She also said she and Jason were completely on the same page. Audrey said Jace had to be sent out the back door to get him eliminated from the game. Jason told Steven he was a pawn in this game because he is so grateful to be there that no one wants to take advantage of him.
All of the house guests sat down at the table to hear Jason and James announce the nominees for the two house guests getting evicted. John and Becky were chosen by Jason for eviction because they hadn’t taken the time to communicate with him. James then announced that he was nominating Steven and Jackie because he wanted them out of the game. He then dismissed the house guests from the table. Jace said that even know everyone else was worried about elimination he wasn’t because he feels like he has been social enough so far in the game and that he was making new relationships that would take him far. Audrey said she was happy because everything had turned out the way she wanted it to. Steven and Jackie talked about the fact that they couldn’t expect anything. Steven hugged Becky who confessed that she had too much confidence that she was safe from eviction. She said she was surprised and a little hurt to be nominated for elimination. Jason then told Becky she was nominated for eviction just to shake up the other house guests. He told Becky she had friends in the Big Brother house and confessed that he was trying to do damage control. Becky confessed she was trying to get Jason to trust her in the hopes that he will get eliminated from the game next week.
Last night’s Battle of the Block involved a simulated city. James’ nominees and Jason’s nominees had to compete to determine who would be safe from eviction. Both teams had to build a new skyscraper for the simulated city. Becky discussed her strategy for winning the challenge. Jackie said she knew she would do well in the challenge. Steve said he wanted to win the Battle of the Block because it was the only way he could save himself. Jeff said he couldn’t show his excitement because he didn’t want a target on his back. John and Becky then won the Battle of the Block, dethroning Jason from the head of household. Jason said he hoped James would stick with their plan.