Voters usually only get to hear the political spin that emanates from within each 2016 Presidential candidates war room, but there’s usually many more things that aren’t publicized as much. Each political candidate usually has a dossier of the good and the bad on their opponents and often save certain salvos until they absolutely need them. These top 25 facts and figures on Republican candidate Chris Christie could help shape your decision on him in New Hampshire and perhaps down the line if he stays in the race.
Although Chris Christie is now a more well-known figure in national politics — thanks in part to this year’s giant and boisterous Republican field — the New Jersey governor has been an important utility player in the GOP since the early 1990s. He volunteered for President George H. W. Bush’s 1992 campaign, fundraised for President George W. Bush’s 2000 race and held a variety of local-level positions in the Garden State.
Christie was first elected governor in 2009 and won a second term in a landslide in 2013. Since that first victory, Christie has been on the shortlist of potential presidential candidates and possible VP options. In summer 2015, he decided to run for the White House, leaning on his brash, no-nonsense persona that garnered him plenty of fans and detractors.
With the presidential race kicking into high gear as primary season starts, our friends at Inside Gov looked at some numbers that have defined Christie’s career and time in the political spotlight. Each data point has been ranked from smallest to largest for your reading convenience.