Monthly Archives: October, 2019

Hottest Holiday Gift Ideas with Electronics

Electronics are always a hot gift giving item. Everyone always craves that one special tech geek gift, and hopes someone will get it for...

Mark Zuckerberg heads back to Congress for Facebook Libra chat

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg heads back to Congress to discuss his new Libra digital currency.

‘Joker’ proves Hollywood risks can pay off at box office

Warner Bros. took a big risk with Joker which paid off breaking October history proving controversy sometimes sells.

Nickelback blocks Donald Trump while Fox takes on WWE

Donald Trump got a copyright slap from Nickelback after he used without permission a music video as a slap at Joe Biden.

James Franco school of sexual exploitation lawsuit

James Franco is under fire as two former students of his Studio 4 acting school have sued the actor for sexual exploitation.

Court kills net neutrality but states can still save it

Net neutrality is dead in the eyes of the FCC and Ajit Pai, but states will be allowed to set their own standard now.

What You Need To Know About Ranking For Local SEO

Local SEO is not always easy for businesses so here are the hottest tips to guarantee you the best ranking on search engines like Google.

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