BIG BROTHER 1714: Austin Using Wrong Head On Twins
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Jackie celebrated her head of “Big Brother” household status last night while Austin continues thinking he’s much smarter than everyone else in the room. Vanessa said she knows she is probably one of Jackie’s top targets for eviction because she helped get Jeff evicted. Austin said his goal is to make sure Liz and Julia are safe from eviction this week. He also said if he gave Jason information he would trust Austin and not feel that Liz and Julia are targets in the game. Liz and Julia then switched places again.Jason questioned why Austin was telling him Liz is a twin when he had already figured that out. He also said Julia has her own name and she isn’t simply Liz #2. Austin said he wanted to work with both the twins as long as possible but his heart belongs to Liz. Jason said it seemed like Austin was trying to sell out Julia because he prefers Liz. Jason said Liz and Julia were going to be his targets.
Shelli complained that Austin was exposing the twins already, when they had agreed to keep it a secret. Vanessa said Austin was selling out his alliance and she was not OK with that. Shelli told Clay the plan to keep Liz in the game and target Julia. Shelli said Austin was throwing Julia under the bus so he could hook up with Liz. Vanessa considered cutting ties with Austin in their alliance. Vanessa said she thought she and Jackie could find common ground since they are both heads of household this week. Vanessa said she didn’t 100% trust the twins.
Vanessa said Austin has been her closest friend in the game and it would change things permanently between them if she put him up for eviction. She said she knew Austin was lying to her about the details he gave Jason about the twins. Austin said he didn’t want to reveal everything to Vanessa yet. James told Vanessa her mom was gorgeous, based on a picture he saw of the two. Vanessa said Austin’s judgement was clouded because he was falling in love with Liz. Vanessa told Julia Austin said he was going to target her for eviction because he wants Liz. Julia swore she wouldn’t tell Liz what Austin said.
Jackie said she wanted Austin or Liz to go home this week. Clay said he wanted them to pull off a win and get Austin nominated for eviction. Jackie told Becky the housemates were going to work together. Jackie then said she is nominating Liz for eviction this week.
Vanessa said that Austin betrayed her and she didn’t like being lied to. She also said Austin had no idea he was going down. Jason said he would never throw a competition normally, but now he might. Vanessa said Jackie was going to get blood on her hands from putting Austin up for eviction so Vanessa wouldn’t have to get the blood on her hands for wanting to get rid of him.
When it was time for the nomination ceremony Jackie nominated James and Julia for eviction. She said both of them had put her up for nomination and now she was returning the favor. Vanessa nominated Clay and Becky for eviction. John said he didn’t know what to do with himself this week because he is not up for eviction. Julia said that she trusted Vanessa but not Jackie. Vanessa said once Austin is gone she wants to be who Julia and Liz trust the most in the house.
Julia and Liz then switched places again and Liz was horrified to find out Julia was up for eviction. She said she was getting a bad vibe from Austin. Vanessa said she had done everything to keep Clay and Shelli from going up for eviction.
This week’s Battle of the Block competition a mock newsroom. When Jason saw a blank wall he said that is what Clay’s head probably looks like. The four nominees for eviction had to identify housemates from last year’s season of Big Brother. They had to unscramble the names of three of the contestants from last season.
Liz said this Battle of the Block is important to her and Julia staying in the game. Vanessa once again said she is letting Jackie do her dirty work. James said he must look nutty trying to complete this challenge. Liz said she realized during this competition she is the brains of the operation and James doesn’t really know what he is doing. James said he was supposed to be throwing the competition but he couldn’t do that unless Liz slowed down.
James and Liz won this week’s Battle of the Block, making them safe from eviction for the week. Liz said winning this was the best victory ever and soon she and Julia would be able to play the game together. James said he didn’t want to win Battle of the Block but he would enjoy the free Outback Steakhouse dinner he, Liz, and Vanessa will now get. Shelli said she was panicking because now Clay is up for eviction. Clay said he still hoped they could get Austin evicted this week.
The post BIG BROTHER 1714: Austin Using Wrong Head On Twins appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Julie Wein