Everyday, there’s a new heightened drama around Bobbi Kristina Brown who’s condition, sadly hasn’t changed. This week, we’ve reported that family members have spoken to her father Bobby Brown about continuing life support, but as of today, he’s opposed to that. Tensions began brewing a couple days ago, but now things have escalated this morning where the police were called in to deal with one family member hitting another one with a bottle and cutting open their head. It truly has become an episode of Empire now.
Bobbi Kristina Brown’s condition in the hospital hasn’t changed and she remains in a coma, but Bobby Brown’s family members have stirred up enough trouble to get the police involved, the Hollywood Reporter reported today.
Early Friday morning, Atlanta police responded to a fight call at the W Atlanta hotel where apparently Bobby Brown’s sister Tina, hit his cousin Shayne in the head with a bottle. Officer Kim Jones said:
“Fight call was involving the family members of pop star Bobby Brown. One victim Shayne Brown was struck in the head with a bottle by suspect Tina Brown. Mr. Shayne Brown chose to drive himself to the hospital, and Mrs. Tina Brown left the scene before police arrived. The motive of the fight is unclear at this time. Mr. Shayne Brown received lacerations to his head.”
We reported earlier this week that shortly after Bobbi Kristina was moved from North Fulton Hospital to Emory University Hosptial in Atlanta, tensions began bubbling up in the family, but now with so much drama and worry happening, things have come to a head.
There’s been no word on Bobby Brown’s involvement, if any, in this altercation. TMZ reported early this morning that Brown is refusing to take his daughter off life support due to his religion and belief that God will deliver a miracle. These feeling have not been shared by her doctors, who have advised that she will not improve and stopping life support is the most appropriate choice. Family members have talked to him about this, but as of this morning, he is remaining steadfast to his beliefs.
While the family dysfunction swirls around her, Bobbi Kristina remains in a medically induced coma after being found unconscious facedown in a bathtub full of water on Jan. 31. Doctors are leaving it up to the family to decide how long they want to keep her on a ventilator.
Currently, police are considering this a medical incident, Spokesperson Lisa Holland said. She went further to say that investigators had found nothing to indicate it was drug or alcohol related.
Contrary to this statement, TMZ reported yesterday that unnamed family members have confirmed that over the weekend, the police went back to search the home more thoroughly, and unlike the first time, they found and seized several items.
The police will not confirm this, but family members are saying otherwise. Unnamed law enforcement officials have also confirmed to TMZ that they believed from the beginning that drugs were the only explanation for Bobbi Kristina ending up facedown in a bathtub full of water similar to her mother, actress/singer Whitney Houston nearly three years ago. The police source stated that they didn’t find anything in their preliminary investigation because they were only looking for things “out in the open”. The second time was much more thorough.
This sad incident comes less than two weeks away before the third anniversary of Whitney Houston’s death on Feb. 11, at the Beverly Hilton just hours before she was to attend a pre-Grammys bash.