10 Worst Football Injuries
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My love of football does not blind me to the violent nature of the game. Over the years I have seen my fair share of bad injuries. That is unfortunately part of the game. It would be nice if every player could escape each game unscathed. But that is a fantasy. Big fast guys running directly into each other repeatedly is a recipe for disaster and it shows up on the injury report. Here are ten of the worst injuries in football that I have come across.
Willis McGahee got his knee bent in an abnormal fashion in a National Title Game when he was balling for the “U”. His gruesome injury may have kept him from being the pro player he could have been, but he ended up with a decent NFL career anyway.
Marcus Lattimore was a promising NFL prospect at running back, maybe the best in the country at one point. He got his knee twisted basically backwards in a college game that paid him zero dollars. Just another point for paying college athletes.
Ed McCaffrey was a good receiver for the Broncos back in the days of Elway glory. He unfortunately jacked his leg up to the tune of a compound fracture on Monday Night Football in 2001.
Tim Krumrie’s leg got jacked in the biggest of games. A Super Bowl stage is a bad place to get hurt like this man did. As if there is a good place to have your leg snapped.
Napoleon McCallum was a super fast back for the Raiders until he suffered one of the worst leg injuries not involving a train. His Monday Night Football injury ended his football career.
Joe Theismann was so injured by bloodthirsty sackmaster Lawrence Taylor, that medical help was summoned by the Hall Of Fame LT himself.
Dennis Byrd was temporarily paralyzed by the game he loved. He was able to walk again but football was no more a possibility for him. This is a serious game folks, lest we forget.
Darryl Stingley was headed to the top of the receiver ranks in the NFL when a vicious hit left him paralyzed for the remainder of his life. It is amazing that more injuries like this one have not happened.
Junior Seau was a great linebacker that had severe depression after the game of football was over for him. See #1 on the list to see the same fate Seau would suffer.
Dave Duerson was a hell of a football player and a standout among the best of the best. He was a big part of the best defense of all time, the ’85 Bears. This man killed himself with a shotgun to the chest so that his brain would be intact for medical study per his written request. The findings were that Duerson had brain damage consistent with CTE. He knew something was wrong and couldn’t fix himself. He impacted many with the way he tragically ended his life and wanted others to find out what happened to his mind as a result of a long football career.
The post 10 Worst Football Injuries appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Shane Mclendon
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