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BIG BROTHER 1711: Austin Goes Dark & Jeff Goes Home
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Austin brought out his dark Judas side on Big Brother, and Jeff said it was obvious Vanessa was trying to get rid of him. Jason said he was annoyed that Audrey keeps getting spared from eviction. James said even though he wanted Audrey up for elimination with him he was happy that Jeff was up for elimination instead because that makes Jeff a target rather than James. Jackie said Jeff is the only person in the house she trusts and the only one she considers a friend.
Austin said after everything that has happened this week Jeff still thinks Austin has his back, but he doesn’t. Clay said he thought James was more trustworthy than Jeff. Meg said she wanted James out because he is likeable and is getting more and more popular in the house. Clay told Jeff he is getting too caught up in the game. He also said Jeff breached his trust but he would give Jeff another chance.
Shelli told Jeff she didn’t want to send him home and then she gave him a hug. Jeff told Jackie that Shelli is emotional and he was going to play into that. Austin said though he is friends with Liz and Julia he has a stronger connection with Liz. Jeff wanted to know what he could do to get a cuddle date with Liz so he wanted to talk to her privately. He said her vote might be the swing vote he needs. Liz said she feels she can control Austin by flirting with him. Austin said he was pissed Liz let Jeff get in bed with her. Liz told Austin that Jeff asked if she was a twin and she denied it. She then said she thought Austin was trying to manipulate her.
The live vote then began. James said he loves the other house guests and each one of them has taught him something. Jeff said he didn’t see him being up for eviction coming but that the vote was about blindsiding him. He also told the house guests to place their votes based on who would help them succeed in the game.
Jackie voted to evict James while Austin voted to evict Jeff. John voted to evict James while Meg voted Jeff for eviction. Clay and Shelli voted to evict Jeff. Steve and Liz voted to evict James. Jason, Audrey and Becky voted to evict Jeff. This meant Jeff was the house guest evicted for this week. Jeff wished Jackie good luck in the game before he left the Big Brother house. Meg and James comforted Jackie.
Julie Chen asked Jeff if he expected Jackie to win the game and he said yes. Jeff said floating through the game might work for Jackie right now. Jeff said he had no problem flirting with Liz in front of Austin even though Austin is attracted to Liz too. Liz and Julia then confessed their twin switch to Jeff.
This week’s head of household competition involved watching 1990s dances. The house guests had to answer true or false questions about the videos to determine who is the next head of household. James, Jason, Steve and Clay were eliminated after the first question. Meg and Austin were eliminated after the second one. Liz and Shelli then became the new heads of household. Liz said she was beyond excited to become one head of household. The studio audience then got to ask the house guests questions.
After Jeff became many Big Brother Superfans most hated houseguest, he got a chance to explain what happened in the house to Julie Chen.
What happened?
That caught me off guard, I think I was playing one of the best games in the house. Not to sound too cocky about it, but I really do. So it’s just a complete blindside. I think I started to make a big target for myself because people started to notice that my game was on point and I was calling a lot of things. A lot of things I was calling out were true and it scared a lot of people.
Out of the past two evicted houseguests, Jace and Da’Vonne, do you think either of them staying in the game would have helped yours?
Absolutely. Not Jace, but Day for sure would have been on my side and she would have helped basically campaign against certain people. Day had a decent connection with Vanessa and would have been able to steer her in the right direction and to continue with the game plan to get Audrey out. That’s basically my downfall, Vanessa didn’t have the guts to pull the trigger.
Why do you think you and Jackie were cast, as opposed to other Amazing Race duos?
The main reason was Jackie and I on The Amazing Race obviously displayed somewhat of a showmance. One of the things we stated after the show was we weren’t going to be able to maintain any type of relationship because of the geographical difference in where we live. I think they thought, “Let’s put them in a house, make them live together for a few months and see what develops out of it.”
So you were cast on Big Brother to rebuild your relationship with Jackie?
Yeah, and I think that’s what America wanted. They really liked and enjoyed watching Jackie and I form a relationship. It was definitely in the best interest for CBS to do, but also America wanted to see something like that.
Best interest for CBS in terms of ratings?
Yeah, absolutely.
What is the difference between racing Amazing Race and playing Big Brother? Production, cast, fans?
The shows are nowhere near being any similar. The game play is completely different. Amazing Race is much more physical and Big Brother is a much more complex game and much more difficult to win. I do think I exhibit a lot of the qualities it takes to win Big Brother, but it’s hard for me to toot my horn on that because I’m obviously sitting here talking to you.
What is your response to superfans of Big Brother who aren’t a fan of yours? Will you respond to hate on social media?
There’s always going to be haters in this world. I guess I haven’t really looked into all the negative comments I’ve had from fans, but I’m sure that it’s a lot more out there than Amazing Race just because there are a lot more superfans. I have one of those personalities, I don’t have any in between people, I have people who either love me or hate me. If they attack me on social media, it’s going to be no skin off my back. It just goes to show their character. If they have that much time in their day to go on my social media and try to cause mayhem they need to find a significant other to spend time with or maybe get a job.
What is your response to Big Brother veterans who aren’t a fan of yours? Rachel mentioned on Twitter that casting you and Jackie was boring. Former winner Evel Dick has been vocal on Twitter about not being a fan of yours.
Obviously Evel Dick, him and I have no similarities as far as who we are as people, how we want to play the game. He would be more of a fan of somebody like Austin, so I couldn’t see him being a fan of mine to begin with. If I wanted to play a game of just manipulation and bullying, then he would be a huge fan. He might be a fan of Audrey, for that matter. As far as Rachel saying it was boring, you know so be it, but watching the same person do multiple seasons is kind of boring.
The post BIG BROTHER 1711: Austin Goes Dark & Jeff Goes Home appeared first on Movie TV Tech Geeks News By: Curt Johnson
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