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‘Walker’ Delivers an Emotional Goodbye Episode for Lindsey Morgan

The holiday themed episode of “Walker,” aptly titled Douglas Fir, has an interesting start – which in my book is a good thing. A Texas-sounding version of Jingle Bells plays as a big red bow blows down the street like a tumbleweed, shifting to a guy eating a candy cane driving along the road listening to that song on the radio. It then shifts into more stereotypical “Walker” territory as some bad guys hold up the public safety truck (wearing truly creepy reindeer masks and carrying big guns). They beat him rather brutally and then break into the van with a blow torch. That was a suitably offbeat beginning for an episode that turned out to be very emotional, for its cast and its fans.

Red wrapping ribbon sits alone and aloof on the streets of Austin for Walker.
Bad boys on Walker in deer masks come in shooting ar 15s 2.06.

This was the last episode for Lindsey Morgan (Micki), who leaves the show for personal and self-care reasons, with the full support of the rest of the cast and production. As a fan of the show and the character, I will definitely miss her, but this episode handled her departure with compassion by bringing some of the real-life themes right into the canon of the show.

It’s also the holiday episode, so the next scene finds the Walker kids bringing in a sort of Charlie Brown Christmas tree, right down to the criss cross wood stand it’s nailed onto. Augie’s shoulder is still hurting but he doesn’t want to own up to how it happened. Enter Cordell – Jared Padalecki looking seriously adorable in an elf hat and being all in the holiday spirit. Bonham is decidedly not in the holiday spirit, unfortunately – and not on board with the Charlie Brown tree though I think it’s kinda cute. 

Cordell on Walker looking tired pointing at Bonham.
Walker pointing at Bonham asking whats wrong with him 2.06.

The Walker bros reminisce about 90s Christmases which unfortunately also includes some bad memories with the Davidsons. Cordell is still not wanting a war and Liam agrees to be civil.

Cordell: We’re good?

Liam: Yeah man, we’re good.

Gay brother LIam touching hands gently with Jared Padalecki looking at bulges.

Enter Denise, who shares a lot of those holiday memories with the Walkers but isn’t in the holiday spirit, especially now that the transport van was hijacked.  Denise asks Liam to go with Cordell to check it out since the locals will clam up when they see her in her old stomping grounds.

Meanwhile, Micki and Trey try to talk it out about Garrison, so she doesn’t answer Walker’s phone call. She apologizes for not telling Trey sooner and tries to explain, being truthful about Garrison being her ex-fiance. Trey’s hurt, understandably, because she lied – especially about something so big, not just an ex boyfriend but Micki being engaged. Her explanation for how he ‘slipped right out of my hands’ is so vague I’m not sure Trey even understands that it is literal and not a metaphor, but it seems like they have a chance to work things out now that she’s come clean.

Micki: Are we okay?

Trey: Cmon, it’s us, it’s Tricki…

(I kinda love that they’ve incorporated the fannish ship name into the show). But the directorial choice to position the painting between speaks volumes.

Micki and trey again talkinga nd talking so boring on Walker.
Micki continues annoying Walker fans to leave the show please 2.06.

The brothers Walker go Christmas tree shopping as they investigate, intending to be ‘holiday heroes’ – fandom is happy because they are both wearing their hats along with scarves and they frankly look very attractive indeed.  They accuse the tree place owners of being part of Serano’s team and of hijacking the van, but the guys put the suspicion on none other than Dan Miller.

Cordell: Dan Miller lives in Austin.

The bad guy says nope, he lives in Thalia now, which is news to the Walkers.

Jared Padalecki working gay cowboy outfit on Walker.
Gay brother LIam attempting Ralph Lauren cowboy hot look on Walker 2.06.

Back at the school, there is much holiday decorating and partying and Augie holding his hurt shoulder but ignoring it so he can impress the girl he likes. Augie connects with Colton over music and they agree to work together on playing the piano.

Denise thanks Trey for his good work as a counselor with the escape rooms.

Back in Thalia, in another weirdly juxtaposed scene of Christmas music playing, Dan boxes up his decorations – including a creepy reindeer mask – and hides shotguns in the decorations box, as the Walker bros knock on the door.

Walker digging out gun from box of christmas lights.
Walker checking in on DAn with gay brother Liam 2.06.

Liam calls him ‘Danny Boy’ which he definitely does not appreciate.

Walker: You always keep your shotgun next to your decorations?

Dan: Oh yeah, right next to my second amendment.

Kinda liked that it’s the bad guy saying that, NGL.

Jared Padalecki and Keegan Allen in cowboy drag for Walker.
Walker Dan looking gay brother LIam up and down ready to slurp him up hard 2.06.

Dan reminds Cordell that he had a little run in with Serano “saving your baby brother,” which gave me lots of “Supernatural” feels but is not meant to be friendly coming from Dan Miller.  The Walkers are not amused.  Liam confronts Dan, accusing him of finding the route for the evidence van on Denise’s laptop and going back to his old ways, or maybe Northside Nation is squeezing him.

Liam: I just can’t figure you out…must be that perfect hair.

Dan: Well, you just gotta put in the time and find the right product, you’ll get there.

Dan coming on strong to gay brother LIam on Walker asking about his perfect hair.

Oh snap.  Three dudes with pretty much perfect hair all throwing down about hair!

Micki and Trey get along at the holiday party until Trey says he threw himself into the new job to get his mind off what “you had done”.  She asks for honesty, asks if he blames her, and he says he doesn’t but that she ran off undercover once they started to talk about commitment.

Trey: You were engaged, so maybe it was about commitment to ME. That fork in the road you mentioned, you know I’m on the wrong side of it.

Ouch. Tricki is in trouble.

Trey fighting with Micki on Walker Douglas Fir.
Micki having fight with Trey on Walker.

The Walker brothers go out for burgers, a little more in sync than the Winchester brothers ever were about food. Liam is convinced that Dan is guilty and a violent criminal, while Cordell still wants to stay calm. He says he knows what Liam is going through.

Liam: No you don’t. Because when I hear a gunshot now, Cordell, I look down to see where the bullet is in me.

I love the way this show does not shy away from exploring the very real emotional reactions that people have when violence invades their lives. Supernatural did some of that too and I always appreciated it. This scene between Jared Padalecki and Keegan Allen was so intense – as it should be – as Cordell realizes and apologizes.

Gay brother Walker brother LIam with white goo on his mouth after having a party and play PNP weekend with Jared Padalecki.
Cordell wiping off white liquid from gay brother LIams mouth.

Liam has a bad feeling about Dan; both brothers ask each other to trust the other.

And then Gail Davidson shows up at the restaurant, wanting a word alone with Cordell, so Liam goes outside, clearly pissed. Dan gets out of his truck, gloating with a “safety first, never know if anyone shady is around” and Liam snaps. He looks in Dan’s van and sees the creepy deer mask and knocks out the taillight of Dan’s truck, then uses the handy dandy payphone (payphone?!) to call in a tip about it.  Uh oh, I have a bad feeling about this.

Liam putting jacket back on after turning tricks in the bus stop parking lot with Jared Padalecki.

Gail gives Cordell the intel that a hardware store sold blowtorches to some “meth heads”, claiming she’s up in Thalia with Dan because he screwed up and missed a counseling session last week. Cordell doesn’t really buy it, though he says he’ll check it out.

Walker smiling at Gail on 2.06
GAil asks Cordell Walker to keep Dans bachelor weekend a secret.

Gail asks Cordell to keep Dan’s ‘bachelor weekend’ to himself and he says he will.

Cordell: But if you screw me over on this, my whole peacemaker bit is over. And you won’t like what comes next.

Dayum threatening Cordell, is hot.

Dayum threatens Cordell on Walker and he smirks.

They find the bad guys and the van, a shoot out happens, Cordell drives right through the garage door and they take the bad guys down – though one of them threatens Cordell with a blowtorch and taunts him. Walker throws down the gun and says ‘bring it’ and takes him down with fists anyway. And a well placed swinging chain – all set to some bouncy music.

Walker Jared Padalecki showing group of men he is ready to give plenty of hand jobs today.
Cordell bringing down bad guys by groping them up with Jared Padalecki.

Cordell: You know, you could’ve just dropped the torch.

The music in this episode is perfect.

Cordell says they might owe Dan Miller an apology and the Walker brothers head out to get another Douglas fir, and for some reason Liam doesn’t tell Cordell that he saw a creepy deer mask in Dan’s truck. Why not??

They run into Dan stopped by the police on the road and Cordell realizes that Liam did something he shouldn’t have. Liam tries to get Cordell not to stop and admits he made a call, insisting that Dan was a threat. He says he was safe, there were no cameras, and Cordell realizes just how serious this is.

Gay Walker Brother Liam looking guilty to Cordell.
Walker Cordell angry at gay brother Liam.

Cordell: Don’t lie to me. Did you call in a false report to get around a warrant?

Liam is tearful as he admits it, and Cordell is furious, saying this is a line you do not cross, that this is the end of a career – “your career!”

Oh no, poor Liam. I realize he shouldn’t have done that, but ouch.

Liam admits calling in false report to Cordell on Walker.

A lot happens at the holiday party as the episode draws to a close. Augie suggests that he and Colton upgrade from neighbors to friends, they play piano together at the party and Augie’s crush appreciates it, while Micki and Trey avoid each other across the room.  And Liam mans up and goes to talk to Denise and it seems like things are about to crash down around him.

Augie tries to ignore Colton's gripping his butt but enjoys it wishing it was Jared Padalecki instead.

Cordell arrives at the party and sees Liam confessing to Denise. He lets the kids drag him into the holiday spirit though, just as Bonham arrives – as Santa in a pickup truck! Priceless Mitch Pileggi “light ‘em up!”

Stella asks if Cordell knew about this and Cordell says yes.

Cordell: He and I wanted to surprise you, and frankly I wanted to see him in that wig.

Walker gay brother Liam in Santa drag with new car for Denise.
Cordell getting into Christmas spirit on Walker.
Walker Augie showing how much meat he can have stuffed into his mouth while singing church songs.

While his dad seems in a good mood, Augie confesses about falling through the Davidsons’ barn (because he had to see about a girl…) and being injured.

The tree is lit, Cordell hugs his kids, and it starts to snow in Texas.

Jared Padalecki caressing son Augie privately and softly in front of Christmas tree.

Trey: That wasn’t supposed to happen tonight.

Micki: A lot of stuff wasn’t supposed to happen tonight, I think.

It’s kinda the tag line for the episode, and for some real-life happenings too. Trey and Micki have a heart to heart, still so much warmth between them, and it’s a conversation that parallels Lindsey Morgan’s real life exit from the show – that honesty that’s necessary to move forward. They both have tears in their eyes as they struggle to say goodbye without wanting to say it, just as she’s doing in real life.  They hug as music plays in the background, asking “Don’t you wanna be happy?”

Micki:  I need to go home, I need to figure out how I got here, otherwise I don’t think I can make it back.

Walker Micki telling Trey she's leaving him for good finally.

It’s what Lindsey needs too, to go home, to regroup, to figure out how to be okay and move forward.

They kiss, but it’s goodbye.

Micki: I love you.

Lindsey Morgan hugging Walker Trey for final time.
Lindsey Morgan kissing Walker Trey for final time.

She walks away, wiping tears as the snow falls, and it’s part great acting but it’s part Lindsey too, I can’t help but think, and suddenly I found myself crying too.

I will miss her, a lot.

Lindsey Morgan wiping tears from eyes in front of Christmas tree.

Micki goes to her office to clear out her desk and leave a note for Walker and Captain James finds her there – she lays down her badge and her gun and picks up a framed photo to take it with her, and he comes in and he knows.

James: Please tell me there’s something I can say to make you change your mind.

The thing is, in real life too sometimes there’s not. Because sometimes leaving is the right decision.

Micki: Sometimes you spend so much time trying to prove you can do what everyone says you could and you’ve just lost track of why you’re doing it at all.

Walker Lindsey Morgan realizing Coby Bell hated her being on his show with Jared Padalecki.
Coby Bell not giving a damn about Lindsey Morgan leaving Walker show. Get rid of her I say.

Walker comes in too after talking to Trey, and also realizes. He apologizes to her, saying she helped him and he should’ve reached out to her more, but Micki says no, she’s trying to look at the positive here. I have no doubt that’s Lindsey too, because it was clearly hard for her to leave but the right decision for her.

Micki: Everything that happened, it gave me this clarity. I wanna love my job, this place. I used to.

I don’t know how intentional it is, but that dialogue works perfectly for the real life situation too.

They quote Shakespeare to each other, like when they met. “Give me your hand if we be friends.”

Cordell is tearing up too, part Walker, part Padalecki.

Cordel quoting Shakespeare to Micki before she leaves Walker show.
Micki tearing up as she says good on Walker show.

Micki: Thank you for taking a chance on me, sir.

That feels like Lindsey, and it’s clear that no one regrets taking that chance.

James: The door is always open, all right?

Micki: You’ll always be my family, Beau.

Cordell: Back at ya, Flor.

Jared Padalecki beginning to cry when Micki leaves Walker.
Micki telling Cordell goodbye on Walker 2.06.

She hands her badge to James and he reluctantly takes it.

Micki: It was a privilege.

She walks away, all three of them with eyes full of tears. The last shot is Micki – Lindsey – leaving. Walking away. And that’s what she did, in reality.

Jared Padalecki Cordell watches Micki leave show for last time with Lindsey Morgan.
Lindsey Morgan walking off final set of Walker show as Micki.
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

I am so so proud of the show, of Jared as EP, of the network, of her colleagues, for supporting her in making the decision that was best for her, that she needed to make. So often, perhaps especially in this business, but in life in general, we don’t support each other in making those kinds of decisions, and so people find it hard to do what they need to do to take care of themselves. Kudos to “Walker” and all involved for breaking that mold.

When I was putting together the book ‘Family Don’t End With Blood’, Jared Padalecki volunteered to write a chapter. I expected a few pages –  but when the draft arrived it was over thirty pages of him getting just as real as Lindsey did when she made this decision. He wrote about the pressure of being the lead on a television show when you’re struggling with your emotional health, and how impossible it can seem to do anything about that. Jared knows what that’s like, and when he was in the position of creating a climate that would allow even a lead actor to practice self-care, he made sure that could happen. It’s rare, but so needed, especially in this more stressful than ever world. When I saw him last weekend, I told him how much I valued this episode and its real-life parallels. He nodded and expressed his thanks and then said quietly, “I cried.”

I said “Me too.”

The last scene of this episode worked perfectly as both Micki’s goodbye and Lindsey’s, the dialogue a mirror for real life acceptance of a real person’s need to walk away to be okay and be true to herself. Watching Jared Padalecki and Coby Bell struggle to support her while having to say goodbye felt more real than acting, but that just made the scene more powerful.

I can’t help but think that Lindsey meant it every bit as much as Micki did when she went on.

Micki: It was a privilege.

And Jared and Coby meant what they said too – the door is always open and you’ll always be family.

Jared Padalecki live tweeted the episode and reiterated that sentiment to Lindsey, with the fandom chiming in with our support and gratitude as well.

jared padaelcki tweet to lindsey morgan on walker 2.06 douglas fir

We’ll miss you Lindsey, but I’m so glad you were able to do what you needed to do to take care of yourself, and that you landed in the rare environment that made that okay. We need more of that!

“Walker” is on hiatus until mid-January – happy holidays everyone!

‘Walker’s’ Episode 2.04 Warns It’s Not What You Think

The title of this “Walker” episode is relevant right away in a misleading beginning as someone sneaks around in the Walker house while Bonham and Abeline are sleeping, which is super creepy. Bonham wakes up and gets out his gun and nearly shoots his son surprising his parents with their morning coffees – which is about as good a case for not having guns around as any (though Bonham does keep it in a locked gun box).

Bonham is not amused.

Walker Bonham with gun 2.04.

Bonham: I woke up to a 6’ 4” grinning busybody…

Abeline: His heart’s in the right place…

Of course, they have no idea why Cordell is acting so nervous or waking them up with coffee and insisting they come to the SideStep for breakfast because their fridge is mysteriously broken – but we know. Dan is watching, which is creepy as hell because he’s watching Bonham and Abeline’s bedroom for godsakes and why is no one commenting on just how creepy that is?? Just like it was super creepy that they were watching Stella in her bedroom in her robe last week. Ewww.

Walker Dan watching Cordell family on camera.

Dan has overheard Cordell’s tearful insistence that the fateful fire was his fault but not much else, and he’s already suspicious of the other bad guy Earl – who has figured out that Dan and Denise are going to marriage counseling.

Cordell isn’t the only one who’s jumpy – Micki is still dealing with PTSD symptoms from Garrison’s fall, rubbing the marks still on her arms from where he tried and failed to hang on. Trey’s gentle touch makes her startle and she’s subtly pulling away from him too, kissing him on the cheek after deflecting from his kiss, again a pretty realistic portrayal of her psychological issues (something I’ve been appreciating about this show from the start). 

Walker Micki looking at handprint of man she let die off wall 2.04.
Walker Micki flashback to man falling from her grip.
Micki and Trey talking yet again wishing they would end their relationship on Walker.

He knows something’s wrong and that there’s something she’s not telling him, glancing at the painting of the church as she leaves, but he’s also trying to give her space and time to open up to him on her own.

Breakfast at the Side Step looks delicious and makes me hungry, even Liam chowing down on bacon though he brought his green juice with him, and is he taking a page from the Sam Winchester little brother healthy eating book??

Bonham: Bacon isn’t a cheat, it’s a lifestyle.

Walker gay Liam ready to shove hot meat into his mouth 2.04.

Bonham has clearly taken a page from the Dean and Mary Winchester book when it comes to bacon, and I’m in full agreement with him.

Liam: So what’s the news, big brother?

Cordell: There’s a camera hidden in our home.

Stella: You let us sleep at home after you found a spy camera? The day I take my SATs?

Walker Cordell tells family they are being recorded at home 2.04.
Walker  Augie reacts to hearing a camera is recording his bedroom jack activity.

Poor Cordell, he really cannot get a break.  That struck me as an extremely realistic thing for a developmentally appropriately self-centered adolescent to say though!

Liam immediately suspects the Davidsons, but Cordell pulls him aside (not nearly far enough aside that the family can’t hear him btw, which happens all the time on TV and always drives me nuts) and asks him not to add fuel to the fire. Cordell thinks it’s Serano.

Liam: You always do this, you always give Denise the benefit of the doubt, never me!

Abeline: Boys, enough!

Walker fighting with gay Liam brothers 2.04.
Gay Liam ready to get pounded by Jared Padalecki Cordell in Walker.
Abeline and Bonham looking unhappy at bar with Barn Burner.

Liam is little brother pissed though. There is clearly a lot of sibling resentment under that bridge.  Breakfast just got a lot more awkward…

Liam drives Stella to the SATs and tries to calm her down from being stressed about the cameras, though not very successfully, and she can’t open up to her friend __ because she has to keep it confidential. I can relate to Stella since my own MO was to be constantly convinced I was going to fail everything I ever did in school and no evidence to the contrary was going to convince me otherwise.

Bonham is continuing to do a good job of opening up to Abeline about how he’s feeling, which is overwhelmed by everything that’s happened over the past few months (understandably). Sometimes seeing “The Barn Burner” chili on the menu is the thing that puts you over the edge. Abeline is questioning whether they even want to stay at the ranch for their “golden years”, with feuding neighbors and surveillance, and even attacks. Bonham protests that it’s their family’s legacy, but she points out that their boys have their own lives and haven’t been interested in running a ranch.

Walker Abeline with Bonham at bar.

I’m immediately intrigued by this new storyline and always grateful that this show keeps tackling themes that resonate with me. After 15 years of Supernatural and putting a book together focusing on its legacy and the Winchesters’, just that word makes me emotional – but in real life, what does it mean? Does it enrich your life or does it constrain it? I’m curious to see where Walker goes with this question. And let’s face it, we all know I love Bonham and Abilene and that this show isn’t afraid to explore what’s happening to a couple who are in their “golden years”.

Walker brings his suspicions and the surveillance information to the Captain and DA Denise, who prior to that don’t really have enough to bring down Serano. Walker says he felt like the way Serano addressed him was a little too familiar for someone who had never met him so he suspects him of the surveillance, which is pretty good instincts on his part, and also that Stan said that he was being watched.

Another fucking picture of Denise and Cordell because Lynn can't stop.

Denise has an idea of how to lure the spies out, a twist on something that Cordell and James did when they were partners – the Bodey gambit.

Cordell: DA Miller, I like the way you think!

Both Cordell and James clearly have good memories of pulling off whatever the Bodey gambit is, leaving Micki (and us) needing more explanation.

Walker Coby Bell pointing sleazy at Cordell and Denise.
Cordell Walker smiling with white hat and Denise.

As Dan spies, Denise comes over to visit Walker, who acts surprised and flustered while James and Micki watch also.

Micki: Wow, my partner’s not winning an Oscar any time soon… She’s good though.

Denise pretends they’ve got a hard drive that has enough evidence to link Serano to Northside Nation, but that’s not all they’re pretending.

DAn watching Cordell with wife Denise on camera.
Walker smiling at Denise strip show on Walker Cordell.
Denise stripping down for Cordell Walker.

As Denise takes off her jacket, she worries out loud that something else they did in Del Rio might come to light too.

Micki to James: That’s what you and Walker did? Pretended to be having an affair?

James:  No! We pretended to be crooked cops.

Micki: Well then why are they laying on the chemistry so think in there?

Hmm. Good question. James says they’ve got history, familiarity, and they’re capitalizing on it. Hmm.

Creepy Earl taunts Dan, saying some men talk, others act, and “Walker knows what your wife responds to. Do you?” as we see Cordell hold an apparently upset Denise in his arms.

Cordell with Denis on couch touching her legs and thighs on Walker.
Walker Creepy Earl with glasses.

Earl is happy because he thinks Denise will be disbarred for what she’s admitting and won’t be able to prosecute Serano. Dan says any prosecutor can use what’s on that hard drive, but Earl divulges his plan to steal it when Walker and Denise head to the bedroom, sleazy guy that he is.

Micki uses some connections to get some extra drone coverage, so they give Walker and Denise a heads up that someone’s headed their way – to Cordell’s surprise, it’s Geri, complaining about Gail Davidson’s victory speech and teasing Cordell that there are a bunch of women’s phone numbers in the tip jar from the other night. 

Walker Geri fondling Jared Padaleckis tummy.
Cordell with Geri after Denise walking in.

Cordell tries and fails to tell Geri it’s not a good time (awkwardly, poor guy) and finally, Denise comes in, putting her jacket back on – and things do not get any less awkward, Geri saying she didn’t want to interrupt, Denise with a possessive hand on Cordell’s bicep, Dan glaring at the screen.

Creepy Earl: Cordell, you dog…

Poor Geri, excusing herself and clearly flustered. And poor Cordell, worried at what he’s just done to their friendship/relationship.

Geri reacts to Denise fondling Cordells biceps in Walker.
Cordell Walker with Denise touching his biceps.

Not sure that Denise didn’t enjoy that a little too much though. When they return to where James and Ramirez have been monitoring, Denise says she feels like they pulled it off, right?

Cordell: Yeah, felt pretty good.

Micki looks doubtful and Cordell is texting Geri saying it’s not what she thinks so it’s not all as good as it seems, however.  When Denise says it made her nostalgic for when they used to “play house” as kids he says he doesn’t remember that game exactly. Padalecki’s Walker does awkward like no one else.

Walker Cordell with Denise and Dan in barn.
Walker Micki looking at Cordell.
Cordell with Micki in barn.

Micki worries that Walker is distracted by his past with Denise; he worries that it’s more about her past with Garrison. (They are both probably right).

Stella is distracted from her SAT, meanwhile, by worries about what the surveillance camera picked up and honestly I cannot blame her – like I said, totally creepy!  Her friend ___ sees how much trouble she’s having and next thing you know the sprinkler system comes on, soaking their still-paper-and-pencil SATs, even though he himself was doing well. Awww.

Walker with STella friend looking like Kyle Rittenhouse creepy 2.04.

Liam joins the not-party to say that whoever is watching them is ‘close’ because of the way the signal is transmitted, while Denise looks sort of shady just out of earshot (maybe).  She’s on board with searching her own home, though, while Liam looks more and more pissed off, texting his brother “Get a head start to hide monitors?” when Denise suggests she go in first.

Gay Liam with hands on hips ready to blow off Jared Padalecki in barn with bare back horses and Denise watches.
Walker Cordell not happy in barn with Denise.

Dan goes to take off, but he’s confronted by CreepyEarl, who pulls his gun and tells Dan to call his wife. It turns out she already missed their marriage counseling appointment and tells him not to come to the house because they might be under surveillance. He covers for her though with CreepyEarl, so the plot thickens.  In fact, Dan sets Earl up to head to the Walker ranch believing it’s clear, while he hangs back.  Dramatic music starts to play as Dan grabs tapes and Earl’s phone and drenches the place with kerosene and sets it on fire.

Denise gets home and Walker joins her semi awkwardly, going in what seems way too soon. He asks her if there’s something she wants to tell him, so maybe he’s taking Liam’s suspicions more seriously than it seemed.

Walker Cordell angry at Denise 2.04.

Ramirez and company spot CreepyEarl heading toward the Walker ranch, and everyone goes into crisis mode.

Micki: We can’t delay, that’s how people get killed.

She impulsively hops on an ATV and takes off.

Walker Micki running out of barn with ATV.

James and Liam grab guns and head out too, and oooh badass Liam! Walker takes off as well, telling Denise to stay behind, it’s too dangerous. Micki pursues the car but is stopped by a barbed wire fence and thrown from the ATV. Liam gets to the ranch, wielding a weapon and kicking the door shut, rock music playing as he pursues CreepyEarl through the house, cat and mouse style.   Liam fires a warning shot, telling Earl to come out with his hands up – James and Micki hear the gunshots and he leaves a bleeding Micki behind to go help.

Keegan Allen excels in this scene, Liam clearly steeling himself but not backing off.

Gay Keegan Allen holding AK 15 reading to shoot hard on Jared Padalecki 2.04.
Gay Liam with big gun in his hand wishing it was Dans.

Cordell pulls up outside and it’s the Walker brothers ‘defending the ranch’ this time, shades of the Winchesters. Unfortunately, Earl sneaks up behind Liam and points his gun just as Cordell calls, “Liam, behind you!” – a shot rings out and Earl falls, but it’s Dan who pulled the trigger. Convenient, Dan!

Walker running with gun after shot rings out 2.04.
Gay Liam holding an AR 15 in his hot hands with Dan behind ready to penetrate him with gun.
WAlker Dan with gun behind gay Liam.

Dan spins a story about seeing the fire and seeing the guy break in, saying that he hid when he heard the gunshot, acting (or being) traumatized but taking the hero role in the story at least for now. James says that Cordell was right, that Earl was part of Serano’s organization, so that seemingly closes that part of the story.

Cordell apologizes for doubting Dan and offers his hand to put any bad blood behind them while Liam looks dejected, wondering if he was wrong in suspecting any of the Davidson family. I felt for Cordell so much right then, always trying so hard to do the right thing. That’s the danger, I guess – that sometimes you’ll be wrong when you think the best of someone. But I don’t think that makes it the wrong thing to do anyway.

Gay Liam sitting on hard bench with Dan and dEnise on Walker.
DAn and Denis in back of truck for Walker.
Jared Padalecki giving a handy to Dan over family feud.
Walker sexy Dan.

Augie tries to bring a little levity to the aftermath, wondering if they can salvage any of the surveillance footage so he can prove he didn’t eat the last piece of cheesecake.  Also in the aftermath, the team sweeping the place finds an old gun box and gives it to Bonham. He opens it up to find an antique looking gun.

Me: The Colt! Wait, wrong show…

It also has a map made by E B Walker of the ranch, making Bonham a little more nostalgic about the place.

Bonham and Abeline give Augie a Colt gun.
Walker Colt gun for Cordell.

James tells an injured Micki that he was impressed with what she did, up to a point – correctly understanding that she feels like she got to Garrison too late and didn’t want that to happen again.  He tells her she needs to take a step back and she reluctantly agrees.

Micki with scraped up face needing Intelligent Nutrients treatment for Walker.

Micki comes home and overreacts again when Trey gets protective and wants to look at her injuries and she pulls away, saying “you don’t have to do that!”

Trey: You need time, I know. It’s okay, I understand.

Micki: It’s not.

Trey: No, it’s not. We’re not. But we can be.

She knows she pushed it all down instead of dealing with it, and pushed him away. She tearfully tells him that she’s taking a step back from work to do what’s best for her – and for them. He holds her as she apologizes, tells her it’s okay, and she clings to him, the painting of the church framed between them.

Micki and Trey leaving Walker for boring plotlines.
Walker Trey giving usual confused frustated look at Micki.
Walker Micki still being annoying with Trey about stepping back at work.

I couldn’t help but think of the parallel to real life, that Lindsey Morgan is also taking a step back from her work on this show to do what’s best for her and to deal with some real life stressors that are taking a toll. Her decision is as courageous as Micki’s, and I hope (and think) that her friends and family and castmates are as supportive as Trey is being.

The last scene is an emotional one, in more ways than one. Liam and Cordell, in their jeans and single layers, fix the fence that Micki plowed through. The brothers argue about Dan Miller, Liam not wanting to hear that he’s a hero, Cordell saying that he saved Liam’s life. Liam is the only one who’s suspicious about Dan being on their property, but Cordell accuses him of being jealous and says they should look at their own faults.

Jared Padalecki crusing at night in park with Keegan Allen for Walker 2.04.
Gay Liam pointing finger to finger Cordell hard for holidays.
Walker Cordell looking hot at gay Liams rear view.

Liam: What fault did I have today?

Cordell: You thought all along that Denise was behind the cameras and I never should have listened to you.

Liam: There it is…your own brother…

Gay Liam looking hot at Jared Padalecki package for holidays.
Gay Liam with Walker at barbed fence.

I will admit I am a sucker for brother conflict and love that the show is deepening Cordell and Liam’s relationship and starting to explore the complexity that’s been hinted at since the pilot. Liam is hurt and angry, and those feelings are clearly not new ones. He walks back to the truck just as Denise drives up and thanks them for fixing the fence, but her earlier warmth for Cordell is gone.  She realizes that he suspected her family of putting cameras in their home and questions how they can even work together after that kind of betrayal.

Denise: I came back to Austin to heal, to begin again, but that starts with my family, not with you.

Older Denise with Walker Cordell at barbed wire fence 2.04.
Walker looking sad teary for Jared Padalecki 2.04.
Older Cordell thinking back to young Denise at barbed wire fence.

She walks away, leaving poor Cordell with everyone angry at him.

And in the past, we see a flashback of Denise walking away then too, from a young Cordell, saying they’re not supposed to hang out, that she’s worried about pissing her parents off even more when they’ve been fighting a lot.

Young Cordell at barbed wire with feuding family.
Young Cordell Walker with Denise outside at fence feud.
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

Denise: I saw my dad go talk to your mom today, which is messed up when you think about their past.

(We still don’t know the whole story there and I am so intrigued to find out).

Young Cordell suggests that they watch (a meteor shower or something?) from the barn’s hayloft, a once in 25 years chance – which must be that fateful night. The show cast two perfect young actors to play young Cordell and Denise, and I hope we keep seeing more of them.

Denise: I like the way you see me.

Cordell: I guess I just believe in you.

Young Cordell Walker with Denis before burning down barn in 2.04.
Walker Denise I just believe in your Cordell.

In the present, a shaken Cordell picks up the lantern hanging on the fence post and heads back to the truck where his brother is waiting.

Jared Padalecki solemn look for Walker 2.04.

I honestly don’t know where they’re going to take the Davidsons family feud story, and I like that I don’t know. I don’t like shows to be too predictable, and while there are some aspects of this one that are at times, there are also plenty of times that a twist or turn catches me off guard. I like that.

I’m liking Cordell even more this season – his earnestness in trying to own up to his own and his family’s own imperfections and his attempts to be open to forgiveness are endearing. As hard as it is to see sometimes, it’s realistic that just because you’re trying to do the right thing, though, it doesn’t mean all the pieces are going to magically fall into place. His life is a struggle, and it’s complicated – like most of ours. The show doesn’t shy away from having its characters express gratitude for the good stuff, or from letting them show their hurt and vulnerability when the not-so-good (and even traumatic) stuff happens instead.

No new “Walker” episode this week for Thanksgiving, but I cannot wait to see where we go from here!

When It Comes to Having Kids, the Only Timeline That Matters Is Yours

Having children is an important decision. You could say it’s one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make in your life. Kids will take up a lot of your time, energy, and money. You want to make sure you’re really ready before having kids.

In this day and age, people don’t rush childbearing as much as they did in the past. They take their time to make sure they’re accomplishing their goals before committing to having a family. Here are some reasons why people hold off on starting a family, and why you should feel perfectly fine waiting:

1. Pressure

If you’re in your mid-20s or older, you’re probably constantly being asked, “When are you having kids?” Don’t let this question bother you. Even if your friends are on their second child, that doesn’t mean you have to be. No one responds well to social pressure, so don’t feel like you have to when it comes to having kids.

Instead of adopting someone else’s timeline or expectations, follow your own. This could mean waiting until you find the right partner. Maybe it means you wait until you reach a personal health or career goal. Whatever the reason, you can ignore the pressure and stay on birth control until you’re ready to have kids. No matter what social pressure you feel, remember that you’re the boss of your reproductive decisions.

2. Finances

One reason people are waiting to have children is because of the cost. It’s no secret having kids is expensive. Not only do doctor bills during pregnancy add up, but so can baby accessories, schooling, furniture, toys, etc. According to research, it costs about $233,000 on average to raise a child until they reach the age of 17. Many parents help their kids financially well past that age.

Keep in mind, there are ways to cut these expenses. For example, you could buy clothes second-hand and enroll your kids in public school instead of private. But no matter how frugal you are, you’ll end up spending a great deal of money on your children. That’s just the way it is. This is why having kids later on in life when you’re more financially stable is such a good idea.

3. Life Experience

You don’t have a baby and then automatically become wiser. It takes life experience to learn more about yourself and other people. You have to tackle challenges, experience new things, and you have to fail a lot. This takes time. The more life experience you have, the more mature you’ll be. Plus it will make you better equipped to raise a child.

For this reason, many people wait to have kids until they get more life experience. They may move to a new town, travel, switch jobs, start their own business, etc. They do things that’ll teach them something they can then pass down to their children.

4. Career

Where are you in your career? If you’re unsure whether your job is your calling, put your energy into finding the right path before starting a family.

The longer you work in your chosen field, the more you’ll grow. And with that growth comes flexibility, like being able to leave work early or taking PTO. These are perks you’ll want to have when raising children. So take the time you need to establish your career.

The opposite is also true. If you have your career all figured out, you might be in a great position to start a family. What matters is stability. Make sure you have your ducks in a row — especially with your career — before getting pregnant.

5. Nonnegotiable Goals

Everyone has goals, and we’re not suggesting you can’t achieve those goals with a child. However, it’ll be more difficult. Not only do children impact your wallet, but they also impact your free time.

If your goal is to spend a year backpacking in Europe, you should probably do that prior to having children. If you want to get a degree, party every weekend, or travel on a whim, waiting to have kids is a great choice. And no, this doesn’t make you selfish. It makes you smart to know you’re not quite ready to give your full attention to a child. There’s nothing wrong with that.

6. Relationship Status

If you’re unmarried, you’ve probably been asked (more than once), when you plan on walking down the aisle. Chances are you get this question, even more, when you’re dating someone. Right? Don’t pay it any mind. While there was once a time when people married early and immediately had babies, that timeline has changed in recent years.

In the United States, the average age of newlyweds is increasing. People aren’t rushing anymore. Instead, they are taking their time to ensure they’re with the right person before they start a family. And because people are getting married later in life, it makes sense they’re also having kids later on in life.

7. Emotional Readiness

Waiting to have kids until you’re ready means you won’t ever resent becoming a parent. That’s not to say there won’t be difficult and trying times when you might daydream of a life pre-baby. But you’ll have peace of mind knowing you followed your own timeline.

Instead of missing out, you’ll have had time to take risks, travel, and follow your dreams. And if you don’t, you’ll know it wasn’t because you had a baby.

Becoming a parent is a decision you shouldn’t take lightly. Unfortunately, we live in a society where people form an opinion about you if you don’t have children. While there’s nothing wrong with getting married and having a baby in your mid-20s, that’s not everyone’s journey. If you’re not ready for kids, don’t worry about it. That just means you have a different timeline, and that’s perfectly fine.

Jared Padalecki’s ‘Walker’ 2.03 turns into a real Barn Burner

Last week’s “Walker,” the third episode of Season 2, dug deeper into the themes of grief and loss that the series has tackled since the pilot, tying those themes to those of hate and resentment that have become clearer in season 2. The episode opens with Cordell sleeping on the couch in the midst of a nightmare, tossing and turning as he sees flashes of that fateful night in the Davidson’s barn with Denise long ago. The two teenagers are sitting there together with a lantern when they suddenly have to run out, leaving the burning lantern behind. Cordell wakes up, distressed.

Walker opening scene of lit lantern about to burn down a barn killing people.
Walker Young Cordell and Denise burning down barn killing Marv.
Walker close up on Cordell having a night terror mare.

What’s even more distressing is we immediately jump to the perspective of the creepy Walker family’s spy, watching intimate family moments – Augie and Stella on the couch, Bonham and Abeline working on a puzzle, Stella in a bathrobe (creepier still). Geri sleeping on a couch too, Colton and Stella bandaging the wandering horse’s leg, Denise’s husband lurking around. Liam on the phone talking to someone about “tying it back to Serano”. The whole scene is shot with creepy music that makes it seem like something bad is about to happen – very well done, in other words.

Walker creepy man watching entire family through hidden camera.
Walker Abeline laughing with Bonham and family.

It’s actually two guys listening in, and when they hear what Liam says about them being onto Serano, they immediately realize “the boss is toast”. One wants to cut and run, one wants to find another buyer for their surveillance setup since the Walker family, he notes, collects lots of enemies. (Ouch)

That ominous background runs beneath everything else going on, although the episode overtly is about a chili cookoff, Abeline using their Gran’s original recipe and a $10,000 prize up for grabs. There’s a sentimental reason Abeline wants to win, which I totally understand. (I love Abeline so much – she’s not perfect by any means, but I can often so relate to where she’s coming from). (Did you catch Jared/Cordell snacking on a pepper?)

Cordell’s on edge after the nightmares, overreacting when August leaves a towel too close to the pot of chili on the stove and it catches fire and yelling at his son.

Cordell overreacts to Augie leaving a towel too close to stove and catching it on fire Walker.
Abeline with Augie gay Liam and Bonham cooking up chili for Harvest Fest.

Abeline: Cordell. It’s fine.

Bonham goes after his son to talk, immediately knowing what’s wrong.

Bonham: When did your nightmares come back?

Jared Padalecki and Mitch Pileggi did an incredible job with this scene as Cordell describes the horror of his dreams.

Cordell: I can’t move….can hear him screaming, crying for help…until he’s not…

It’s also a vivid description of what PTSD can feel like, and how destabilizing it can be, not just with sleep but with the rest of life and close relationships.

Jared Padalecki and Mitch Pileggi working out bear dadddy scene.

Bonham reassures his son that he did nothing wrong, but Cordell feels guilty about the Davidsons’ losing everything, and that the outcome is a ‘world of hurt’ between the two families. I have come to love this character so much – he has such a good heart, much like Padalecki himself. Cordell wants to invite the Davidsons to the big Harvest Festival event, although Bonham doesn’t think it’s a good idea.

Cordell: Daddy, it’s the right thing to do.

Jared Padalecki doing daddy talk with Mitch Pileggi on Walker.

I love the dynamic between father and son, Cordell’s “Yessir” and Bonham’s gruff but so very evident caring, for all his family. He may be gruff, but he actually doesn’t shy away from talking about his feelings or encouraging his children and grandchildren to talk about theirs. It’s his modeling and Abeline’s that allows Cordell to do just that.

Meanwhile, Stella and Colton are still trying to figure out what to do about their rescued horse – and getting along a lot better. Neither of their parents are okay with keeping the horse, or with the two of them being friends. Colton has a soft heart though, saying he knows what happens to injured horses, and Stella agrees.

Colton showing Stella how big he really is compared to her horse on Walker.
STella realizing Colton is really hung like her white horse on Walker.

Also meanwhile, Micki is struggling with coming out from undercover and Trey is struggling with how he can help her – and fearing he’s losing her.

Trey is now a guidance counselor, which is a bit mystifying since I teach in a Masters program that trains people how to be school counselors and it requires that education usually, but okay.  He picks up some food for the Harvest Fest while he talks to Micki, uneasy after their conversation.

Trey carrying barbecue chili out from Sams Bar B Que.

Jared Padalecki live-tweeted some of the episode with us and wondered if we all caught the “Supernatural” shout-out “Sam’s BBQ”. I love when “Walker” tosses in some Easter eggs.

Cordell, determined to try to make things right between the families, drives over to the Davidsons, where Gail is doing some planting with help from Dan. I know Gail’s the ‘bad guy’ right now, but there’s a nice scene where she asks if Colton is seeing someone and corrects herself when she assumes and asks ‘what’s her name’ to ‘his or theirs’, saying she’s still trying to learn. I give her credit for that – and the show credit for all the little ways they’re trying to get it right. Those little things make a difference.

Things are still cold as ice between the Davidsons and Cordell, but he persists in inviting them to the Harvest Fest.

Walker Cordell Jared Padalecki making peace with Davidsons feud.
Gail and Dan Davidson on Walker.
Cordell inviting Dan Davidson to Harvest Fest.

At first Gail is reluctant, but when it becomes clear that Abeline is in the chili competition, she can’t resist throwing her hat in the ring. Cordell’s guilt prompts him to make sure that she indeed can enter, even after the deadline has passed, but Dan is still angry, saying ‘this family is everything to me.’

Cordell agrees.

Cordell: Family IS everything, so maybe you and I aren’t so different.

Walker Dan talking family with Cordell.
Cordell talking to Davidsons about chili contest Abeline is in.

Unfortunately for Cordell and his good intentions, it’s not going to be that easy for the Davidsons to give up their decades-long resentment and the anger that’s fueled by their loss and grief. These are the deeper themes I watch the show for, so I’m glad that this episode explored them more.

Making chili in the kitchen, Abeline and Liam are adorable together, mom suggesting that maybe it’s time for a change if Liam isn’t enjoying working with the new DA (Denise).

Liam: On the other hand, I’ve been shot, branded, nearly blown up – I didn’t go through all that to have Denise Davidson run me out of town.

ABeline making chili in kitchen with gay Liam Keegan Allen.

True that.

Cordell’s news that Gail is entering the chili cookoff does not go over well with his mom, however.

Abeline: She’s only entering to stir the pot.

Liam: snickers

Abeline: glares

Liam: clears throat awkwardly

Me: hahahahaha

Abeline competitive with Gail over chili.
Walker Cordell reacts to Abeline being bitchy about Gail chili.
Gay Liam smiling at Abeline being protective on Walker.
Abeline playing mama bear to gay son Liam. on Walker.
Gay Liam on Walker reacting to mom Abeline.

These actors are all so good, and those little nonverbal moments are always my favorites.

Abeline is still angry that Gail blames Cordell for her husband’s death, and I love seeing protective mom come out. Molly Hagan is just so good!

Abeline: And I will not allow her to go after my boy again.

Cordell promises he’ll see to it.

Abeline: I hope you do, son. Or I will.

Ooooh, mama bear!

The friendship between Trey and Walker takes a hit this episode, unfortunately. Walker is in the awkward position of knowing a bit more about how Micki is doing and what her experience undercover was with Garrison, but he can’t tell Trey. Trey is worried and desperate to know what really went on, and he’s understandably angry that his friend won’t tell him. It’s a terrible set up, and I hate seeing it take a toll on the two of them when their friendship was just getting deeper.

To his credit, Walker is honest with Trey, saying it’s not his place to be in the middle of them. It’s just not what Trey wants to hear right now.

Trey not trusting Walker Cordell and Micki.
Walker Cordell talking with Trey about Micki.

Behind the surveillance set up, the bad guys find a new buyer who hates the Walkers as much as Serano does. As soon as he has the info, one bad guy shoots the other. No honor among thieves and all that.

Later, shady creepy Earl meets with the new buyer, who turns out to be Dan – which I guess is not too surprising at this point.  Earl says that his wife is one of the people on the surveillance tape, and hmmmm.

At the office, Walker talks Micki into going to the Harvest Fest, though she easily sees through him that he’s trying to get her back with Trey.

(I appreciate their banter about the correct pronunciation of picadillo versus Walker’s ‘gringo’ attempt)

Walker: That’s what I said!

Micki: Is it??

Padalecki and Morgan have created such a great dynamic between Cordell and Micki, and I really enjoy watching it. She tells him to stop meddling.

Cordell: I hate it when you’re right.

He also tells her that he probably knows better than anyone what she’s going through, acknowledging her loss.

Cordell: But please, I speak from experience here. Do not blame yourself, because then you’ll lose sight of who you are.

Micki: I hate it when you’re right.

Cordell: Doesn’t happen often!

Me: lol

Micki and Cordell make cute talk at Harvest Fest.
Micki looking at Cordell being right on Walker.

Padalecki invests Cordell with so many subtle nonverbal facets that tell us about who he is – the way he ducks down to get on Micki’s level when they talk, for example. Micki agrees to come to the Harvest Fest, and the show went all out on decorating the Side Step for the fest and the season.

The Harvest Fest itself is a fun montage at the Side Step, Geri the proud manager, Bonham getting dunked by his grandson in the dunk tank. They’ve got live music which feels so very Austin, and Gail and Abeline dish out their chili as people vote for their favorites and there’s dancing and drinking and lots of smiles (though Denise’s husband keeps glaring at the Walkers across the chili bowls).

Country band plays at Walker Harvest Fest.
WAlker Geri kicks off Harvest Fest at Side Step.

Geri and Cordell share a drink and some banter and some little Emily memories.

Cordell: Keep this drink safe?

Geri: I’ll drink it! What?

Jared Padalecki Cordell smiling as Geri looks at her chili breasts.
Walker Geri looking down at her breasts for Cordell.
Walker Cordell reacting to crazy looking woman eating chili.
Crazy looking woman on Walker eating chili.

Two young women ask Geri if Cordell is available and she at first says no, he’s married, then corrects herself to say he’s not married anymore. The two young women make their way over to Cordell as Geri watches. Hmm. Complicated.

Micki reunites with Trey with a big hug, but as hard as he tries to say and do the right thing, she’s reluctant to open up to him.

Trey: I’m not everybody. I’m the man who’s literally been to war with you, and there’s nothing that’s gonna come between us. So, are we good?

Trey asking Micki if they are okay on Walker.

Micki takes a drink and says yes and tries to just go right back to normal, playing a game of darts and suggesting if he wins that what he gets is “oh, you know…” with a flirty look. But as soon as Trey walks away, Micki’s face falls.

Trey reminds Micki that he’s ready to listen when she wants to talk about Del Rio, and she gets honest with him about how angry she is that he came down to Del Rio and jeopardized the operation – but that she knows his heart was in the right place, and at the end of the day, that’s what matters to her the most.

Trey and Micki at Walker chili cook off contest Barn Burner.

They start to share a tender moment, admitting he was reckless and apologizes and she says they’re okay. At that moment, the band starts playing the song that Garrison put on the mix tape for her. Micki runs out, leaving Trey upset and confused. Walker tries to console him but won’t tell him anything, and Trey lashes out.

Trey: Man, you got one hell of a talent for callin’ out a problem and not comin’ up with one single solution.

Trey calling out Cordell Walker on coming up with problems but no solutions.

Poor Walker. He’s trying so hard to play peacemaker for just about everyone, and it’s all backfiring on him spectacularly. Jared plays his frustration and guilt so well, and I really feel for him.

Abeline goes outside to talk to Micki, correctly interpreting that there’s a guy and just asking “what’s his name?”

Micki: His name is Garrison and we definitely had history, and now he’s…making me question my future.

Abeline: At the very least, be completely honest with yourself. If you’re not, the truth finds a way to rear its ugly head.

Abeline telling Micki better to tell truth on Walker.
Walker Micki talking to Abeline about Garrison and their past.

She feels like she should have handled things better in the past too.

I love this small moment between these two women and realize how rarely we get scenes like this on network television. Abeline is written so damn real, and Molly Hagan plays her to perfection. (Yes, I’m totally an Abeline stan, I admit it.)

The chili cookoff is more dramatic than Abeline wanted – we see Gail whisper something to her husband, and then he ‘accidentally’ runs into Liam carrying a big pot of chili, which spills all over him. A fight nearly breaks out, Cordell frantically trying to play peacemaker, but eventually they ‘settle it’ by upping the ante to make a financial bet of more money. I’m honestly not sure how that calmed things down, but Abeline is as competitive as Gail and so the two women agree.

Walker Cordell holding off angry people at chili cook up contest.

To settle the cookoff, a blindfolded Cordell (popular in the fandom…) chooses Gail Davidson’s chili, which Abeline seems surprisingly okay with.  That means the Davidsons get $10,000 – though everyone is a bit struck by the fact that she named her chili “the Barn Burner.”  Ouch. Still too soon.

Walker Jared Padalecki blindfolded to test out chili and Barn Burner version.

Gail is all too happy to take the spotlight on the stage and thanks the Walker family while also relating all the losses of the past too. Just as Colton and Stella walk up, she announces that they’ll build a horse rescue with the money, telling everyone that her grandson has been “singlehandedly caring for an injured horse”.  She’s a schemer, this one!

Cordell and his mama have a heart-to-heart after. She knows he handed Gail the win but wants to know why.

Walker Abeline sitting by Cordell on couch talking.

Cordell: It was the right thing to do. The Davidsons, they lost everything because of that night…. The loss, the pain, it cuts you so deep, makes you sick. It’s something you can’t really understand if you haven’t experienced it. And everyone took our side, everyone.

He really understands the depth of their loss. Marv, Gail’s husband, Denise’s father. Their finances, their home, their land. Their friends. There was shame and humiliation. It’s such a vivid reminder that loss is always not just the primary loss, but so many secondary losses too, and that’s what makes it so devastating.

Abeline listening to Cordell Walker about Marvs death and blaming himself.
Walker Cordell opening up crying about Gails husband Marvs death.

He doesn’t shy away from the part they played in it all, either. From what comes with power and privilege.

Cordell: And here we come, swooping up their land for pennies on the dollar so they have to leave town with a dark cloud of shame and grief hanging over their heads. I’m startin’ to think that we’re the bad guys.

Abeline says it was complicated, but it always is, isn’t it?  And as Cordell points out, it’s not now. And then he gets real. He says that his nightmares are more than that, they’re memories. And as he tells his mother what happened, he tears up, his voice faltering as he pushes himself to go on.

Cordell: I remember taking a lantern into the barn…and leaving it there. I know I did, I know I did. So the fire, the barn, Marv’s death – it’s my fault.

Walker Cordell crying about being responsible for Marvs death.

Abeline: No, baby.

She drops to her knees and pulls her 6’ 5” baby boy into her arms, letting him cry on her shoulder like he needs to.

Walker Abeline giving son Cordell a hug.
Cordell crying in mom Abeline arms.

God, both Jared and Molly were so good here, and for me it all gets mixed up with the loving mother that Sam Winchester never got to have and how much I wanted that for him, for them. I started to tear up watching it live and I’m tearing up again now, watching it again to do this review. It’s probably my favorite scene in this series so far – raw and real and vulnerable.

Cordell clings to her, sobbing.

Abeline: It was an accident.

The creepy guy and Dan watch and I’m infuriated that they get to eavesdrop on such an intimate moment. The intrusion of it is horrifying.

Walker creep listening in on Micki and Trey's conversation.

Micki comes back to the home she shares with Trey, taking down a painting from the wall and replacing it with the one of the church while Trey brings her a beer.

Trey: Have a drink, relax. Do you really have to be doing this right now? Mad skills. Who’s the artist?

Micki: Can we not? Can we just not?

She says she’ll tell him what happened soon, and he says okay.

Walker Trey trying to get Micki to open about problems.
Walker Micki tells Trey she still loves him.

Micki: Trey, I love you.

Trey: Good, because I love you too.

Micki: And I miss you.

She pulls her hair down and walks him backward toward the bedroom. I just hope that the emotional walls will come down at some point, not just the physical ones.

In the pivotal last scene, Cordell is also fixing paintings – the one that’s always crooked. But he’s a Ranger and he’s smart and I love that. He sees the camera, but doesn’t let on and turns away.

Walker Cordell fixing crooked picture and seeing a hidden camera watching them.
Walker noticed camera inmplanted in family home.
Walker 2.03 knowing the family is being watched with Jared Padalecki.
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

And next week, it seems like all hell will break loose with 2.04 “Walker,” It’s Not What You Think!

‘Walker’ 2.02 Deepens Micki’s Backstory with The One That Got Away

I was at a “Supernatural” convention when last week’s episode of “Walker” aired, enjoying the opportunity of telling Jared Padalecki in person how much I’m enjoying his new show, so I didn’t get to watch live. When I returned, I watched on the CW app and decided to just enjoy the ride instead of taking notes for this review – and I was so glad I did!

The second episode of Season 2, The One That Got Away, was full of excitement and fight scenes and close calls, but it was also a poignant episode with an amazing performance by Lindsey Morgan. I’m not always a fan of episodes that switch back and forth among multiple storylines either, which “Walker” sometimes does thanks to its large ensemble cast, but this episode was tightly focused on just two-story arcs – the culmination of Micki’s undercover work and the Walker-Davidson ‘feud.’  I loved being able to just sink into a storyline and let it play out, almost in real-time.

This episode had a significant “Supernatural” connection since it reunites Jared Padalecki with his “Supernatural” costar and frequent director Richard Speight, Jr., whose distinctive touch gave the episode some striking scenes.

Richard Speight Jr directing on set of Walker with Jared Padalecki and Cody Bell.
Walker — “The One Who Got Away” — Image Number: WLK202a_BTS_0047r — Pictured (L-R): Amara Zaragoza as Denise Davidson, Coby Bell as Captain Larry James, Richard Speight Jr. and Matthew Barnes as Garrison Murphy — Photo: Rebecca Brenneman/The CW — © 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Let’s talk about the family feud arc first. Last week explored the origin of the bad feelings between the Davidsons and the Walkers, focusing on the older generations and their complicated history. This week the focus was on the younger generation, especially Stella and Colton, as they try to figure out how much of that history will color their own relationship.

As I told Jared last weekend, I always like watching “Walker” for the deeper themes as well as the kicking ass, and this season’s focus on long-standing and difficult to disentangle tensions and resentments seems like a frighteningly relevant theme to tackle. Stella and Colton inherited the animosity between their families, which is something that happens in all facets of life every day, from families to politics to fandoms. Can they even get to know each other as individual humans with all that baggage?

With a little help from Coach Trey (who is perhaps trying to keep his mind off constant worry about Micki), they make a start on that in this episode. He engineers escape rooms for the two pairs of kids, who must start to communicate before they can find the literal key to get out of the rooms and out of detention. August apologizes for the Ruby debacle, and that facilitates the boys’ escape to a congratulatory Coach Trey.

Walker Augie in locker room with boy.
Walker Coach Trey walking in looking at Colton in boys locker room.

Stella admits she wrongly accused Colton (Jalen Thomas Brooks) and he apologizes for his insensitivity, complaining about his divorcing parents when Stella has actually lost one of her parents. It was a little too convenient, sure, but I liked the message behind it – and I was rooting for them by the time Stella stopped the car to tell Colton to hop in.

STella walks in on Colton in locker room on Walker.
Jalen Thomas Brooks looking sexy latin simmer Colton on Walker.
Walker STelle smiling sexy at Colton ready to pound him hard.

The wandering horse was, not gonna lie, totally bizarre – and extremely gentle to stand there and let two strangers pet it randomly. It feels like it should be more symbolic than maybe it was intended, but I guess time will tell. Anyway, I love when they have horses on this show, and it was gorgeous. Director Richard Speight, Jr. cut his teeth directing “Supernatural” and knows how to make a scene look beautiful, as he did many times in this episode.

Random horse walking around Walker set.
Walker STella rubbing off horse standing in road.
Walker Colton getting close to Stella 2.02.

Colton’s mom, Denise (Amara Zaragosa) is one I’m still suspicious of. She seems to still care about Walker quite a bit, genuinely spooked by his being in danger, but she’s also relentlessly no nonsense when it comes to doing her job, insisting that Cordell’s own undercover experience makes him right for the job when Liam is being protective little brother.

Walker gay Liam with Coltons mom Denise.
Walker Denise with Liam.

I expected not to like her, but she’s kinda growing on me. (Her mom, on other hand, not so much – you don’t mess with my girl Abeline!)  That may mean that she’s not who she seems to be though. We still don’t know much about the circumstances of her last job and how that was entangled with Serrano. We also don’t know if the title of this episode also refers to Denise, Cordell’s teenage young love, or how the tragic fire impacted their relationships.

The main storyline belongs to Micki and her undercover pursuit of Serrano (Henderson Wade), who we find out in this episode is behind Northside Nation and the Austin hit that resulted in Stan’s shooting. All of that plays out bit by bit as “the one that got away” turns out to be Micki’s ex-fiancé, Garrison, who she came very close to marrying and stood up at the altar. He recognizes her but doesn’t give away her cover to Serano. Also, Micki has the chance to be badass again when Serano’s men are easily overpowered and disarmed by her. Look at Walker’s face as he watches – so proud!

Walker Garrison smiling proudly at Micki 2.02
Walker Micki working sexy tight white t shirt look.
Walker Micki with gun on Serano and Garrision behind her.
Walker Jared Padalecki looking proud at Micki.

Garrison is a similar character to Hoyt – the bad boy who can’t quite reform himself, but with a good heart underneath. This time it’s Micki who has a soft spot for him and can’t quite get past that. We learn that Micki had a somewhat checkered past too, during her time with Garrison – she was able to move on, but he wasn’t. (That’s a big theme of the season too, it seems. We all get stuck sometimes, unable to change even when we have new information or when the beliefs we’re stubbornly sticking to don’t reflect reality anymore. If the political situation hasn’t convinced you of that, the pandemic probably did – or maybe you’re in fandom!)

Anyway, we can’t help but root for Garrison and to feel bad for the hurt he seemed to genuinely experience when Micki abandoned him – even if he also acknowledges that it was his fault. Garrison got ‘stuck’ and hasn’t been able to get out, admitting to Micki that “some people never move on, I guess.”  This is a theme that Walker has tackled repeatedly, with Hoyt and also with the Rodeo Kings, once again unable to resist the lure of “one last job”, even for the sake of love and family. That debacle left Trevor traumatized – and an orphan.

Walker Mickey remember Garrisionw ithout clothes.
Walker Garrision smiling sexy a Micki 2.02.

Also similar to Hoyt, Garrison claims to want forgiveness for the damage he’s caused, to people in general but to Micki in particular. He brings her to the church where they were going to get married (a beautiful set which director Speight makes great use of) and gives her some background intel on Serrano’s organization, enough that she believes him. (She also is inevitably impacted by their previous relationship, since she’s human).

Walker and Micki at chuch place.

Walker and James are suspicious when Micki cuts off communication and they do their own intel, eventually figuring out who Garrison is and finding his place. By the time he brings Micki there, Cordell and James are already there, guns drawn.

Walker Coby Bell and Jared Padaleck walking through brick archway.

Garrison remains cocky even tied to a chair, seemingly a man with not much to lose at this point. Micki finds a painting of the church in his apartment, turning to him with a stricken look on her face as she realizes he was telling the truth about carrying a torch for her all these years.

Walker Micki wtih Garrison and artwork around warehouse.

Micki and Cordell go to the warehouse to collect the evidence that Garrison clues them into, Walker asking politely while Micki climbs in a window to go through the files. James, Denise and Garrison all watch with matching expressions of concern – Garrison clearly does care about Micki and Denise clearly does care about Cordell (or possibly about what Micki will find, or both).

Walker with Micki at warehouse to get Garrison.
Walker Coby Bell with Garrision in truck.
Walker Mickis mother looking dour.

Micki finds some files, but she’s not the only one there – one of Serano’s men is there too, to set the place on fire and destroy the evidence. Micki overpowers him and Walker shows up and helps, but the place goes up in flames and they barely escape it, much to James, Denise and Garrison’s relief.

Walker Micki pulling bad guy from fire.
Walker Cordell and Micki get one of Seranos men under arrest.

We’re kind of rooting for Garrison at that point, so it’s more than a little heartbreaking when we find out that he hasn’t been telling Micki the whole truth this time either. He tells Denise that the hapless Spider was the sniper in Austin in order to cut a deal, and agrees to wear a wire and go after Serano.

But it turns out that he was actually the one who had Cordell in his crosshairs in Austin, though he missed on purpose and struck Stan. Micki figures it out after Garrison gives her a mix tape titled ‘The One That Got Away’ that he made with her in mind and goes in after him.

Walker Micki in car with Garrison rehashing memories.
Walker Garrison gives Micki a mix tape the one that got away.
Walker 2.02 mixtape of the one that got away for Micki.

Serrano is onto Garrison though, confronting him at gunpoint and ripping off the wire he’s wearing.

Once Serano threatens to kill Micki if he doesn’t comply, Garrison has Walker in his crosshairs once again – and this time he warns a tearful Micki that he won’t miss.  She’ll have to stop him.

Serano with gun pointing at Garrison on Walker.
Serano about to kiss Jared Padalecki hard over Micki in Walker 2.02.
Walker Jared Padalecki with body armour on.
Walker Garrison has rifle site on Cordell as Micki has gun pointed at him.
Walker Jared Padalecki in crosshairs of rifle.

Micki, of course, is not going to let that happen. In the gunfight that ensues, Garrison ends up over the ledge, hanging on to Micki’s hand and dangling over a drop too high to survive. Lindsey Morgan, in my opinion, had her strongest scene of the entire series in that one, her absolute anguish in trying desperately to hold onto her one-time lover as he clings to her almost too realistic to watch.

Walker Garrison hanging on to Micki from ledge to die.
Walker Micki reaching to save Spider from falling.

He gives her a true gift in his last moments, assuring her that it was not her fault. (I was reminded a little of the “Supernatural” finale, when Dean gives Sam a similar reassurance that he was content with his life and he’s okay with dying, though that’s not at all what he wants. That allows Jared Padalecki’s character, Sam, to give him reassurance back, that it’s okay for him to go.)  I am always very affected by those kind of emotional last moments scenes; when both characters know one is about to die but there’s time for some carefully chosen and perpetually important words to be said between them.

Micki’s anguished scream after Garrison falls just gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. All the kudos, Lindsey, for making me feel so much. And to Padalecki too, who conveys all of Walker’s empathy for his partner with one horrified look.

Micki screams as mother falls to death on Walker 2.02.
Jared Padalecki mussy hair on Walker 2.02.

I got a different sort of chills as Serrano is loaded into the police van (captured by a cool and competent Capt. James).

Serrano: Hey, Cordell, I’ll be seein’ ya.

Walker Serrano saying bye to Cordell and Micki.

Shit. That can’t be good.

Walker also shows his empathy by asking his partner what she needs, understanding better than anyone just how she’s feeling after his own undercover experience and tragedy, and the death of Hoyt. She says “to drive,” and he knows to let her go.

Jared Padalecki Walker looking at Micki.
Micki breaking down with Cordell Walker about leaving show.

Denise and Walker also have a moment, both acknowledging that they have a lot of water under the bridge – and a lot they should talk about.

There are a lot of questions left unanswered by this episode. We still don’t know who’s spying on the Walkers – maybe the file they were instructed to grab, “Austin Eyes and Ears Inc” was a reference to that mystery person.

The ending felt a bit full circle for Micki and Walker. She first encountered him broken and grieving after the tumultuous ending of his undercover work as Duke, emotionally unprepared to go back to his waiting family. The episode gives Walker space to draw those parallels throughout, reminding us what kind of psychological toll his undercover work took on him and how much it gives him insight into the dangers that Micki is facing.

This episode ends with Micki doing the same as Walker, taking refuge in a bottle just like Cordell did, the romantic mix tape that Garrison made for her playing as she looks out over the Austin landscape, her worried boyfriend Trey waiting alone at home, the painting of the church in the back of her truck.

Walker Micki slugging back a bottle of booze with Cordell.
Walker Trey sitting alone at home mourning Micki leaving the show.

Cordell wordlessly joins her and they pass the bottle back and forth, Sam and Dean like. Speight captures the moment and its significance beautifully, and I’m reminded again of how much I’ll miss Morgan and her character on this show. I hope she continues to come back from time to time.

Walker Micki and Cordell passing bottle of whiskey back and forth.
Walker Cordell sitting with Micki on back of track as she leaves show for good and Trey.
Walker paining of the church for Micki truck 2.02.
Caps courtesy of spndeangirl

It’s a poignant ending, as Micki closes that chapter of her life, just as Walker had to close his chapter as Duke and grieve the loss of Hoyt. The show continues to tackle deeper themes of grief and loss in a way that makes me feel, sometimes unexpectedly. Keep it up, “Walker!”

‘Walker’ Season 2 returns with They Started It 2.01

“Walker” returned for its second season last week, and the show immediately hit the ground running with some intriguing new mysteries and some deeper themes that kept my psychologist brain happy too.  I couldn’t watch it live so I caught up on the CW app, which means I missed live tweeting with Jared Padalecki, unfortunately.

I am so enjoying how active he is on Twitter recently – I always end up smiling at his ability to spread joy and excitement throughout the “Walker” and “Supernatural” fandoms by just randomly replying to tweets. At the same time, I really admire his ability to ignore the haters who seem to always be lying in wait. It must be tempting to just pull back and stay quiet when you know you can count on being attacked every time you interact – he does see some of that and it has to be hurtful on some level – but being a positive force is more important and so he does it anyway. One of my first in-depth conversations with him, way back in the early days of Supernatural, was about how hurtful those online comments can be – yet here he is, still persevering and being a bright light in the lives of so many fans.

Last week was an eventful one for the “Walker” fandom – it was premiere week, which was a joyous occasion, but it was also the week that Lindsey Morgan announced that she would be leaving the show. I don’t know anyone who didn’t love her character of Micki, and her dynamic with both Cordell and Trey, so the fandom was sad about her departure.

I’m sure the cast and crew and producers were also sad about it since a mid-season unplanned departure has all sorts of ramifications – but it is to the credit of both the fandom and the show that everyone supported Lindsey in her decision to take care of her own mental health. Too often, we all ‘push through’ and ignore what our brains and bodies are telling us we need, sometimes with disastrous consequences. I will miss Micki, but Lindsey set a great example in being candid about what she was going through and making the tough decisions she needed to.

I know Jared understands that need – in his autobiographical chapter in the book Family Don’t End With Blood, he wrote openly and eloquently about his own mental health and how difficult it had been for him to ever make that a priority as a lead on a television show. There’s a lot of talk about how we all should do that, but Jared put his money where his mouth is and got behind Lindsey and her decision, both as a lead actor and as an executive producer. That’s a real departure from ‘the way things are done’ in television and film, and I feel kind of proud of both Jared and Lindsey for doing the right thing.

That said, I am really going to miss Micki Ramirez!

The episode itself was non-stop, sometimes moving so quickly I felt a little dizzy.

Micki Undercover

Micki’s storyline was the action-packed one, with her undercover assignment three months in and the demands of living that role 24/7 starting to take a toll on all her relationships, just like it did when Cordell became a little too much Duke and less Cordi. She’s cut herself off from Walker and from Trey (and presumably from her moms after just reconnecting/reestablishing those relationships). It’s easy to see how that seems like the right thing to do, to keep everyone safe, but it takes a toll anyway. Lies and deception and isolation are built into being undercover – which is something I honestly never gave a moment’s thought until watching “Walker.”

I really felt for Trey, knowing that Micki is in danger but cut off from her and unable to verify if she’s okay. I don’t blame him for tracking her down at trivia night at some bar, just in time to see her partner-in-crime (literally), the hapless Spider, get tossed off a building onto the roof of a car and murdered. Micki grabs Trey and tells him that she loves him, tearfully saying that she “sure hopes that girl of yours comes home”. But then she sends him on his way.

Walker Trey runs into undercover Micki at bar.
Walker Micki at a bar in danger.
Trey kissing Micki before she leaves him for good Walker.

Everyone, in fact, is worried about both Micki and Trey. The episode begins with a nice bonding scene, Walker and Trey and Liam all out for a run. They make a pretty picture for the fandom too, which I’m sure was not lost on anyone (though they looked a lot more like Jared, Jeff and Keegan to be honest).

Walker Trey running hard with Liam behind.
Walker jumping up and down after beating off gay brother Liam in race.
Walker reacting to seeing Trey look gayer than brother Liam.
Trey in tank top and cowboy hat looking very drag Village People.
Walker LIam giving some intense gay face.

Walker and Trey have gotten closer during Micki’s time away, as Cordell later tells Denise. Bonham and Abeline fuss about Trey not eating enough and how he should stay for breakfast, and everyone tells Cordell to ask Capt. James how she’s doing. You get the feeling that they’ve all become a close extended family over the past three months, with Geri also included.

We also get to see a lot of badass Micki in this episode – when Spider pulls a gun to go after a tow truck driver who’s towing the car he’d got drugs stashed in, Micki impulsively leaps onto the moving truck, starts the car, and backs it right off the tow truck!

Walker Micki looking like a hooker flirting with Spider 2.01.
Walker Spider pulling gun with Micki going after a tow truck driver.

As the stakes increase, James tries to convince her to come in from undercover, but Micki feels she’s too close to getting to the kingpin himself and refuses. James is still feeling guilty about how Walker’s undercover stint went, but he doesn’t pull her ultimately.

Walker Coby Bell with Micki undercover.
Micki looking like a hooker undercover on Walker.

After Trey’s brief meeting with Micki, he’s more worried than ever. That prompts him to tell Cordell that Micki is undercover because of him, to save him – that the sniper wasn’t just targeting Stan, but Walker. He’s caught off guard, clearly upset, and probably feeling a little betrayed by his close friends who have kept him in the dark.

Trey: Help get her out of this, please.

Trey asking Walker to help Micki get free.
Walker sad to tell Trey Micki is going undercover because of him. 2.01

So of course Walker does.

The Original Denise

The other main storyline of this episode is the return of the Davidson family, who lived next door to the Walkers. We see flashbacks of young Cordell and Denise in the Davidson’s barn, clearly getting close, and then them running, Cordi marveling at what we at first think are fireflies in the night, but turn out to be sparks – from the burning barn. He goes back to save Denise, and young Liam is somehow involved too, but we don’t really know what happened – a new mystery for Season 2.

Young Cordell Walker with Denis in Davidsons barn.
Walker young cordell and Denise.

Marv Davidson, Denise’s dad, is the man who Abeline broke off her engagement with to marry Bonham, and he also apparently was killed in the fire, so there’s a lot of water under the bridge for these two families. The Davidsons moved away after, but now they’re back – and the awkward tension between the Walkers and the Davidsons is back too.

Denise Davidson (Amara Zaragosa) takes the DA position that Liam was hoping for, and he’s forced to stay on as an ADA, which he protests is humiliating. Denise is a take-no-shit kind of DA, and she and Liam clash.

Walker LIam arms crossed in front of Coby Bell.

There’s resentment still there for Liam about being left out of Cordi and Denise’s childhood/adolescent closeness too. One of my favorite scenes was Keegan Allen getting a chance to really shine as little brother Liam, drunk at the Side Step and still pissed about those childhood rejections.

Denise is married to Bill (Odette Annable’s real-life husband Dave), who’s as much of a firecracker as Denise is. Denise also knows the score though. When she and Cordell do a little reminiscing, they mention her mother.

Denise: My mother can be…

Cordell: Demanding…

Denise: I was gonna say a real bitch, so let’s go with demanding.

Her scenes with Padalecki were amusing, with Walker thrown off and nervous around her.

Cordell: Yeah I was close with Micki…and I’ve gotten really close with her boyfriend Trey, we jog together, bbq together…

Denise: Always the over sharer…

Walker Denise smiling at Cordell.
Walker looking shocked and thrown off with Denise.
Walker telling Denise about being close with Micki and Trey.
Denise calling Cordell an over sharer on Walker.

They both agree to try to put the past behind them, however, and to keeping it professional. I’m intrigued by their past and how it’s going to inevitably impact their present, though, despite their determination to not let it.

The Kids Are All Right (or Not)

Stella and Augie tease each other about being single then drive to school together in their uniforms and in the red Mustang, fighting over a parking spot with yet another mop haired pretty boy (missing Gavin Casalegno a little, not gonna lie).  

Walker Augie and Stella in red Mustang convertible.

When Stella finds their car keyed after school, she leaps in front of the boy’s pickup truck and accuses him of being the perpetrator. He sneers back.

Colton (newcomer Jalen Thomas Brooks): You’re Stella and… Arlo? You blame other people for your messes. Go home and tell your Ranger daddy to arrest me then! I’m Colton – and you’re a little princess.

Walker Stella fear in front of Coltons truck.
Walker Augie reacts to Colton being mean to STella.
Walker Colton Jalen Thomas Brooks yelling at Stella.

Stella’s hands are fisted in rage, but it’s Augie who punches Colton in the face. The boys fight until hardworking coach Trey notices and pulls them apart. Later, the kids and parents meet with the annoyed principal, and Walker tells Augie to apologize for the punch, while Denise (yep, Colton’s mom) tells him to zip his mouth or he’s going to military school.

Augie: I punched him, but only because…

Cordell: Stop. Apologize.

Augie being forced to apoligize for hitting COlton in face on Walker 2.01
Walker Colton in office with Augie after fighting.
Walker forces Augie to apoligize about fighting.

Augie: I’m sorry…that I beat you up…

Cordell has to turn away because he’s having to fight not to smile, but it’s to his credit that he at least turns around.

Augie apologizing about beating off Jared Padalecki Walker.
Cordell trying not to laugh at Augie saying that he beat him up.

I do think Augie should have absolutely apologized – sans gloating.

By the end of the episode, Stella has a chat with Coach Trey about the existential crisis she’s going through – developmentally appropriate but complicated by the trauma her family went through three months before.

Stella: When it comes to family, I get aggro now. I don’t want something to happen again, I’m supposed to think about college, decide my life path… some people have jobs lined up for 2026!

He assures her that not everyone has everything figured out – that he went through three jobs in the past year alone, and it’s okay to take a minute to figure things out.

Stella Walker scared about her future plans and career with Trey.
Walker Stella talking to TRey about college and future.

Stella is also freaking out a little because her dad didn’t come home the night before, which must bring back all the trauma of the year he was undercover.   Colton joins her in detention, and she informs him that she doesn’t want to talk about her dad. He retorts that he doesn’t want to talk about his mom. Then Stella gets a text – from someone named Liz. Apologizing for dinging her car.


That felt very real life too – every day in online discourse, someone blames someone for something that they sometimes didn’t actually do and then tons of people pile on to do the same. It will be interesting to see where Stella and Colton go from here – it seems like they’re setting up the classic enemies to lovers trope, or at least an adolescent version of that. Stella kinda has a thing for the bad boys too…

The Older Generation

We don’t get a whole lot of Bonham and Abeline, but we do get an intriguing scene where Abeline doesn’t want to talk about Marv and the fire and is a bit pissed at Liam for being so drunk the night before. When Liam complains that a painting on the wall is sideways, she snaps back that it’s his drunken brain that’s sideways – but when Bonham goes to fix it, we see that it’s someone else’s pov. The mysterious man spying on the family!

Abilene and Bonham giving hungover Liam food and coffee.
Hungover gay Liam drinking coffee at Bonham home.
Walker Bonham caught on video tape at home.

There’s also a nice scene with Bonham and Abeline and some beautiful horses. She asks him how he’s feeling, and he answers ‘good.’

Mawline: Would you tell me if you weren’t?

Bonham: PSA levels are good, meds are working, I’ve got you by my side. I learned my lesson, no more secrets.

Bonham sharing with Abilene about heart and health.
ABilene smiling about Bonham heart doing better Walker.

It’s a good lesson for a lot of the Walkers, honestly.

The Family Feud

We get a lot of pretty adorable big brother-little brother interaction at the Side Step as Cordell tries to convince a drunk Liam to come with him and go home.

Liam: Aww, don’t treat me like a kid… Denise did that to me earlier, like she used to, she’d tell me to get lost while you two were out looking for fireflies or whatever. Who am I, Rudolph?

Drunk gay Liam reacting to Walker trying to help him at bar.
Geri glaring at Walker and Liam at bar about boar joke.

Poor Liam, Keegan really sold that little brother vibe. Clearly Denise had something in mind other than fireflies with Cordi, I’m guessing.

Geri is also not a fan, recalling stories she heard about the Davidsons not inviting Hoyt to their parties because he lived on the wrong side of the tracks and Marv stealing the Walkers’ ranch hands.

Geri: Also, didn’t Gail Davidson blame you for that fire?

Cordell insists he wants to try to keep the peace and keep the past in the past, but it’s not easy. Denise’s husband Bill is all too eager to poke at all that past discord when he shows up, taunting Liam that he lost to a guy who was on trial for murder.

Walker with Bill and Denise angry about Denise the boar joke.
Drunk Liam offending Bill husband of Denise with Walker.
Geri tense about Liam Denise joke with husband bill.
Walker holding hand up to keep peace in bar with LIam.

Liam retorts by pointing to Denise the stuffed head on the wall of the Side Step, which we hadn’t known the back story to.

Liam: You know who that is? That’s Denise the deer, named after our Travis County DA.

Bill: You think that’s funny? Take it down!

Walker Denise the board wrapped in holiday lights.
Denise reacts to Geri and Liam deer joke.
Walker Liam fighting with Bill about Denise the deer.

Bill insists that Denise’s father died in the fire trying to save Cordell’s ass, which prompts Liam to throw a drunken punch – and poor Trey once again pulls people apart. Denise puts Bill in the truck and Cordell puts Liam in the truck, both of them in a sort of time out, and then the two try to be civil.

Walker holding back a drunk Liam at bar.

Denise: Denise the deer…which is a BOAR…

Cordell: I’m sorry, we were drinking…

Walker talking to Denise outside of bar.
Denise talking to Walker Cordell.
Cordell talking to Denise about beer.

Neither of them really remember much about the night of the fire, other than what they were told, and both agree they should try a peace summit on neutral ground, at the Side Step. Erase some bad memories, make some new ones.

It’s another theme of this episode, and one that seems as relevant as the theme of grief and loss felt in the first season. Whether it’s the pandemic or politics or fandom, it seems like people are at each other’s throats more than ever, and peace feels elusive everywhere you go. I’m looking forward to Walker exploring how long-standing grudges and disagreements fester and persist, and the impact that has on relationships in the present. It feels disturbingly relevant.

Cordell turns to Geri after everyone has left.

Cordi: You’re not actually taking Denise down?

Geri says no way, that was a gift from Emily.

Geri reacts to Cordell mention of Denise.
Walker smiles as Geri tells him about a gift from Emily.

The Showdown

The episode ends as action packed as it began. Walker keeps his promise to Trey and heads out to protect Micki, lying to Capt. James (who 100% knows he’s lying but goes along with it reluctantly). Walker comes in the door to the place that Micki is searching, gun drawn, only to have her overpower him and throw him on the floor. He lands on his back in a sprawl.

Walker: Uh, I’m here to save you…

Micki reacts to gun coming through door.
Jared Padalecki Walker hands up on pink carpeting with Micki.

(Shades of the Winchesters bursting into someone’s apartment and then realizing there was nothing to save and saying the same thing)

Walker: And…I think someone followed me. Or maybe you. Yeah, you.

Micki: I hate you.

Walker: I miss you too, Flor.

He reaches up expecting a hand up, and she walks away.

Micki ignores Walkers need for a hand up.

I will so miss their dynamic as partners.

The guy who was tailing Walker shows up and it’s someone he knew from the force who’s also a Ranger now – James had him following Cordell. But there’s someone else following them too, one of the bad guys named Morgan.

Morgan with hands up at gunpoint from Walker and Micki.
Walker realizes Morgan is following him and Micki.

Cordell tries to convince Micki to back out, but she refuses, saying she’s so close, she’s gotta get back out there. In fact, Micki has an idea.

Micki: This will only hurt for a minute.

Micki about to hit Walker hard.
Micki warning Walker shes about to hit him hard.

She starts a fight with Cordell and then runs away, while Walker and the other Ranger take down Morgan.  Cordell really cannot get a break a lot of the time, though, because going after Micki meant he missed the peace summit that he set up at the Side Step between the two families. Geri calls Bonham, the Davidsons sitting there being stood up by the Walkers.

Bonham: Let me guess, he’s a no show? Put this on my tab.

Even with Morgan arrested, Walker argues that this only buys Micki a couple of days, reminding her that Serrano has no trouble picking off his own people. Micki says she’s doing this for him, that she knows what he would’ve done and hates how much she knows.

Micki:  The way you were when you came back, all dark and rogue and unhinged. And even worse I get it, which is why I can’t let it happen again.

Walker: Exactly. And I can’t either. So why would I let you do the same damn thing to yourself?

Micki looking up at Walker with their plan.
Walker reacting to Micki story.

But at that moment she gets a text.

Micki: Serrano just asked me to dance.

They put a plan in place, and Micki tells James that she kicked Walker’s ass and ran.

Walker: Uh, that was a plan we made together…. We talked about it beforehand…

Walker reacting to Micki kicking his butt story.
Micki telling Walker that Serrano asked her to dance.

Jared is so good at that kind of comedy, it always makes me smile. Cordell is so different from Sam Winchester, and as much as I will miss Sam forever, I like Cordi. He’s a little bit bumbling in a way that Sam usually wasn’t, not so sure of himself, especially when it comes to women.

Even Denise agrees that Micki should stay in.

Denise: Don’t start any fires, Cordi.

I get the feeling that she still cares about him, in spite of what’s between their families. Maybe that’s why her husband is so antagonistic.

And the Plot Thickens

The ending scenes leave the Walkers and the Davidsons still at odds, with Gail Davidson leaving a gardening Abilene with this barb:

Gail: I’ll give you a call when I do the garden. You know what you’re doing, knee deep in dirt…

Walker ABilene gardening as Gail Davidson walks up.
Gail leaves bard with Aliblene about being knee deep in dirt Walker.

Micki meets with Serrano, with Cordell and other Rangers with rifles at the ready trained on the cars pulling up to meet with her.

Another car pulls up and a stranger gets out.

Walker Mickey getting out of car in Jared Padalecki's sites.
Walker looking through shot gun scope.

Walker asks in Micki’s ear, ‘who’s that other guy?’

And Micki finally answers the question that Spider kept asking her in the beginning of the episode:

Micki: It’s the one that got away.

Walker Mickey leaves the show to go with the one that got away.
Micki ending her time on Walker Lindsey Morgan.
Jared Padalecki Walker They Started It
Caps thanks to spndeangirl

Oooh, now that’s intriguing!

I’m looking forward to where this season goes and hoping the show will keep its depth and psychological focus once again. Fingers crossed!

5 Games Based on Movies – And Did It Well

Games based on movies have been a dubious concept at best. While some do a good job of capturing the same thrills as the silver screen, others just turn out to be exceptionally lazy and uninspired. These days we see more and more games based on movies and some of them are even pretty darn good. Games based on movies tend to start with some big questions like ‘Can the game be as good as the movie was?’ or ‘Will a movie tie-in ever live up to a great original design?’ With every new release the examples grow, and style becomes more important than substance. Designers have to leave their personal quirks behind for a safe by-the-numbers approach to going after the widest possible audience.

Although most games based on movies are just a quick cash grab from movie studios, for fans of the movie, they make for a nice little treat. Movie tie-in games have been around for a while, ever since Hollywood started making movies that had a corresponding game. Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man, and the X-Men have been around for decades, but new movies seem to release a new set of Android games that tie into them. 

If you’re someone with a keen interest in sports and want to play games like football, cricket, basketball – or other sports alike, and if you also want them to be based on some movie, or have a storyline, there are games of that sort too. But if you feel like there aren’t many games of this sort available, you can share your thoughts on how you would like to change that on Live Post. Click here for more information on your favorite sports and activities.

We’ve weeded out the games that aren’t as good and uncovered some gems that do justice to the original films. Take a look at the most fun games out there and blast away like Indiana Jones, win like Rocky or play like Batman.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

It just doesn’t get any better than The Return of the King. It’s one of the best movie games ever made, wrapping up the story in a game that delivers both epic moments and fantastic combat. Set in the timeless fantasy world of Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King video game immerses players in the concluding chapter of the trilogy. It allows players to continue their journey to destroy the One Ring in order to save Middle Earth from Sauron. As either a hobbit, a man, an elf, or a dwarf, players will encounter challenging enemies and perilous situations in the kingdom of Gondor that will test their skills and character. Gamers will compete against one another with swords and bows, engage in fierce battles using an upgraded combat system and even ride a Fellbeast along the side of a mountain as they fight to rid Middle-earth of Sauron.

Fast & Furious 6: The Game

Choosing between racing games for your smartphones is difficult, but I think the Fast and Furious 6 game perfects it. The game has a wonderful interface and lets you customize your car or truck to your liking. There are ships, cars, dirt bikes, tanks, jets, helicopters and something custom for you to drive through these 3D environments. Overall, there are 5 different levels of games where you can race against other vehicle drivers or challenge friends to see who’s the best driver.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Fallen Order is an action-adventure game that’s all about lightsaber combat. You encounter different enemies and lightsabers will play a major role in dispatching them. Blocking, lightsaber assault, jump attack, and leap attack are just some of the mechanics you’ll work with to become the best Jedi you can be. It has some solid single and multiplayer components. You can use real-time melee and Force powers in combat, and while it’s not an efficient way to deal with droids, it does make for a fun time. The game takes place across six different environments, each distinct from the other. What distinguishes these levels is their verticality, which provides multiple pathways through each environment. 

The Amazing Spider Man

Experience what it is to be Spiderman in this free Android game. Experience the thrill of being an open-world superhero, chasing crooks with super speed, swinging through New York’s most iconic buildings, and fighting crime with web-slinging powers.


Interstellar lets you explore other players’ solar systems and pilot your own spaceship as Captain of a free-flying starship. Explore the cosmic world that’s as infinite as your imagination.

Action games are fun, but most action movies are not. However, you can always play the game based on the same movie to get an adrenaline rush instead of watching it. You can play fantasy games based on the Harry Potter series, The Polar Express, or Avengers movie series or even Dark Knight Rises. There are horror games based on horror flicks like Silent Hill, Resident Evil series, which is basically a survival horror game rendered in graphics to make it look like a tamed zombie apocalypse.

Hottest Holiday Gifts for Family and Friends 2021

Christmas and the holiday season can get a little confusing when you have so many different people to shop for. If you have multiple family members of different ages and genders, it’s only natural that they’re going to want different things.

By knowing what men, women, kids, teenagers, and so on like, you might have an easier time shopping for Christmas gifts. Trying to get an exact read on what somebody want for Christmas, unless they outright tell you, can be hard.

Check out all of our famous gift guides right here.

hottest best holiday gifts for men 2021

Gifts for Him

Guys are fortunately pretty easy to shop for most of the time. There are many common interests shared among adult men, making it fairly simple to pick out various gifts that they’ll like and be able to show off to their friends.

versace pour homme hottest mens gift ideas 2021
Versace Pour Homme Men’s Gift Set

First thing you’ll likely find that he likes is cologne. Whether it’s his preferred brand or a brand new scent, cologne is always a great choice for a guy. Guys love smelling good, and a new cologne can make a world of difference. Splurge a little with Versace for Men, Azzaro or something simpler right here.

If your man is handier than the rest, some new tools would really brighten up his day. Try to find him something that’s a little bit unorthodox as a tool, especially if he already has a decent collection. Men love obscure tools that serve very specific purposes. You can find some amazing deals here the closer we get to the holiday season.

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Winner Transparent Watch

Style is important, and some men are pretty style conscious. If you’ve got some serious spending money, a luxury watch would really turn his head. Watches are an important accessory, especially for businessmen, so a quality one can make a big difference.

Check Out Our Luxury Gift Watches Guide for 2021

Golf is a hugely popular game among guys, even more so in recent years. Getting to spend some time outside is a huge advantage. Getting a beginner a good full set of clubs or an experienced player a brand new driver is a great gift option.

If your man is a bit of a chef, some good cooking equipment can be a thoughtful gift. Things like smokers, new chef’s knives, new grills, and so on can all make a man very happy. If he likes to cook, get him something to make his job easier.

Check Out Our Hottest Holiday Kitchen Cooking Gift Guide

New shoes can always get a good response out of a guy. Most guys tend to not buy new shoes for years and years at a time, under the excuse of, “I already have a pair of shoes,” but a new pair really is a must-have.

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Finally, any sports equipment if he plays a sport or is athletically inclined could work out well. New basketball shoes, new hockey sticks, new cleats, or anything of that sort is perfect. Just like shoes, men tend to put off buying newer and better equipment, instead of clinging to ones from years ago that are past their time.

Check Out Our Hottest Fitness Sports Gift Ideas Guide

hottest holiday gift guide family friends sexy santa pointing with pug sleigh
Handsome young man and pretty young woman in Santa Claus hat and costume, with pug dog, standing holding colorful festive Christmas gifts to celebrate the season, on white background

Gifts for Her

Men tend to see women as very complicated when it comes to buying gifts for them, but it really doesn’t have to be so hard. There are plenty of things that most women enjoy, and they’re not too hard to get ahold of.

New makeup and other beauty items can be great if you know what to look for. Try to avoid things like concealer or foundation if you don’t know exactly what tone to get, because if you get the wrong one, it won’t look right on her.

However, a safe makeup option would be something like a palette of eyeshadow. Even if it’s not something she’d normally use, many women love experimenting with different eyeshadow colors, and they can be used up pretty quickly. Any one you find from a good brand is a pretty safe bet.

Women also tend to enjoy spa, bath, and body type items. Anything from bath bombs to hydrating facial masks is a typical good choice. These things can be very relaxing and can also improve the condition of her skin.

Check Out Our Hottest Beauty & Skincare Gift Guide

Unless you know she doesn’t like it, try lavender as an easy choice for scent. Lavender has been shown to be rather relaxing, and in a time when most people are stressed out, that relaxing scent can be very helpful.

Check Out Our Top 20 Self-Care Gift Ideas

Just as men love cologne, women love perfume. If you’re going to get her perfume and you’re not sure what she likes, just try and get something nice at a solid price point. Cheap perfume tends to noticeably smell as cheap as it is, so go for something a bit pricier. You can find great deals here for luxury scents.

dazzling luxury jewelry holiday gift ideas 2021

Of course, accessories are a great choice as well. Whether it be watches, necklaces, new sunglasses, or anything else, she’ll probably enjoy something new to wear. Try to go with something that fits her typical wardrobe, so she can actually wear it somewhat frequently.

Check Out Our Hottest Fashion Accessories Gift Guide

If you opt for jewelry, you really can’t go wrong with anything that has diamonds. Granted, it is expensive to an extent, but real genuine diamonds always look fantastic. A pair of diamond earrings would be a perfect gift for any woman. You can find some great deals here without having to take a loan.

You can also find things that are pertinent to her interests. One fairly common interest among women is arts and crafts. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to everyone, but plenty of women like working with their hands and making nice decorations.

Something like oil paints and a variety of sizes of canvases could give her a chance to tap into her creative mind and give her the relaxing break she needs from the rest of the chaos in her world.

Check Out Our Hottest Bags, Luggage and Travel Gift Guide

young boy in santa hat excited with christmas gift guide 2021

Gifts for Kids

As an adult, it can be hard to keep up with what the kids are interested in these days. Interests shift so quickly and it’s hard to keep track of everything going on, especially now that trends get swept away so fast.

Fortunately, most younger kids aren’t so keen on the short-lived trends on the Internet and are instead more interested in seemingly random topics, usually whatever catches their interest for a certain amount of time.

stem toys hottest kids gift ideas 2021

One thing that can be a great gift for young kids is STEM related toys and activities. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, and by getting a child interested in something scientific at a young age, you can foster something that could turn into a career interest for them.

There are tons of activity kits for STEM related subjects, and for all different kinds of age groups as well. Some teach chemistry by growing your own crystals, while others help your kid identify bugs in their backyard.

Of course, not every child wants to play with some science and technology-themed toys. Other good options are out there for any of your kid’s favorite interests, one of the most common for young girls being things like dollhouses.

As much of an old classic as it may be, young girls still like dressing up dolls and arranging them in a little playhouse. If you used to play with dolls when you were young, you’d be blown away now at how many new features there are in these doll kits.

virtual pet toys hot again for 2021 kits gift guides

Another old classic that’s come back in recent years is virtual pets. These were a huge fad back in the late 90s and early 2000s, but they’ve come back strong for kids who want to care for a little virtual creature. You can find amazing hot deals during the holiday season right here.

Fidget toys have become a bit more popular again recently, as well. Though they were a fad as recently as the late 2010s, with things like fidget spinners, they’re back with little bubble popper types of toys.

Kids enjoy these for the physical and auditory sensation you get from messing around with them. It helps keep them occupied when they’re bored, and they’re usually small enough that they can be carried around with no hassle.

Arts and crafts are also always a hit with more creative children. Moldable sands and clays are very popular right now, and many boys and girls are creating little decorations for their rooms with them.

Another artsy gift you’ll find for a surprisingly good price is little LCD drawing tablets for little ones. Instead of having to spend money on tons of drawing and art supplies, young kids can get one inexpensive tablet and draw on it over and over again, with no mess.

Check Out Our Hottest Kids Toys Top 40

hottest christmas holiday gift ideas for teen angers 2021

Gifts for Teens

Shopping for teens is even harder than shopping for young kids. With teens, it’s almost always about the trends and keeping up with what’s most current. In that regard, many gifts for teens are expensive, but they don’t all have to be.

First, there are the obvious gifts that teens want. For example, the latest smartphone. Teens and adults alike are spending an enormous amount of time on their smartphones, so if theirs is a few years out of date, a new one would be a great change.

There’s also the matter of a new laptop. Unfortunately, laptops can get outdated pretty quickly. Seeing as laptops are used very frequently for work, school, and college, getting your teen a top-of-the-line laptop would be a sound investment. You can get a fully loaded laptop without having to pay a fortune right here.

When you’re shopping for a laptop, one thing you should look for is one with an SSD. This is a type of storage device, and it allows the computer to boot very quickly, so it’s less likely to get bogged down and slow them down.

These gifts are pretty expensive, though, but fortunately, there are cheaper options that can still appeal very well to teenagers everywhere. For example, new decorations for their room.

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Younger and older teenagers both like getting new decorations because they like to feel older by updating the look of their room. A great and easy way to do that is with an LED light strip around their room.

These adhesive light strips are pretty inexpensive, but they work well and are remote-controlled. They allow your teen to choose between whatever different colors they want to use, so they can adjust the lights to fit their mood. You can find some amazing décor ideas at some great prices here.

As you probably know, many teens prefer to be isolated in their room a good bit of the time. A mini-fridge would be a great gift for them, so that they can keep some snacks and beverages cool without having to take up space in the kitchen and without having to go out and get them.

Some teens have taken a liking to ceiling or wall projectors. Not the type of projectors that come out of the ceiling, but the ones that project patterns like stars up onto it from below. These give off great patterns and can really change the look of a room.

Many different kinds of wall art are popular with teens right now. In some cases, it’s collages of photographs to give a room a certain kind of aesthetic, and in others it’s based on interesting designs.

Tapestries are another popular form of wall art. They’re available in tons of different designs, and are essentially like cloth posters that get tacked up onto the wall. They tend to cover large areas and show off neat patterns. You can find some great inspiration and deals here.

amazing hottest gift ideas for friends and coworkers

Gifts for Friends and Coworkers

When it comes to friends and coworkers, buying gifts can always be a bit confusing. You might not know their interests very well, and you’re not sure how much money to spend exactly. Here is a wide assortment of ideas right here.

Luckily, there are gifts that are more relevant to your mutual job than their interests, so you don’t have to worry about getting them something they won’t like. They’re also inexpensive, but without being so cheap that it’s insulting.

One easy option is a coffee mug of some type. If your coworker is a real coffee lover, then a large mug can allow them to hold a bunch of coffee at once. You can also get insulated mugs that keep their coffee warm throughout the day.

While it’s a bit of a cop-out, you can get away in some instances with just getting them a gift card. If it’s for a coworker that you don’t know too well or a friend you’re not overly familiar with, this can be a fine gift.

Check Out Our Top 5 Hottest Budget Gift Ideas

If you work an office job, then getting your coworkers some desk décor and gadgets can help them spruce up their workplace. There are tons of different things to decorate and use on desks, to fit any interest you might find.

For the scientifically inclined or interested, there are many neat little physics-based gadgets for desks that are readily available. For example, Newton’s Cradles are small and can demonstrate inertia, a great gift for anyone who likes things like that.

If someone in your office loves having things organized and in order, some unique little organizational décor could be a great gift for them. Something they’re likely missing is a cable organizer, something to keep things like phone chargers and other cables in line.

Many desk jobs can often involve waiting or thinking, so many desk gadgets involve some kind of fidgeting action so that your hands can keep working while you let your mind wander elsewhere.

These fidgeting toys can come in tons of different shapes, sizes, and varieties. Some involve magnets, others just let your hands keep moving, and so on. They’ve been shown to help with stress relief, something everyone could certainly use.

For that friend who has everything, check out our hottest holiday collectibles gift guide. They will love you forever with one of these gifts!

If someone’s sitting in a chair all day long, getting them a heated massage tool would probably benefit them greatly. These can be used to help back and neck pain, something many people get when they’re stationary all day long.

These devices feature kneading actions combined with slight heat, and are usually applied to the neck or lower back. The combination of the two allows them to get a massage at any time, even if they’re still working.

If you have a friend who is spiritual, these gift ideas will truly do the trick here.

Understanding the Remaking of UK TV Shows and Formats to International Versions

With the world in awe of UK TV content, it is no surprise that TV producers are remaking the content to suit global audiences. UK comedy shows, reality series, and period dramas have remade international versions that are selling in large markets. Here’s a further breakdown of UK content that has taken on this trajectory

Scripted Films

Those categorized as scripted shows include series, sitcoms, and dramas. Some of the UK scripted shows that have been remade into international versions include:

  • Doctor Who
  • Doctor Foster
  • The Office
  • His Dark Materials
  • Misfits
  • Luther

Undeniably, these shows have been successful on streaming platforms and broadcast TV. Unfortunately, this is not the case for all shows. Renowned Britain shows such as The Inbetweeners, Broadchurch, and Skins made more success in the UK than in the US. It could be because the scripts were unchanged or that the viewers could not relate to the content.

Unscripted TV Formats

Dating shows and talent competitions are a few of the formats that fall under this category. Below are some formats with international variants:

  • First Dates
  • Come Dine with Me
  • Planet Earth
  • Got Talent
  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
  • Love Island
  • Strictly Come Dancing
  • Great British Bake Off
  • Googlebox

Revenue from scripted drama has been the highest revenue source for the nation. However, it could be difficult to ignore the impressive revenue from UK unscripted formats. Last year, these formats had a 42% revenue contribution to the international export sales.

Remarkable UK TV Exports

With the global acceptance of UK content, Betway Casino online has looked into the most successful UK TV Exports of all time. Here are the categories of the greatest UK TV exports:

  • Better than the originals
  • Money makers
  • Most watched
  • Widest reach

Better than the originals

The first season of The Office (US) was similar to the UK version. However, the following seasons took on a more suitable storyline for the US market. Though the Office (US) had six episodes in its first season, the second season has twenty-two episodes. With more views, The Office (US) managed to be on air for nine whole seasons.

The Office (US) is rated 8.9, while its UK version is 8.5 on IMDb. As for the show’s international popularity, the US version ranks 26, whereas the UK ranks at number 558.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? is one of the UK formats that has managed productions of close to 100 versions. The US audience for the 2020 format reboot was incredible. The format has 5.6 million viewers, with 6.5 million people watching its finale.

Money Makers

France, Denmark, Italy, and the USA are among the 26 markets worldwide that have licensed The Great British Bake Off. It explains why factual UK programs take up 28% of the national export revenue.

With £50 million in revenue, Top Gear earns its top position among the top export earners. Top Gear has 350 million viewers around the globe in 214 territories.

Most Watched

The Office (US) was the most-watched UK export on Netflix in 2020 with 57 billion streaming minutes. UK unscripted formats continue to raise the bar and rank highly in comparison. Strictly Come Dancing or Dancing with the Stars has screen time in 50 countries. Throughout the 270 seasons, the format has had 500 million views.

Widest Reach

In 2020, the reality talent show Got Talent had 78 sales worldwide, whereas Strictly Come Dancing got 63 sales. Other shows such as Idols and X-Factor secured 56 sales each.

The international markets have taken to British period dramas such as Vera and Downtown Abbey. Nearly 250 territories globally have these English historical shows. Midsomer Murders, as well as Agatha Christie’s Poirot, are among the classic UK crime series that have secured large sales.

Projections on UK TV Export Sector

Currently, the UK media and entertainment industry has £71.3 billion in generated revenue. In the coming years, the revenue is expected to increase. A revenue raise would be met by unmatched quality and quantity of UK TV shows. Subsequently, this will translate into a sales boost for TV exports.

On-demand video subscription is also expected to rise as the global subscription increase. The UK industry will benefit from these as part of its global sales come from these subscription platforms.

Final Thought

Aside from its TV shows, UK also takes pride in its football team. It is a well-known fact that the exceptional performance of the team players is appreciated with high salaries. Among the highest paid soccer players in the UK are David De Gea and Raheem Sterling. Other highly paid players on the England football team are Gareth Bale, Marcus Rashford, Harry Maguire, Erling Haaland, and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.

Watching Videos on a Slow Computer Is a Drag

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as sitting down in front of your computer to relax and watch a film, TV show, or video clip, only to have your computer slow down or crash. There could be several reasons why your computer’s performance is below par. Fortunately, there are solutions for almost any problem:

#1 Malware Infection

Malware is any malicious software like a computer virus. All types of computers get viruses, including PCs and Macs. In fact, Mac malware threats per endpoint user are now greater than Windows. You could get a malware infection from a bad link, website, email, social media message, etc.

Not only can malware slow down your machine, but it can also slow down your Internet connection. Of course, more dangerous types of malware can also raise security and privacy concerns. Sadly, your computer’s antivirus tools aren’t good enough to remediate more sophisticated emerging threats. Try a light and efficient free virus removal tool that has anti-malware capabilities to crush the following performance affecting malware:

  • Adware: Have you ever seen a barrage of popups on your screen? If so, the chances are that you have an adware infection. Adware invades your privacy and can slow down your computer and Internet.
  • Computer Virus: A computer virus is a threatening piece of malware that corrupts files and folders. It can cause your computer to crash or slow to a crawl.
  • Toolbars: Mysterious new toolbars on your web browser are potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) that can negatively impact your browser’s streaming capabilities.
  • Spyware: A very malicious program, spyware invades your privacy. Some types of spyware can crash your browser or computer too.

#2 Bloatware

It’s a good idea to remove noncritical preinstalled software from your computer because such trial run programs offer little value and often carry malware designed to spy on you. Bloatware also takes up valuable system resources. At the very least, examine the software loading at startup and prevent needless programs from booting with your machine. 

#3 Router

Your router can affect your Internet in multiple ways. Here are some tips that may help you earn an Internet speed boost:

  • Move your router to a central location of the home
  • Connect your computer to the router with a cable instead of WiFi
  • Restart your router regularly to clear its memory
  • Upgrade to a more modern and faster router
  • Change WiFi password to protect your Internet from freeloaders

Additionally, ensure that your downloads and uploads are deactivated when streaming videos. You can also try upgrading your Internet connection if tinkering with your router doesn’t help.

#4 Upgrade Computer

Sometimes, a few upgrades can substantially improve your computer’s speed. The two most cost-effective upgrades are a faster Solid State Drive (SSD) and more memory. SSD can make your machine noticeably quicker if you use an outdated mechanical hard drive. Likewise, extra memory can give your computer more room to breathe if you only have 4GB of RAM.

Watching videos on a slow computer or Internet connection can certainly be annoying. But you can certainly get a lift with the right changes.

Clubhouse App: Understanding and mastering your brand or message


Clubhouse is the latest social media platform that is growing faster than most people realize. Just because it’s an audio-only app, don’t let that deter you from realizing the power this can add to your online presence.

You can check out all of our social media tutorials here.


Clubhouse is a new social media platform that is growing significantly. Business owners are already seeing the benefits of being members of Clubhouse and it is helping them to build their brand. It is unlikely that you are a member of Clubhouse yet as you need an invitation to join. This guide will prepare you for marketing success with Clubhouse.

In this tutorial, you will learn how Clubhouse can help you with your business, branding or just your message. You will also learn what you need to do in order to be ready for your Clubhouse marketing. Learning and understanding exactly how Clubhouse works is very important especially the rooms and clubs.

You must approach your membership of Clubhouse in the right way to see the best results. This starts with the creation of a compelling Clubhouse profile which you will learn how to do in this guide. We will also show you the best ways to develop your brand on Clubhouse and build a large following.

What Is Clubhouse?

Clubhouse is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms. It is an audio-only app that is currently available to users of Apple iOS and Android devices. The social audio app started in 2020 and has become a platform for leaders in their field, top influencers, celebrities and more to hold audio group chats.

These audio group chats are uncensored and the speakers can talk about anything from their lives, their work, their visions, their industries and their interests. At the time of writing this guide, Clubhouse is a free-to-join app. When it first went live, you were only able to become a Clubhouse member if invited. Now they’ve thrown the doors open, and this is the perfect time to take advantage of this powerful app.

Clubhouse has grown significantly

The initial launch of Clubhouse was in March, 2020. It is the brainchild of Paul Davidson and Rohan Seth. Both of these guys used to work at Google and Davidson also worked at Pinterest. They created Clubhouse after performing some experiments with social media apps.

At first, Clubhouse was marketed to some top-tier influencers, industry thought leaders, investors from Silicon Valley and celebrities. Now they have opened the app up to members of the public. Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk were two of the biggest names to join Clubhouse.

Growth of the Clubhouse platform has been incredible. In December 2020 it had a membership of around 600,000. Now there are more than 10 million active Clubhouse members. There has been an investment of $12 million into the platform so it is here to stay.

It is still early days for Clubhouse and they do not have that many users compared to the giants of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Despite this, there is an opportunity for you to reach out to your target audience here. When they make the app available to everyone without an invitation then we predict it will grow significantly.

Now that people can invite others to the platform it is going to continue to grow at a rapid rate. The app is also now available for Android devices which is going to help growth. Initially, it was only available for iOS devices.

Launch or Join Rooms

As a user of Clubhouse, you will be able to create your own “rooms” or join other people’s rooms as an audience member. You can use a room to communicate with people that you know and also your target audience.

Rooms in Clubhouse is where all of the audio conversations take place. When you enter someone else’s room, you will see everyone that is currently participating. Each room will have at least one moderator, and you can identify these people by a green star next to them.

Stages and Speakers

Within every room is a stage. You will be able to see those that have the right to speak on the stage (known as speakers). It is possible to distinguish between those speakers that have the microphone right now and those that are currently muted awaiting their turn to speak.

When you see all of the individuals that are participating in a room, some will have a “party” emoji next to them. This signifies that they are new to the platform. If you tap on any of the participants you will be taken to their profile on Clubhouse. Having a good profile is essential and we will discuss this later in the guide.

Your Followers can see what Rooms you are in

Later on, we will discuss how you can build a good following on Clubhouse. When you enter a room, your followers will be able to see this. They will also be able to see the speakers that you can see. If anyone taps on your name then they will view your profile.

With Clubhouse you have the possibility of networking with other members that are interested in the same things that you are. This is great for niche marketing. You can follow others in a room and they can follow you.

Leave Quietly

Once you are ready to leave a room there is a link available that allows you to leave quietly. Maybe you only want to listen to one speaker in a room. When they have finished speaking you can quietly leave. You have to option to raise your hand to speak if you want to when you are in a room.

Clubhouse Hallway

Although Clubhouse is different to other social media platforms, it has a “hallway” which you can think of as your newsfeed home page. Here you will be able to see an overview of what is going on in rooms where you have an interest.

On your hallway page there is also a search field where you can search for what you want. If you have received any messages from other members these will be in your inbox. On the hallway page, there is also a calendar as well as icons for notifications.

Clubhouse Search

You can use the search or “explore” feature in Clubhouse to use keywords to find specific rooms. The results are in the form of a feed which will suggest related rooms and clubs for you. Use the search feature to find specific people as well as specific clubs.

Clubhouse Clubs

One of the best things about Clubhouse is the ability to create or join clubs. These are mini-communities within Clubhouse that have an interest in a specific niche, industry, hobbies, and more.

When you perform a search for clubs you will be able to see the title of the club, the number of members that it has, and the number of followers. When you join any of these clubs, you will receive notifications from the managers when they launch a specific room to discuss the subject of the community.

In the next section, we will discuss how Clubhouse is different to other social media platforms.

Clubhouse Is Different From Other Social Platforms

If you are expecting Clubhouse to be similar to other social media websites, then you are going to be disappointed. There are a lot of differences between Clubhouse and the other major platforms. In this chapter we will look to see how Clubhouse compares with 4 of the largest social media sites:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

It was never the intention of the founders of Clubhouse to be like these other social platforms. This is a good thing too, as you can use all of your social media platforms with Clubhouse to supercharge your campaigns or marketing.

Clubhouse is a new platform and there are bound to be some enhancements to it as time goes on. But we don’t believe that it will ever look similar to the social media platforms that you are probably used to.

Clubhouse is only available for Mobile (for now)

With the other four major social platforms that we have mentioned above, you can access them using a mobile device or a desktop or laptop computer. This is not the case for Clubhouse. Right now, you can only use Clubhouse if you have an iOS or Android mobile device.

The app for Android has not been available for that long. For the first few month’s people could only use Clubhouse if they had an Apple iOS device. As far as we can ascertain, there are no immediate plans to make Clubhouse available to desktop and laptop users.

No Business Profiles permitted (for now)

At the present time, you cannot create a business profile or page on Clubhouse as you can with the other four social platforms. You have to use your real name when you become a member of Clubhouse. If you have an alias that you use on other social platforms then you can mention this in your profile.

We do not see this as a major barrier. In time, we do expect Clubhouse to permit the use of the platform for businesses. There has been a lot of money invested in the platform so far and there will need to be some monetization methods implemented at some stage. The investors are going to require a return on their investment.

Only Audio Content permitted

With the other four platforms, you can make text posts, image posts, and video posts. These are not permitted on Clubhouse. It is a social audio platform and we do not believe that this is going to change. The audio content is what makes the Clubhouse platform stand out from the rest.

It is very likely that other social platforms are looking at the success and fast growth of Clubhouse and will want to offer an audio option as well. We cannot say if or when this will happen but it is probably going to.

Clubhouse does not have Messaging (for now)

Unlike the other four social platforms, you will not find a messaging app in Clubhouse. It is possible for a member of Clubhouse to make contact with other members but this is not the same as Facebook Messenger for example. Clubhouse encourages people to get together in rooms and clubs.

No Newsfeed with Clubhouse (for now)

When you login to Clubhouse you are not going to find a newsfeed as you do with the other four major social platforms. What you will see is an overview of what is happening in rooms that are related to your interests.

The home page of Clubhouse is your “hallway” and from here you can join rooms where there are audio events you are interested in. You can also use the search feature in your hallway to find other rooms and clubs of interest and to find other members by name.

No Minimum or Maximum Content Restrictions

You can add as little or as much audio content as you want with Clubhouse. With the other platforms, there are limits to the amount of content that you can post. Twitter is the most restrictive of all as you probably know.

If you want to talk for 10 minutes or for 24 hours on Clubhouse you can. They will not impose a time limit on any of the rooms that members create. Not having any restrictions is a good thing and sets Clubhouse apart from the other platforms.

Clubhouse is like an Event Venue

Clubhouse is different to the other social platforms in that it is more like an event venue. There are rooms, stages, speakers, moderators and so on. The other platforms do not really have anything like this.

Of course, you could run a Facebook Live session for example with different features, but you will not have any moderators there. Members of Clubhouse expect to join and create rooms. So, the event venue scenario is acceptable to them. With the other social platforms, there is always a lot of other things going on which can be a big distraction.

Clubhouse doesn’t offer Paid Advertising (but they kinda do)

At the time of writing this tutorial, there were no paid advertising opportunities with Clubhouse. This is very different to the other four social platforms which all have paid advertising. Clubhouse is going to have to add this feature at some stage or find another way to generate revenue. There are currently no monetization methods on the platform.

The investors are going to demand that the founders of Clubhouse find a way to monetize the platform. Nothing has been decided yet as far as we are aware. How paid advertising would work with Clubhouse is unknown at the moment. This past spring they began discussing adding it as a feature, and they know make it possible for users to send their favorite creators like a virtual tip jar.

In the next section, we will discuss how to use the basic features of Clubhouse.

Clubhouse Basic Features: How To Use It

For you to get the best results with Clubhouse you need to know how to use it properly. In this section, we will go over the basic features and explain step by step what you need to do. There is quite a bit to learn so you need to be patient.

Download the app and sign up

Now that it’s free to join Clubhouse, there’s no longer waiting to have an invite. You just download the app from your usual spots, and if you have a Twitter account, you can connect this to your account so you’ll have all the same profile information. This will include your Twitter user name, your picture and other info. You don’t have to join them, but if you want to connect your social media platforms, it’s very easy.

Choose your interests

Clubhouse needs to know what you are interested in so that it can serve up the most useful rooms and clubs in your hallway. They will provide you with a long list of subjects that you can choose from. You can select your interests later if you want, but we recommend that you do this right away.

Once you have selected your interests, Clubhouse will request that you access your contacts and use your chosen interests to identify others that you might know and some influencers that would be worth your time following.

Your Profile

The next step in the process is to complete your profile. This is so important that we will go into more detail about how to set this up correctly in another chapter. For now, we will cover the basics. We have already mentioned that you can use an existing Twitter account to set up your Clubhouse profile.

If you do not have a Twitter account then you will need to set up your profile manually. You will need to add a good description that tells others about your industry, your interests, your hobbies and so on.  Add a good photograph of yourself to your profile.

It is unclear at the moment how much influence the description in your profile has on the Clubhouse search feature. We recommend that you assume your description will help you to be discovered during a search. You want to give yourself the best possible chance of being discovered by other members.

You can link your Instagram and Twitter accounts to your Clubhouse profile. If you have accounts on these platforms then this is very easy to do. After adding the links to your profiles there will be 2 icons appear in your profile beneath your description.

Check out your Hallway

As we have already explained, the home page of Clubhouse is quite different from what you may be used to with other social platforms. It is called your hallway and you will find active rooms displayed here.

If you have joined any clubs or followed any of the rooms in Clubhouse then you will see some of these displayed at the top of your hallway page. Right at the top of your hallway page, you will see the main menu options. Here is what you can do from this main menu section:

  • Use the explore or search function to find other members, clubs and rooms using a keyword or a specific name
    • Invite someone that you know to become a Clubhouse member
    • Check your calendar which will have information about upcoming rooms that may interest you
    • Read any notifications that you have received
    • Edit your profile (or just view it)

One thing that you need to be aware of is that no icon exists in the Clubhouse app for your hallway page. To get back to it from any other page you will need to tap on the back button until you find it.

Find Users, Clubs and Rooms

If the information on your hallway page does not interest you right now, you can use the explore (search) feature in Clubhouse by tapping on the magnifying glass icon. Here you can enter the name of a member that you are looking for, or perform a keyword search for rooms or clubs that interest you.

All profiles on Clubhouse are public so if the person that you are looking for is a member then they will show up when you search for them. You will then see information about the person that is pulled from their bio.

Invite others to join Clubhouse

When you become a full member of Clubhouse, they will allocate a number of invitations to you. This is likely to be one or two to start with. In order to invite someone that you know to join Clubhouse, they must exist as a contact on your phone. You also need to give Clubhouse permission to access your contacts.

Once you have set everything up to invite others you will see your phone contacts displayed in a list. You can select someone from this list and send them an invitation to join. Your contact will receive a text message from Clubhouse telling them that you have sent them the invite. It will also tell them to use the right phone number when they choose to accept your invitation.

Using your Clubhouse Calendar

The purpose of the Clubhouse calendar is to show you what rooms are upcoming in the future. If you do not currently have the time to join a room at the moment, you can tap on the calendar icon to see what rooms will be coming soon.

All of the rooms in the calendar will be tailored to your interests. You can scroll through the calendar and when you see a room that you would like to listen to you can tap on the notification symbol.

This will ensure that you will receive an alert on your phone when the event is due to start. It is also possible for you to share this event on social media.

Check your Notifications

There is a bell icon in your main menu at the top of your hallway page and this is for your notifications.

You can receive a notification for a variety of reasons. Here are the most common types of notification:

  • You will be notified when another member follows you
    • You will be notified when a member you are connected with is speaking in a room that is likely to be of interest to you
    • You will be notified when one of your connections invites you to an active room they think you will be interested in
    • You will be notified when someone that you are following or a club that you follow schedules a room to start

Your Clubhouse Settings

You can access your Clubhouse settings through your profile. Here you will see a gear icon in the top right corner and when you tap on this you will open your settings page. One of the things that you can change to suit your requirements is your notifications.

On the settings page you can specify the following:

  • How often you receive notifications
    • Whether or not your notifications should include trending rooms
    • Pause your notifications if you want to

From your settings page you will also have access to the following:

  • A detailed FAQ
    • Guidelines for communities
    • Terms of service
    • Privacy policy
    • Support (reporting an incident)

If you discover a problem with Clubhouse, then we recommend that you report this immediately. While it is likely that they will have fixed most of the bugs by now, you could experience a new problem. Reporting this will help the founders to improve the platform.

In the next section, we will discuss how to use Clubhouse rooms and clubs.

How To Use Clubhouse Rooms and Clubs

Now that you know how to use the basic features of Clubhouse, it is time to learn how to use rooms and clubs. This is really where the magic happens in the app. To put rooms in perspective, imagine attending a large convention and being able to see different conversations going on in different rooms. Clubhouse attempts to emulate this scenario.

Viewing Clubhouse Rooms

You can stroll down these imaginary corridors and see various rooms right from your hallway. Each room has a name and you can check out some of the people in each room. It is also possible to see who the speakers are and the total number of people in a room.

All of the rooms that appear in your hallway are public. They are available for anyone to enter.

Alternatively, you can create a private room where you can invite one or more of your connections so that you can talk in private.

When you want to invite people to your private room for a chat, you can see who is available right now by swiping left on your hallway. You will see everyone available here and whether they are online or not and which rooms they are in (if they are in a room). There are different roles that you can play in rooms.

An App Listener

When you first become a member of Clubhouse you will be a listener. You will not have access to a microphone in a room but you will be able to listen to room conversations as they unfold. It’s a good idea to become a member of the audience at first so that you get a feel for everything.

While you are listening in a room you can always tap on anyone else in the room (either a speaker or audience member). The reason for doing this is that you may want to follow up with them and make a connection afterward.

As a listener or a member of the audience, you will see an “all rooms” option that you can tap on at the top of your screen. This will take you back to your hallway where you can check out other rooms that have started without having to leave your current room.

This is a really good feature of Clubhouse. You are able to minimize the Clubhouse app and do other things without having to give up your place in a room. The conversation will continue as you are doing other things so you will not miss out on anything.

Clubhouse Speaker

As a speaker in a Clubhouse room, you will have the ability to use your microphone and mute it as necessary. While there is another person speaking it is always courtesy to put your microphone on mute. If you leave your microphone unmuted then there may be background noises that will distract the speaker.

After you have finished your speaking session, be sure to wait for a couple of seconds before muting your microphone. The last thing that you want to do is to cut off the end of your speech which is possible because there could be a lag between you and the people that are listening to you.

A moderator will run each room and there are likely to be different rules applied depending on the subject matter. If the room is very large then the moderator is likely to only invite a limited number of people to the stage. They will probably request that you keep any comments or questions down to a couple of minutes.

It is important that every question is addressed in a room and the moderators have the control to move you back into the main audience after you have asked your question and received an answer. They will then move on with the next question.

Interviews tend to take place in smaller rooms. In this scenario, it is likely that you will only be able to listen to the interview. A moderator can also make the room more open by inviting the entire audience to the stage so that they can speak in turn.

Room Moderators

If you want to be a moderator of a Clubhouse room, then you have two options available:

  1. Start your own new room
  2. Have a moderator in an existing room you are in upgrade you from a speaker to a moderator

As a moderator you will be able to do the following:

  • Allow or not allow members of the audience to raise their hands to speak
  • Invite anyone from the audience to speak
    • Accept requests from audience members to speak
    • Upgrade other speakers to moderators
    • Mute the microphones of other speakers
    • Move speakers back to the main audience

When you are a room moderator you can help to direct the tone of the conversation. You will have a strong influence over the conversation and the energy generated within the room. It is important that you make the right decisions as a moderator. Are you going for a structured or an open room? What criteria will you use to select new speakers?

It can be a big commitment being a moderator as you will need to be available in the room for as long as it remains open. You can play your part by reviving a flagging conversation by inviting questions. If your room is getting a bit chaotic then you can bring order to it to maintain the audience.

Stages in a Room

You need to be aware of the different stages in a room. When you first enter you will see the owner of the room, the moderators and the speakers near the top. This is the main stage. All of the speakers here will share the main stage.

Directly below the speakers on the main stage is the first row of the audience. This has a name “followed by the speakers”. This stage will highlight members who have already had interactions with the speakers and have begun to build relationships.

Below this “front row,” you will see the remainder of the audience. These are the other people in the room that are just listening to the conversation. A phrase that you will need to get used to is “pull to refresh” or “PTR”. This is because Clubhouse allows people to just drop in and chat whenever they want.

Another reason for this phrase is when a speaker has temporarily changed their profile picture to show another image which is important for the room. A moderator will call out “PTR” so that you can pull down the room screen to refresh it with what is currently going on.

Clubhouse Clubs

A club is a community set up on Clubhouse. It is possible to start a room with a club as either a private or a public event. Only club members will be permitted to attend a private room. Anyone can join a public room.

If you want to create your own club then you have to commit to hosting a minimum of one recurring conversation. You can host as many conversations as you want that are not recurring. To make a club founder request, you have to host your first 3 recurring meetups and then fill out a specific request to start your own club.

Four different types of Club membership

The Founder – this is the owner of the club. As a founder, you can change the description of a club and the club rules. You can also invite members to join your club without the need to make a request or wait for approval.

Admin – a club founder can appoint other admins. A club admin can approve new members and remove existing ones. They can also open private or public rooms.

Members – a member is someone that has been approved to join the club. As a member, you can create a private room but not a public one. They can nominate other members of Clubhouse to join the club and also participate in public and private rooms.

Followers – a club follower is not an official member. They can follow the activities of a club but they will not be able to create any rooms. Followers receive notifications about any public rooms that the founder or admins schedule.

At the moment, Clubhouse only permits their members to open one club at a time. They do this

because they do not want members to spread themselves too thinly. It is also to avoid clubs becoming dormant. The waiting time to establish a new club is around two weeks.

In the next section, we will discuss how to set up your Clubhouse profile.

Maximizing Your Clubhouse Profile

Your Clubhouse profile is essential for your success. You need to set up your profile in the right way so that you show your audience exactly what you want to be known for. The information that you add to your bio is pivotal to how you are discovered in the member directory. It is so important that we decided to dedicate a complete chapter on setting up your profile.

Most people do not pay much attention to their bios on social media. But if you want to be successful with Clubhouse then you must invest the right amount of thought, creativity and time into the creation of your bio. This is your chance to stand out from the crowd.

Having a great Clubhouse bio will help you to develop your following (more on this later). By thinking through the message that you want to portray, and paying attention to detail when it comes to including keywords, you can make your Clubhouse bio the best it can be. So, let’s get started…

Use the Best Photograph

It is critical that you use the best possible photograph of yourself in your Clubhouse bio. You probably already have a number of photographs, so you need to review these to see if they are good enough for your bio. If they are not, you need to take a new photograph of yourself.

What should you look out for when choosing a photograph of yourself for your Clubhouse bio? Follow these guidelines and you won’t go wrong:

  • Your photograph needs to show you smiling and show your complete face in the center of the frame
    • It is essential that your photograph looks good in different sizes. Your bio photo will appear throughout the Clubhouse app. Sometimes your name will be associated with it and sometimes not. You need to ensure that your photo is as clear as possible
  • Use a background for your photo that is clear and has contrasting colors. Clubhouse has a white to an off-white background and it can also be a light beige color. These are good neutral colors that will help your photograph to stand out.
    • Choose a bright background for your photograph as this can really make it stand out from the vast number of other photographs on the Clubhouse app

If you need to go to a professional photographer and invest a little money to have the perfect Clubhouse bio photo then do that. They will have a number of different backgrounds that you can choose from. Show them the app on your phone so that they know which background will work the best for you.

Create a great Description

It goes without saying that the description you create for your bio needs to be great. You get a lot of room in your bio to write a full description. Be aware that the first 125 characters or so (the first 3 lines) are the most important. This is because these are used as a bio preview in Clubhouse rooms.

The editor for your bio description is plain-text. This means that you cannot mark it up in any way and you cannot add hyperlinks. It is not easy to add emojis to your bio description either. You need to get creative here to compensate for this.

Importance of the First 3 Lines

We have already told you that the first 3 lines of your bio are the most critical in your Clubhouse bio. The preview screen will show your bio photograph, the number of members that are following you, the number of members that you are following, and the first 3 lines of your bio description.

So, you need to think about how you can tell people who you are and what you stand for in those first 3 lines. The rest of your description is important, but nowhere near as important as those first 3 lines.

Think about what you are able to offer others when you are creating the first 3 lines of your bio.

Clubhouse is a networking app and you always need to be thinking about what value you can add to the community. When other members read your preview, they need to know what you can offer them. If your first 3 lines are weak then they will find someone else to follow.

Tips for a Great Clubhouse Bio

Although there is no limit on how long your bio can be, don’t get carried away with this. Just because your bio is longer than the majority of others does not mean that you become more appealing. The quality of the information that you provide is much more important than how long your bio is.

Here are our top tips to creating an awesome Clubhouse bio:

  • Always think “what’s in it for them”. Ensure that your profile highlights the value that you will bring to the conversation
  • You can add a link to your bio, other than Twitter and Instagram, but it will not be clickable. So, when you are adding a link, you want to ensure that this is memorable. There is no way for other members to copy and paste your link. Get a short and memorable domain name that you can add to your Clubhouse bio
    • Create a list of the subjects that you are interested in discussing. This will tell other members what kinds of conversations appeal to you and would like to be invited to discuss
    • We are sure that the Clubhouse search feature uses keywords in member bios to find them. Add related keywords to your bio to help other members discover you. Avoid keyword stuffing at all costs
    • Use an external app to create your bio description first (see below)

Get the Format Right

We recommend that you use an external application such as notepad to write your Clubhouse bio description. This will help you to get the formatting right so that it will look great on Clubhouse.

Nobody wants to see a bio description that is just one large block of text.

Make your bio stand out by using emojis. Again, you need to do this in an external editor because the Clubhouse editor doesn’t provide you with a way to add emojis to your description. The use of emojis will certainly make your profile stand out. Be sure to use them in the first 2 to 3 lines of your description.

Another way to make your profile stand out is to use bold and italic markup. Again, you do not want to go crazy with this. Identify key places in your description (like the first 3 lines for example) where you can use bold and italic for the best impact.

In the next section, we will discuss the advantages of Clubhouse for building your brand.

Clubhouse Advantage For Your Brand

Clubhouse provides you with the opportunity to build your brand and in this chapter, we will explain why this is the case. A lot of marketers are unable to see the marketing power that Clubhouse can provide as it is different to other social media platforms. Once you know the advantages of using Clubhouse for your brand marketing there will be no stopping you.

Be Prepared for Marketing on Clubhouse

You need to think about the strategies that you will use to get the best results from Clubhouse.

Preparation is very important and those that fail to prepare will prepare to fail. These are the most important things that you have to know before you begin your Clubhouse marketing journey:

  1. You need to know your audience
  2. You need to decide what value you are going to provide to your Clubhouse audience
  3. Use these first two things to decide on the type of conversations you want to have on Clubhouse

Clubhouse is not the kind of social media app where you can just add a post with a link back to your website. It requires you to be creative and strategic. It is unlikely that you will achieve a lot of short-term gains with Clubhouse so set your sights on the long-term.

Building Trust and a Community

Your target audience is always going to favor individuals and companies that provide authentic and trustworthy messages. The fact that your company may have been around for decades doesn’t matter that much anymore.

In these current times, your audience wants to be sure that you care about them and that you will share your values with them. By starting a Clubhouse room where you discuss everything about your brand in an uncensored way, you will come across as a lot more authentic and trustworthy.

Clubhouse provides you with the opportunity to participate in live conversations in a community space. It is OK to be vulnerable in these spaces. You can deliver audio content to both large and small groups of your target audience. There are no scripts and anyone can join in.

Making yourself open and available to your target audience is going to help with the building of trust. You are willing to talk candidly about your industry and your brand and your audience will really appreciate that. This is not something that all brands will be prepared to do.

Prove you are a Thought Leader

The Clubhouse app was based on thought leaders and influencers. This means that your target audience will want to listen to new ideas, insider information and join in discussions with experts in their niche.

Being a thought leader will boost your credibility and standing in your niche. So, you need to grab the Clubhouse opportunity with both hands. Be willing to share your expertise and your thoughts on how the niche will change.

Your Audience wants Audio Content

Videos are a great way to get your message across to your target audience, but after a while, watching a lengthy webinar can be mentally draining. More people are checking out podcasts these days and even webinars with no visual content.

One of the major advantages of using Clubhouse is that it provides a break from the continuous screen time that is forced down people’s throats these days. Your target audience will always crave personal connections and will want to attend live events. Clubhouse makes this easy for them to do this.

Networking and Collaboration

The Clubhouse app has a wide variety of rooms and clubs on virtually any subject that members are interested in. It is highly likely that you will be able to find rooms and clubs that are related to your niche where you can network and collaborate.

You can be strategic with the way that you use Clubhouse for your marketing. Getting to know club founders and moderators can certainly help with the development of your brand. By choosing the right Clubhouse rooms you can speak to the right people that are going to provide you with the most value.

Provide your Expertise and Support

It is best if you view Clubhouse as an easy and free way to provide value to your target audience. You can also use it to build trust with new audiences. Have the mindset that you need to give before you can take when you are using Clubhouse for your marketing.

Be prepared to offer your expertise in your niche to Clubhouse members. Provide your support to them by helping them connect with your audience. When you are seen as someone who always gives a lot to the Clubhouse community you will be able to achieve the results that you want.

Create your own Community

Clubhouse provides you with the opportunity to hold discussions with your existing customers and your target audience by creating a community. Make sure that you provide value for your community by sharing your knowledge and exchanging tips.

Clubhouse provides Opportunity to Set Expectations

You are able to clearly set expectations for other Clubhouse members about what you will deliver in your conversations. It is really important that you clarify what other members can expect from you when you are leading discussions.

By setting the right expectations it will help your target audience to understand the context of your message better. His helps to ensure that your followers know what to expect from you which will help you to engage better with them.

Use Clubhouse for Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Clubhouse is ideal for word-of-mouth marketing and raising the awareness of brands. When you can sell your story effectively on Clubhouse this will increase your chances of more rewards through your social connections.

Take the opportunity to sponsor a room as your brand. This will put you in the driving seat and enable you to tell your story. Clubhouse offers a really unique way for your target audience to engage with your brand.

Get Valuable Feedback

You can use Clubhouse to obtain valuable feedback about your brand. For example, you can set up a room to pitch a new product or service that you are launching. Others in the room will provide you with their opinions which will help you to perfect your new product or service.

If you are currently experiencing a problem with your business, you can start a room to discuss this. It is likely that others have experienced the same problem in their business and will be willing to provide you with constructive feedback and advice on how to overcome the problem.

Tap into Trends

It’s a good idea to consider Clubhouse as a way that you can listen in to the social buzz. By following influencers in your niche, you can pick up on the latest trends. You can also keep an eye on your competitors on the platform.

Make it your businesses to immerse yourself in conversations that are related to your niche. In this way you can gain a better understanding of the needs and wants of your target audience. It will not take you long to notice emerging trends in your niche when you are up to date with the latest news. You need to stay relevant with your brand.

Connect with Investors

If you are looking for investment in your business then Clubhouse is a great way to connect with potential investors. There are venture capitalists that are already Clubhouse members. This provides you with the opportunity to get in front of these people and pitch your business to them.

Start a room where you will share all of the relevant information about your business. Invite investors to your room and take note of the feedback that you get. This will help you to adjust your pitch and also to tweak your business plan if this is necessary.

In the next section, we will discuss Clubhouse marketing tactics.

Proven Clubhouse Marketing Tactics

Now that you are aware how Clubhouse can help you develop your brand, it is time to introduce some marketing tactics that have worked well for others that are members of this audio social community. Remember that Clubhouse is relatively new, so other strategies will emerge that you can monitor on Clubhouse to see how effective they are.

A good Clubhouse marketing strategy is one that encourages engagement from your target audience. You need to use marketing tactics that will enable you to really connect with your listeners and set you apart as an expert and a thought leader in your niche.

The Clubhouse app provides you with the opportunity to reach out to new audiences and build good relationships. Clubhouse marketing should definitely be part of your brand strategy and here are some effective tactics that you can use:

Join Relevant Rooms and Conversations

You will get nowhere with Clubhouse marketing if you are just a passive listener. The chances are that you will learn a lot from just listening and we recommend that you do spend some time doing that.

But speaking out is the name of the game here. When you speak out it is the easiest way to gain exposure for your brand and build greater awareness of it.

To get the best results from Clubhouse you need to be as active as possible. Identify rooms that are relevant to your niche and get involved. Take the opportunity to be on the stage and have your say.

This doesn’t mean that you need to talk for the sake of talking. You need to have something of interest to say and add value to all conversations.

When you are just starting out with Clubhouse, we recommend that you avoid the rooms that have thousands of members in them and go for the smaller rooms. You are more likely to be invited to the stage to speak in a smaller room.

You will need to use the “raise your hand” feature to be noticed by the moderators who will evaluate your potential to add value to the conversation. This is where having a great profile comes into play.

Start a Niche Related Room

Starting your own rooms on Clubhouse will get you the best results. If you have any fears about doing this then work on overcoming them as it is so important that you start your own rooms. The audience will instantly perceive you as an authority and an expert when you start your own room.

It is really easy to start a new room on Clubhouse. Navigate to your hallway and you will see the “Start a Room” link at the bottom of the screen. Tap on this and then select “+Add a Topic” so that you can give your room a name (there is a 60 character limit here).

Now you will need to choose from the following 3 options:

  1. Make your room “public” – anyone can join your room
  2. Make your room “social” – only members that you follow can attend
  3. Make your room “closed” where only you can select the members to attend

After this you are ready to go. We recommend that you promote your new room on your other social profiles. Don’t forget to inform people of the subject of your room and the date and time that it will open.

Learn how to Moderate a Room for Best Results

You will get the best results from Clubhouse marketing by starting your own rooms. It is essential that you know how to moderate your rooms effectively. Follow these tips to make every room that you start a success:

  • Make it very clear what the purpose of your room is
    • Be prepared to add additional insight to tips, suggestions and comments made by others
    • People can join a room at any time so restate the purpose of your room every 15 minutes or so
    • When you invite people on to the stage to speak, mention the experience that they have that is relevant to the subject
    • Keep your room moving at all times
    • If you have a large room then get a few more moderators involved to help manage it

Collaborate with Influencers

You have the option to co-host a room on Clubhouse. So, you can find experts in your niche that will be willing to co-host a room with you. These experts or influencers will have their own audiences and this is a great way for you to tap into them.

The collaboration on Clubhouse is all about sharing the microphone. Your audience will appreciate this as it is likely to lead to greater diversity of thought. This is a great way to build the necessary traction that you need to succeed in your niche.

It is best that you plan a co-hosting event in advance. Talk with the other host(s) and discuss the main talking points. Take the opportunity to see their point of view here. You want your co-hosting event to be a win-win for all involved.

Use Brand Ambassadors

If you are part of a company, you can identify other people that would be good brand ambassadors on the Clubhouse platform. You need to encourage them to become a member of Clubhouse and participate in relevant rooms and join relevant clubs.

The other company members that you invite to join Clubhouse will all need to complete their profiles properly. You can help them to do this with the knowledge that you now have. Make sure that they describe what role they play in your company.

You can get a good start here by encouraging your new brand ambassadors to start new rooms around your niche. Explain to them that their talk is not to be over promotional. Instead, they need to discuss the problems that the target audience has and how they can overcome them.

Make Announcements on Clubhouse

Tell the Clubhouse community that your company is launching a new product or service. The best way to do this is to start a new room that you dedicate to new announcements. Think of this as a live press release.

You want to invite as many of your target audience as you can to your new room announcing your product launch. Use your other social media profiles to spread the word about this. If you have an email list then send a broadcast email about it.

Start a Roundtable

You can start “roundtable” rooms where you will discuss the problems and issues that your target audience is experiencing in your niche and tell them how your brand can help. When a roundtable room is done right, it will attract a large audience who will derive a lot of value from it.

Bear in mind here that you mustn’t be “over promotional” in your roundtable rooms. Clubhouse was not designed for this and you do not want to get flagged for doing this. The aim of your roundtable needs to be to focus on solving problems for your audience. Be clear what you will discuss.

Knowing your target audience well is crucial here. You want to create roundtables about problems you know a lot of them are experiencing. Explain how you overcame these problems and talk about the solutions that you have to help your audience do the same.

In the next section, we will discuss how to grow your followers on Clubhouse.

How To Grow Your Clubhouse Followers

In order to promote your brand more on Clubhouse it is necessary for you to grow your following. At the end of the day, if you want more followers on the Clubhouse app you need to be as active as possible. Following more Clubhouse members is a good thing to do as is joining in on room discussions and hosting your own rooms.

Here are some effective ways to increase your following on Clubhouse:

Take a More Active Role

The number one way to increase your following on Clubhouse is to be more active. This means to host several events on the platform and invite as many users as you can. You can also participate in different rooms that are related to your niche as a speaker.

It is all about putting yourself out there so that other Clubhouse members can get to know you. After you have been active for a while on Clubhouse, you will have the opportunity to create your own club (community).

Provide Your Audience with Value

Some people jump on to Clubhouse and then start to show off about what they know and who they are. They try to pitch their products and services regularly and end up getting nowhere. Don’t be tempted to do this. Make your focus adding value to other users of the Clubhouse app.

If you are in a room and have a question to ask then keep it as brief as possible. Don’t waste people’s time by going on and on about something. For people to like and trust you on Clubhouse you need to add to conversations.

Hosting a room is something that we would definitely recommend. But when you are doing this then make sure that it is not just a pitch for your products and services. Provide a great deal of value first and then get in a small pitch afterwards.

Prepare a Brief Announcement

Each time that you speak in a Clubhouse room you want to tell the audience who you are. The secret here is keeping it brief. Nobody wants to listen to you rattle through your entire CV. Just announce who you are, what you do and where others can find you.

Get In Clubhouse Early

Clubhouse is growing at a significant rate but it is still a relatively new social app. Do whatever you have to do to get in right now. Don’t think that waiting to “identify the territory” is a good idea because it isn’t. Get in now so that you can establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

If your niche is popular then there will be other experts making an appearance sooner or later. When you get in early you can defend yourself from being overwhelmed with new influencers. Build up your following as early as you can.

Create an Awesome Profile

We have dedicated an entire section in this guide to creating an awesome profile so read every word and put this into practice. It is essential that your profile stands out as this will help you to gain new followers on Clubhouse. Be sure to add a link to your website in your profile.

Start to Follow Related Clubs

You cannot be a speaker in a club until you are nominated to do so. Start to follow related clubs so that you get noticed. After a while you should be nominated to join a club. This allows you to host rooms in that club. Clubhouse will tell everyone about you speaking in this club which will help to increase your following.

Hosting Rooms to gain more Followers

Hosting rooms on Clubhouse is one of the most powerful ways to gain more followers. You need to do everything that you can to entice members to show up in the rooms that you host. Use these 5 tactics to increase the size of your room audiences:

  • Schedule your rooms in advance and then use your other social media profiles and your email list to promote each room
  • Make the description of your room compelling. Be clear on what you will discuss and why it is important
  1. Invite experts to be co-hosts – the right influencer can bring a huge audience with them
  2. Get the timing right – keep your room on track and do not go on longer than a couple of hours
  3. Be a good moderator – tell people about the subject of your room every 15 minutes or so and reset it. Run your room professionally and you will get a lot of respect and more followers

Engage your Audience

Here you will need to use all of your people skills. The first thing to remember is to be polite to all of the Clubhouse members. They will start to like you and then follow you. Be sure to thank other members when they make a contribution.

Set expectations and be consistent. People like to know where they stand with you and expect you to be consistent with your content. If you like talking then control yourself and do not talk too much. Always be respectful of other people’s time.

In the final section, we will discuss the Clubhouse marketing best practices that you must follow.

Clubhouse Marketing Best Practices

If you want to be successful with Clubhouse marketing in the fastest possible time, then you need to follow these 8 best practices. Many people make a lot of mistakes with Clubhouse, and if you follow these best practices, you can avoid these and successfully develop your brand.

Understand What Clubhouse Is All About

Clubhouse is not the same as other social media platforms. It is an audio only platform that is only available for iOS and Android devices. Since its launch in 2020, Clubhouse has grown significantly. It now has more than 10 million active users every month.

You need to know about rooms and clubs. Join a room that is related to your niche or create your own room. There is a stage in every room where you can speak. People that follow you will see what rooms you are in. Your homepage is your “hallway” and you can search from here. A club is a mini community on Clubhouse.

Clubhouse Is Different From Other Platforms

You need to understand that Clubhouse is different to other social media platforms. There are no business profiles allowed on Clubhouse and you have to use your own name. It is not possible to post any other type of content other than audio. There is no app for messaging within Clubhouse.

Don’t expect a newsfeed with Clubhouse like you get on Facebook or other social platforms. Your hallway will recommend rooms that you can join. There are no restrictions on content at Clubhouse. You cannot run ads on Clubhouse. It is best to consider Clubhouse as an event venue which is different to other social platforms.

Master the Clubhouse Basics

It is essential that you know your way around the Clubhouse app. The first thing to know is that you have to be invited to join Clubhouse. You will need to choose your interests and complete your profile. Get familiar with your hallway page and use the search feature to find other users, rooms and clubs that interest you.

Once you are a Clubhouse member you will be able to invite others. Use your Clubhouse calendar to see what is coming up in the near future. Check your notifications on Clubhouse and get used to all of the setting that the app has.

Know how to use Rooms and Clubs Properly

Rooms and clubs is what makes Clubhouse tick. You need to know how to view rooms and join them. Start off by being a listener in rooms then migrate to becoming a speaker. Learn about moderators and what they do. Understand how the stage works in a room. Understand the power of clubs and what you have to do to become a member and create your own club.

Setup your Clubhouse Profile correctly

Your Clubhouse profile is critical for the success of your marketing. Use the best possible photograph of yourself and be sure to create an enticing description. The first 3 lines of your description are the most important. Always think about “what is in it for them” when creating your profile and use the most effective formatting.

Clubhouse Advantages for Brand Building

You need to be prepared to get the best results from your Clubhouse marketing. Use Clubhouse to build trust and create a community. Demonstrate that you are a thought leader and provide the best audio content. Networking and collaboration are important for success. Always be prepared to offer your expertise and support.

Create your own community on Clubhouse and set expectations. Clubhouse is a great platform for word-of-mouth marketing. You can gain valuable feedback on Clubhouse and also tap into trends. It is also possible for you to use Clubhouse to tap into investors.

Use Proven Clubhouse Marketing Tactics

Although Clubhouse is a new platform there are some marketing tactics that are proven to work. Be sure to join relevant rooms and conversations. Start your own niche related room. Learn how to moderate to achieve the best results. Collaborate with influencers on the platform.

Encourage others that work at your company to be brand ambassadors. Make announcements on Clubhouse about your products and services. Create roundtable rooms where you can help other members to solve problems in your niche.

Grow your Following on Clubhouse

There are a number of ways to grow your followers. Being active on Clubhouse is the best way. Always provide other members with value. Briefly announce yourself. Get involved with Clubhouse right now. Make your profile awesome. Start following related clubs so you are nominated to join them. Host rooms and engage your audience.


Clubhouse is a very powerful social media tool to have in your arsenol if you use it right. It’s not like the others where you can just try things out willy nilly.

One big tip is that while Clubhouse does prohibit recording of your sessions, if you get everyone in your audience’s consent, you can record to make it a podcast. You can record using an iPhone screen recorder or Voice Memos. If you have a podcast production studio already, you can easily record the session.

This way, you can use that audio to distribute on other podcast networks to further market your brand, company or message.

Ocean’s Eleven: The Height of Clooney’s Career?

The sunglasses and suit combo, the plan that’s too convoluted to work, the team assembly montage: they all were pioneered by Ocean’s Eleven. The 2001 heist movie made waves with a glamourous story of stealing from right under the neon lights of Las Vegas and went on to become a career and genre-defining hit.

Twenty years after the release of Ocean’s Eleven is a good place to determine the impact of George Clooney’s most prolific role to date.

Las Vegas Golden Nuggest at Sunrise.

The rise

The man who married famed lawyer Amal Alamuddin was not always so forgettable. Those of us who recognized George Clooney when he stepped up to take his biggest role, likely knew the man who made the term, “silver fox” famous, for his role as passionate Dr. Doug Ross in the hit hospital drama, ER.

But George Clooney was the Idris Elba of his time: everyone’s mother wanted a piece of him, so it was no surprise when a bit part in a TV series paved a smooth path into Hollywood, even if getting there meant hitting a road bump known as Return of the Killer Tomatoes. But once he’d dusted himself off from the parody horror film, he was cast in the Quentin Tarantino hit, From Dusk till Dawn. Tarantino and director Robert Rodriguez clearly recognized the Old Hollywood mannerisms that could be put to good use in new-age genres.

This led to a long career of being the smooth-talking but genuine ladies’ man of Hollywood starring opposite names like Nicole Kidman in The Peacemaker, Michelle Pfeiffer in One Fine Day, and Jennifer Lopez in Out of Sight, with a career spanning action, romance, and drama.

His biggest break would come, however, in 2001 when he was cast in the lead of the remake of a little-known heist movie called Ocean’s Eleven.

The heist

One more heist. It’s always just “one more heist”. As is the case for Danny Ocean, who has found himself freshly out of prison, looking for his wife, and itching to steal something. A lot of pleading with his wife will make him say it’s just this one time, but we all know that isn’t true.

A team is soon assembled of criminal specialists, pickpockets, con men, mechanics, surveillance experts, explosive experts, and even an acrobat. Danny Ocean’s Eleven team members plan to simultaneously rob the three biggest casinos in Las Vegas: the Bellagio, the Mirage, and the MGM Grand Casino.

It is a suave, smooth story filled with twists and surprises that have built on the foundations of films like its original Rat Pack-cast 1960’s iteration and The Thomas Crown Affair to pave the way forward for heist movies.

The reception

Despite the increasingly cheesy tropes of the movie still being overused today, the film still holds a Rotten Tomatoes score of 83 percent and once made it onto The 500 Greatest Movies of all time in 2008, seven years after its release.

Newsweek said that Ocean’s Eleven “bounces along with finger-snapping high spirits” and added that director Steven Soderbergh has made “deeper films, but this carefree caper movie is nothing to sneeze at.”

The ensemble cast of loud and smooth characters, the plan that is too bizarre to pull off, the extra twist, it all keeps audiences coming back. And unlike most films with a twist, it is fun enough that you can return to the film even if you know what’s going to happen – as is proven by its many sequels.

The legacy

Considered one of the best gambling movies of all time, the impact made by Ocean’s Eleven cannot be understated. When you hear the term “heist movie” the outlandish plans smoothly executed by the memorable characters of the Ocean’s franchise is exactly what everyone thinks of.

The movie did well enough to spawn The Ocean’s Trilogy, with Ocean’s Twelve and Ocean’s Thirteen released in 2004 and 2007 respectively. But the legacy of the Ocean’s franchise doesn’t end there, with a new Ocean’s film released with an all-female cast in 2018. Sandra Bullock led the cast as Danny’s equally money-hungry sister, Debbie, followed by a team made up of names like Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, Awkwafina, and Rihanna that sneak their way to an enormous diamond worn by a New York socialite.

But Ocean’s Eleven‘s impact doesn’t stop there. There have been Japanese musical adaptations, Bollywood remakes and even Rick and Morty episodes exploiting the tropes of the Ocean movies.

Not to mention the ongoing meme that is Don Cheadle’s attempt at a Cockney accent.