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Translation Of Roger Goodell’s NFL Press Conference September 19th 2014

roger goodell september 2014 press conference translated 2015

Roger Goodell had another press conference to try and turn the tide of the image wounding domestic violence cases in the NFL. He fielded many questions during the presser and tried to use double talk and lots of useless words to get through the process. The questions are in bold with Goodell’s answers underneath and my translation to show what he really meant.


If any of these victims had been someone you loved, would you be satisfied with the way the league has handled this crisis and what would you say to them?

Goodell: I’m not satisfied with the way we’ve handled it from the get-go. As I told you, and this statement indicates, I made a mistake. I’m not satisfied with the process we went through, I’m not satisfied with the conclusions. And that’s why we came out last month and said: we’re going to make changes to our policies. We made changes to our discipline. We acknowledge the mistake, my mistake. And we said we’re going to do better moving forward. We have a set of very complex issues that we have to deal with. That’s no excuse. What we need to do is go and get some experts to help us. How do we do this better? How do we restructure our personal conduct policy? To make sure that we educate, we train, we do everything possible to kick that mark for all of us. And when don’t’ there’ll have to be consequences for that. So I’m not satisfied with what we did. I let myself down, I let everybody else down. And for that I’m sorry as I mentioned earlier. That’s what we’re going to correct and that’s what we’re going to fix.

Translation: I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. We will get it right or hopefully this will blow over soon.


Roger you’ve had pretty extreme unilateral power in deciding discipline. But as you’ve said a few times you’ve gotten it wrong in a few cases and that tends to happen when there’s not checks and balances. How willing are you to give up some of that power and do you think that that would be the right thing to do?

Goodell: Rachel as I said in my statement, everything is on the table. We’re going to make sure that we look at every aspect of the process of how we gather information to make decision, how we make that decision and then the appeals process. All of that is on the table and all of that is important information that we want outside experts to give us some perspective on. And see if there is a better way to do it. We believe there is and we believe we need it. We can’t continue to operate like this.

Translation: Yes I was pretty happy with my dictator like role but now I feel like you people are going to drag me through the streets like Muammar Gaddafi when he fell from power.


Also you’ve mentioned on TV last week that you guys checked and tried to get the Ray Rice video and any information. The AC prosecutor’s office in an open records check says that they don’t have any electronic communication from the NFL asking for those kinds of documentation or the video. Can you give us sort of the trail of how you guys did that investigation so that people can know really what you put into it?

Goodell: Certainly our security department works with law enforcement. They are fully cooperative. We gather almost entirely all of our information through law enforcement. And that’s something else we’re going to look at, Rachel,  is that the right process? Should all of our information be gathered simply through law enforcement? We understand and respect what they go through and what job they have to do. And there are certain restrictions that they may be under.

Translation: The police botched that and we went through them. It was their bad on that one.


But they’re saying they don’t have a record of you guys asking for it.

Goodell: We asked for it on several occasions, according to our security department. We went through it. We asked for it on several occasions over the spring all the way through June. From February through June. So I’m confident that our people did that and so that’s something that we’ll have to discuss directly with them.

Translation: Ok, you aren’t buying that the police screwed this up. So our security department may be lying to me. This is not on me is what I am saying.


I was in Minnesota on Sunday and I saw a mother with her two kids, both wearing Adrian Peterson jerseys. And she said, “I’m conflicted about this, I don’t know what I should do. He’s their favorite player.” Obviously we had similar situation in Baltimore with Ray Rice. We’ve heard from the sponsors, they voiced. What is your message to the mother with the two kids who has Peterson jerseys and doesn’t know what to tell them?

Goodell: The first thing is that we’re like the broader society in several ways. We’re like a microcosm of society. We have a lot of young men, a lot of individuals that play or coach or executives. Other individuals in the league that – they make mistakes. And that is something that, while I’m disappointed in what Adrian Peterson was involved with, we want to see the facts. But I think what we’ve seen so far is tragic – it’s hard to look at. I have two daughters who are 13. It’s very difficult to see and I think what we have to do is allow those facts to proceed. But the important message, I think for all of us as parents is that our children are going to make mistakes. They need to learn how to take responsibility and be accountable for those mistakes and deal with those. That’s something that I and my wife Jane, we work very hard on with our kids. When you make a mistake, be accountable for it.

Translation: I hope Peterson gets out of this mess since we have like 200,000 of his jerseys sitting in various warehouses across the country. I would simply say thank you to the mother of the two kids wearing the Adrian Peterson jerseys. I would also ask if she would like to buy the away versions in white.


In 2012 after Bounty-gate, you suspended Sean Payton for a year. You said “ignorance is not an excuse.” A lot of people think you’re not holding yourself to that same standard. Have you considered resigning at any point throughout this?

Goodell: I have not. I’m focused on doing my job to the best of my ability. I understand when people are critical of your performance. But we have a lot of work to do that’s my focus. We’ve been busy in the last couple of weeks, we have results to show for it. We talked about some of them in my statement. But I’m proud of the opportunity that we have to try to make a difference here and do the right thing. We’ve acknowledged that we need to change what we’re doing, now we have to get to what are those changes going to be?

Translation: I am acting very busy to appear like I am going to make some real changes. If I do that long enough and avoid talking to you reporters I will get through this thing.


There’s been a lot of high-profile, high level calls for your resignation. Following up on that question, what would you say to those people? Why do you feel that you should be able to continue in this role?

Goodell: Because I acknowledged my mistake. August 28th I said: “we didn’t get this right.” We’re going to make changes and are making those changes. We have a lot more work to be done but we’re moving in a very important direction by getting expertise to say how do we do this better? We’re all as a society having difficulty being able to deal with this. The NFL’s got to take care of its house as I said. That’s my focus is how do we do this better as the NFL and make sure that we keep everything on the table. We’re going to make sure that we look at every aspect from the collection of evidence to how we go through the process, to who makes the determination and what the appeal process is. We’ll make those changes that I feel will be beneficial to the league long-term. In addition, I think we can make some change and I think they’ll be positive in the domestic violence and sexual assault areas, child abuse areas. Those are things that we think we can make a big difference on at some point in time. But we’ve better get our house in order first.

Translation: These so called “high level” calls for my resignation are insignificant. Who is more high level than me, Roger Goodell. I am in charge of the NFL buddy. Do you know how much money I make?


You mentioned due process in your statement. Right now there is a lot of inconsistency. Ray McDonald is playing, Greg Hardy is not, Adrian Peterson is not, Jonathan Dwyer is not. You’ve got some guys on the exempt list, you’ve got some guys on the non-football illness list. Again I know you mentioned that you want to take a look at due process and when to act. That’s a bit of slippery slope. How do you plan to handle that and do you have a list of what these guys are?

Goodell: You’re highlighting exactly the point, Mike. That we need to change our policies and our procedures and we need to get some help in trying to identify how to do that. We have state laws that are different from state-to-state, and even locally. We need to make sure that we have looked at when the NFL should be involved in the investigative process. We need to know how much reliance we should have on the law enforcement information. And so you’re highlighting exactly this issue which is that we aren’t – we do not have a clear and consistent policy that allows us to deal with all of the different issues that are arising and that’s why we talked last month about ‘we need to change our policies.’ We need to go and get some experts to help us deal with some of those issues that are very complex about due process and making sure that we allow our employees the opportunity to be able to defend themselves but also make sure we’re maintaining the integrity of the league and what we’re doing. We have an obligation there and we’re prepared to do that and we are going to do that.

Translation: I don’t know why these meatheads can’t just obey the law and not beat up their family members. It is complicated and we don’t know what to do. I am thinking of having one of these players assassinated to set an example for the rest of the league. Maybe that will deter any future beatings.


In your interview with CBS News almost two weeks ago you said Ray Rice was ambiguous about his description about what happened in the elevator and that is why you went back and suspended him further after the video came out. What exactly did Ray Rice tell you happened in the elevator? And how did what you thought in your mind happened differ from what we saw on the video?

Goodell: A couple of things. First off, as I said, we got new information from the first time I met with him to my initial discipline, which three weeks later I acknowledged was not sufficient. It was clear there was an act of domestic violence, but it was inconsistent with the way he described what happened. When we had that new information, we had the ability to say ‘we’re going to object and we’re going to take additional action.’ And that’s what we did. There was new information that developed because we had not seen that second tape that became public roughly 10 days or so ago and that was not consistent with what he said.

Translation: Not this question again. What am I supposed to say here? However Rice described the violence is bad enough for me to have suspended him more games. So I will look like a guy who thinks it is OK to “kinda” rough up a woman.


Commissioner what did he say? What did he tell you?

Goodell: The one issue with this is this is now a matter of appeal. As you know the NFLPA has appealed this. So it’s a matter that is going to be taken up in the appeal. So without pre-judging or without getting into any specifics on this one I’ve got to respect the appeals process right now.

Translation: If you keep asking this same question that could get me fired, I am going to keep making wild excuses why I can’t tell you the truth. I have all day. What Ray Rice told me will never be made public unless you all get Dick Chaney in here to waterboard me.


But what about transparency? You keep talking about transparency. Why not say what he said?

Goodell: I’m telling you right now that it’s inconsistent with what he told us, what we saw on that video that came out roughly 10 days ago. But we have a process right now. We have an appeals process. That information will come out at some point in time.

Translation: Tenacious little reporter aren’t you. I have an excuse app on my phone I can go to if I run out of excuses so the ball is in your court.


The appeals process is not about those details, the appeals process is about multiple punishments for the same crimes. So given that fact that what he in fact did is not what the question is about.

Goodell: Peter, I’m going to have to disagree with you then. That’s something that the appeals officer is going to have to determine. We had not seen all of the papers on appeals. It is a fact that there is an appeal and they may be able to raise several issues in the context of that appeal. That’s a decision that they have to make. I can’t make that.

Translation: I can use many words to draw this thing out further if you persist. I can make this as hard on you guys as it is on me. I’m basically beating you up with words right now. You are getting nowhere.


Commissioner, you mentioned the two women’s groups that NFL will be working with, can you tell how you will be assisting them. And to follow that up, if the 32 owners had a vote today about whether or not you should keep your job, what do you think the results would be?

Goodell: That’s a hypothetical which I can’t deal with. We had 20 owners in the office this week for pre-scheduled committee meetings in preparation for our league meeting next month and we are just focusing on getting our work done. We had very productive meetings with them. The first part of your question was about the different organizations. What we saw in our contact – because of the attention that was brought by the Ray Rice matter and potentially other issues coming to light – this is something that became a need for what our experts tell us was happening in the community. What is happening is that it is clear there is a need for people to seek help in all communities. That’s why they saw a spike in this. What we want to do is provide assistance to them and that was something we could do. We said to them that we want to be involved. We want to help and we will provide resources and assistance to be able to make sure that you can get the personnel there so that you can be able to answer those questions. We’re pleased to be able to do that and we should be providing that type of assistance.

Translation: These owners basically think like me so I’m sure they would let me stay on as the boss of the league. Believe me, they want all this to just go away too. They know with my slimy lawyer background, I am still the guy to make that happen.


The AP report about the video being sent to your office cites a voice mail where someone confirms receiving it. With that in mind how do you explain the leagues denial that they had the video?

Goodell: That’s exactly why, as I mentioned in my statement, we hired Robert Mueller, the longest-serving FBI director, to make sure that Mueller and his staff go through and find as many facts as they can and they will report. It’s independent. I don’t know where he is on that. But all of that information will be something that Director Mueller will be dealing with.

Translation: We are putting up a so called impartial arbitrator to cover up all that. This will be an X-Files type conspiracy by the time old Mueller gets done.


You’ve been clear throughout your tenure that you would be hard on people who committed crimes. Why do you think that the domestic violence crimes, such as Ray Rice, gave you such a difficult time and maybe weren’t treated as harshly as some other crimes?

Goodell: I said early on that we made a mistake in letting our standards fall below where they should be. We should have had our personal conduct policy reviewed more frequently to make the changes necessary to deal with the issues of change. We last changed that policy on a broad perspective in 2007. It’s had a positive impact on the overall number of criminal activity. But what we need to do is go back and say, ‘Okay. We are in a different age now, with different issues and different challenges. Let’s go back and figure out how to do that again.’ And then do it in a consistent and fair way.

Translation: We simply had no idea how dumb some of our players could be. If we thought they were ignorant enough to want to hit women we would have had a better policy on domestic abuse.


Was there something about the domestic violence crimes – these specific ones – that made it more difficult to adjudicate them?

Goodell: I think the policy itself was, again, not up to standards. The standard discipline for that was way below what it should be. When we saw the first video it was horrifying. We went through the process and we disciplined it consistent with that policy. That wasn’t sufficient, as I said. That was a mistake. We have to go back in our policy to say this isn’t sufficient discipline. We met with a variety of experts on this. We came to a conclusion of what the discipline would be, at least as a standard, with aggravating circumstances, that could allow us some flexibility. Also, we would banish on a second offense. We took a strong position saying this is not acceptable. Now we have to get back into the more difficult work. How do we understand when the NFL should get involved in a particular situation with law enforcement with the criminal justice system? And how do we make sure our policies will give us the flexibility to deal with state laws that vary from state to state and to give us the consistency so that is more simple to make those decisions on a fair consistent basis.

Translation: Yes we did not want to deal with messy family stuff. If a man can’t handle his own home, why should we step into that hornets nest?


Do you still believe, to the best of your knowledge, that no one in the NFL office has seen the Ray Rice video before it surfaced on TMZ?

Goodell: Yes.

Translation: OMG again with this?


Do you believe that right now, you have the full support of all 32 owners in the NFL, backing you in what you’re doing right now?

Goodell: I believe I have the support of the owners. That has been clear to me. They obviously expect us to do a better job. As I said to several people, I don’t like to let down anybody. It starts with myself. I hold myself to the highest possible standards. So when I make a mistake or I don’t get something right, it bother me more than anybody. I think the owners have seen that in me. I think they know that we have always tried to do the right thing. Mistakes happen and I’m sorry for that. We’re going to get this right.

Translation: If you ask me this again about the owner support I swear I will repeat, “we are going to get this right” for every future question. I’ll do it to. What do I have to lose?


You’ve announced a new personal conduct committee. What will your role be with that? Are you reducing your role or your power in these kinds of cases by having that committee?

Goodell: We will have to develop it further to see who will be on it and whether we will have outside expertise that will join that. It’s really about what are the standards and what’s the conduct we want in the NFL. How do we want to represent ourselves and what’s important to us as a league? We want to make sure that we are holding ourselves to that standard and maybe exceed it. That’s the right thing, we want to exceed every single standard we set. That’s what I expect this conduct committee to do. Similar to the competition committee, how do we improve everything we are doing? Evaluate it on a regular basis. If our personal conduct policy needs to be changed and updated we need to do that and I expect that the conduct committee would do that.

Translation: We are taking applications on Monster.com right now for someone to be in the lead role for our personal conduct policy. That way we can just make them into a scapegoat when something bad happens in the future. I wish we had thought of this before.


A number of corporate sponsors have put our disapproving statements in the last week. How many difficult conversations have you had with your business partners and how many have suggested that if things did not improve they would pull out and did you specifically talk to Anheuser Bush. Who put out a specifically disapproving comment?

Goodell: It starts with myself. I am disappointed in myself. I disappointed our fans, our partners and we need to do better. I made that clear on August 28th to our ownership. And I’ve made it clear since. I made it clear to sponsors directly that we are going to do better in this area. There are things that we need to clean up in our house and make sure that we get right and we will. And we will make a difference in this area. Now we have to deliver.

Translation: As long as millions of eyes are glued to that TV on Sundays, no sponsor is pulling out. Ray Rice could have a steel cage match with his wife at halftime of the Super Bowl and 95% of people would watch the second half.


Were you close to losing a sponsor?

Goodell: You’ll have to speak to the sponsors about that. I don’t believe so. No.

Translation: See answer above.


You talked about establishing a personal conduct committee and you said the goal was to be completed by the Super Bowl. What is to be completed by the Super Bowl? Because aren’t these issues constantly evolving personal issues?

Goodell: Yes and that’s why we want to get to work immediately. The conduct committee is not the committee that I would expect to make the changes in the personal conduct policy. What we have to do, and I spoke to De about this, is reach out for experts in the area. Some may be in law enforcement, some may be in the criminal justice system, some may be experts in the domestic violence or sexual assault or child abuse areas and bring all of those experts and their views on this of how we can improve the policy. Everything from how we collect information to when the NFL is involved with law enforcement or do we have a separate investigation? And those are all difficult issues to ensure them due process. Anybody is involved but also make sure we are maintaining the integrity of the NFL.

Translation: We hope people lose interest in all this by the Super Bowl since Americans have very short attention spans. If not, we will have something on the books for appearance sake though.


I wondered if you personally have ever been involved in an abuse situation in any capacity and then secondly if you anticipate any personnel changes if not change in commissioner, how can you bring meaningful change and credible change and change the culture and change the attitude without a change in personnel?

Goodell: The first answer to your question is I have not. The second answer to your question is we are making personnel changes. We announced several of them over the last week. We have more to come. We’re looking to see how do we strengthen our team in this area, how do we bring the right voices to the table to make changes not only to what we do, but more broadly. And so I expect personnel changes will continue, that’s part of how we get better, that’s part of how we evolve and learn from our mistakes and do a better job going forward.

Translation: Yes, I feel as though I am being abused by you vultures in the media right now. And I am ready to tap out.


There’s a lot of confusion from fans out there about the mistake you say that you made. You talk about your investigative department at the NFL, regardless of what Mr. Rice said on June 16, regardless of what was on that second video tape, on the initial summons, it clearly says that Mr. Rice struck Janay Palmer with his hand rendering her unconscious. Why wasn’t it enough then to put this right?

Goodell: Well it was, and we saw obviously the original video and it was clear that a domestic violence violation had occurred. That was clear to us and it was horrifying and that’s why we took the step we did. We did the two-game suspension and a fine of $500,000. It was not sufficient and that’s because our policies, as I indicated earlier, had fallen behind where we need them to be. We needed to get those policies in a position where the standard for that kind of violation has to be much higher. And that’s why three weeks later we raised that standard and said this is not going to be acceptable behavior and when it occurs, it’s a minimum six-game, or the standard six-game, with aggravating circumstances that we could consider and have additional penalties if necessary.

Translation: Originally, I heard that Janay was “trippin” so I thought maybe Rice was justified in punching her. But she was not in fact “trippin”, that was just a tweet from Paul George of the Pacers.


You mentioned Robert Mueller’s investigation as key to solving all of these issues, I’m not going to sit here and discuss the integrity of the ex-Director of the FBI, I could leave it as a given that he’s a man of integrity, but the law firm that he works for and that will help him carry out that investigation is a law firm with extremely close ties to the NFL. You guys paid that law firm recently to help you negotiate some television deals, the President of the Ravens will be key in this whole investigation, worked at that law firm for more than 30 years, why hire someone with even the appearance of impropriety and how do you expect this to affect everything?

Goodell: Well, Rachel I would respectfully disagree because you now are questioning the integrity of the Director of the FBI. Yes that firm has represented us in the past, but they have also been on the other side in litigation against the NFL. So, this is a highly respected individual that served as Director of the FBI, the longest-serving Director in the history of that position. His credentials are unparalleled and unquestioned.

Translation: I had no idea that anyone believed the FBI had this integrity you speak of.


But part of the idea of this I guess is to restore public trust. So even if he does a flawless investigation, isn’t there an element here that you’re leaving the door open for doubt?

Goodell: Well Rachel, unfortunately we live in a world where there’s a lot of litigation. There’s a lot of law firms a lot for people that had maybe some interaction with us in the past. Robert Mueller has not. Law firms may have, but we were hiring Robert Mueller and his credentials, his credibility to do an independent investigation reporting to the owners and I am confident that that will be the case.

Translation: Mueller is our guy and a good man. We are going to get it right….together, if you know what I mean.


Has Robert Mueller interviewed you? It’s been a week since you announced it.

Goodell: That is something that Robert Mueller is going to have to announce. We are not disclosing or involving, he’s running an independent investigation. He will meet with anybody he wishes whenever he wishes. He will get full cooperation from me or anybody else in the building. I am not making any comments specifically on the investigation. He has full access. If he feels he wants to speak to anybody, he will do that.

Translation: Why would he interview me? I have instructed Mueller to just make me look as good as possible. Any questions he has for me, I have instructed him to just fill in the best answers to help me keep my job.


I have to go back into the video and your curiosity to see the video. You suspended Ray Rice after our video, why didn’t you have the curiosity to go to the casino yourself?

Goodell: Two things. We suspended Ray Rice originally after seeing the original video that was disclosed back in February. When the second video came out last week, that’s when we increased our discipline because that was inconsistent with the information we had, it was new information. One of the things that I said in my statement, and I’ve said it repeatedly here, is that that is part of what we want to do with all of our experts, outside, internal, is try to figure out how should we investigate these issues? In the past, we have been almost completely reliant on working with law enforcement and cooperating with them. We do not want to interfere with a criminal investigation. In particular here, when you’re dealing with a casino in New Jersey, there are even more restrictions because it’s overseen I believe by the Attorney General. So, we have to be very cautious in not interfering with a criminal investigation, but we’ll evaluate that. Should we do more to get that information? I would have loved to see that tape. Should we get more to do that information in the future? That’s a question I want these experts to do.

Translation: We didn’t want the tape. Isn’t that obvious.


We found out by one phone call, you guys have a whole legal department. Can you explain that?

Goodell: I can’t explain how you got the information, only you can do that.

Translation: Clearly you people at TMZ are smarter than we all at the NFL. Need a job in the security department?

Rosie O’Donnell Shaking Up THE VIEW Already


rosie odonnell fight with whoopi goldberg on the view abc 2014

Though it used to be that the majority of the rumbles the ladies of The View had with each other were on camera, now they are spilling over to off camera moments. Most of these moments have involved co-host Rosie O’ Donnell, who has long had a reputation for being difficult on the set.

To keep the show on track each of the ladies is supposed to wear an earpiece so that they can hear cues from the director. However, Rosie O’Donnell refuses to wear one during broadcasts and, therefore, is unaware when the hosts are being told to cut to commercial. This led to Whoopi Goldberg having to cut her off in order to signify the commercial break.

Upon the beginning of it Rosie O’Donnell recently picked up a live mic and stated for the studio audience to hear that Whoopi hurt Rosie’s feelings by cutting her off. Goldberg then reportedly snapped on O’Donnell, telling her that she doesn’t listen and that Goldberg is fed up with it. Co-host Rosie Perez then stated that Twitter was going to blow up with news of the on-set feud between the two.  A View spokesperson has since gone on record as saying that the two simply had a disagreement, but worked it out between them.

Pre -Season Drama

Other media outlets have reported that prior to the start of the current season of The View there was already drama between Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg as both ladies wanted their seat on the show to be the coveted moderator’s chair. Ever since Rosie O’Donnell left The View the first time and Whoopi Goldberg came in, Whoopi had been sitting in the moderator’s seat. Rosie O’Donnell reportedly took issue with this and tried to demand the seat back now that she had returned as co-host. Whoopi Goldberg refused to give O’Donnell the seat back and even shot down her proposal that the two alternate who gets to sit in the moderator’s chair on a weekly basis. This drama between the two ladies has reportedly caused Goldberg to want out of the four year contract she recently signed with The View.

The media loves these kinds of stories and several outlets have reported tension between co-hosts of The View. Before the current season of The View started media outlets were already reporting tension between the hosts during rehearsals for the show. At the end of August, OK Magazine reported that the co-hosts were even getting producers involved in their spats. An article in the magazine stated that Rosie O’Donnell feels like Whoopi Goldberg thinks she is better than the other co-hosts and that Whoopi Goldberg feels that Rosie O’Donnell is rude and self -centered. An alleged source close to the hosts has even reported that the producers have been forced to smooth over arguments between the co-hosts.

Second Time Around

This is Rosie O’Donnell’s second round of serving as a co-host on The View, as back in 2007 she was a co-host of the show. At that time she was reportedly loudly and aggressively clashing with former The View co-host Elizabeth Hasselbeck. This is when the media first began to bash Rosie O’Donnell for her actions both on set and off set. Since then they have reported on many incidents between the ladies of The View.

The NY Post recently published an article highlighting the five biggest on air disagreements between the co-hosts and Rosie O’Donnell was involved in two them, while the others involved Whoopi Goldberg. Their number one moment was the argument O’Donnell had with Elizabeth Hasselbeck over the war in Iraq. This argument turned so nasty that at the time co-host Joy Behar was said to have begged producers to cut to a commercial break. However the staff in the control room was so intrigued by the argument that they let it continue. The other major meltdown between Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Rosie O’Donnell involved the topic of partial birth abortions. Though co-hosts Joy Behar and Barbara Walters tried to reason with Hasselbeck their efforts fell on deaf ears.

The Network Wants It

Viewers may have wondered why the drama Rosie O’Donnell has caused and is still causing for her co-hosts hasn’t been addressed and nipped in the bud by the network. The answer is that network executives supposedly love the drama surrounding scuffles between Rosie O’Donnell and Whoopi Goldberg because it gets the show more attention and compels an increasing number of people to watch it. An insider has even stated that the producers brought Rosie O’Donnell back because they knew she would cause controversy. According to this insider O’Donnell has made no secret of the fact that she intends to stick with The View for a long time to come and that she feels she is the show’s most important co-host and always will be.

What This Means For Rosie O’Donnell

Rosie O’Donnell had a fairly successful career performing stand up and acting in TV and movies prior to joining The View. It’s sad that chances are good that after she is gone the thing she will be remembered for most is causing controversy, drama and petty squabbling between allegedly mature and educated adults. Is that the legacy Rosie O’Donnell wants to leave behind? It seems to me as if she isn’t making a career out of her talents but rather her desire to cause drama and stir the pot. After all these years of working her way up from the very bottom I find it disheartening that she would throw that all away in the name of stating her opinion no matter how harsh it may be or how much it may anger, confuse or hurt people. Rather than being remembered for the creative projects she has been a part of she has already cemented a reputation for herself as someone who is rigid, inflexible and difficult to work with. Such a long journey to fame didn’t need to turn so sour.

NFL Week 3: What To Watch For 2015

nfl 2015 logo image

It seems like every time you turn around this week another NFL player is getting arrested. Can we please just get back to football? Here’s some (football-related) stuff to watch for in Week Three:

Ryan Tannehill vs. the Kansas City Chiefs defense: Ryan Tannehill hasn’t had the best start to the 2014 NFL season, but things may be looking up for the young man heading back to Miami to take on the Chiefs. The Chiefs have had a horrible start on defense giving up over 500 yards and five touchdowns over the first two games. If you desperately need a fantasy quarterback for this week (say you drafted Robert Griffin III), Tannehill may be the answer to your prayers.

Ahmad Bradshaw and Trent Richardson vs. the Jacksonville Jaguars defense: After starting 0-2, the Indianapolis Colts really need a win—fortunately for them they’re playing the Jaguars this week. One big thing to watch for in this game is how the Colts will use their two running backs against one of the worst rush defenses in the NFL. Bradshaw heard his number called significantly more times than Richardson in the team’s Monday Night loss to the Philadelphia Eagles. In fact, Bradshaw was in on 46 snaps while Richardson only got in on 31. Either running back would have a great game this week, but there is a lot more pressure on the Colts to get some use out of Richardson after trading away a first-round pick for him last season. It’ll be interesting to see who the Colts give the majority of the carries to, since that will most likely determine which back they will go with moving forward.

Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos vs. the Seattle Seahawks: That’s right, the highly anticipated Super Bowl XLVIII rematch is upon us. The Seahawks won the big game 43-8 and absolutely embarrassed the Broncos; however, the Broncos have significantly improved their squad since February. In fact, there are 10 new starters on the Broncos that did not play in the Super Bowl. Some of these players were injured at the time (most notably linebacker Von Miller), and a good number of them were added during the offseason. The Seahawks may have home-field advantage, but it will be a lot harder for them to manhandle the new defense consisting of Demarcus Ware, Aqib Talib, and T.J. Ward. This game could have huge implications: if the Seahawks win then they won just another home game; but if the Broncos pull off the upset then they will emerge as the top team in the NFL and should have no problem getting back to the Super Bowl this season.

Devin Hester Comes Back To Life For Atlanta Falcons

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The reports of Devin Hester’s demise have been greatly exaggerated, to quote a famous gentleman. Many pundits, myself included, thought that the return specialist was washed up, for lack of a nicer phrase. Surely Chicago had thought the same thing or they would have never allowed him to leave town. But just a few weeks into the regular season, Hester is proving that he is not done by a damn sight. He has been nothing short of spectacular for the Atlanta Falcons in their two wins this year.

The Falcons had hoped that he could help out their return game to give their high powered offense a little better field position than they have been accustomed to until now. But the added bonus has been his receiving contributions of an already stacked set of wideouts including Roddy White, Julio Jones, andHarry Douglas. During the preseason when Hester was catching a few balls, I figured the team was just stroking his ego a bit to make him feel welcome. I thought he would see little offensive action once the real games began. After all he never showed much as a receiver in Chicago when they gave him the chance to shine on offense. He was just never very effective in that role and seemed out of place honestly. With the Falcons this season, Hester has been a legitimate threat as a wide receiver. Going forward each week, teams now have to prepare for four Falcons receivers capable of big plays.

After three weeks of play, Devin Hester at age 31 is in the top group of returners in the NFL. He has one punt return for a touchdown and is averaging 15.6 yards on punt returns. He is averaging 28 yards per kick return. His receiving contributions have led to 18 yards per catch. He even tossed in a 20 yard scoring run to make sure he got in on every facet of the offensive game. He is not Roddy White or Julio Jones. These guys are All-Pro receivers who can get 10 catches a game. Hester is just an explosive option to throw in to make life miserable for defensive coordinators. He isn’t going to be as consistent with catches as normal wide outs, but that is fine. He can score from anywhere on the field so he only needs a few catches per game to go along with his returns. The more touches the better, no matter if they come on special teams or on offense.

This past Thursday night game between the Falcons and the Bucs was a blowout and not fun to watch if you are not a Falcons’ fan. But if you did stick around for most of the contest, you got to see history. Hester returned a punt 62 yards for a touchdown. This one was extra special as it put him ahead of Deion Sanders for all time returns for touchdowns. Hester now stands alone with 20 scores off of returns. He highlighted this record breaking TD with a Prime Time high stepping conclusion into the endzone. I am sure Deion didn’t want his record broken, but he had to like the style with which his long standing achievement fell. The fact that it happened in the Georgia Dome made it even more special. Sanders pranced through many a defender in that same building, electrifying the crowd. Hester did the same thing with just as much flash as his mentor back in the day. Falcons’ fans can only hope he continues to shine each week. He has certainly made a believer out of me so far. If Atlanta is to get back in the playoffs, Hester will need to keep providing the spark.

NFL Week 3 Preview 2015

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After nothing but negative publicity and players getting in trouble off the field, it’ll be nice for the NFL to finally shift its focus back to some football. Week Three is upon us, and here are the matchups:

Oakland Raiders at New England Patriots: Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise anyone if the Patriots won by 50 points. The Raiders have the toughest schedule in the NFL this season, and at the rate they’re going they will be lucky to win a game. Derek Carr can’t do anything, and Dennis Allen will most likely be fired before Week 10.

Tennessee Titans at Cincinnati Bengals: The Titans got embarrassed in front of their home crowd last week by Tony Romo and the Cowboys, whereas the Bengals absolutely pummeled the Falcons on both sides of the ball. Jake Locker is not nearly as good nor does he have nearly as many weapons as Matt Ryan and the Falcons do. The Bengals should pull off an easy victory at home.

San Diego Chargers at Buffalo Bills: The Chargers may have upset Seattle last week, but that doesn’t make them the best team in the league. The Seahawks usually struggle on the road, and the Chargers simply took advantage of it in the same way the Colts did last season. The Bills are also not that special despite their 2-0 start, they’ve simply been able to rally around each other to overcome all the negatives of this past offseason. Bills fans will be going crazy, but the Chargers should be able to steal a close one on the road.

Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns: The Browns seem to have really come together under Brian Hoyer after earning a victory over the New Orleans Saints this past weekend. The Ravens on the other hand are in a very vulnerable position with all the negative publicity they have been receiving. The Ravens are also coming off a big win over the divisional rival Steelers, and they may be overconfident heading to the Dog Pound. Cleveland is supposed to be one of the toughest cities in the NFL to win in, and the Ravens may have to witness that first hand.

Washington Redskins at Philadelphia Eagles: With Robert Griffin III likely to miss a good number of weeks, the Redskins may finally be able to start winning games with Kirk Cousins at quarterback. Unfortunately, winning will probably have to wait. Nick Foles hasn’t looked great in his first two games, but the combined running of LeSean McCoy and Darren Sproles have kept Chip Kelly’s high-powered offense pumping. The Eagles should have no problem winning at home.

Houston Texans at New York Giants: At 0-2, desperation is going to start kicking in for Tom Coughlin and the Giants. Eli Manning is clearly not a fan of the new offensive style, and his receivers still have yet to learn all the hand signals. Manning had a pretty good game last week against a solid Cardinals secondary, so he should be able to have the same production against the vastly underrated Texans defense. The Texans are 2-0, but they have yet to play a decent team. Ryan Fitzpatrick is not good enough to be a starting quarterback, so if the Giants can get just a little bit of pressure on him they should be able to pull off the upset.

Indianapolis Colts at Jacksonville Jaguars: The Colts lost a close one Monday Night to the Eagles, and starting 0-2 was definitely not part of Indianapolis’s plan for this season. Fortunately for the Colts they play the Jaguars twice a year. The Colts should have no problem stealing their first win of the season on the road in Jacksonville.

Green Bay Packers at Detroit Lions: Aaron Rodgers and the Packers had a fantastic come from behind victory over the Jets this past week, whereas the Lions had trouble getting much of anything done in Carolina. The Lions will be back in Detroit this week and Matthew Stafford will be looking to get the team back on track. Calvin Johnson has not had any problem manhandling the Packers secondary in the past, and the Packers have not acquired any answers to that problem in the offseason. The Packers may be looking at a 1-2 start.

Dallas Cowboys at St. Louis Rams: The Rams have one of the worst offenses in the NFL, but they managed to pull off the win last week against the Buccaneers. Similarly, the Cowboys have one of the worst defenses in the NFL and still managed to pull off the upset on the road in Tennessee. Bad offense meets bad defense. The Cowboys offense is very high-powered, but the Rams defense is too. We could be in for a pretty boring game here. The Cowboys have more weapons, so they should be able to pull off the victory on the road.

Minnesota Vikings at New Orleans Saints: Adrian Peterson is out and the Saints are in New Orleans for their home opener. This game should be a blowout. The Saints have had problems on the road for the past few seasons, but they were 8-0 at home last season and this season should be no different. If Peterson was in, maybe the Vikings would have a chance against the weak Saints defense; but without the 201 NFL MVP there’s just no way.

San Francisco 49ers at Arizona Cardinals: The 49ers basically imploded Sunday Night against Chicago. Kaepernick threw three interceptions, and the Niners blew a 17-7 halftime lead losing the game 28-20. The Cardinals have won two close games. The 49ers need to win this game or things in the franchise will start to get ugly. The 49ers have never had a problem beating the Cardinals in the past, and they need to win now more than ever.

Kansas City Chiefs at Miami Dolphins: The Dolphins will probably win this game just because of home field advantage. Neither team looks overly good. The Dolphins beat a declining Patriots team and the Chiefs only managed 17 points against a very weak Broncos defense. This will most likely be another boring game.

Denver Broncos at Seattle Seahawks: The Broncos want nothing more than to get revenge after their 43-8 loss to Seattle in Super Bowl XLVIII. The Seahawks want nothing more than to bounce back from their 30-21 loss last week in San Diego. The Broncos have not looked good so far despite their 2-0 start, but for all we know they may have been preparing for Seattle instead of the Colts and Chiefs. The Broncos are certainly the underdogs coming into Seattle, but if the Seahawks aren’t careful they may find themselves 1-2.

Pittsburgh Steelers at Carolina Panthers: If the Panthers defense can hold Calvin Johnson and the Lions offense to only seven points, they will have no problem shutting down the Steelers. On top of that, the game is in Carolina. Pittsburgh is not the same team they used to be, as evidenced by their 20 point loss to Baltimore. The Panthers should have no problem grabbing a win.

Chicago Bears at New York Jets: The Bears had an impressive comeback victory against the 49ers, whereas the Jets blew an 18 point lead against the Packers. Both teams’ quarterbacks are playing well, so this game could definitely be a shootout. Both Jay Cutler and Geno Smith are prone to making mistakes, however; and this game could come down to which quarterback can cut down on the turnovers. As of now the Bears seem to have an edge because of their fantastic receiving core.

Dolphins Joe Philbin Loses Faith In Ryan Tannehill

Miami’s head coach Joe Philbin stirred up a bit of a quarterback controversy last week when he would not commit to keeping Ryan Tannehill in the QB1 role. These so-called quarterback controversies are often overblown by the big media so they can have something to write about and ramble on about in 30 second sound bytes on TV. Players certainly don’t want to hear about these issues as they try to prepare for weekly games. Now that Philbin has opened up this can of worms, his whole team has to field questions about it now. Linebackers and wideouts are now faced with answering questions about how they feel about their starting QB. They would much rather be answering mundane questions about the upcoming game with bland clichés. But now they get the chance to say something unintentionally controversial to add fuel to the Tannehill fire.

Should the Dolphins head coach sit Tannehill this week against the Raiders? It wouldn’t be a bad idea since the guy is 1-4 in his last five outings, which goes back to last season. He is 16-19 overall since he came into the NFL. So he has not exactly overwhelmed the football world with his ability.

The bigger issue is whether Philbin or any NFL head coach should publicly talk about sitting their starting quarterback. Any criticism of the most important player on a football team should be carefully handled. Public criticism of a QB is never a good idea unless you are trying to destroy a guy’s confidence altogether and create problems in the locker room for the entire team. I understand trying to light a fire under a player who is underperforming. There is a place for that and Tannehill needs some extra motivation it appears. The added pressure might make him realize that he needs to get it together, and fast before he is relegated to another high draft pick that didn’t pan out. Or all this could backfire and Tannehill could play even worse and really have his team go down in flames along with his career. That is the more likely possibility.

I just don’t see how an NFL starting QB would need much public shaming in order to do his best. IfTannehill is not aware of how fortunate he is to be one of only 32 of the best quarterbacks in the world, then I don’t think he gets it at all. If that is the case, no amount of public criticism is going to make a positive difference. He has to know that if he does not perform, that he will eventually be replaced. How could a professional quarterback not be aware of that fact?

We will see how this plays out in Miami. I am guessing it will get worse for the team. Quarterbacks who lose more than half their games don’t usually turn it around to be Pro Bowl players. Joe Philbin may be thinking the same thing and went public as a last gasp to try and get something more from his leader on the field. Most other NFL coaches would not have done what the Phins coach did publicly. Most NFL coaches know they need to shield their QB1 from media criticism and certainly would never dog their own guy themselves.

Most NFL head coaches would rather lie to the media about how good their starting QB is than be honest about any shortcomings. The truth hurts and sometimes it is best to just lie or at least keep your true feelings more private. Instead of dogging a staring QB, most coaches will eventually just get rid of them and move on to the next guy. That is likely the best policy. An NFL quarterback that needs prodding to do his best is not the guy to lead a franchise anyway. Great QBs know exactly what is expected of them and should be able to motivate themselves. The next few games will let us know if Ryan Tannehill is that type of pro.

Janay Rice Standing Firm By Her Man Ray: One Man’s Opinion

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After the fiasco of TMZ’s release of the Ray Rice video, came even more of a media storm. The NFL is seemingly trying to cover its own tracks depending on who you believe. Janay Rice went to social media to lash out at the media, the public, and the situation itself. The story has shifted from what a bad guy Ray Rice is, to the NFL having a domestic abuse problem overall, and is heading toward someone in the league office getting fired over the video.

Domestic violence is a big problem in this country and apparently the NFL is a good lens to see that through now. Even after Roger Goodell changed the NFL policy for the better to be more harsh, there are still a couple cases involving NFL players and domestic abuse. And I can’t even get into the Adrian Peterson child abuse situation here. The NFL season just began but off the field news is dominating the headlines so far in 2014.

I can’t pretend to know what it is like for Janay Rice at this time or any woman for that matter. She posted a statement on Instagram defending her husband, Ray Rice. She also chastised the media for embarrassing them and not letting them move past that terrible night. She was the victim on that night, getting punched in her face and knocked out. Now I am sure she feels like she is still being victimized by the fall out. And she is in a way. Seeing yourself show up on TMZ night after night can be no fun. Having your husband referred to as a monster on multiple news outlets is not what she bargained for when she decided to marry him. She referred to this situation as a nightmare, and I am sure it is just that for her.

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I am all for personal responsibility. I love the idea that we are in charge of our own lives. So if Janay thinks she did the right thing in marrying a man that knocked her head into a handrail with a punch, then that is her choice. I do not own her life. I only own my own life. But the fact that so many women have forgiven their male partners for abuse only to remain an abuse victim many times over is scary. Janay should at least have taken some time before marrying the guy who struck her.

But we see this so many times in pro sports. An athlete does something dumb, usually cheating, and the wife will sit beside the husband at a press conference to show forgiveness and support. While I can appreciate forgiveness and being loyal to one’s spouse, this stuff is often orchestrated by a team of media experts who want to rebuild the athlete’s image asap. We have seen it with Kobe Bryant and his wife and uncountable politicians’ wives, standing by their man.

Most of these other incidents are not about abuse however. That makes a huge difference. Janay is upset that all this has become so public. But what if it had not come out at all? What if she continued to be knocked around by Ray Rice privately for years? It happens all the time if you look at the stats. It is sad to say, but being embarrassed on a national scale and having her husband lose millions of dollars may have been a good thing for this couple. Ray Rice may have never known how badly he screwed up if Janay was the only person who saw and felt his horrific act. He has had his livelihood ripped from him, been embarrassed, and will be the poster child for abusive men for a while to come. If this does not force him to change, I can’t imagine what would.

Dan Le Batard often says that it is tough that people get judged by their worst moments no matter what good they had done previously. Ray Rice had no criminal record prior to this incident and from all reports was a good guy. But one event can and has erased his good guy status. Serial killers are often called, “regular, decent guy”, by their unsuspecting neighbors. Serial killers are clearly not good guys, no matter their appearance to the neighborhood. What they do in private is what makes them monsters. Ray Rice made a very bad choice in a fit of anger. He thought it would remain private. And if it had, he would still have “good guy” status with the world. Unfortunately for Rice, the security guard would not let him just carry off his unconscious wife without investigation and the cameras were his ultimate downfall. Seeing is believing and no matter what good will Ray Rice had built up, most of the world will now only focus on the worst moment of his and Janay’s lives.

Is it possible that Janay and Ray Rice will live happily ever after? It is possible, but she should certainly seek the counsel of women who are specialists when it comes to domestic abuse. She does own her own life and has to make her own choices. I am just not sure that she is fully aware of what those choices could mean for her. If I were friends with Ray Rice and knew him as the good guy, I would hope he got help and was able to have a good relationship with Janay. If Janay was my daughter, I would not want her with him one second after I found out about the abuse. Since most of the public only has the video to go by, they are going to have no sympathy for Ray Rice. That is the hole he has dug for himself. He has made life very difficult for himself and his wife who has chosen to stand by him.

NFL Week Two Game Reviews 2015

With two weeks of professional football in the books, still no one team has emerged as the best in the league. If things keep going the way they are, the 2014 NFL season could be one of the most unpredictable seasons in recent memory. Here’s a recap of the craziness that was Week Two in the NFL:

Pittsburgh Steelers at Baltimore Ravens: Coming into this game all that anyone was focusing on was the Ray Rice story; however, the Ravens were not about to let the unfortunate situation ruin their season. The Ravens came out and beat the Steelers by 20 points, although not in the most convincing fashion. The Steelers had only 21 fewer yards than the Ravens, but consistently stupid turnovers and mistakes cost them a road division win.

Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills: There was a ton of hype around the Bills franchise and the city of Buffalo coming into the home opener, but the big question was whether or not E.J. Manuel would be able to play like he did against the Bears last week. The Bills and Manuel were sloppy once again this weekend, but in the end the defense stepped up and earned a huge victory in front of an ecstatic home crowd. The big standout for the Bills though was rookie wide receiver Sammy Watkins who caught eight pass for 117 yards and a touchdown.

Jacksonville Jaguars at Washington Redskins: Robert Griffin III and DeSean Jackson both left the game in the first quarter, but the Redskins were playing the Jaguars so they still won by 31 points. Kirk Cousins looked fantastic (much better than RGIII), dissecting the Jags defense like it was nothing. Cousins had wide-open receivers to throw to on every play. Take the victory with a grain of salt, however; and remember that they were playing the Jaguars.

Dallas Cowboys at Tennessee Titans: Dallas tried to shoot themselves in the foot, but Jake Locker and the Titans weren’t having any of it. Early fumbles and stupid penalties by the Cowboys should have led to an early lead for the Titans, but Locker’s inaccurate passes and two interceptions made it hard to take advantage of the Cowboys mistakes. Romo finished with only 176 yards with 103 of those going to Dez Bryant. The Cowboys ended up winning behind Bryant and the running of DeMarco Murray, taking the win 26-10.

Arizona Cardinals at New York Giants: Carson Palmer’s decision to sit out was rather unexpected. There was no indication during the week leading up to this game that Palmer would miss. Without their starting quarterback, the Cardinals were told they had no chance; but as always the nation overreacted. Eli Manning actually played very well against the Cardinals aggressive secondary throwing for 277 yards, two touchdowns, and two interceptions. Just like last week though, Manning’s receivers dropped pass after pass and continued to run the wrong routes. Ted Ginn Jr.’s kickoff return for a touchdown didn’t really help the Giants either. Arizona won a relatively easy one 25-14

New England Patriots at Minnesota Vikings: Even without Adrian Peterson, the Vikings marched down the field effortlessly for a touchdown on their opening drive; however, it was all Patriots after that. The Patriots scored 30 unanswered, including a blocked field goal returned for a touchdown. Tom Brady looked sloppy once again finishing with only 149 yards and a touchdown. The Patriots had a lot of help from Matt Cassel though, who threw four interceptions with one of them nearly being returned for six.

New Orleans Saints at Cleveland Browns: In a division like the NFC South, starting 0-2 basically eliminates the Saints from contention. Also, the Saints road woes from last year have clearly carried over into 2014. The high-powered Saints offense looked weak against the Browns defense. Things seem to have really turned around in Cleveland, and Mike Pettine and Brian Hoyer earned their first victory of the season and their first victory against a 2013 playoff team in dramatic fashion.

Atlanta Falcons at Cincinnati Bengals: The Falcons must have been cocky after their overtime victory against New Orleans in Week One, because the Bengals absolutely dominated this game. Even without A.J. Green, Andy Dalton and the Bengals other offensive weapons made the Falcons defense look atrocious. Mohamed Sanu had an amazing game catching only three passes but putting up 84 yards including a 76 yard touchdown. Dalton still didn’t look fantastic overthrowing his receivers in the red zone, but it didn’t really matter in the end since Matt Ryan was unable to do anything against the Bengals solid defense.

Detroit Lions at Carolina Panthers: Once again, the Lions found a way to lose a game they could have won: Nate Freese missed two field goals, Joique Bell lose a fumble near the red zone, Matthew Stafford threw an ugly interception, and even Calvin Johnson dropped a touchdown. The Lions also committed stupid penalties which either stalled their drives or helped lengthen Carolina’s. The Panthers played a good game, but they did have a lot of help especially on defense. Even with Greg Hardy though, the Panthers showed their defensive prowess finishing with four sacks on Stafford.

St. Louis Rams at Tampa Bay Buccaneers: Clearly the Buccaneers were overrated in the offseason: they were expected by many to win the NFC South after bringing in Lovie Smith as coach and Josh McCown as quarterback. However, the Bucs are now 0-2 after losing to the Sam Bradford and Chris Long-less Rams 19-17. The game was pretty boring overall—not only was there a rain delay but also neither team really did much. The Rams pulled off the win by being the slightly better of two bad looking offenses.

Seattle Seahawks at San Diego Chargers: The Chargers reminded everyone this weekend that the Seahawks are human just like the rest of us. The Seahawks offense has never been good on the road, and the Chargers didn’t give them a chance to start against their less-than-perfect defense. So, rather than risk Russell Wilson playing well the Chargers just held the ball on offense for 42 minutes. That’s right, 42 minutes—against the Seahawks defense. The Chargers kept the defense out there for so long that some of the players, including Richard Sherman and Earl Thomas, started cramping up. The Chargers really had their way with the Seahawks, and eventually beat the defending champs 30-21.

Houston Texans at Oakland Raiders: Raiders fans may as well start looking forward to the 2015 NFL Draft, because they’ll be lucky to win a game this season. The Texans looked great, and the only thing keeping them from being considered real contenders in the AFC this season is Ryan Fitzpatrick. Fitzpatrick did fine against the Raiders though, but that’s really not saying much. If the Raiders offense continues to play the way it has been, it may go down in history as one of the worst offenses of all time. Basically all of the Raiders points this season have come in garbage time.

New York Jets at Green Bay Packers: This game was a bit of a shock. The Jets jumped out to a huge lead against the Packers only to see it dwindle away slowly through the rest of the game. Geno Smith had a great game by Geno Smith standards, and it was a little sad to see the victory striped away from him after the late fourth quarter touchdown was called back because of an ill-advised timeout taken on the Jets sideline. This game did show us that the Packers may be a bit overrated this season: they should be 0-2 right now after getting crushed by Seattle Week One and barely squeezing out a victory against New York 31-24.

Kansas City Chiefs at Denver Broncos: This game was a lot closer than it should have been, but maybe the Broncos dedicated all their time leading up to this game to preparing for the Seahawks Week Three. Peyton Manning led his team to a nice lead just to watch his team give up afterwards. With tons of dropped pass, wrong routes, and an overall horrible defense, the defending AFC Champions look like they expect Manning to do literally everything for them. Alex Smith looked great, and the Chiefs offense was able to control the ball for most of the game; so we’re still waiting to see the multi-million dollar defense that John Elway put together this offseason.

Chicago Bears at San Francisco 49ers: The Bears shocked the NFL Sunday Night beating the 49ers 28-20. Jay Cutler really came alive in the second half, but the Bears owe this victory to Colin Kaepernick and his three interceptions. Kaepernick looked horrible and inaccurate in the second half against a Bears team plagued by injuries. Both injured receivers for the Bears ended up playing, however; and Brandon Marshall had a huge night catching three touchdown passes from Cutler.

Philadelphia Eagles at Indianapolis Colts: Andrew Luck finished 20-of-34 for 172 yards, three touchdowns, and an interception. Darren Sproles had 178 yards and a touchdown by himself. The Eagles only won 30-27 though, because Nick Foles struggled greatly trying to complete passes like he did last week against the Jaguars. LeSean McCoy had 102 yards, and it was him and Sproles that really won this game for the Eagles. Luck really struggled against the Eagles defensive line, and it was his late interception to Malcolm Jenkins that really cost his team the game.

NFL Week 2 What To Watch For 2015

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Week Two in the NFL is only a day away now, and with 32 teams playing you can’t watch every game. Here’s a few big matchups to look out for in Week Two:

The Legion of Boom vs. Philip Rivers: River’s had arguably the best season of his career under Mike McCoy’s offensive system, making all the right throws at the right time and fitting balls in windows that didn’t look open. But the question is, can Rivers keep up this productivity against the Seahawks defense? Richard Sherman and company made Aaron Rodgers look like Jamarcus Russell last week; but with all the weapons the Chargers have on offense, will they be able to stretch the field and put some points on the board early?

Cameron Wake vs. Seantrel Henderson: The Buffalo Bills seem to think they made quite the seventh-round selection taking Henderson. After a great game both on run plays and in pass protection, Henderson looks like a potential Pro Bowler early in the season. However, the Bills play the Miami Dolphins this week, which means Henderson will have to prove himself against the pass rushing skills of Cameron Wake. Wake had two sacks last weekend against Tom Brady, so of Henderson’s inexperience proves to be a problem E.J. Manuel could find himself on the ground more often than he’d like.

The Giants offense vs. the Cardinals defense: In their Monday Night loss to the Detroit Lions, Eli Manning and the Giants offense looked sloppy and unprepared. Manning looked all-around uncomfortable in the new offensive scheme, and his receivers seemed confused by the new hand signals. Manning would attempt to signal and change the offensive play, but the receivers were consistently running the wrong routes. The Cardinals defense of the other hand looks phenomenal early in the season. Todd Bowles has done a fantastic job designing a defense that stops the run game, effectively leaving teams no choice but to try and pass against their aggressive secondary which includes superstar cornerback Patrick Peterson. Manning has had quite a problem with interceptions as of last season, and it appears to have carried over into 2014. If the Giants don’t have something hidden up their sleeve, it could be a feeding frenzy for the Cardinals secondary tomorrow in New York.

Peyton Manning vs. the Kansas City Chiefs defense: The Chiefs defense was one of the few defenses in the NFL that was able to slow down Peyton Manning (to a point) last season; however, this is not the same defense by any means. Brandon Flowers was a huge problem for Manning last year in Kansas City, but he’s not with the team anymore. The Broncos on the other hand added Emmanuel Sanders over the offseason, who has proved to be a great option for Manning. Also, due to the NFL’s new drug policy, Wes Welker has been reinstated and may be able to play at least a few downs this week. The Chiefs still have Tamba Hali and Justin Houston, but they will need to get to Manning on almost every down if they expect to stop this high-powered Broncos offense.

Richard Sherman’s Big Mouth Equals Big NFL Money

The Seattle Seahawks are starting the new 2014 season off just like they ended 2013. They are hammering the opposition with authority on both sides of the ball. The Seahawks defense made the Packers look like a mediocre team in the opening week of this fresh season. A big part of the defense is of course Richard Sherman. The loud-mouth cornerback made big news when he went on a post-game rant after last year’s NFC Title game, proclaiming himself the king of cornerbacks and assuring the world that the receiver he covered was indeed a “sorry” one. That rant led to many fans hating on the guy, along with a few racists comments on the player, and some analysts were shocked at his arrogance. What some viewed as a big negative turned into some big money for Richard Sherman in the end though.

Sherman already had some endorsement deals before he became twitter famous and was featured on every TV sports debate imaginable. But after the NFC Title rant, then the Super Bowl win, his opportunities for getting paid off the field went crazy. Companies wanting the brash corner from Stanford to pimp their products came out of the woodwork. It turns out that if you run your mouth and get national attention for a couple of weeks around the Super Bowl, you become very valuable. Before you athletes with bragging skills and no game get the wrong idea, Sherman is valuable because he IS at the top of his game. He is one of the two best cornerbacks in the NFL. So when he runs off at the mouth, he can back it up with his play. If he was just average, his rant would have been funny for a bit, then he would have been shuffled to the back of the deck of helmeted anonymous NFL defensive players.

Richard Sherman was not a first round pick that came into his own after a couple of seasons. He was the 154th player taken in the 2011 draft. He is now one of the highest paid cornerbacks in the NFL. So much for all the NFL draft experts knowing what they are doing. If they were so smart, Sherman would have been a top 10 pick.

I am not usually a fan of athletes with big mouths, but I do like guys that are different. Being able to back up the talk is key as well. I was never a big fan of Deion Sanders, who took showboating to a whole new level and loved to talk about his own greatness. But what could I say about him? He was the best cornerback in the history of the NFL. He made other great athletes look average, so he was free to talk all he wanted. He may have been annoying to me, but his game provided back up to all his swagger. For people that hate Richard Sherman, they face the same problem. He is damn good and he is young. So this trash talking, ball hawking, receiver blanketing cornerback is going to be here for a while. He has a long career in front of him and I hope to see more moments that create polarizing national debate from the guy.

It is a shame that it took an epic interview at the right moment to get Sherman the rightful attention he deserved. Defensive players just do not get the kind of respect and coverage they should. Sure, the experts love to point out great defensive efforts. But main street USA loves offense and scoring. That is why Peyton Manning rakes in so much cash from endorsement deals and seemingly appears in more pizza ads than “Papa John” himself. Quarterbacks get much more face time during live games. Cameras are focused on them on the sidelines between plays with their helmets off. That might seem trivial, but NFL players are less recognizable to the average fan because they are all covered up in helmets and other gear. Five minutes on camera per game for a quarterback with his helmet off is more than any other position will get all year usually. Advertisers need players that are easily identified by John Q. Consumer. Sherman’s loud mouth antics made him very easy to identify. Peyton Manning can just be a nice guy with a good sense of humor, but a defensive player has to have something special to get the attention of potential advertising executives. Sherman has that “it factor”.

If there are still folks out there who think that Richard Sherman is just another blow-hard dumb jock, they need to pay closer attention. The guy graduated from Stanford with a communications degree. Dude is not dumb by any stretch of the imagination. He knows what he is doing on and off the field. His specialty is communicating for Pete’s sake. Any product in need of promotion, I am pretty sure he can handle the task. He has done a tremendous job of marketing himself after all. That was the hard part. Now that he has broken through the barrier of anonymity that comes with the defensive side of the ball, he will continue to rake in more cash off the turf. He already has a multi-million dollar contract with high-end beef jerky maker, Oberto. He has been in Madden commercials as of late. Several regional companies had already signed the shutdown corner to endorsement deals before he got major attention.

I hope Sherman plays at a high level for years to come. If you are tired of his act, then you better find other sports to watch. I can see him dominating receivers for quite a while. I can also envision more and more commercials with his face involved. Oh by the way, when he retires he will likely just move into an analyst job covering the NFL. Bright, opinionated, and charismatic players are known to get those jobs. So those that are Sherman haters are not going to shake him anytime soon. Neither are any of those “sorry” receivers.

Paul George Learns Think Before You Tweet

paul george tweet about ray rice wife beater 2014

We have seen it time and again. Athletes take to Twitter to spout off about the latest news item, an opponent, or just their general opinion. Most of the time these tweets go unnoticed to the general public. But when an athlete tweets something really stupid or inappropriate it blows up in the Twitter space and makes the mainstream news.

There were a few of these tweets that popped up on the national radar involving the Ray Rice domestic abuse video. Paul George of the Indiana Pacers had this to say, “If she ain’t trippin, then I ain’t tripping, LOL. Let the man play”. Evidently George thinks it Ok for a pro athlete to throw a devastating left hook at a much smaller woman that ends with her head upside a metal railing. Of course the NBA baller later deleted the tweet and apologized like most public figures do when they screw up. If there were no backlash from the public, he would have been fine leaving his comments up on Twitter. Social media, especially Twitter, lets our thoughts escape our heads quickly and be put into text form. That is a very cool thing, as it gives us all a good view of the people around us in this world and what they are thinking. I don’t know if Paul George is a terrible person or not. But those Twitter comments sure don’t make me want to get his autograph or pay for a ticket see him play basketball.

I love Twitter and the glimpses it gives us inside athlete’s domes. It makes writing posts like this fairly simple…..check Twitter for idiotic sports thoughts and crush the tweeter. If I were managing an athlete, I would offer two choices when it came to Twitter and other social media outlets. They should not post anything ever….best choice. Or they would sign up for a filtering service to delete any posts that could embarrass their team, family, community, and generally show their lack of self awareness. Deleting a post before it is live on Twitter is much better than having to backtrack and delete it after it has been online for even a brief time. There are reporters and regular Joes just combing through the internet, ready to screen shot the next stupid tweet from a celebrity, athlete, or politician. It is like mining for gold.

I love the freedom of speech we have in this country. But that freedom is not free from public scorn if you say something offensive enough. Some athletes just don’t know what they are saying before it comes back to bite them. Then it is too late. I almost wish Paul George would not have apologized. Apologies after one is widely criticized appear like empty gestures. If George was being true to himself, he would say that he meant every tweet. but of course, he knows that would bring him more trouble in the form of fines, possible suspension, and even some protests of his own to deal with. Evidently he didn’t want any part of those scenarios. So he backtracked just like so many public figures have done in the past.

There are many sides to most stories and people should be able to voice their opinions. But there are times when right is right and wrong is so wrong that it should be apparent to anyone. The Ray Rice incident was one of those times. Paul George stepped in it big time, but he wasn’t the first and won’t be the last. The next dumb thought is a tweet away.

NFL’s Roger Goodell IQ Drops More Points With Ray Rice Drama

roger goodell ray rice controversy

I won’t pretend to be smarter than the commissioner of the NFL. Even though privately I think I could outwit him in a remote jungle setting in some kind of terrible reality TV show. In the real world, Goodell is a powerful, rich, successful man. He is at the top of the most powerful sports league on this entire planet. That means he is better than most of us at this game called life. How he has become the focal point of the botched Ray Rice investigation is beyond me. He is way too smart for this to have happened. Yet here we are with Goodell feeling real pressure from the public that could lead to him losing his gig as NFL Commissioner. I want to make sure I point out that Ray Rice is the bad guy in all of this. I don’t want the investigation screw up to overshadow the fact that this incredibly strong pro athlete knocked a woman out by punching her in her head.

The problem with Goodell’s handling of this Ray Rice case is that the video did not become public immediately. If it had, maybe he would have been harder on Ray Rice. Who knows. But with the case just lingering for months and Goodell giving the Ravens running back only a two game suspension, what happened next may have been unpredictable to the commish. First he gets roundly criticized for being too lenient on woman beaters. He is not dumb, but he was ignorant of how serious womens’ groups were going to react to the two game suspension.

Goodell did correct course after the fact, when public pressure made him appear uncaring about domestic violence. He changed the NFL policy on the matter and took responsibility for the screw up. He apologized for his error. For a man in his position, that was a big step to take. High powered, egomaniacs rarely admit wrong doing, much less apologize.

All appeared to be OK, then the slime peddlers, called TMZ stepped into the fray by releasing the video that showed the actual punch delivered to Janay Rice. That is when things went really bad for Ray Rice, who lost his gig with the Ravens and most likely his football income forever. But then the focus shifted toGoodell and how he could have not been more harsh with the original punishment if he had seen that video. Good question. The NFL’s answer….they had not seen the video until TMZ released it. That is as hard to believe as Ray Rice being at the head of an anti bullying program in Baltimore, which he was.

There is no way Roger Goodell did not have access to that video of the knockout punch. I believe it is possible that he did not see it. If that is true, then he did not WANT to see it. I can’t imagine why he wouldn’t though. Like I said, he is smarter than me. He had to know that the video would surface publicly at some point. Or maybe he was ignorant of that fact. He is smart, but not young enough to be aware of how public everything is in 2014. He may be oblivious to the power of the internet and the pointlessness of secrecy in today’s age. The NFL has the power to get anything they want. They could have had the video anytime they wanted it. And according to sources, the league office did receive it. It would be hard to prove Goodell watched the footage himself, but I believe they had it on hand.

It is too early to tell if this matter will cost Roger Goodell his job. Public pressure is hard to gauge. The NFL has launched an independent investigation with a former FBI director in charge. The FBI does not exactly elicit a feeling of trustworthiness to me with all the wiretapping of American citizens in recent news. So I don’t put much faith in that dog and pony show.

Goodell will survive all this as long as sponsors do not bail on the NFL. And I don’t see that happening. The ratings are not going to fall at all. Americans love the NFL. I love the NFL. I’m not going to stop watching because one player did something terribly stupid. I love the game despite a few bad seeds likeRay Rice….and Roger Goodell.