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Best & Worst NFL Performances Of 2014

best nfl 2014 performances

This 2014 edition of the NFL has been one that is not easy to figure out. One week sees great performances from a team only to watch them crash and burn a couple weeks later. It is hard to trust a team in this kind of fluid atmosphere. I can’t imagine trying to bet real money on these games. The outcomes are never a given. The Rams just beat Denver in a game that was not even close. No expert, on TV or elsewhere, called that shot.

drew stanton arizona cardinals best players of nfl 2014

The most consistent team of 2014 has been the Arizona Cardinals. Not many pundits had them being as dominant as they have been so far through 11 weeks in the NFL season. They are currently 9-1 and just beat a very good Detroit team and they did it without their starting QB, Carson Palmer. Palmer will miss the rest of the year with a torn ACL so Drew Stanton will have to do the job the rest of the way. He has a good defense and great wide outs to throw to, but the pressure will be on him. A ton of credit has to go to head coach Bruce Arians. The old guy is not washed up nor incapable of leading this franchise back to glory. They may fail in the playoffs with a backup quarterback, but his coaching has been superb.

derek carr oakland raiders best nfl players 2014

The most consistently bad team has been Oakland. They have been undisputed in their level of badplay. They sit at 0-10 and it looks doubtful they will earn more than one win this year, if that. Rookie QB Derek Carr has played well for a first year guy, but not well enough to cover up the lack of talent. The team first needs to pick a coach that they can stick with on a long term basis. Their temporary staffing agency is really letting them down with the level of coaching talent they are sending them every 4.2 months. If there were preseason odds on the team that would finish last, like Super Bowl odds, I would win a stack of cash with the Raiders.

tom brady new england patriots best bulge nfl 2014 images

The New England Patriots didn’t start out this year with a bang. It was more like a thud and it had all the TV geniuses saying that Tom Brady was through. He would be just as well to spend his time spending his rich wife’s money. That narrative changed when the Pats came out on Sunday Night Football and destroyed the alleged best team in the NFL at the time in the Cincinnati Bengals. After that game the Patriots have been on a big time roll and Brady has looked as good as ever. He is still the same guy he has always been and he is doing it with scrubs at wide out. Gronkowski is back to his brutal form and reeking havoc on defenses. They even got a near 200 yard rushing performance from a running back in last week’s game. The Patriots are going to be hard to beat in the playoffs especially if they get to play at home throughout.

blake bortles jacksonville jaguars best nfl bugle 2014 images

It is no surprise that the Jacksonville Jaguars suck again. They are down and can’t get up. Blake Bortles has shown promise but a rookie QB can’t lift an entire franchise right away. Even Peyton Manning and Troy Aikman had pitiful records in their initial campaigns. The NFL is a league built on parity so it is a matter of time before they get back to a better level of play. They can’t stay this bad forever. Only the Raiders are capable of such longterm cellar dwelling. Once Bortles gets more comfortable as the face of the franchise and they add more weapons for him, the Jags will be on the come.

Denver has been on track to get back to the Super Bowl again this year. They did have a slip last week in a game they should have won against the Rams, but they have played well the vast majority of the 2014 season. They are at 7-3 currently and need to watch out for division rival Kansas City and try to keep pace with the Patriots for home field in the post season. The latter could mean the difference between another Super Bowl appearance and another gut wrenching loss for Manning at the hands of Bradichick.

The NFC South as a whole is the worst entity in the NFL. From preseason Super Bowl hopeful New Orleans Saints to the inept Panthers to the underwhelming Falcons, this division is the worst in football. It may come down to the last week in the season to see what loser will rep the NFC South in a losing effort in round one of the post season. Oh and the Tampa Bay Bucs are the worst team in this factory of pity. They sit at 2-8 which is better than being at the mediocre top. They won’t waste fans’ time with a playoff destruction and will get a decent draft pick if they keep up the losing the rest of the way

Since losing in a nasty fashion to Seattle to start the year, the Packers have gotten back on track. They are throwing up huge offensive points lately and are much better than the team that got off to a rocky start this year. Detroit is right there with them record-wise, but looked more dominant at the start of 2014. They just got Megatron back though and he has not hit his stride yet.

This last “worst” spot could be filled with the Jets, but we all knew they would be awful. So I will pile on the Giants and Redskins. They are making it easy on the Cowboys or Eagles to win the NFC East. New York needs a new coach and Eli Manning is shot. His five picks last week were unbelievable. I am not sure he is even the same guy who won two Super Bowls anymore. I feel like he got caught up in a wacky Disney film scenario where an awkward teenager took over his body and Eli is playing the violin at a middle school in Oregon. The Redskins have an RG3 problem. The quarterback’s injuries have been an issue, but he just isn’t NFL ready and they should face that fact. He had a great rookie year and that is going to be his peak.

The best of the best will be sorted out in the playoffs and anything can happen. A low seed could upset the team with the best record. The worst of the worst will be sorted out in the off season. Coaches will be fired, players cut, and new draft picks will be prayed over to help the teams’ futures.

  • Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning: Who Wins the Marquee Matchup of Week 9?
  • MVP: Tom Brady or Rob Gronkowski?
  • New England Patriots’ Defensive Plan Versus Denver Broncos
  • The Bizarre Reason The NFL Has Gotten So Lucky With Peyton Manning Vs. Tom Brady Games Every Year

10 Worst Haircuts In NFL

top 10 worst nfl haircuts 2014 2015 season

Pro athletes have a style all their own. Some guys are trend setters and other just end up looking like fools. The NFL is not immune to this issue. There are pro football players that should enlist advisers to approve their clothing, tattoos, and haircuts before they go out in public. I can’t focus on all the stylistic issues of NFLers in one article, so a top 10 list of the worst haircuts in the NFL will do for now. Some of these are hard to look at so hide the women and children.

giorgio tavechhio bad hair images        10. Giorgio Tavecchio – I am surprised any player can get away with this look. Even a Raiders kicker.

alex henery bad hair images

  1. Alex Henery – Time to let go of what you once had Alex. Bald is better than the thinning mess of a hairdo you are rocking.

dan carpenter bad hair images

  1. Dan Carpenter – This kicker is trying a type of mullet never attempted. It is in the form of a hawk tail. And it is atrocious.

matt flynn bad hair images

  1. Matt Flynn – If a young Frankenstein is the look this overpaid backup is going for, then he wins.

doug baldwin bad hair day nfl images

  1. Doug Baldwin – This guy needs to check in with a flat top expert to level that dome out.

donte moncrief bad hair nfl images 2014

  1. Donte Moncrief – This kid had a rough rookie hazing buzz. But his current hair problem is on his chin, which looks like a fuzzy chinstrap.

tommy kelly bad nfl hair images 2014


  1. Tommy Kelly – This Jets player gives new meaning to “conehead.”

reggie nelson nfl bad hair images 2014

  1. Reggie Nelson – Guy must have took his helmet off seconds before his profile shot.

randy bullock nfl bad hair images 2014

  1. Randy Bullock – This Texans kicker could pass for an awkward 8th grader. Upgrade from Great Clips my man.

kyle orton nfl bad hair images 2014

  1. Kyle Orton – I don’t know if the career journeyman thinks this is the look fit for a QB nomad or what. He has a homeless, mirrorless Keanu Reeves thing going on that is in need of a set of clippers.


NBA Commissioner Adam Silver Pushes For Legalized Sports Gambling


nba wants to legalize sports gambling

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver turned some heads when he pushed for legalized sports betting with his op-ed piece in the New York Times. He is the first professional sports commissioner to make such a stand on the issue. There are only a few states that have control over regulation of sports betting. Those lucky states are Nevada, Delaware, Montana and Oregon. The rest of the USA is under the harsh thumb of the federal government. Silver wants that to change and he is making as much noise as possible to make it happen.

I don’t know much about Adam Silver as a guy. I do know I didn’t like David Stern a whole helluva lot, so I imagine Silver has to be better than the grouchy commissioner that Stern had evolved into. I do love the fact that Silver had the balls to come out like he did. Most of these high level guys in pro sports and even college athletics don’t have the guts to rock the boat at all. They don’t even have the nerve to get in the boat, much less create any waves.

nba commissioner adam silver push to legalize sports gamblinb

Before I put Adam Silver up for sports’ sainthood, I will state the obvious. There is something in it for Silver and his league. He is not taking this stand to help casinos out or all you degenerate gamblers out there who need a better outlet for throwing your money away. He will use legalized gambling to increase profits for the NBA. That is the main object of any business, no matter how benevolent their motives. Businesses need to make a profit to stay in business. By having states be able to have legalized gambling, the NBA will be able to charge licensing fees to sports books and that is just one of the possible revenue streams.

Would legalized gambling be good for the public at large? I am always of the opinion that grown ups should be able to do as they wish as long as it does not harm others. That is a deep discussion, as folks with gambling problems could harm their family by tossing away much needed income on a Lakers game. But adults can’t be treated like toddlers by their government either. That is just not healthy and furthermore, it is not right.

By the way, people are gambling right now anyway. And the NBA, nor any other league is benefiting from it directly. There is a huge underground for betting on sports, especially football. Not breaking news I know. But the numbers are insane. Over $3.5 billion was bet on sports at Nevada sports books in 2013, according to the Center of Gaming Research at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Experts believe that huge number is only one percent of the total amount bet in the United States illegally. There is no good way to know how accurate that stat is, but considering all the football pools, person to person bets, shady bookie wagers, and March Madness office brackets, I would not doubt the estimate.

What are the other powers that be in pro sports saying?I will pretend that pro hockey is relevant for a moment. Here is a quote from NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly.  “You don’t want guys in the stands with bet tickets in their hands and the only reason they’re watching the game is so they can cash in on a bet afterward,”. Mr. Daly is either on drugs or delusional about the importance of his sport in the USA. If he were lucid, he would be happy to have people in the stands at a NHL game no matter the reason. Whether a fan is there for their favorite team, to watch their betting action live, or they are just out for a good time, butts in seats is a positive thing.

The NFL has enough problems with domestic abuse right now. So they surely want no part of this discussion that Adam Silver has brought to the spotlight. The league is against gambling on NFL games, period. They have no problem with the fact that underground bets account for much of their popularity however. The NFL also has no problem with sites like FanDuel and DraftKings paying out cash for fantasy football play. That is legal according to the feds, even though it is clear that winning money on fantasy football is gambling. The NFL is not going to go against their buddies in Congress and other government positions. They are all wrapped up in classic corporate back slapping. The NFL even goes along with affiliations with state run lotteries. There are scratch off tickets with NFL licensed team themes. These tickets may be the worst form of gambling on Earth. It is a proven fact that the poorest of people play these games and the odds are pathetic. So it is nice to see the NFL keeping its streak of hypocrisy alive.

Do I want gambling on sports to be legal and thus easy to bet whenever I want? Yes. Not because I am a high roller who can’t wait to get some action on four games a weekend. I would like the option though. America is allegedly a free country, so what is the hold up? Winning money on fantasy sports is cool and I am glad that loophole is in place. I hope it never closes. But regular betting should be an option for individuals. Just because the federal law changes, doesn’t mean every state will allow sports betting. But each state will have that option. That is not a perfect scenario, but it is better than the gigantic federal folks making the rules for everyone across the board.

nba legalizing gambling 2014

The old folks of sports are slowly going away. I like old people, but the powerful ones have held a lot of progress back in this country. I salute Adam Silver for taking a stance that is aimed toward the benefit of a younger generation who is not going to put up with being restricted at every turn. Silver isn’t doing this as a freedom fighter. He is doing it to benefit the NBA. I am fine with that. Getting more freedom and less pointless laws as a result of a business man trying to increase profits should be applauded.

NFL Week 11 Recap: Atlanta Falcons Stumble Into Victory, NFC South Pathetic

nfl 2014 season recap week 11

Week 11 in the NFL saw some terrific action once again. There were a few fresh names that lit up defenses on the ground. We saw a big upset that no one would have guessed beforehand. There were some frustrations that boiled over into the postgame reports, something that makes my job easier. Thank you RG-ME and Ahmad Brooks. And my Falcons somehow made me ashamed of a win as they stumbled into a victory like a drunk into a DUI.

There is going to be a mad scramble for playoff position as the year winds down. The NFC South is pathetic and could be won by three of the teams at this point. The AFC West is not Denver’s birth right after all. The NFL playoffs are always the best few weeks in sports. Just getting to the post season this year is going to be close to that level of drama.

jj watt screaming bulge for texans nfl images 2014

The Texans slowed down Cleveland’s march toward a playoff spot as they beat them 23-7. The sure bet for defensive player of the year J.J. Watt, did damage on both sides of the ball. The big man caught a fade for a touchdown to showcase his freakish abilities. He mixed in a sack in which he stripped the ball, had three tackles for a loss, and recovered a fumble. Not a bad day of work. The Texans also got a big day from rookie back Alfred Blue who filled in for the hurt Arian Foster. Ryan Mallett had a nice game in his first QB start since Ryan Fitzpatrick proved incompetent a couple of weeks ago.

I hate to even bring up the Falcons’ “win” over Carolina. It was really more the Panthers’ loss to Atlanta. The Falcons had the game in hand by a couple of scores just like the Detroit game in London. But they let it slip away and should have lost on a last minute field goal. But Panthers kicker Graham Gano missed the 46 yarder to let Arthur Blank feel good about his team for a few seconds. I imagine this win does just as much as a loss to make Blank likely to fire Mike Smith at year’s end. The team melted down and only got a win based on a bad field goal attempt. Not much glory in that or coaching job security.

andy dalton outplays drew brees nfl images 2014

Andy Dalton outplayed Drew Brees in the Super Dome, tossing three touchdowns. The Bengals moved to 6-3-1 with the 27-10 win. Cincinnati was bolstered by a great rushing performance by Jeremy Hill who went off for 152 on the ground. The Saints’ loss put them in a tie atop the NFC South with the Falcons. I am sure there is a petition somewhere to get that division blocked from this post season.

The only reason I care to mention the Redskins’ loss to Tampa Bay, 27-7, is the fact that RG3 went RG-ME after the loss. This guy has played like a scrub since his nice rookie year. But he felt the need to criticize his team after the game saying, “good teams in this league and the great quarterbacks, the Peytons and the Aaron Rodgers, those guys don’t play well if their guys don’t play well.” Nice of the Redskins’ incapable quarterback to compare himself to the top two quarterbacks in all of football while crushing his guys simultaneously. Coach Jay Gruden had to correct his young QB after the game in an embarrassing fashion as he noted in great detail all the miscues Griffin had during the game. I was waiting for him to pull out a laser pointer and slide show, Al Davis style, to really breakdown the suck points of RG3’s play.

denver broncos versus st louis rams nfl images 2014

The Rams whipped Denver 22-7. They didn’t put on an offensive showcase of course, but they did enough to put the game way out of reach. They used five field goals, and a big rushing game from rookie Tre Mason to keep the Broncos under their thumb. Denver had some injuries in this game that will have to be dealt with the next few weeks. Rams coach Jeff Fisher forced some crow down the mouth of a reporter in his post game presser, reminding the unfortunate soul of his question about St. Louis even having a prayer in the game.

San Francisco keeps hanging around the playoffs with some tough play. It ain’t pretty but they are still here. They got the best of a Giants team that is in need of revamping after this year. Eli Manning was only able to throw five interceptions to help the Niners’ cause. He could have thrown for about seven but he just ran out of time. Giants lose 16-10.

Kansas City is now tied with the Broncos for the lead in the AFC West. The Chiefs out fought the Seahawks 24-20 in a battle of running backs. Marshawn Lynch had 124 yards in a losing effort and K.C.’s Jamaal Charles gained 159 yards and scored twice. Seattle is going to have a hard time in these tough matchups now that their offense is basically “run Russell if Lynch isn’t getting anywhere.” They sure miss Percy Harvin right now. And their vaunted defense was out done by the Chiefs’ unit Sunday.

The Lions and Cardinals battled it out for best record in the NFC. The Lions came up short, as fill in QB Drew Stanton did enough to help the Cards to the win . They are now 9-1 and the best team in football, on paper and in reality. That said, they could lose in round one of the playoffs if Stanton throws multiple picks as he did to Detroit. Arizona 14, Detroit 6.

green bay packers aaron rodgers bulged out chip kelly nfl images 2014

The Green Bay Packers and Philadelphia Eagles match up looked to be a shoot out. It was, but only the Packers brought the right ammo. Aaron Rodgers showed Chip Kelly where real offensive genius comes from….the arm of the NFL’s QB1. The Packers quarterback led his crew to 50 plus points for the second week in a row. Green Bay whipped Philly 53-20.

In the Sunday Night game, New England ran over the Colts 42-20. Both Brady and Luck had good games but it was New England’s running game that lit the Colts up. Some kid named Jonas Gray ran the ball 38 times to get to 199 yards. I have to believe that Belichick just found a weakness in the Colt’s defense and Gray was the benificiery. If Gray was this much of a work horse, I am sure he would have been doing more during the first nine games this year.

leveon bell pittsburgh steelers beats titans nfl images 2014

In other games, the Steelers beat the Titans with a big game from Le’Veon Bell. The Chargers barely beat the Raiders. Chicago got the best of the Vikings in a game no one cared about. And the Dolphins won again, this time beating division rival Buffalo.

SURVIVOR SAN JUAN DEL SUR Episode 9: Big Man Jeremy Out

On this week’s Survivor the castaways discussed their alliances with their teammates. Jon stated that if there was anything he had learned from watching past seasons of Survivor it is that he needs to trust his instincts during the competition.

For this week’s reward challenge the castaways divided into two teams to pit individuals against each other on a beam placed above a puddle of mud. As each pair went head to head the goal was to knock the other person off the beam and into the mud. The winners of this challenge get to ride on a fishing boat with food and drink, including alcoholic beverages for the adults. Baylor and Missy were the last two to compete in this challenge and Baylor managed to toss her mother off the beam. In a massive trade Natalie and Jeremy, two of the castaways on the winning team, gave their positions on the team to Jon and Jaclyn.

When Jeff asked Natalie why she gave away her position she said it was to pay Jon back for helping her out by siding with her and her allies at the last tribal council and that trading with Jon would give her leverage to use later on in the competition. Jeremey was then chosen to go to Exile Island. Baylor said that he was chosen to go there because their team needed an immunity idol in order to save one of them from elimination. Jeremy said he appreciated Jaclyn and Jon joining his alliance.  On Exile Island he announced that he was looking for the immunity idol in order to protect himself. While attempting to survive a night at Exile Island, Jeremy stated that he was unhappy because he had no shelter, making sleep difficult.

He expressed his displeasure at sleeping on rocks and sleeping next to the fire he made for light. As a result, he was awake most of the night and felt lethargic in the morning. He also said he felt like he had been hit by a train. After an entire day of searching for the immunity idol Jeremy was becoming frustrated that he couldn’t find it and speculated that the reason he couldn’t find it is that Jon had already taken it.

Back at camp Jon speculated that Jeremy would figure out that he couldn’t find the immunity idol because Jon already had it and that Jon was hoping this would make Jeremy look stupid.

The winning team of the reward challenge then headed to the beach to be picked up by their boat. Once they were on the boat they enjoyed the trip and even got to see some dolphins. They also sipped on champagne while on the boat and Jaclyn and Jon expressed their love for each other.

Upon Jeremy’s return from Exile Island Jeff told him he looked beat up and Jeremy told Jeff that his two nights on the island were very rough. He spoke about the crabs scaring him, which made him look weak in the eyes of the other castaways. After Jeff took the immunity necklace back from Jeremy he explained this week’s immunity challenge. The challenge was to unspool a rope which would drop blocks onto a large disc.

The blocks then have to be put together like a puzzle. Since on this own this sounds too easy they added a twist to the challenge by dictating that the only body part the castaways could use were their feet. They were challenged with unspooling the rope, putting the blocks together to form a puzzle and placing a flag on top of the finished product, all with only their feet as their tool. Baylor won individual immunity from this challenge. Jeff then dismissed the castaways back to camp until the tribal council later in the day.

After they were dismissed Jeremy stated that even though he was upset he didn’t win individual immunity he was happy that one of his allies did. When they got back to camp Reed stated that he was disappointed he didn’t win immunity. He felt that the challenge was custom made for him and since he lost the challenge his chances of still being able to compete after the next tribal council were not good. Reed then went through Keith’s bag when Keith wasn’t looking. He found a piece of paper with directions stating what should be done with the hidden immunity idol.

Reed commented that this was a rookie mistake and Keith never should have left this piece of paper in his bag. He even stated that though he normally hates when someone looks through someone else’s personal belongings he was desperate enough to do it anyway. Reed then told Baylor and Missy about finding the piece of paper. He even showed the paper to Baylor and Missy. This helped them deduce that Keith had possession of the hidden immunity idol. Baylor stated she never thought Keith would be the one who would find it. She also speculated as to how long he had the paper and had been hiding it.

Jeremy told Natalie that Jon was trying to control everyone in the game and stated that he didn’t trust Jon or anyone else. Jon stated that he was going to have to try to do something that would change the course of the game. Jon stated that Jeremy was a threat.

At tribal council, Josh was brought in as the first member of this season’s jury. Jeremy stated that the trust within an alliance is an important part of the game and that even though the teams are currently four against six the team of six doesn’t necessarily have an advantage over the team of four and vice versa. Jaclyn stated that giving up her position on the winning team for the reward challenge was a positive thing. Jeff then tallied up the votes and announced that this week Jeremy is going home, much to the shock of many viewers.

TOP CHEF BOSTON: Ep 6 First Thanksgiving Recap

top chef boston ep 6 first thanksgiving

This week’s episode of Top Chef began with the chefs walking into their temporary home and making a toast to the nation’s fallen heroes. Melissa read letters that her girlfriend sent her so that she would have something encouraging to read every day during the competition.

Tiffany Faison showed up at the chefs’ apartment and announced that they were being taken to the site of a bog where they would begin this leg of the competition. Their challenge was to harvest the cranberries faster than their opponents. The top four that collected more cranberries than any of the other chefs were given a leg up during the quick fire challenge. Padma then announced that each chef had to create a dish using cranberries. The top four winners of the cranberry collecting were given access to better quality ingredients to make their dishes from.

Adam ran into a problem with his dish when the sauce he was making caught on fire on the stove. When Padma tried Adam’s dish she said she wished it had more sauce on it. Katsuji made steak tartar and used cranberries in his marinade. Stacy created a cranberry relish for her stew. Tiffany announced that Katsuji’s dish was an odd choice and that Stacy’s soup wasn’t seasoned enough. Doug was praised for his dish and the cranberries were declared to be perfect. Tiffany then chose Katie to win the quick fire challenge, giving her immunity in this week’s Elimination Challenge.

The Elimination Challenge was related to the first Thanksgiving. The chefs were told they had to work together at a plantation to cook a meal as it would have been cooked in the 1600s. The only ingredients they could use were ingredients brought over on the Mayflower. Colonists that had been on the Mayflower were serving as taste testers for the Elimination Challenge.

The chefs then discussed what each of their families normally does for Thanksgiving. Stacy said she felt like she was alone and that she missed her boyfriend, who is serving in the military at an overseas base. After she spoke to her boyfriend on the phone she said it had helped her morale for the rest of the competition.

The chefs arrived at the plantation to begin their challenge and saw the spread of ingredients at their disposal, which included rabbit, lobsters and various other types of fish. Cast iron pots and fire pits were what the chefs were tasked with using to create the meal. Gregory tackled the goose as his part of the challenge. Stacy was tasked with baking clams for the team.

Tom Collicchio showed up at the plantation to supervise the chefs. He visited each individual chef as they worked on their dishes. Then Tom, Gail, Padma and colonists and tribe members sat down to dine on the dishes prepared by the chefs. Doug presented his spit-roasted rabbit to everyone. One mentioned that she liked the prepared lobster even though it isn’t something she would normally enjoy. Tom praised each of the four chefs who prepared the first round of dishes and told them they all did a good job.

The second four chefs to prepare dishes presented succotash with goat milk, blueberry stuffing with sautéed lobster, duck fat roasted cabbage soaked in vinaigrette, roasted goose and seared venison. Once again the judges and guests praised the dishes the chefs prepared. They did complain that Melissa’s dish didn’t have as much flavor as they would like and that Gregory’s dish was too dry. The flavor of Stacy’s stuffing did not please the judges either.

When all of the chefs went in front of Tom, Gail and Padma, Doug, Katsuji and Mei were the ones with the judges’ favorite dishes. Of the three of them Katsuji was chosen as the winner of the Elimination Challenge. Stacy, Gregory and Melissa were the three that had the worst dishes in the minds of the judges, meaning one of them had to be worried about being sent home. The one that ended up getting sent home was Stacy, the hometown contestant in this season’s competition. Upon losing she said that the pressure of being from Boston was keeping her awake at night and that she hadn’t wanted to let her hometown down. She also said despite losing the competition she is proud of who she is.

The interesting part about this week’s show was that the chefs didn’t have to worry about heading to the nearest Whole Foods and buying the ingredients they would need to prepare their dishes. In this respect, the chefs got a break this week because they weren’t limited to what they would buy at the grocery store.

Having to cook on a plantation as people did in the 1600s added an interesting twist to the show that put the pressure on the chefs. Clearly some of them handled the pressure better than others. With a limited amount of space and resources they had to work together to prepare the Thanksgiving meal they were tasked with serving.

Since this week’s episode had a Thanksgiving theme to it there was no drama between the chefs. As a result the show seemed to flow much more smoothly than it would have otherwise. It seems as if the producers are finally realizing that the way to get high ratings is to focus on the competition itself and not try to turn Top Chef into a glorified Big Brother.

For Boston viewers it is quite possible that this week’s episode might have left a bad taste in their mouth as Stacy was voted off unceremoniously. However it was obvious by watching her compete that every week she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

Next week’s episode of Top Chef contains what many viewers feel is the highlight of each season; restaurant wars. For new viewers to the show restaurant wars is where the remaining eight chefs are divided into two teams and both teams have to run a mock restaurant.

How One Day Fantasy Football Wins Over Year Long Leagues

Fantasy Football NFL Images 2014

I’ve recently dabbled in the world of one day fantasy football. I even played a little NBA action as a test of the one day concept. I have to say that I’ve enjoyed the experience more than the traditional season long leagues I have played in for years now. I have a feeling that these weekly leagues will be taking over the longer versions of fantasy sports. Here are ten reasons why.

10.You don’t have to be a football guru to win money on these sites like FanDuel. If you are good with stats and numbers in general, you could win money by dominating guys who know much more about the actual sport than you.


  1. Most of these fantasy one day deals let you have multiple entries. That means you can test out many different lineups to see what works best.


  1. Injuries and suspensions can wreck a fantasy team in the year long format. One day leagues let you get another team the next week that is not full of ACL tears, concussions, and suspended wife beaters.


  1. You don’t have to bet huge dollars to win a pile of cash. Two dollars can get you in some fantasy tournaments that pay out thousands.


  1. New sites are coming along each week to take advantage of the new one day trend. That means more fun options for us as players.


  1. Season long leagues require a lot of commitment. If you don’t stick with it, the rest of the league is pissed as you let your lineup just sit unattended each week.


  1. There are several different formats in these one day fantasy football leagues. You can play in a huge crowd of thousands or go head to head with just one guy.


  1. People with short attention spans will find one day or one week leagues easy to stick with. That means most Americans who have a smart phone in one hand, a tablet in the other, and the TV blaring in the background.


  1. You can win consistent money on sites like FanDuel and DraftKings. I am talking big money if you really know what you’re doing.


  1. When your team sucks, you are not stuck with them for a whole year. You get a chance to redeem yourself a few days later with a better draft.

NFL Players Bring Out Their Inner Baby

nfl players pouting

It would seem crazy to see a 250 pound athlete pouting, but it happens even in the NFL. This past Sunday saw a couple of incidents of players getting pissed about playing time and deciding to call it quits for the day. Ahmad Brooks of the 49ers left his game early, as did LeGarrette Blount of the Steelers. Both guys have had some team value at different points, but felt slighted by their lack of action in week 11.

Blount has had a few off the field issues before, so this is not totally new for him. One teammate was reported as saying he hoped that Blount didn’t bother to travel back to Pittsburgh with the team at all. And there are worries about Blount’s level of influence over young running back Le’Veon Bell, who could be a franchise player sooner or later.

The 49ers’ Brooks was a huge part of the defense last year and has played good again this season. He was put off by being rotated in and out with rookie Aaron Lynch versus the Giants. He felt like he needed to be on the field at all times and when that wasn’t happening, he took himself out of the game. He made a point of taking his cleats off and cutting the tape off his ankles as well. The only thing that would have made it more clear he was finished for the day would have been grabbing a beer from the concession guy in the stands.

I see Blount’s point more than Brooks’. The defensive player at least had the chance to make something happen on the plays he was involved in. It is hard for a running back to stand out when he gets zero carries.

I can appreciate NFL players not wanting to sit out plays. That means that have a vested interest in the game. I certainly don’t want players on my team who don’t mind sitting on the bench. I like some enthusiasm for the game itself. These two guys seem to have plenty of that, but you can’t just take yourself out of the game. That is unprofessional at best and a weak move to boot. And I am well aware that this kind of thing has happened before with higher profile players. I am sure it has happened a ton more than we have actually heard reported as well. Still doesn’t make it OK. They did make a point I guess, since they got some attention for their actions. But that kind of attention can get you on a bus out of town as well. Better to be a good teammate even when it is hard to swallow less playing time.

I can’t imagine the best of the best NFLers pouting like this. If Walter Payton ever refused to go into a game because of a grievance, then I certainly have never heard about it. And if that did happen, I’d just assume not ever know! Jerry Rice pulling himself from a game would be insane to the wide out. Brooks and Blount made a statement with their pouting but perhaps they would have been better off to make a statement while on the field. That would look better for future play, whether on their current teams or ones that they end up on eventually. Not many NFL teams are on the look out for guys who quit before the game ends.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Jennifer Lawrence Mob Fear & Kardashian White Trash Baby Shower

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This week’s celebrity gossip, as always, must include the latest from the Kardashian clan. Kourtney started out the week with a baby shower…held at IHOP. Yes, you read that right…IHOP. As if that isn’t weird/bad/creepy enough it gets worse. Apparently Kourtney and all her guests went to IHOP in their best pajamas.

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This was her second baby shower within a week, as her family threw her a baby shower a la Breakfast at Tiffany’s style. Much to the chagrin of Kourtney’s dingdong sisters they were not able to hold her breakfast baby shower at Tiffany’s, which we all know is an upscale jewelry store you have to be rich and/or famous to even shop at. So instead they opted to recreate the Tiffany’s setting in a place where they could have breakfast. This insanity reportedly stemmed from the fact that Breakfast at Tiffany’s is Kourtney’s favorite movie, which I find a little hard to believe.

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In other Kardashian news, Kendall Jenner has been battling rumors that she is dating teen heartthrob Justin Bieber. On a recent Nightline appearance (which is disturbing in itself) Kendall addressed the rumors and reported that though people like to speculate that she and Bieber are dating they are not doing so. Kendall stated that she is not dating anyone right now, as she prefers to concentrate on her career and that Justin Bieber is simply a friend of the fractured Jenner/Kardashian family.

The proof that Kendall Jenner is concentrating on her career these days lies in the fact that she has recently been named Estee Lauder’s newest spokeswoman. Kendall stated that being able to represent the company is a dream come true for her. An executive at Estee Lauder publically stated that Kendall represents the generation of women who are always tuned into the latest fashions. He called her a powerful force within social media and stated that she will help introduce the cosmetic company to younger women all over the world.

jennifer lawrence scared of large crowds

A recent interview with Jennifer Lawrence revealed that the actress has nightmares that she is being mobbed in places such as shopping malls. She even stated that there are times when she will call a friend and ask them to get something for her at the grocery store, simply because she doesn’t want to go out in public and do it herself as this makes her vulnerable to being mobbed. The actress spoke about how down to earth she is due to the fact that she grew up far away from Hollywood and has only been in the public eye for a short amount of time compared to many other stars her age. So even though she earns big bucks from her projects she is infuriated by clothing and other items that are priced significantly higher than they should be.

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One serious item in this week’s celebrity gossip mill involves allegations that Bill Cosby is guilty of sexually assaulting several women back in 1969. One of his victims has come forward and said that he lured her into his home and asked her to help him test out some of his new material for his standup comedy routines. The victim reportedly imbibed in a Bloody Mary with him and once she had finished the drink she had passed out. She stated that she later woke up on Cosby’s couch completely naked. While under the influence his victim recalled that she told Cosby that if he had vaginal intercourse with her he would end up with an infection which would tip his wife off to his actions. According to the victim Cosby simply chose an alternative way to violate her sexually. Of course Cosby’s attorney denies the victim’s story and maintains his client’s innocence.

amanda bynes apoligizing for bizarre behavior

In slightly lighter but still disturbing celebrity gossip, Amanda Bynes continues to make headlines for her bizarre behavior as of late. Amanda’s friends recently recorded her talking about her plans to kill her father. The actress has reportedly had a strained relationship with both parents recently. Since the audio of her discussing her killing her father was leaked to TMZ, Bynes issued a public apology. In her statement she said that she had trusted friends that she shouldn’t have as they betrayed her by secretly recording her. She also stated that these so called friends were taking advantage of her mental illness. In addition she apologized for any pain her recent actions have caused her family. In a recent Twitter post she stated that when she talked about killing her father and other family members that she was only joking and that in reality she would never hurt anyone. Whether this is true or she is just trying to cover her own rear end, this girl has problems.

kenny chesney shirtless against country music

As if his female fans didn’t have enough reasons to love Kenny Chesney now they have another one. The country singer recently spoke out against his own genre of music saying that country music artists need to stop objectifying women. He stated that when he writes songs now he portrays women in acceptable ways rather than making every woman in a country music song sound like a piece of meat.

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Vanessa Lachey, currently pregnant with baby #2, stated in a recent interview that when she was pregnant with her first baby she was disturbed by the fact that even though she had a human life growing inside her, she wasn’t feeling the love for the baby that she thought she should be. According to Lachey this all changed when she found out she was going to give birth to a baby boy. Knowing the baby’s gender inspired her to be able to begin to bond with him before he was even born. She also confessed that after the birth of her son she dealt with post- partum depression.

Those are this week’s pieces of celebrity gossip. Check back next week for more on the latest from all of your favorite celebrities making the headlines

SURVIVOR SAN JUAN DEL SUR Episode 8 Recap – Josh Canfield Gets Ousted

On this week’s Survivor the castaways were disgruntled because Julie unexpectedly quitting the show last week left them without a tribal council that night. This screwed up the strategies of several of the 11 remaining contestants and they expressed their displeasure over it. They are itching to vote Josh out and not pleased that they missed their chance to do that last week. Though Jaclyn had flipped her decision and started to focus on getting Jeremy booted, Jeremy has no idea that is the plan.

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The challenge the castaways faced this week required them to divide into two teams and tackle the movement of large and heavy puzzle pieces which they had to use to build a temple. When the temple was completely built one person had to run up the temple faster than their opponent from the other team. Once at the top of the temple they were required to unlock the statue that sat atop it. At that point the goal was to be the first team to raise the statue as you would raise a flag. The team that raised their flag first got the reward they were competing for. The prize for winning this challenge was a fully stocked taco bar, featuring steak, pork and chicken not to mention tea, beer and margaritas. At the mere mention of this prize each castaway was excited and motivated to help their team win the challenge.

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After they were divided into two separate teams the challenge began. Much to Missy’s chagrin she had to sit on a bench and watch the challenge without being able to take part in it because neither team picked her. During the challenge Jeff announced that the reward for this one was the biggest reward they have given so far in this season of Survivor. Upon declaring the winning team, Jeff instructed them to choose one person to send to Exile Island before they could get their reward. They chose to send Jon to the island because “he’s a big guy.” Jeff then told Jon it was a complement that he was the one chosen. After giving him a map of his destination, Jeff sent Jon on his way. The castaways were then informed that Jon would be back before the next immunity challenge took place.

During their taco feast the team talked more about Julie having quit the competition and discussed their opponents. Meanwhile back at camp the losing team ate snails and talked about their own strategy. Josh asked Baylor to not vote him out because he had stuck his neck out for her more than once during this competition. Baylor said that that was an awkward moment for her. She felt like in some way Josh was blackmailing her, which could easily backfire on him sooner or later (though probably sooner.)

She also mentioned that it is unsettling for someone from a Christian family to try and blackmail anyone. Her take on it was that when someone gives someone else a gift they shouldn’t do so expecting something in return and she was surprised that Josh did exactly that. Unfortunately for Josh, Baylor didn’t feel she owed Josh anything, including a promise to not vote him out at the next tribal council. She talked about people saying that Josh has been using other people during this competition. Josh reacted by stating that he thought Missy, Baylor’s mother, was trying to control her decisions about the game.

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When Jon arrived at Exile Island he remarked that the island was desolate and that he wasn’t happy to be there by himself. He did state that while he was there it was a good time for Jaclyn to develop relationships with the other castaways so that people would stop looking at her as someone who just tags along with others. Jon then opened the clue left on the island for him. The clue was to lead him to a new immunity idol for the game. After much searching he came across the coveted idol.

Back at camp Baylor complained that Alec treated her like she was his little sister and tried to make her a “slave” by asking her to throw some trash in the water. When Baylor was asked to go help collect wood she made a sound of disgust and was then berated for doing nothing but lying around all day. The “girls” were told to keep the firing going while the men went off to collect the wood that Baylor wouldn’t collect herself.

Jon then returned from Exile Island and this week’s Immunity Challenge was explained. The challenge involved showing the castaways several symbols and they had to use a cube with each symbol represented. This cube was used to show Jeff the symbols the castaways were shown. Jon was the first one to lose this challenge, with Natalie being eliminated next. Baylor was the third one out, leaving five competitors. Jaclyn was the next one eliminated. Keith and Missy were then eliminated, leaving it to Jeremy and Josh as the last two competitors in the Immunity Challenge. Ultimately Jeremy was the one that won immunity for the week.

Jeremy stated he hoped he could get Jon and Jaclyn on his side so he would continue to be safe from elimination. Jaclyn told Jon that she no longer liked any of the male castaways and they must concentrate on getting them voted off. She complained to Jon that they ignore her when he is not around. She then voiced her displeasure that when it came to strategy Jon was thinking long term and that that was a bad idea.

Most were in agreement that Baylor needed to be the one voted off because she does nothing to contribute. At Tribal Council Jaclyn shared that she felt like there was a general lack of respect from the others toward her. Though everyone expected Baylor to be voted out, Josh was the unlucky castaway who got the seventh boot.

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TOP CHEF: BOSTON’s Angry Man Aaron Grissom Out & Out Of A Job – Episode 5 Recap

bravo top chef boston aaron grissom out

This week’s Top Chef started with Padma presenting guest judge Jamie Bissonnette as her partner for the quickfire challenge. Since the competition is really heating up now and the chefs are starting to see who is a threat to them and who isn’t this week’s quickfire challenge required every chef to pick another chef to compete against in a cook off. Reynolds Wrap products must be used by the chefs to cook their dishes.

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Katsuji chose Aaron to go up against, which is not surprising when you consider the war of words the two chefs have been having. Carrie Ann chose Stacy as her opponent because she felt Stacey was the weakest chef in the competition and she would be easy to beat. The chefs got to choose from a list of dishes they had a half hour to prepare in order to complete the quickfire challenge.

When it came time to judge the quickfire round, more praise was given to the chefs than you normally see during quickfire judging. This is a testament to how well each chef created their dish for the challenge. Though everyone seemed to have done well in the mind of Bissonette of course one chef from each pairing was praised for out cooking the other one. Katsuji, Doug, Carrie Ann, Katie and Gregory were all named winners of the quickfire challenge, though Gregory won the $10,000 prize that came with coming out on top for the quickfire challenge.

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The interesting part of this week’s show is that at the conclusion of the quickfire challenge the chefs were split into two teams for the elimination challenge. One team was made up of those whose quickfire dishes were deemed less successful than their opponents. This led to a different dynamic for the elimination challenge that gave it its own unique feel compared to elimination challenges in past episodes and seasons.

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Referring to the elimination challenge as “War” only turned up the level excitement this brought. For this challenge the chefs had to create dishes related to the Revolutionary War. Both teams had to volunteer one chef to compete with another chef for each Revolutionary War battle. This led to many of the chefs who went up against each other in the quickfire challenge going up against each other for the elimination challenge too.

Both teams were given a $1,000 grocery budget. As the leader of the red team, Adam decided each chef on the team was responsible for spending $200 of the $1,000 they were given. He felt this strategy would give them an edge over the blue team, who was not as organized. Having to work within the budget they had chefs were forced to choose cheaper ingredients than what they would have liked to use.

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Once the chefs arrived back at the Top Chef kitchen the competition really started to heat up. Katsuji did express concern that he was up against someone who had more extensive experience preparing dishes of the highest quality than he has. However, this didn’t seem to shake his confidence at all. Aaron stated that he was going to concentrate on his dish and not let Katsuji get to him, which is an improvement over past weeks when Katsuji was more concerned with arguing with Aaron than focusing on his cooking.

The chefs prepared and presented their dishes to the judges. Those who won against their opponents were Katsuji (for the Battle of Bunker Hill,) Gregory (for the Battle of Trenton,) Stacy (Battle of Saratoga) and Katie (Battle of Yorktown). Fittingly enough this stage of the competition was carried out at a Boston Watertown Arsenal. The Battle of Yorktown was more heated than the others simply because it put Katie against Aaron and much to Aaron’s chagrin Katie blew him out of the water.

The overall opinion was that each chef did well with their dishes, thought he blue team won the “war.” This meant the red team was scrutinized and then one of them was chosen to go home. Adam and Mai were highly praised for their dishes and told they were safe from being eliminated from the competition. The judges then talked to the chefs in danger of being eliminated this week. They told Aaron he “bit off more than he could chew.” Aaron confessed he knew part of his dish would be limp but he left it that way anyway. Stacy was told she only won because the chef she was put up against was weak.

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Once the judges made their decision, much to Katsuji’s joy I’m sure, that Aaron was the chef being eliminated the other contestants looked visibly relieved. During his parting words Aaron mentioned that he probably didn’t make it through the competition because he didn’t have the formal culinary training a lot of the other chefs did. Aaron’s downfall was the fact that the judges felt he had tried to do too much with his dish, which was a pork meatball with scallops and noodles. Like Aaron or hate him you have to commend him for not walking away from the competition a sore loser. The last time he spoke to the judges and the other chefs collectively he told them that it was an honor and a pleasure to have stood among them. This is kind of surprising when you consider that from day one of this competition Aaron did nothing but badmouth Katsuji and whoever or whatever else made him angry.

aaron grissom eliminated from top chef boston and lost job after beating up girlfriend

If you’ll notice this week’s Top Chef did not include personal drama between the chefs. I think cutting down on those scenes was the right thing to do. At the end of the day Top Chef is a cooking competition not a soap opera. It seems the producers have finally acknowledged that viewers like me are more interested in seeing the cooking aspect of the show rather than the catty name calling and verbal arguments.

The intrigue continues on next week’s Top Chef. Shortly after last week’s Cheers episode, news broke that Aaron Grissom had been arrested for domestic violence, but thankfully that wasn’t why he went home from Top Chef: Boston. He was sent packing because he just didn’t size up to the other contestants, but Bravo did lose the little man everyone loved to hate. Now even his old employee Bow & Truss have announced that he is no longer working for them and has moved on. As with many losers on this show, he’ll be quickly forgotten, but I’m sure he’ll make himself known in the reunion show.

THE WALKING DEAD Season 5 Ep 6 Consumed Recap: Carol & Darryl Go Deep

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I have to say that this week’s episode of The Walking Dead was close to the best of this season. It was certainly much better than last week’s viewing. They opened with Carol in a flashback to when she drove away from Rick after he exiled her for a couple of prison “murders.” She actually did the right thing back then, but Sheriff Rick disagreed and sent her on her way. She rode off with a strong prideful look, a big departure from the abused wife she started out as in season one. The next cut shows her sobbing as she realizes she is all alone in an insane world. A walker smacking on her car window certainly didn’t help matters as she had her five o’clock traffic-like meltdown.

We get another doomsday prepper tip as we watch Carol find a safe haven. Insomnia is likely common in a zombie apocalypse so she has time to think of ways to survive as she fastens ziplock bags on coat hangers to catch rain.

The next scene jumps to where Daryl catches Carol trying to skip out on the church group and they start pursuing the white cross car to save Beth. They follow  with no lights on up I-85, which would no no easy feat with debris everywhere and wrecked out cars to boot. They stop as they see one of the hospital’s cops dragging a woman into their car. It is impossible for me to believe that the guys in the white cross car, cops mind you, did not notice them following. Even with no lights, a car that was following you would be pretty noticeable to nervous survivors in this world.

Daryl and Carol are out of fuel and lose the cops so they must find a place to hold up. They head to the safe house in which Carol spent her time in exile. She shows her efficiency as a killer as she stabs a walker in the head by cracking the window just enough. We knew she was an efficient killer already from her prison murders. She killed those zombies even before they were actually close to becoming undead. Knives are becoming more popular as weapons and this will continue as guns are used less and less to stay silent. And low ammo in the world could be a theme adopted from the comics as well.

Once Daryl and Carol shack up for the night, in separate bunk beds, they have some deep conversations about starting over. they talk about the people they used to be. Once again there is a zombie at the glass windowed doors. Simply more shots of the undead as nuisances more than threats. Then we see the flashback of Carol and Tyreese burying the sisters, which was pretty harsh to watch.

Carol and Daryl head out the next morning to get to a tall building to scout downtown Atlanta. The ATL is a hot mess and I can only compare its filthiness to current day New Orleans, but more civilized. One of the craziest things ever on this show was the camping hell scene in the building. These poor bastards got infected and turned while inside zipped up tents and sleeping bags. Imagine the misery of being unable to free yourself from a freaking tent or a tight sleeping bag.

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The Daryl and Carol show continues to the top office in the building where they take a gander at the destruction of downtown Atlanta. They spot a van they want to check out and off they go. No GPS or nothing. How many of us so dependent on GPS could have found that van once we got on ground level? Good thing Daryl Dixon is an old school hunter with a sense of direction. Bad thing that they got caught slipping coming through some chained doors. State hospital escapee Noah, snatches Carol’s gun and gets the drop on Daryl as well. Pretty good for a skinny kid against these stone cold killers. Noah just wants their weapons but frees the tent rotters to stall the D & C duo. That was a poor effort as the two person wrecking crew made short work of the walkers and Carol was about to pop Noah with her pistol. Daryl stopped her from hitting him since Noah did show them mercy when he could have easily whacked them. Carol’s goal is to live, period. The flashback to the prison murder victims on fire is very timely.

walking dead consumed zombies go camping with carol

Once Daryl and Carol get to the van hanging off the bridge, they quickly find out the info they need about the hospital. But of course about 40 walkers can fuck up any small victory. Mr. Dixon, not to be stopped by small packs of undead flesh eaters, tells Carol to buckle up as they wait for the van to get sent over the edge of the bridge….and it does. Nice move, except for Carol injuring her shoulder. No air bags on this model van apparently. The zombies falling off the bridge onto the top of the van was pretty cool as we only hear it and see the van shake from the impact.

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The duo makes it closer to Grady Memorial Hospital where the two once again discuss their transformations. Carol speaks about going from victim of her pathetic excuse for a husband, to protector at the prison when she did what she had to with no fear. She talks about losing her daughter and that memory being burned away and how she too will be eventually burnt up by this world. But Daryl reminds her that they are “not ashes yet.” Oh and Carol needs a doctor as her shoulder is really jacked up.

walking dead season 5 consumed carol with darryl in falling van with zombies

The two find Noah again as he is trying to block a doorway with a bookshelf. The young guy is rocked by Daryl as the bookcase topples on top of Noah with a walker barely caught in the doorway. Carol was nearly killed by a walker on the way to Noah, so Daryl is in no mood for more mercy upon Noah. Once was enough. But Carol has thought better of it and it leads to a Clint Eastwood type shot from Daryl’s crossbow with lit cigarette hanging from his lips. Cool kill of the week, no doubt.

Once they get a panic stricken Noah up on his feet, he is ready to bounce. But he reveals that he knows Beth after being held back by Daryl. Small world indeed. The three head out to the bottom floor of the building on the way to hopefully save Beth. Tiny problem. Carol, known jaywalker, gets rammed by the psycho cops’ car. That is how she ended up on the stretcher two episodes back. Noah convinces Daryl that she is being nabbed by the best possible evil people. They have doctors at their hold up, so she will be just fine. Strange logic that worked on Daryl and myself. Although it would be hard to watch a band of evil-doers tote off a loved one on the off chance that you can get them back before serious harm happens.

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Noah tells Daryl that it won’t be easy to get through the defenses at the hospital. Big D says he has the guns and people necessary for the task and they head off to find Rick’s crew. Hopefully they don’t enlist the help of Abraham’s group. They are a train wreck and not up for the mission after their meltdown last week.

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One thing you can check out that The Walking Dead editors missed is the picture above with Carol looking out the window. There’s a red circle around them to make it easier, but you’ll see two ambulances on top of a parking garage. The team said that it took four of those vans to perform the stunt so there were two of them just ready for some intense Carol and Daryl ala Thelma and Louise action to hit.