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Celebrity Gossip Weekly Roundup 2014

justin bieber fake photoshopped bulge hair 2015

This week in celebrity gossip includes couples in love, couples in crisis and the antics of some of today’s hottest stars. First up, actress Vanessa Hudgens is singing the praises of her boyfriend for the gifts he recently gave to her on her birthday. She posted a picture on Instagram of the beautifully wrapped gifts and the bouquet of flower he sent her. She then declared boyfriend Austin Butler is excellent at giving and even wrapping presents. In addition to the gifts and flowers he gave her, Austin had a dessert delivered to Vanessa at her gym during her workout.

Proving that not every female celebrity insists on hiding behind a face full of makeup every waking moment of the day Gisele Bundchen recently took her kids to their dad Tom Brady’s New England Patriots game without having a drop of makeup on her face.

Kate Hudson was spotted this past weekend spending time with her girlfriends after announcing to the world that her engagement to fiancé Matthew Bellamy has now been broken. She posted pictures online of her getting her face painted with her friends and not looking particularly bothered over her broken engagement. The most likely reason the engagement ended in a break up is Kate’s desire to look elsewhere for romance as she was spotted earlier this month at a restaurant in West Hollywood kissing Dancing With The Stars pro Derek Hough.

In some rather disturbing celebrity gossip former Seventh Heaven star Stephen Collins recently confessed to Katie Couric that he has participated in sexual activities with girls who were under age. The actor admitted to being flawed but denied living a double life. He then went on to say that he was committed to dealing with his sexual exploits in his private life and wasn’t prepared to deal with it in the public eye.

In much happier celebrity gossip Stevie Wonder recently became a father again when his girlfriend gave birth to their daughter, Nina. During an interview on The View last month Stevie addressed rumors that girlfriend Tomeeka Robyn Bracy was carrying triplets. He added that rumors are always spread in Hollywood and that when people believe the false rumors they suffer for it.

Madonna is mad as hell this week after music from her upcoming album Iconic was leaked onto the Internet. As a result, Madonna took to Instagram to express her displeasure at this turn of events. She compared having her new music leaked early to the acts of terrorism and rape. Madonna also thanked the fans that did not listen to the leaked music online. She went on to mention that any of her new songs her fans heard on the Internet are unfinished demos that were not ready to be heard. Many of Madonna’s fans are up in arms over her comparisons of having her music leaked to something as serious as rape.

Though the two allegedly aren’t together anymore Selena Gomez was very upset to learn that Justin Bieber made an appearance at her best friend Taylor Swift’s recent birthday party. Selena reportedly had a temper tantrum when her ex arrived at the bash despite the fact that she could have played cool, ignored it and just enjoyed hanging out with fellow party guests which included Justin Timberlake as well as Jay Z and Beyonce. In more Justin Bieber gossip the singer denied rumors that he has been dating Hailey Baldwin even though everyone has been saying that he has.

With the recent hacking of Sony Pictures it has come to light that Alex Trebek is unhappy with the recent controversy he faced over a Jeopardy taping. In an allegedly nasty email Trebex expressed anger over having to tape a Kids Week segment more than once. The reason for the retake was that one of the three child contestants could not advance to Final Jeopardy because they hadn’t won enough money in the game. The mother of the child that couldn’t play Final Jeopardy wanted a retake because she felt like Trebek had not done enough to soften the blow over her daughter’s loss. The game show host stated that he has spent the last 30 years defending the show, but no one would step up to defend him. He also stated that he felt he wasn’t getting enough support from Jeopardy producers.

Mariah Carey is coming under fire for her recent performance at NYC’s Beacon Theatre. There were many awkward moments during the performance. During a performance of her smash hit “Hero” her shoe fell off of her foot. Mariah promptly paused her performance and began crying onstage. In a tweet she sent out after the concert was over she gave no indication of the things that had gone wrong, instead stating that she was in the holiday spirit and enjoyed her performance.

In the next issue of Glamour Magazine, set to hit stands next month, Orlando Bloom spoke of his desire to go back to acting in theatres as opposed to just movies. The single father of son Flynn has stated that since his baby son lives in California he is looking to get back into the California theatre scene in order to make an impact on the life of his son.

Former Spice Girl Mel B was allegedly abused by her husband Stephen Belafonte. The singer recently moved out of the home she shared with him. Though Scary Spice was supposed to make an appearance at last weekend’s taping of the X Factor in the U.K. She reportedly skipped the taping because she was suffering from an unidentified illness. When she appeared the next night at the X Factor season finale not only was she not wearing her wedding ring she also had bruised arms and a bruised face.

That is this week’s celebrity gossip. With some good news but mostly bad news celebrities continue to prove that they are always involved in some kind of crazy rumor mill.

SURVIVOR SAN JUAN DEL SUR Finale Recap: Natalie Anderson Wins

As the season comes to a close this week’s Survivor was a live broadcast of the official reunion of all this season’s participants held in order to announce the winner of the season.

Natalie spoke about how she was proud of herself that even after her sister was eliminated from the competition she still managed to make it to the end of the game. She also stated that she wanted to show everyone why she should be the winner for the season.

Jeff told Natalie that he had gotten many questions from her from fans of the show through Twitter. One of the tweets he mentioned was a Twitter user asking Natalie if she thought she played the game better after her sister was voted off. Natalie said that though playing without her sister wasn’t easy she thought she played the game well because she was pushing herself to make her sister proud. She also said that when she gave up her immunity to Jaclyn she completely blacked out until Baylor won the immunity. Jaclyn admitted that Natalie had “played” her when she gave up immunity without being forced to.

Jeremy said that Keith wasn’t the survivor type because you never knew what he was going to do. He said that people who aren’t good at strategy can’t anticipate anything. Jeff then read a tweet that wanted to know why Natalie exploded on Rocker when the two previously hadn’t even interacted. Natalie explained that the reason she did so was because she was upset that her sister had gotten voted off. She said that Rocker said something about her sister to her. John then talked about how Natalie yelled at him through Skype.

Reed and Josh talked about how they have been receiving praise from gay fans all over the world for being a strong Christian couple and not hiding their sexual orientation from the world. Reed said that he heard from a man whose father would not talk to him due to the son being gay but upon seeing Reed and Josh’s relationship on Survivor the father and son are now talking and have realized it is ok to be both Christian and gay. One of the people in the live audience for the reunion show stated that she was proud to see Christians displaying love towards each other even though their church does not approve of it.

Jeff then brought up the fact that Jon and Jaclyn had argued on the show in front of the world and that led to couples who watch the show arguing over which one was right; Jon or Jaclyn. Jon then announced that after the show was over he and Jaclyn got engaged. He stated that he though the couple was under a lot of pressure on the show and that is why they argued the way they did. He also mentioned that they don’t usually argue over small things like they did when they were on the island. Jaclyn said that once they were off the island and she watched the footage of their argument she was stunned to see how much they argued over things that were ultimately unimportant. Jaclyn also jokingly expressed concern that certain relative of Jon’s, whom she hadn’t met yet, would not like her because their first impression of her was the way she acted on the show.

Missy stated that she was introduced at the beginning of the season as the contestant who got married and divorced three times and that this actual freed her of the guilt and embarrassment she felt over that. She even declared Survivor to be better than therapy. Baylor said that her relationship with her mother Missy didn’t change much until the end of the competition. She said the relationship they had on the show mirrors the one they have at home. Missy said that she felt if Reed knew her better he wouldn’t have taken verbal stabs at her during the show. Reed then stated that he would treat Missy’s character on the show different than he would have treated the real Missy. He then said that he stood by everything he said in the game but implied he never would have said those things in real life.

Jeff then announced he was going to give the audience a preview of what the next season of Survivor will be like. It will be called Survivor: Worlds Apart and will feature blue collar workers against white collar workers against no collar workers. Jeff pulled an audience member up to the front that is a lawyer and considers himself a white collar worker. Another audience member who works in construction was brought up to the front and considers himself a blue collar worker.

Jeff then pulled a young woman out of the audience that was considered a no collar worker. He did this to explain to people the type of contestants viewers will see on the show next season. The idea is to take people who are used to being in charge of situations and thrusting them into a situation where they are not in charge.

Jeff then presented Natalie with her $1 million check for winning the competition. He then ended the show by announcing that on the show’s website props from this season can be purchased, with the proceeds going to Stand Up For Cancer.

The next season of Survivor is beginning February 25, 2015. It will be very interesting to see this new twist on the competition. Taking people completely out of their element and making them struggle for probably the first time in their lives will likely be intriguing to viewers next season. This could create an interesting dynamic that the show has never experienced before. Only time will tell how compelling the next season of Survivor will be. A new crop of castaways will be presented in all their glory for viewers to follow and root for the ones they like.

Top 10 Best Sports Movies Ever Made

top 10 best sports movies ever made tv geeks 2014

I am a sucker for great movies and clearly a sports fanatic. So movies about sports have to really suck in order for me to give a thumbs down. I will generally give these type movies a chance to impress me. Don’t get me wrong, there have been some bad sports movies and I have sat through a few. Any bad ones I usually just sit and wait for them to get better.

Without focusing on the bad, let’s get to the quality sports movies. They far outweigh the bad movies as a whole. Here are what I consider to be the ten best sports movies of all time.

rebound legend of earl the goat manigault movie poster 2014       10. Rebound: The Legend of Earl ‘The Goat’ Manigault – I imagine this is the least watched sports film on my list. But just because it is not as well known, doesn’t mean it does not belong. This story is a common one about playground legends not quite making it to the big leagues. Manigault was one of the best of these legends. Maybe the best.

kingpin movie bill murray best sports movies ever 2014 movie geeks

  1. Kingpin – I had to include this comedy starring Woody Harrelson and Bill Murray. Bowling isn’t really a sport, but the movie is too good to leave off the list. And yes, it is better than Caddyshack.

breaking away best sports movie ever 2014 images

  1. Breaking Away – Along the same lines as #1 on this sports movie list, this one shows how anyone can be great if the mind is set to do so. I am no cycling fan. I am a fan of inspiration and this one has it in stacks.

matt damon will smith hold bulge stick in legend of bagger vance best sports movie ever

  1. The Legend of Bagger Vance – I love me some Steven Pressfield, who wrote the book of the same title. The story is as much about living life as it is playing golf.

remember the titans best sports movie ever 2014 images

  1. Remember The Titans – Football is my favorite sport and this is one movie that does it justice in a big way. There are multiple story lines that keep you involved in the film, from the racial issues to the bonding of linebackers Julius Campbell and Gerry Bertier.

the hurricane best sports movie ver made 2014 images

  1. The Hurricane – Any movie with Denzel Washington has to be great. This underrated sports film tells the true story of a falsely accused fighter who spent much of his adult life in prison. It will make you admire the man and hate the system that put him in jail to begin with.

secretariat best sports movie ever made 2014 images

  1. Secretariat – This film had a tough job, selling a story that didn’t feature an underdog. This creature was the greatest race horse that ever lived and the producers made me care about the story even though I knew how dominant the performances were. The thunder of the hooves in the last leg of the Triple Crown was goose bump creating for me.

russell crowe cinderella man best sports movies ever made 2014 images

  1. Cinderella Man – If you are ever in need of a pick me up type movie, then this is it. Russell Crowe plays the part of James J. Braddock, who went from down and out boxer to world champion. The scene of the man begging for money to have his power turned on again is tear jerking. If this guy could get up from rock bottom, perhaps anyone can.

hoosiers movie best sports film ever made 2014 images

  1. Hoosiers – I am well aware of how many lists that feature this Gene Hackman movie at the #1 spot. It is worthy indeed. I watch it whenever I catch it on TV. It is the common tale of the underdog overcoming the odds. All it takes is a great leader and a group of athletes willing to buy in.

million dollar baby best sports movies ever made 2014 images

  1. Million Dollar Baby – This film featured an all star cast, but the story is what makes it number one for me. Maggie Fitzgerald rose up from her meager upbringing to achieve more than anyone, including her white trash family, could believe. No one could ever take away the cheers that she heard. She took full control of her destiny and her life.

Top 8 Most Overrated Soccer Players Of 2014/2015 Season


No sport is based on opinions like soccer. For many other sports you can create solid arguments based on statistics due to the less radical play style of many sports. With football, however, statistics only tell so much of the story. With the modern age of soccer heading towards a far more analytical style, there’s no surprise that many soccer players are rated purely on perceptions on statistics and limited footage.

I’ve tried to pick my list based on players who get a lot of coverage from the media and the soccer world in general, but don’t seem to warrant that praise and acclaim. Before you get your pitchforks and torches at the ready, keep in mind that these are only the opinions of this writer.

So without any more disclaimers, let’s look at eight of the world’s most overrated footballers. Note the lack of defenders in this list, as the majority of soccer defenders at the moment are overrated in the first place!

mario balotelli most overrated soccer player 2014

Mario Balotelli

Despite having unquestionable talent, Balotelli is currently best reminded by his host of off field antics that show the man is putting his skill to waste. Still lauded by many as the next best thing to come if he can mature, he should be well onto his way of becoming one of the greats.  Instead we are constantly asking when, instead of knowing now.

With more a sense of entitlement, than actual hard work and effort getting him to his highly rated status, Balotelli hasn’t done much in recent years to earn him a place in the upper echelons of the best forwards. He clearly has the skills to get himself there, but actually doing the work that would result in due plaudits, seems to have alluded the young Italian, and he can only have himself to blame.

Not many would put up with hard efforts knowingly required into managing the temperamental striker, and with plenty of others out there with more heart and desire (think Luis Saurez) Mario is quickly becoming a ‘what if’ type of player.

sergio busquets most overrated soccer player 2014

Sergio Busquets

IF you could spend most of your games behind two of the most creative and brilliant players of your generation, you could earn yourself a reputation like the Barcelona and Spain midfielder. When the main aspect of your play is passing short balls to midfielders like Xavi and Iniesta It’s easy to think you are doing your job well, but in games of great magnitude you can find he offers little, and if the aforementioned midfielders aren’t available, you can find his abilities limited at best.

His off the ball simulation and play acting are less than desirable qualities you want from a ‘disciplined’ holding midfielder, and seeing these actions in some of the biggest games that Barcelona could play in, offer little encouragement. Not known for game changing passes or deep runs, it’s easy to forget that he is little more than a tempo player who happens to be surrounded by far greater talents.

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Wayne Rooney

One of the highest paid players in the world and the face of English football, it’s easy to think that Rooney must be one of the best forwards in the world. However in recent season which have seen his position as a striker become more a parody these days, the England player has been thrown in at many positions just to feature him in a game.

You would think a man of his name you would know exactly where he was playing week in and out, instead we see undue praise thrown at him for ability to adapt across the pitch and play many roles, for his wages you would be expecting a consistent amount of goals and assists. Hot and cold throughout his career, and once tipped to be the next Pele, Rooney is quickly being remembered for the things he’s done rather that what he is doing.

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Michael Carrick

For a player who spent two UEFA Champions League finals being given a lesson, Carrick is a player who receives an incredible amount of praise. Conversely, he’s a player who tends to be viewed as ‘underrated’ but I’d need to state the opposite. Many pundits speak of him as if he is indeed the “English Xavi” but in reality he’s nothing of the sort. I rarely see Carrick boss a game of genuine magnitude, and as he now comes towards the end of the career it looks like the opportunity to do this regularly at the top level might have passed him by. He’s a good player, of course, but he’s not the metronome he’s made out to be by many.

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Sergio Kun Aguero

Despite being one of the best forwards in the world at one stage, he’s been on a steady decline for the last two years. That might sound weird, given his great goals-to-games ratio last season, but when it’s really mattered he hasn’t quite hit the heights since his outstanding debut season in Manchester.

At Atletico, he genuinely looked too good for anyone but the top sides, but at the moment he seems to have gone off the boil in terms of making the genuine difference on the biggest stage. His invisible performances in the World Cup are just another part of the reason why Aguero isn’t quite at the top pantheon of forwards at the moment. He’s still awesome, but on the same level as Messi, Ronaldo and Suarez? Not for me.

riccardo montolivo most overrated soccer players bulge 2014 images

Riccardo Montolivo

For two years, Riccardo Montolivo has perplexed me greatly. A player of incredible potential at a young age, he stagnated greatly in Florence and, in truth, only became a Milan player due to their incredible downsizing. It’s a sign of the times at Milanello that he is the captain, given some of the stellar names that have graced the San Siro in the red and black. He’s a shadow of players who once played in his position – Seedorf, Albertini, Pirlo to name but three.

In the many times I’ve seen Montolivo play, especially at Milan, I’ve yet to see anything of genuine world-class talent. Yet this is a player who captains one of the most successful clubs in the world, and has nearly 60 caps for his country. It could be argued that my own problem with Montolivo is what he stands for more than his own talents, but as a leader and commander of a midfield for a top side? Never in a million years. His career has been greatly improved by the faith that Cesare Prandelli showed him, but I don’t believe many other top managers would give him that same faith.

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David Luiz

The hilarious defender is one of the most box-office footballers out there, but for a lot of the time it’s for the wrong reasons. On his day he’s incredible, but I’d say he’s overrated purely on the basis that in his career so far he’s moved for north of $100m! That’s an incredible amount of money to be spent on a player who comes with outstanding deficiencies in the basics like composure, decision making and positioning.

He seems to play, to coin a term used by Gary Neville, like somebody controlled on a games console. He enjoys the same lapses of concentration that I do when playing Pro Evolution Soccer, which for one of the most expensive players around is an absolute disgrace!

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Jack Wilshere

I don’t want to stick the boot into him too much as he’s had an incredible amount of injures, but my main issue with Wilshere stems from two things. One, from a young age he’s clearly been hyped to a point of absolute propaganda levels – he was never given a fair chance from the off as from his debut against Real Madrid in the Emirates Cup he’s been spoken of in the highest of terms.

Then, against Barcelona for Arsenal in the UEFA Champions League, he ran the show. He dominated the best midfield in the world at the time, but since then a performance even similar to this has only been seen in video games. He’s not at the same curve in his development that players of a similar age are.

My other main issue with Wilshere is his mentality. Despite going into a tackle he described as “70-30” in Danish defender Daniel Aggers favor and getting seriously injured, he believes that it’s a big part of his game and won’t stop doing these kinds of tackles. What kind of player goes into challenges he has no capacity to win, just to prove a point? If you had a tenth of Wilsheres ability and vision I could understand that, but why does he play like that when he has absolutely no need to base his game around such a style?

As stated at the start of this article, it’s purely my opinion. These players are some of the finest around in the opinion of many, but I don’t see enough from them that warrants this type of attention.

2014 NFL Season Week 15 Preview

2014 nfl season previews week 15

Well there are only three weeks left in the 2014 regular season (sad, I know), and no team has clinched a playoff berth yet this season. There are multiple 2 win teams, and multiple 9 plus win teams. It’s a weird season. Well, here’s Week 15:

Oakland Raiders at Kansas City Chiefs: The Raiders shocked the world by beating the Chiefs the first time they met, but that’s not happening at Arrowhead. The spread is pretty high in the Chiefs favor, so maybe the Raiders can at least beat that. Chiefs win.

Jacksonville Jaguars at Baltimore Ravens: The Ravens are a pretty good team this season. The Jaguars are…well, the Jaguars. Needless to say, the Ravens have no problem getting the victory at home. Ravens win.

Pittsburgh Steelers at Atlanta Falcons: Atlanta showed the world what they can do when their offense is pumping. If they hadn’t done so poorly in the first half, the Falcons would have pulled the upset of the year. Well, suddenly they look good, and Pittsburgh is coming off a huge win over the Bengals and probably a little cocky. I’m taking the upset, Falcons win.

Houston Texans at Indianapolis Colts: Andrew Luck has started slow the past few weeks, so if that continues a sack or five from J.J. Watt could certainly give the Texans a nice halftime lead. However, the Colts always get it going eventually; so they’ll win it in the end, especially at home.

Cincinnati Bengals at Cleveland Browns: The Browns defense dominated the Bengals in Cincinnati; and with Johnny Manziel making his first career start in Cleveland in front of an energetic fan base that has been waiting for this day, the Browns should have no problem outscoring the Bengals. Browns win.

Miami Dolphins at New England Patriots: As long as Tom Brady doesn’t screw this up (which is hard to do with Rob Gronkowski on the field, but never doubt Brady’s ability to suck), the Dolphins have no chance. The Dolphins are an average team, the Patriots are great. Patriots win.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers at Carolina Panthers: The Panthers are feeling good coming off the 31 point blowout victory in New Orleans. Cam Newton is out, but he’s okay after the crash. The Panthers are feeling good for the first time in a while, so they’ll have no problem dismantling the weak Bucs. Panthers win.

Washington Redskins at New York Giants: Tom Coughlin doesn’t lose without a fight. Both teams suck, but at least the Giants are playing inspired. Oh, and the Giants have a quarterback. Giants win.

Green Bay Packers at Buffalo Bills: The Bills are still fighting hard for a playoff slot. Here’s the upset of the week: Aaron Rodgers is very stoppable despite what people seem to think. The Buffalo defense is fantastic. At home, in front of the passionate fans, the Bills get it done.

Minnesota Vikings at Detroit Lions: So the Vikings are 6-7. Didn’t even realize that. Not good enough for the 9-4 Lions however. The Lions defense is fantastic, and the Vikings barely have an offense. Lions win.

New York Jets at Tennessee Titans: Both teams suck, but at least Rex Ryan has his team inspired. Here’s a chance for Geno Smith to prove that he actually has “Pro-Bowl caliber flashes.” I don’t buy it, but either way the Jets win.

Denver Broncos at San Diego Chargers: There is something physically wrong with Peyton Manning according to sources close to and inside of the Broncos. The Broncos would be lucky to go 6-10 with literally any other quarterback. The running game has emerged, so hopefully that’s enough to sling the Broncos passed the Chargers with minimal passing. Broncos win.

San Francisco 49ers at Seattle Seahawks: I think we’d all like to see the 49ers go into Seattle and stomp all over the Seahawks and Richard Sherman, but it’s just not going to happen. Losing this game will knock San Francisco out of the playoffs, and Seattle would love to have that honor. Seahawks win.

Dallas Cowboys at Philadelphia Eagles: Eagles blasted the Cowboys in Dallas, so expect the same in Philly. A win here could be enough to clinch the division for the Eagles, and Chip Kelly would love to win it against Dallas. Eagles win.

New Orleans Saints at Chicago Bears: The Saints are 5-8 but still in the division hunt. The Bears suck. Jay Cutler will probably throw a pick six against the Saints pitiful defense. Saints win.

TOTAL DIVAS Spotlight: Summer Rae, Natalya & TJ

total divas summer rae and natalya feud images 2014

In the first half of the third season of Total Divas new WWE Diva Summer Rae was added to the cast. One could make the argument that the entire reason she was added was to feud with fellow Total Diva Natalya, as the two notoriously don’t get along inside or outside of the wrestling ring. Reality shows thrive on unscripted drama and Summer Rae certainly appears to be good at causing that.

Having debuted in the WWE in 2013 as the companion of WWE wrestler Fandango, Summer Rae had quite the resume built prior to joining the company and the reality show. Highlights of her pre-wrestling career include Summer Rae playing in the Lingerie Football League (LFL) where she was a Chicago Bliss team member. Summer Rae received recognition for being among the league’s top players.

In 2011 she signed with the WWE and was assigned to start training in Florida Championship Wrestling, the WWE’s training ground for upcoming wrestlers. She went from FCW to NXT, which is the company’s rookie division. After having joined the cast of Total Divas she got the opportunity to film her first movie for WWE Studios; The Marine 5, which is set to be released sometime in 2015.

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When Summer Rae first made her debut on Total Divas she was caught on camera cozying up to her in-ring companion, Fandango. Though she flirted with him hopelessly he later ended up standing her up for a planned date.

Much of the reason why Summer Rae has made such a splash on Total Divas is because of her bold personality. Since nobody brings out the boldness in her like Natalya, producers played up the drama between the two ladies.

Natalya has carved herself a place on the WWE roster thanks to being a third generation professional wrestler. Her father, grandfather and uncle worked for WWE for years and each of them is a legend in their own right. Natalya made her wrestling debut in 2003 for Stampede Wrestling. Over the course of the next two years she also wrestled in both Japan and England. The summer of 2005 saw Natalya named the first Stampede Women’s Pacific Champion. In October of 2006 she went on to win the SuperGirls Championship.

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The next year Natalya finally signed her first WWE contract. She worked on her in ring skills at WWE’s training grounds, Florida Championship Wrestling, as well as Deep South (where she wrestled for six months) and Ohio Valley Wrestling. During her time in Florida Championship Wrestling she served as manager for her cousin and also for her boyfriend at the time.

In the spring of 2008 Natalya made her WWE television debut. At that time she was an ally of fellow WWE wrestler Victoria. In 2009 she became the manager for her future husband, TJ, a.k.a. Tyson Kidd. She and TJ, along with her cousin, David Hart Smith, made up a WWE tag team referred to as The Hart Dynasty.

2010 saw Natalya branching out to wrestle in the WWE independent of both David Hart Smith and TJ. In November of the same year she went on to win the company’s Diva Championship.

By 2013 Natalya was such an important part of the WWE roster that she landed her spot on Total Divas. Before Summer Rae came along to raise Natalya’s blood pressure she feuded with fellow WWE divas Nikki and Brie Bella. In the ring Natalya and Brie began a rivalry and then moved on to a rivalry with AJ Lee, who was the WWE divas champion at that time. Natalya was also famously paired up with former WWE wrestler The Great Khali as the two started an in ring feud with Summer Rae and WWE wrestler Fandango.

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Much of the drama of Total Divas this season has come from the tension between Natalya and husband TJ. Though the couple has known each other since they were children and have been in a romantic relationship since 2001 the road has been rocky for them. Despite this, they were married in 2013 and footage of their wedding aired during Total Diva’s first season. However, TJ seemed to strongly resist the idea of getting married and when Natalya insisted, TJ promptly drove them to a local courthouse and told Natalya they were there to “get married and get it over with.”

TJ’s actions in front of the Total Divas cameras proves that either the producers told the couple to amp up the drama for the sake of their ratings or these two truly have a tumultuous relationship, which begs the question, why did Natalya want to marry TJ in the first place.

Viewers that have been paying attention this season have seen that when they travel with the WWE they don’t always stay in the same hotel room together. One memorable episode had Natalya declaring that she was getting her own hotel room because she did not want to be around TJ.

In one memorable clip from Total Divas a confrontation backstage at a live WWE show between Natalya and TJ led to the rest of the cast, as well as other wrestlers, to pull Natalya aside and tell her to avoid displaying drama in a working environment. Fellow WWE diva Naomi told Natalya that it was unprofessional for the couple to be fighting in front of everyone and that they should keep their arguments private.

As season three of Total Divas resumes after the New Year only time will tell if the drama between Natalya and TJ and/or Natalya and Summer Rae will continue, though the rules of reality TV dictate that it will. Many viewers thrive on drama between couples and drama between two or more women who constantly become catty with each other. These are the things that have carried Total Divas through two and a half seasons and counting. The second half of season three will answer the questions viewers have about Summer Rate and Natalya.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Ariana Grande Likes Baby Treatment & Taylor Swift Gets Christmas Spirit

The week in celebrity gossip includes the usual tidbits about the stars people love and the stars people love to hate.

chrissy teigen lord and taylor with buffalo david bitten

Chrissy Teigen made a splash in NYC earlier in the week when she appeared at an event held at the Lord & Taylor department store in Manhattan. She was there to attend the Guy’s Night Out event held by fashion designer Buffalo David Bitten. Sporting an outfit from his line of clothing Chrissy worked the room with the 250 lucky guests in attendance.

kylie jenner swears tyga rumors not true 2014

Kylie Jenner is speaking up on Twitter in regards to rumors that at the ripe old age of 17 she is planning on settling down with boyfriend/rapper Tyga and having a baby. In response to this rumor Kylie tweeted that she is not pregnant, getting married or trying to become a rap artist. So now the world can breathe a sigh of relief over this good news.

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Wild child Emily Ratajkowski, best known for her role in Gone Girl, appears to have finally settled down with Jeff Magid. The couple was recently spotted in Miami cozying up to each other. They were reportedly holding hands and appeared to be inseparable.

mark paul gosselaar has fourth child images 2014

Former teen heartthrob and Saved By The Bell actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar will soon welcome baby number four. Though this will be his second child with his wife, Catriona McGinn, he also has two children with Lisa Ann Russell, his ex-wife.

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After a year- long seemingly happy relationship Harry Potter actress Emma Watson has announced that she and her boyfriend Matthew Janney have broken up. Emma reports that the breakup was an amicable and that she and Matthew are still friends, though she is ready to start dating again. In the past Emma has publically declared that she won’t date any famous because then their personal information is put on display for the world to see.

keira knightley james righton pregnant 2014 images

Following rumors of an impending pregnancy actress Keira Knightly has confirmed that she is pregnant with her first child with her husband, James Righton. She stated that she has no intention of being a stay at home mother and if men can have children and still work, so can she.

angelina jolie gives scholarships hollywood reporter event 2014

At a recent power breakfast for women in the entertainment industry, held by the Hollywood Reporter Angelina Jolie presented scholarships to two females beginning their educations at Loyola Marymount University. Both girls reportedly got $200,000 each through their participation in the Women in Entertainment Mentorship Program.

In other Angelina Jolie news the actress has announced she and husband Brad Pitt, at least for now, have no plans for any more children. Angelina has stated that she wants to raise her children well and that she frequently takes them to work with her.

justin bieber dog sammy dead images 2014

In sad news that no one deserves, even someone as annoying as Justin Bieber, the teen heartthrob is currently mourning the loss of his beloved dog. Upon the dog’s death Bieber posted a picture on his Instagram account with a caption announcing he was the best dog ever.

nicole sister sofia richie signs as model 2014 images

Nicole Richie’s younger sister Sofia, has just landed herself a contract with a prestigious modeling agency. At the tender age of 16 Sophia has signed a contract with the Select Model Management modeling agency. She now joins the ranks of models such as Irina Shayk, Jessica Hart and Agyness Deyn. In October Sofia Richie was featured in Flaunt Magazine and was referred to as the next big thing in fashion.

ariana grande demands baby treatment images 2014

Ariana Grande might possibly be getting spoiled by her fame. The singer reportedly requires her staff to pick her up and carry her like a baby when she is tired and her feet hurt. She has even posted photos on her Instagram account of her being carried by her staff. Not surprisingly those who work for her are now stating that she has turned into a diva.

justin bieber selena gomez not back together images 2014

Fighting off rumors of a relationship with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez has gone to the press to state that she is indeed single. She recently announced during a radio interview that she has a lot of respect for Bieber as well as love for him. Selena reported that recording the song “The Heart Wants What It Wants,” was a therapeutic experience for her. She also confirmed that she is not currently dating anyone.

taylor swift kendall jenner made christmas images 2014

Proving that even celebrities can be down to earth when they want to be Kendall Jenner and Taylor Swift recently helped a friend decorate her apartment for the Christmas holiday. Their friend filmed the two famous women stringing up Christmas lights throughout her apartment. The footage then appeared on the friend’s Instagram account.

matthew bellamy breaks up with kate hudson images 2014

Matthew Bellamy recently spoke up about his breakup with actress Kate Hudson. The couple was engaged to be married before they called it quits. Matthew tweeted that they were both happy with their decision to part ways because it is what is best for both of them.

MTV has announced that comedian Amy Schumer has been tapped to host the network’s movie awards ceremony in 2015. The night that the announcement was made Amy posted her own promotional material on social media accounts run by the network.

dev patel freida pinto break up images 2014

In other celebrity gossip Slumdog Millionaire actors Dev Patel and Freida Pinto have ended their romantic relationship. The breakup reportedly came two months ago, though the former couple just went public with it. In a recent magazine interview Freida Pinto confessed that the reasons the couple broke up included interference in their lives by paparazzi and a lack of privacy.

kim kardashian slammed by pippa middleton for rear exposure images 2014

Kim Kardashian has recently come under fire from Pippa Middleton for Kim’s bearing of her naked rear end in Paper Magazine. Pippa wrote an article where she expressed her distaste over Kim’s actions. She questioned the emphasis the American culture has placed on women’s rear ends and stated that she feels America has become obsessed with it.

That’s it for this week’s celebrity gossip. Check back next week for more news and gossip regarding everyone’s favorite actors, singers, models, dancers, and teen heartthrobs.

Jim Harbaugh Has His ‘Sophie’s Choice’ Moment

jim harbaugh makes his sophies choice

It must be really hard on Jim Harbaugh right now. Having to choose between becoming the highest paid football coach in the world and pursuing another NFL job can be a lot of pressure. Actually, I would love to have those options. Who wouldn’t? Oh and by the way, he would get to coach at his alma mater if he decides to accept that truck full of cash that Michigan is offering him. And you know what…..he deserves it.

Jim Harbaugh is one of the top five coaches in the country right now and is better than Nick Saban. Yes, I said it Bama fan. Harbaugh is better than your guy, who is currently the best paid coach in football. Harbaugh had great success in college and had he been at Alabama or LSU, he could have won a couple of NCAA Titles like Saban. And let’s not forget the failure that Nick Saban was in the NFL. He didn’t take long to get the hell out of the NFL after seeing how tough it was. Harbaugh never missed a beat once he went from college to pro coach, making the NFC Title game in his first three years. He also made it to one Super Bowl and if not for two fumbled punts he would have made it to two big shows. Harbaugh > Saban.

What I believe will happen is that Jim Harbaugh will seek another NFL gig. It is more logical and better for his personal life to go back to Michigan. He would be a football deity there for as long as he wished to stay. That is the healthy choice for him and his family. But this guy, like any high achiever, is driven. You can see it in his crazy eyes and on his resume. He has had success everywhere he has been and has reveled in it. From running up the score against USC while coaching Stanford, to being an active player coach in 49ers’ practices over the years. What he hasn’t done is win a Super Bowl. He wants that to happen very badly and the fact that he lost to his brother in the Super Bowl he did reach has to bother him.

If Harbaugh chooses not to take all that cash from Michigan, I think he may end up back there someday anyway. They will need him eventually. Unless they get lucky with a coach, should Harbaugh turn them down, the school will likely be waiting on him in the future. They have fallen on pretty hard times in the past few years and it may take a personality as strong as a Jim Harbaugh to get the program back on track.

For selfish reasons, I hope the coach will stay in the NFL when his time is ended with the Niners. They are crazy for letting him go, which seems like a formality at this point. Even if I hated an employee, I think I would do almost anything to keep them on board if they were having the success that Harbaugh has had with the San Francisco franchise. Niners ownership doesn’t feel the same way apparently.

I would love for the Atlanta Falcons to snatch this coach up for next year. My home team needs a guy like him. They have had two awful years back to back after looking promising in 2011 and 2012. I would hate to start the system over, but it looks like the team is stuck in a losing rut once again with Mike Smith and something has to change. It may not be the right move for Atlanta to get rid of Smith, but that is another debate. If Arthur Blank does let Smith go, I know any thinking Atlanta fan would welcome Jim Harbaugh in with open arms. We don’t care if the guy is crazy or hard to get along with. He knows how to win football games. We’ll take that.

NFL Week 14 Recap 2014: Brian Hoyer Blows It Again

2014 nfl update recaps

Wow. Another crazy week. The Raiders won again. The Giants won too. It’s almost like no one wants the first overall pick this season. Brian Hoyer blew another lead, even without RGIII playing the Redskins couldn’t score, and Julian Edelman and Rob Gronkowski saved the Patriots once again. Here’s Week 14:

dallas cowboys versus chicago bears win nfl 2014 images

Dallas Cowboys 41 at Chicago Bears 28: Phil Emery desires to lose his job. Honestly, who signs Jay Cutler to a multi-million dollar contract the season after his back up did better than him? That’s my rant of the week. Cutler actually didn’t do that bad this week, but the Bears in general have just been poorly managed since their Super Bowl appearance in 2007. I’m still mad that they fired Lovie Smith.

Baltimore Ravens 28 at Miami Dolphins 13: Haloti Ngata was out for this game and the next three, and his presence is clearly going to be missed. The Dolphins actually jumped to a pretty quick 10 point lead before the Ravens really got it going. Joe Flacco had a great game with three touchdowns, but the Ravens defense really won this game only surrendering three points in the final three quarters.

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Pittsburgh Steelers 42 at Cincinnati Bengals 21: This game was actually really close until the second half. At one point, the Steelers scored about 17 points in like five minutes. It was crazy. At one point the Bengals punted and then Ben Roethlisberger connected with Martavis Bryant for a 94 yard touchdown. The Bengals need to get it together on defense.

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Indianapolis Colts 25 at Cleveland Browns 24: Johnny Manziel should have started this game, and Brian Hoyer proved it. Hoyer looked horrible going 14 of 31 (45%) for 140 yards and two interceptions. Andrew Luck started out poorly, including a pick six to Justin Gilbert, before picking it up at the end. If Manziel isn’t starting come next week, the Browns have no hope for the playoffs.

Houston Texans 27 at Jacksonville Jaguars 13: If J.J. Watt does not win MVP, then the NFL may as well declare that defensive players are not allowed to win it. Watt recorded three sacks, a tackle for loss, a batted pass on third down, and drew two holding penalties from Luke Joeckel and Sam Young. If the Texans had Peyton Manning or Drew Brees they would be the best team in the NFL by far.

New York Giants 36 at Tennessee Titans 7: Personally, I’m happy for Tom Coughlin. It’s been a tough, injury-riddled season for the Giants; so it’s nice to see them break their losing streak. Eli wasn’t perfect, in fact the Titans only seven points were off an ill-advised pick six. But, all in all it’s a good win for the Giants and a much needed confidence booster for the team.

Carolina Panthers 41 at New Orleans Saints 10: Wow. Well, I though Rob Ryan was going to keep his job; but that’s long gone. To be fair though, Drew Brees and Sean Payton didn’t look good either. Cam Newton actually looked good: 226 yards and four touchdowns (one rushing). If you get a chance watch the fight that Newton kind of started. Other than that, the game was boring and one-sided.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers 17 at Detroit Lions 34: This was a good victory for the Lions. Obviously beating the Bucs isn’t award worthy, but the Lions have been struggling lately. Matthew Stafford looked great with 311 yards and three touchdowns. Ndamukong Suh was unstoppable as usual. He was flagged for an elbow to Josh McCown’s helmet, but other than that Suh tossed around McCown like a rag doll.

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St. Louis Rams 24 at Washington Redskins 0: Well after this it looks like Jay Gruden, not Robert Griffin III, will be the one without a job in Washington at the end of the season. The Redskins were actually held to under 200 yards for the day before RGIII had some garbage yardage at the end of the game. The defense was pitiful, and the only reason the Rams were held to 24 was because of all the offensive penalties. No doubt something needs to change in the Nation’s Capital.

New York Jets 24 at Minnesota Vikings 30: Geno Smith threw a pick six to start the game out, so I figured this was just going to be another blowout. Props to the Jets for coming in and trying. This was a sloppy game on both sides. Teddy Bridgewater was sacked in the end zone, defenses were breaking all over the place. In overtime, Jarius Wright took a short screen pass 87 yards to win the game. Poor Rex.

Buffalo Bills 17 at Denver Broncos 24: Well Peyton Manning’s touchdown streak comes to an end at 51. Very sad. But at the same time it was not a good game by any means. The Broncos ran the ball way too much, and when they did pass Manning seemed to be having trouble. Manning looks like he needs a rest, so the Broncos desperately need to hang on to that first round bye.

Kansas City Chiefs 14 at Arizona Cardinals 17: The Cardinals desperately needed this victory after two consecutive losses and the rebirth of the Seattle Seahawks. The score was 14-6 Chiefs at halftime, so the Cardinals definitely deserve credit for making the proper halftime adjustments to prevent the Chiefs from scoring in the second half. The Cardinals are still (kind of) in the lead for the division.

49ers lose to oakland raiders nfl 2014 images

San Francisco 13 at Oakland Raiders 24: I knew the Raiders were going to win this game, but I picked the 49ers like the rest of the world. Never bet on Oakland. Jim Harbaugh can kiss his job goodbye, and the Niners can kiss the playoffs goodbye. Colin Kaepernick continues his struggles finishing with 174 yards, one touchdown, and two ugly interceptions.

Seattle Seahawks 24 at Philadelphia Eagles 14: The Seahawks are starting to look good again thanks to the defense. Of course Russell Wilson is as mediocre and average as ever, but with the defense doing everything for him we’re going to have to start hearing more about how great he is. The only thing Wilson deserves credit for in this game is keeping drives alive with his feet. The Eagles were absolutely smothered. Mark Sanchez had 96 yards…

New England Patriots 23 at San Diego Chargers 14: Tom Brady looked horrible as usual before Julian Edelman and Rob Gronkowski got going. Edelman and Gronk led the team with eight receptions for 141 and 87 yards respectively. Besides a strip six, the San Diego Chargers managed only 7 points against the best defense in the NFL. If they want to make the playoffs, they’ll need to show some scoring potential.

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Atlanta Falcons 37 at Green Bay Packers 43: The Packers were winning 31-7 at halftime, so it looked like they would just run away with this game. Well, Aaron Rodgers’s off target passes finally caught up with him in the second half. The Falcons actually had a chance to win this game, but in the end they were unable to pull off what would have been the comeback of the season.

NFL’s Most Trustworthy Coaches

best nfl coaches

As the playoffs get going today in the start of Wild Card Weekend, what coach would you want leading your team into battle? Let’s forget for a moment that these NFLers are pros and should be able to do their job without extra motivation from a rah rah coach. And let’s set aside that the Jimmys and Joes are more important than “Xs” and “Os”.

Let us go with the premise that we would rather have an army of jackasses lead by a lion than have a jackass leading our army of lions. With that notion we can see just which coaches we would want on our sideline with our team’s playoff lives on the line.

Let me weed out a couple of names first to clear the way for the top notch coaches. I want no part of Jason Garrett as my coach. He has managed to keep his job in Dallas despite some late season meltdowns. That is not the resume of a coach I want when it is do or die.

On to Marvin Lewis. I wouldn’t trust this guy to win a game of checkers much less an NFL playoff game. He should have been fired years ago, but the Bengals are too cheap to get another coach. I would just assume let Pac Man Jones coach the guys up as let Lewis drop another playoff game.

On to the top level coaches. The obvious guy in the playoff mix is Bill Belichick. I have a ton of respect for the way this man goes about his business. Sure, he cheated his way to the Super Bowl victory over the Rams, but he is a football genius. His knowledge of defenses has transferred to the offensive side of the ball in order to help Tom Brady become one of the best quarterbacks ever.

Pete Carroll has done it in big games in college and the NFL. He knows defense and he knows how to inspire the guys doing the dirty work. The latter is not an easy task with athletes making millions per year. Carroll took his Seattle team to the Super Bowl Title once already so he is battle tested. This is a man who can be trusted with a franchise in the post season.

The coach I can get behind most is Mike Tomlin of the Steelers. He just seems like one of the guys. A local high school coach in my county used to have his locker along side the players. That is the type of guy that Tomlin is in my eyes. He would have been a general with blood on his sword back in ancient times, not a suited up leader of modern times sipping Scotch while others died on the battle field. He has one Super Bowl ring already and I would trust him with the task of snatching another one.

There are other quality coaches in the playoffs that I did not single out as the most trustworthy for the playoffs. Denver’s John Fox is a good coach, but he holds some responsibility for what happened in last year’s embarrassment in the Super Bowl. The Colts and the Lions have solid guys running their teams with Chuck Pagano and Jim Caldwell respectively. But their playoff experience is where they are lacking. The same goes for Ron Rivera of the Panthers, and his regular season record this year was pretty shabby as well.

I love what Bruce Arians did in Arizona this year, but even he couldn’t overcome the QB injuries they endured. He wouldn’t be at the top of my coaching list for the post season, but I would put him ahead of the other guys with similar playoff experience. As for Mike McCarthy of the Packers, I could take him or leave him. He is a solid coach that has a Super Bowl win to his credit. Take away Aaron Rodgers and I am not sure how smart he would look.

What coach do you trust most if you had your choice of lions leading your team?

Top 10 Worst Behaved NFL Fans

top 10 worst behaved fans in nfl

This past week we got to witness the latest fan to go full blown jerk at an NFL game. The Bengals scored a touchdown and the receiver went to toss the ball to one of their fans. A Saints fan ripped the ball away that was clearly meant for a nice lady in Bengals attire. This kind of thing has happened before and much worse. Here are ten examples of how not to act at an NFL game….or anywhere else for that matter.

        10. Installing a jail in the Eagles’ stadium is a pretty damning indicator of the level of fans Philly has in general. I don’t want to indict the entire city. Wait, yes I do.

9. A Saints fan actually felt relief at his team losing a playoff game in 2012 to the 49ers. He feared for his daughters’ safety and his own if his Saints ended up winning. Niner fans were in his face in the parking lot and during the game in a violent manner.
philadelphia eagles fans boo santa claus

  1. Philadelphia Eagles fans are maybe the worst in all of sports. Booing Santa Claus made sure they are not forgotten as historically awful people.
  1. Lion on Lion crime is not a good look for Detroit. Some past failures may have led to stressful situations like this.

  1. How do fans fall over railings at sporting events? Like this here. Lucky for this drunk Viking he was not near a railing and walked away from his fall.

saints fan steal football nfl from bengals female fan

  1. Since this incident is so fresh, it has to make the top five. The old Saints fan that snatched the gifted ball from the Bengals lady, almost elbowed her in his panic to get the prized football. Guy is a jerk and his excuse about giving the ball to his grandson is lame.

cleveland bengals fans throw beer bottles on nfl field images

  1. Cleveland fans pelted the field with plastic beer bottles in a 2012 game that saw some calls go the other way. Browns fans could get a pass for their outburst after all the terrible things that have happened to their franchise.
  1. Not a good idea to tempt a mob of Browns fans into beating you to death after your Ravens score a touchdown. Brave or stupid? Clearly stupid.

  1. Philly fans cheered as Michael Irvin lay on the turf without moving back in 1999. The wide out dominated the Eagles for years, but a possible neck injury is nothing to be happy about as a sports fan. Sad that I have to even point that out.
  1. I love the Falcons, but I am pretty sure that passion doesn’t run deep enough to punch a woman in the head after a game. Hopefully the police put a stick on this guy.

NFL Week 14 Recap: 49ers Tailspin Continues & Colts Make Comeback

nfl 2014 season recap week 14

I can feel the grind of the NFL season taking its toll on me. No, I am not having to limp down stairs like Earl Campbell used to do after games each week. My toll is more mental with this season. Week 14 means we are very close to the playoffs, but it also means we are super close to the end of the NFL season. Sorry I had to bring that up, but it has been weighing on me pretty heavily the past couple of days so I had to share my burden. Let’s get to the recap of week 14 without any further whining from yours truly.

jim harbaugh crazy eyed on 49ers tailspin 2014 images


49ers lose to oakland raiders nfl 2014 images

The 49ers are in a tailspin of epic proportions and I keep waiting for a complete meltdown from crazy eyed Jim Harbaugh. It’s coming too, believe me. All it will take is one too many direct questions from a beat reporter like the ones he fielded after this past Sunday’s loss to the pitiful Raiders. He looked to be on the brink of chastising a few of the guys and gals lobbing up legit questions after the game. The same Raiders who had their manhood ripped from them last week by the Rams, 52-0, managed to beat San Francisco 24-13. The NFC Title Game run is over.

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The Thursday night game featured the Cowboys and the Bears. Dallas is trying to hang on to the hopes of a bye in the playoffs, while the Bears are trying to get through another disappointing year. The final was 41-28 with Chicago getting some late scores to make it appear a closer game than it actually was. DeMarco Murray had his biggest yardage total of the year with 179, as he is a game closer to the season rushing title. Tony Romo threw three touchdowns in a much better performance than he had the week prior.

pittsburge beats cincinnati bengals nfl 2014 images

Pittsburgh romped Cincinnati 42-21. The Steelers are a hard to team to figure out. They are just as likely to underwhelm as they are to amaze us with a crazy high powered offense. They are going to be dangerous in the playoffs and could even beat the Patriots or Broncos on the right day. On a bad day they could lose to the lowest seed. Bengals fans should not hang much hope for a Bengals’ Super Bowl party. Unless they can get A.J. Green the ball twenty times each game, they are not striking fear in anyone. Green had a big day in this one with 224 yards on 11 catches and a score.

st louis rams beat washington redskins 2014 nfl images

The Rams had another shutout to make it back to back weeks for their impressive defense. The Redskins have no quarterback that can play two good weeks in a row, except RG3 who can’t play two good drives in a row. 24-0 was the final in this game and that was not the worst insult for Washington. Rams coach Jeff Fischer thought it would be a good dig to put the players involved in the RG3 trade out for the coin toss. Nice way to start a game I guess….to rub it in to a team that is about as far down as they can get and an even darker future without the players they gave up to get Griffin.

The NFC South got a little worse as Carolina beat New Orleans 41-10 as Cam Newton decided to throw balls that his receivers could actually catch. This division is like a bucket of crabs, trying to pull each other down as soon as it looks like one team may get some positive traction. The Saints fall to 5-8 and the Panthers go to 4-8-1. Both are still in contention to win the South. Amazing and a bit disgusting.

colts beat cleveland browns nfl 2014 imges

The Colts made a big comeback on the Browns to win it 25-24. Andrew Luck hit T.Y Hilton in the last minute to take over the lead from Brian Hoyer‘s crew. The Browns are still a good team that had one of the NFL’s elite on the ropes in this game. But they appear to be panicking as they try to slide into the playoffs this week with a QB change. That’s right, J-Football looks to be the starter come next week. I thought Browns’ coach Mike Pettine had the stones to stick with his chosen starter, Hoyer. But I guessed wrong. Most likely he was pushed into a Manziel move by the front office, so he may have been powerless in this decision.

peyton manning kills denver versus buffalo nfl images 2014

Denver chalked up another win to go to 10-3. They beat Buffalo with the running game as Peyton Manning had a very Eli-like performance. Manning’s TD streak was halted at 51 games after not reaching the end zone in this game via the air. Broncos 24-17 over the Bills.  C.J. Anderson provided the scoring on the ground for Denver. Julius Thomas was out in this game, but looks likely to get back on the field next week.

Seattle has had some impressive wins the past four weeks. They got the Eagles this go around 24-14, while holding Philly to just 139 offensive yards. Defense still wins championships Chip Kelly. The Seahawks are peaking at the right time, but are still way too reliant on Russell Wilson running around and making it up as he goes.

kansas city chiefs loser alex smith loses arizona match nfl 2014 images

Bad news for Kansas City is the fact that Alex Smith is not enough of a NFL QB to beat Arizona with a backup. I like Smith, but he has to be able to push his team past a group playing behind Drew Stanton. The Chiefs lost to the Cardinals 17-14 despite two big scores in the first half by Jamaal Charles.

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The Monday night game featured the best team in the league in the Packers. This game had the makings of a slaughter as they welcomed Atlanta into Lambeau. A little snow mixed in before the game did not bode well for my Falcons, who can barely win a game outside of their home dome even in perfect weather. As expected the Packers opened up some offensive whoop ass on Atlanta and led 31-7 at halftime. As most of America went to bed though, the Falcons charged back in the second half and had at least a shot at overcoming the big deficit. Despite Julio Jones having the game of his life, which was long overdue, the Birds fell short 43-37. Aaron Rodgers looked like he should have in this one. The best in the game had little trouble carving up one of the worst pass defenses in the continental United States. Matt Ryan showed a lot of grit in their comeback attempt as well, and even with the loss the Falcons are atop their division still.

The Patriots and Lions also won their games. The Jags were no match for Detroit and New England dismissed the Chargers 23-14.