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Celebrity Gossip: 50 Cent Drama, Courtney Love & Justin Bieber Couple Up

celebrity gossip 50 cent drama courtney love justin bieber couple up

This week in nigga news…First off we have 50 Cent’s latest drama with his new ex-girlfriend Tatted Up Thotty… I mean Tatted Up Holly. After 50 dropped her like a bad a habit and posted an Instagram pic of the young lady calling her community pussy and accusing her of cheating on him with Trey Songs, J.R Smith and Jay Z, Ms. Holly posted a screen shot of a text thread between Mr. Jackson and herself claiming its evidence that he beat on her. And it only gets worse. After all of that ugliness ensued 50 Cent fans who accused her of spreading rumors about their god…err… idol decided to release an old sex tape that features Ms. Tatted Up Holly. God don’t like ugly…. But I guess the idol of thousands of fake internet thugs does.

50 cent beat up on tatted up holly for thug love 2015 images

In other news about bitches beefing with rappers in public… Last week Funkmaster Flex decided to go on an explosion filled tirade against Jay Z based on Jay Z sending him… not a slanderous letter… not a song calling him out… not his a box with his daughter’s thumb or a flaming bag of shit on his front door… but a text message in capital letters. Obviously that’s just one thing the Funkmaster will not tolerate. He warned your boy Hov that New York is his city and Jay Z responded by completely ignoring him. We all know Jay has bigger fish to fry. I mean he is in  a bidding war against Dr. Dre over a new streaming service similar to Spotify and Pandora that has yet to hit the U.S. He also recently made a public statement commending New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s criminal justice reform package that hopes to address the recent homicides of black men and the violations of basic human rights committed by New York City law enforcement. That’s just too grown for me.

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In lighter news, and for people who even care… The rumors of a possible relationship between Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj continue to circulate. It all started a couple of weeks ago when she and her boyfriend, Safaree Samuels, broke-up after she allegedly cheated on him with Meek Mill. Then it was all the undeserved praise she gave him. Now she’s on Instagram wearing his chain. Awww. Meanwhile, nobody continues to care about Safaree Samuels’ new single,“High Nigga Shit.” And after cross examination, he’s finally admitting that he didn’t ghost write her rhymes. After that Breakfast Club interview where he hinted continuously at helping her (“it was me, Nicki and the beat”) it looks like homeboy was jockeying for some time to shine. Sorry Safaree looks like that shine was coming from a 10 watt light bulb.

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Now onto Justin Beiber. I don’t know why we still pay attention to this little asshole or why he wasn’t deported back to Canada after he was arrested a couple years ago. I mean, thousands of people did sign the online petition (yeah I know online petitions are about as effective at getting things done as Funkmaster Flex is at ending Jay Z’s career) but still. We have the media reporting on his car stopping so that he can say hello to Larry King from the backseat. And we have reports of stupid little girls falling out of vehicles trying to chase him in poor attempts to emulate those timeless chase scenes from “Dukes of Hazard.” And then we have a video posted on Facebook of him apologizing for his behavior over the last year and a half.  He admits to being phony saying that’s “he’s not who he was pretending to be” and “sometimes people act a certain way to cover up how they feel inside”. I really don’t think Justin’s shenanigans garner a video apology on Facebook. He’s a little shit who I’d love to see sent back up north, but he shouldn’t have to apologize for smoking weed, getting arrested and making bad music. But then again Justin has been hanging around a lot of rappers since he became an adult and what do most of today’s most popular rappers do? Yup you guessed it, smoke weed, get arrested and make bad music.

courtney love justing bieber couple up for muse love 2015

But, there’s more! Now it seems the Biebs is wanting to trade acting out stories with Courtney Love, who’s older than lil Justin’s mother. They are seeming to join forces to give the little one more edge and cred. Who better than the late Ms Kurt Cobain I guess.

kyle norman jagged edge arrested for shoving engagement ring inside girlfriend gay lover 2015

Singer Kyle Norman of Jagged Edge was arrested for shoving an engagement ring down his fiancé’s throat. Ain’t no meeting her at the altar in a white dress now I’m sure. The victim reportedly had a huge welt on her head and claimed Norman said he’d kill her, punched her, choked her with a scarf and then tried to force the damn ring down her throat. Well what happened to “I got to be the one?” I guess you are the one, the one to take yo ass to jail.

beyonce looking pregnant with jay z in cambodia vacation 2015 imags

And finally for or final piece of news, I’ll end it with a “rumor.” Every girl’s hero Beyoncé and her beau Jay Z were spotted on vacation in Cambodia and it looked like Beyoncé pregnant. Everyone knows that right? Well I have a bit of advice for Mr. and Mrs. Carter if they are indee expecting their second baby. Please get out of New York City for your own safety. That is Funkmaster Flex’s town and no matter how many government connections you make and tech companies you buy, he has explosion sound effects and he’s not afraid to play them while he talks about you. You don’t need that trouble.

Marshawn Lynch vs Media

marshawn lynch vs media 2015 images

Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch has always been, in his own words, “’Bout that action, boss.” The power runner has given fans some great interviews to watch over the years, and he has become famous for repeating the same phrase for every question the media can think to ask him (such as “yeah” or “I’m thankful”). Well, Lynch gave us his latest classic interview at Super Bowl XLIX Media Day.

The NFL made it clear that if Lynch did not attend Super Bowl XLIX Media Day he would be fined upwards of $500,000. Even for an NFL running back and Super Bowl Champion that’s quite a bit of money. There was no way Lynch was going to pay that much money for skipping his interviews, especially when the league only requires three things to avoid the fine: Lynch has to show up, speak to the media, and stay for at least 4 and a half minutes. Easy, right?

Lynch has made it clear to the media in the past that he has no intention of telling them everything; however, every time there is an interview of his the media flocks to it.

Lynch’s first day of Media Week was short and straightforward. Lynch stayed his NFL required 4 and a half minutes, and he answered with “I’m just here so I won’t get fined” to every question he was asked.

The second day wasn’t much different. Lynch stayed the required time, this time answering every question of the media with “You know why I’m here.”

marshawn lynch more about team than media coverage 2015

The third and final day of media availability got the most diverse vocabulary out of the Seahawks running back. Lynch starting his interview with a rant beginning with a simple question for all the media in attendance: “Why are y’all here?” Although Lynch had made it clear over the past two days that he would not be answering any questions, the media still insisted on showing up; and he had no problem calling them out for it.

Lynch continued to explain that he is tired of the way he is portrayed in and by the media who, according to Lynch, make no effort to learn about the real him. However, Lynch doesn’t really care because he knows that the media cannot change his family, friends, and teammates’ opinions about him; so as far as he’s concerned they can paint him any way they want. Lynch then proceed to sit there and stare at the media for the rest of his required time.

You really can’t blame Lynch for wanting nothing to do with the media. As he has explained before, Lynch simply wants to play football. He’s not a fan of the way the media turns players’ words against them, so he chooses to say very little.

The real problem here isn’t Lynch, it’s the NFL and their weird obsession with controlling him. Sure, the NFL wants players to talk in order to promote the league and its teams; but the media has plenty to cover and the fans have plenty to listen to with the other players and coaches—they really don’t need Lynch to talk. Obviously Lynch is a big name player in the NFL and people care about what he has to say, but he doesn’t have anything to say so move along.

marshawn lynch skittle throw to media 2015

Simply moving on to the next player isn’t good enough for Roger Goodell though. He has to have complete control over what Lynch is doing. Whether fining him for not showing up to a press conference, threatening to eject him for wearing gold cleats in a game, or potentially fining him for wearing a Beast Mode hat during the press conference that he was forced to attend in the first play, Goodell just can’t leave Lynch alone.

Until Lynch stops being one of the best running backs in the league, he has no reason to answer questions about his game. The man just wants to go out there and win football games—leave him alone and let him do his thing.

Will Net Neutrality Remain That Way?

will net neutrality remain that way

“I intend to protect a free and open Internet, extend its reach to every classroom, and every community, and help folks build the fastest networks… so that the next generation of digital innovators and entrepreneurs have the platform to keep reshaping our world,”

–President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address January 21, 2015

Net Neutrality has been a touchy subject in the United States since 2006 when the first attempts to enforce it came out. Net neutrality is a noble concept wherein internet bandwidth is equalized among everyone regardless of content type (text, audio, video) and other internet services. According to the president, high-speed broadband shouldn’t be a luxury but a necessity. However, implementing net neutrality would mean that it could undermine the healthy and lucrative competition between internet service providers, thus hurting the economy as well as compromising privacy and security. Net neutrality in the United States would only become possible if the internet becomes classified as a utility service like telephone, gas, power and water so the government could have it regulated. The most recent attempt by the federal government to enforce net neutrality was last January 20, 2015 when President Barack Obama called on the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to craft new rules and immediately enforce regulation. The FCC has so far been reluctant to enforce it since it could tread an already fragile economy and undermine several state laws.

influencing net neutrality

While net neutrality could become a boon to the average internet consumer wherein they can enjoy stable internet speeds no matter the content and won’t be charged extra no matter how much time they’re online or the amount of data consumed; net neutrality could have several consequences if not implemented properly. It’s tough to visualize any consequences to net neutrality on a consumer perspective. But according to FCC Commissioner Michael O’Reilly, there are. Mainly, consequences such as paying additional costs for internet service like paying additional fees to the federal Universal Service Fund or USF. It may actually be one of the bottom lines in pursuing net neutrality in the first place, to boost finances of the cash-strapped administration.

Net neutrality would certainly undermine competition between telecommunications companies. The lack of competition would affect the economy which depends on competition between rivals. If all ISPs were on equal footing, there would be hardly any incentive in offering innovative new products and services which at the beginning would cost extra. Such a move to net neutrality would stifle further investment to broadband services. Private companies would also be at a serious disadvantage if they were to go head to head with state sponsored companies that provide municipal broadband. Municipal broadband setup is currently prohibited in 19 states and that prohibition would be overturned once broadband gets reclassified thus undermining the rule of law.

Internet as a utility service will also undermine some freedoms as the federal government will be able to issue restrictions and even scan everything in the interest of national security. NSA scanning, another touchy subject would be in full swing once the internet becomes a federal utility. The internet is currently regulated in China except the US does not see freedom the same way as China does.

The internet, once it becomes a utility could become more costly since it will also be subject to the federal Universal Service Fund. Federal regulation could make the cost of the internet constant and more expensive as opposed to the bundles, and promos internet service providers give out from time to time. Some, or many of internet consumers who enjoy their broadband on the cheap may suddenly find it financially uncomfortable or unaffordable.

net neutrality closed for spammers

Security is another consequence which O’Reilly hasn’t mentioned. Unregulated net neutrality would mean that ISPs would cease to block or regulate ports commonly used by spammers and botnets. Tiered internet regulation prevents non-business subscribers from taking advantage of internet ports such as http port 80 and SMTP port 25 to spread spam emails. Ports would no longer be blocked or prioritized. Hacks and web attacks could rise further. Piracy could also come to an all-time-high if ports used by peer-to-peer sharing aren’t regulated by their respective ISPs through they might deny it, they could do it to keep their networks healthy and keep piracy at bay.

But again, the President means well. No more data caps, movies and TV shows without lag but if things were only that simple. Like coffee, net neutrality is good or bad for many reasons and it’s up to the FCC or even congress to come up with some sort of balance. Then again, like most commodities, big business could find a way around net neutrality if it gets ratified. Through different types of value-added services like better gadgets and equipment. Ten more smartphones if you subscribe to me than the other guy. I have iPhones, they have Lumias. When everyone gets the same slice of pie, the question becomes how many slices of pie big businesses will have.

Is It Karmic Catchup With Suge Knight’s Hit and Run?

Is It Karmic Catchup With Suge Knights Hit and Run

So where do we start with Mr. Suge Knight? This dude is something else. I mean what grown ass man who is about to turn 50 years old and has four kids still acts the way that he does? He is caught up in another “scandal” which this time actually involves a fatal car accident. It’s like he doesn’t understand how to be an adult.

If you are unfamiliar with whom Suge Knight is, allow me to give you a little refresher. Born in Compton, he is the founder and CEO of Black Kapital Records and co-Founder of the infamous Death Row Records. He was involved in music in a big way during the 1990’s affiliated with acts such as Dr. Dre, Tupac (RIP) and Snoop Dog… or is it Snoop Lion… whatever the hell is calling himself now a days. He was a part of one of the biggest scandals in hip hop history with the shooting of Tupac Shakur. Everybody speculated and still do, that he had something to do with Pac’s death. From there, he’s been involved in numerous other “legal troubles” that has landed him in jail at least four other times. He has a rap sheet that reads like a novel and don’t let me get started on his probation violations.

Anyway, Suge was shot six times back in August of 2014 at a Chris Brown party (which he miraculously walked away from) and in October of last year he and comedian Katt Williams were arrested for stealing a camera from a female photographer. What the hell is up with black men not being able to act right? Why can’t they accept their fame, relish in it and just stay out of trouble? I mean come the hell on.

nwa straight outta compton movie 2015

Well, Suge Knight’s legal woes are about to take a very ugly turn as he was recently arrested for murder in a fatal hit and run in Compton. The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that one of the altercations took place after filming had finished on a promotional shoot for the upcoming N.W.A biopic Straight Outta Compton. Dr. Dre, Ice Cube and the Game were reportedly all on set for the promotional shoot, but had left before the crash occurred. According to the L.A. Times, Knight followed the two men to the parking lot of a nearby fast-food restaurant 20 minutes after the altercation and struck them with his red pickup truck. “Looks like he drove backwards and struck the victims and drove forwards and struck them again,” Los Angeles County sheriff’s Lt. John Corina said.

One of the men, Terry Carter, who is supposedly a friend of Suge’s (with friends like that…) later died. So as you can see this is not an accident that can be argued down in court as manslaughter. NO! Suge Knight deliberately hit the guy. Who the fuck does that? Two other men were also hit including Cle “Bone” Slone who has appeared in both “End of Watch” and “Training Day.” Hmmm, I wonder what happened to his character at the conclusion of these movies.

Carter is said to have worked at a local truck company and is an “OG” (Original Gangster) in the hood. An OG in the hood huh? Why does Suge even have these kinds of men around him?

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It is clear that Suge has some mental issues he has got to sort though. If anger management was not a part of his probation, it definitely should have been. This, to me, is a perfect example of a man who thinks the rules don’t apply to him. For him to take matters into his own hands and use his car as a deadly weapon shows a great deal of arrogance and recklessness on his part.

What is he going to tell his children? How is he going to explain this to the cops, the media and whomever else he has to answer to? Or maybe that’s the issue right there. He has no one to answer to. This whole incident makes me sick to my stomach because it didn’t have to happen. It all comes down to choices and Suge Knight, without a doubt, made a poor decision in this case.

Reps for Dre and Cube have cleared up any suspicion about their personal involvement in the hit and run, confirming that they both were not on the set when it happened. Sources close to Suge… get this… says that the men Suge fought with were the instigators in the situation. Okay. And Suge feared for his life because he is in poor health, ya know due to the fact that he was shot six times a few months ago.

That’s interesting because if Suge really did fear for his life and if he really did want to get away for the situation, he would have gotten in his car and left. Not gotten in his car and ran over Carter.

My question through all of this is how does Suge Knight keep getting off? He obviously is a menace to society but is able to get away with some of the most heinous crimes. He steals from people, shoots people and now we can officially add murder to that list.

We may not have been able to pin Tupac’s death on him (officially) but he sure as hell can’t get away from this one.

Celebrity Gossip Roundup: Bieber Bashing & Taylor Swift Madonna Duet Coming Up

Celebrity Gossip Roundup Bieber Bashing & Taylor Swift Madonna Duet Coming Up

This week in celebrity gossip includes births, break ups, drama and more. First up, Shakira and Gerard Pique, the singer’s longtime boyfriend, brought their second son into the world. The new baby reportedly looks like his father, while his big brother is said to resemble his mother.

shakira and gerard pique welcom baby boy 2015

In more baby news, How I Met Your Mother actress Cobie Smulders and husband Taran Killam have also welcomed their second child into the world earlier in January.

cobe smulders taran killam baby 2015

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice is apparently making the most of her prison sentence by getting in shape and making lists of what she wants to do when she is released from prison, which includes the desire to have her own cooking show and to appear on a magazine cover. She has reportedly been having friends send her workout videos to keep her motivated to stay in shape during her incarceration.

teresa giudice getting buffed and ripped in prison 2015 images

Suge Knight is reportedly in hot water after an incident where he ran over and killed a man. He also ran over two other people who, so far at least, have survived their injuries. This incident was reportedly brought on when during a promotional shoot he got into an argument. His lawyer claims that the reason Suge did what he did was because he was trying to escape assault from two other men on the set of his promotional shoot and that he accidently ran over the three men in the parking lot in an attempt to get away from those who were assaulting him.

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The gossip surrounding Amber Heard and Johnny Depp is that the engaged couple is planning a private wedding in the Bahamas, to be held next weekend. The wedding is reportedly taking place at an island owned by Johnny Depp himself. The couple is expected to have 50 guests and those guests will stay aboard Depp’s own private yacht.

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Lindsay Lohan is being investigated by the court that sentenced her to do community service for her crimes. The court is questioning whether or not Lohan completed the 80 collective hours of community service she was sentenced to perform. An attorney representing the city where her case was tried feels that what she did didn’t count as community service because all she did was shake people’s hands.

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In a recent interview on the Ellen DeGeneres show Justin Bieber appeared to wish the host a happy birthday and to talk about his upcoming Comedy Central Roast. The singer admitted that due to all the mistakes he has made he understands why there are so many people out there that want to make fun of him, which is the basis for every Roast of Comedy Central. He even said he is willing to own up to all the screwed up mistakes he’s made in the past. Which is a miracle, considering he is a celebrity and they usually seem to think life game them a free pass to be a jerk.

justin bieber bulge ready for comedy central roasting 2015 images

Since it’s hard to have a week of celebrity gossip in which the Kardashians don’t come up, this week’s tidbit is that Khloe took to Twitter to squash rumors that Kendall is having an affair with her sister Kourtney’s husband, Scott Disick. Scott responded by tweeting to Khloe that she’s his number one girl.

khloe kardashian kills rumor of kendall affair with bulge scott disick 2015 images

In other Kardashian news, Kim is reportedly lending her support to stepfather Bruce Jenner after his battle to divorce his mother. She recently addressed the ongoing rumors that Jenner is undergoing a sex change operation. Kim referred to Bruce as her dad and said that the family is being 100% supportive of the decisions he is making. This should make the next season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians an interesting train wreck, which is exactly what the family is anyway.

Though she’s a pretty big star in her own right, Taylor Swift recently became star struck when Madonna appeared on an Australian talk show and praised her during an interview. Madonna stated that she thinks Taylor’s songs are very catchy and she “can’t get them out of her head.” Afterwards Taylor sent out a Tweet expressing that following Madonna’s statement about her she wants to keep cool but she can’t. Just remember when Madge said similar things about Britney Spears back in the day as a way of working in a duet to remain hip. Don’t be shocked when we hear that Swift and Madonna do a little thing together called Broken Hips and Long Lost Splits.

madonna gives taylor swift compliment wants to do duet with 2015 images

Never one to hold back, newlywed Cameron Diaz was recently spotted at an L.A.Lakers game blatantly making out with new husband Benji Madden after the two had the Kiss Cam pointed in their direction.

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Bad boy Chris Brown’s upcoming tour has been postponed while he performs court appointed community service. He reportedly has 100 hours left to perform and said he is hustling to get it all done so he can get started on his tour. All concerts included in the tour are simply being postponed for a few weeks.

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Chris Martin, who is reportedly normally a fairly laid back person, recently got into a scuffle with paparazzi and hit them with his car. He was reportedly dining at a Santa Monica restaurant with Gwyneth Paltrow and their kids the same day of this incident. However, there is apparently no proof that he hit any paparazzi and alleged photos of the incident were reportedly taken across the street from where it occurred, leading to speculation that this story is not true.

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A live action performance of Beauty and the Beast will include Harry Potter star Emma Watson playing Belle. The actress went on Facebook and expressed how happy and excited she is to be involved in the performance because she has loved Belle since she was a young child.

This season marks the final curtain call for Two and a Half Men and even after being unceremoniously dumped from the show and having his character killed off, Charlie Sheen is reportedly talking to the show’s producers about appearing in the series finale to air this spring. There is reportedly no more tension between Sheen and producer Chuck Lorre, which is what got him fired from the show.

That’s it for this week’s juicy celebrity gossip.

Is Rafael Nadal On A Decline He Can’t Control?

is rafael nadal on a decline he cant control 2015 images

Rafael Nadal, considered by many to be on the decline, will not be making another appearance in the Australian Open final this season. The Spaniard fell in the quarterfinals of the first Grand Slam of 2015 to Tomas Berdych earlier this week. As a result Nadal will lose 840 ranking points on Monday, having failed to at least duplicate his runner-up finish from a year ago.

Is the loss of ranking points a sign of things to come? Will the Spaniard finally fall out of the Top Five in 2015? Or will Nadal once again regain his former glory, having come back from injuries multiple times already in his brilliant career?

The only answer to those questions is “time will tell” however I definitely think that Nadal could be in trouble in the near future.

For instance, heading into February 2nd’s ranking update, Nadal’s ranking points total will drop to 5745. That might still be good enough for third in the world but should Andy Murray claim the 2015 Australian Open title he would supplant Nadal as the World No. 3 with the post-Australian Open rankings.

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Nadal also has a ton of ranking points to defend in the next four to five months as he earned the following totals in 2014:

Rio de Janeiro: 500 (drop date February 23rd, 2015)

Miami Masters: 600 (drop date March 30th, 2015)

Madrid Masters: 1000 (drop date May 11th, 2015)

Rome Masters: 600 (drop date May 18th, 2015)

Roland Garros: 2000 (drop date June 8th, 2015)

Those five tournaments account for 4700 of Nadal’s current ranking points total. But if the Spaniard keeps losing to players like Michael Berrer, Borna Coric, Feliciano Lopez, and Martin Klizan – five players who have defeated Nadal since Wimbledon 2014 – then Nadal will have a very tough time even defending 500 of those 4700 points in the months ahead.

On the optimistic side even casual tennis fans know that Nadal is the King of Clay. Importantly, of the tournaments above only the Miami event is a non-clay court tournament. That the likes of Berrer and Coric have recently defeated Nadal on the hard court surface does not mean that he will lose to players outside of the Top 100 on clay.

However the questionable losses that Nadal has suffered since Wimbledon do show that Nadal is not at the very top of his game: his hard court results have at least some implications for his clay court results. While the former World No. 1 will probably not experience clay court trouble against tennis journeyman, players that struggle to make it on tour, Nadal could face problems against the better players.

Stan Wawrinka, Kei Nishikori, Tomas Berdych, David Ferrer, and maybe even Nicolas Almagro could pester Nadal ahead of clay court tournament finals. Furthermore, Andy Murray and Roger Federer, players that Nadal has typically bested on clay, might be more like ‘coin tosses’ during the 2015 clay court season: Nadal vs. Federer or Murray on clay could go either way. Lastly, Novak Djokovic, currently considered second favourite to win the 2015 French Open (source: bet365), remains the player most likely to collect some titles if Nadal is less than 95%.

But the King of Clay is nothing if not determined and those that feel as though he is washing up shouldn’t ignore that he is still just 28-years old. With players like Federer, Tommy Haas, Lopez, and others making a difference on tour well past their 30th birthdays we might assume that Nadal probably has a good four to five years of strong tennis ahead of him. Do not underestimate the Spaniard: he promises to remain on the short list of favourites for all Grand Slams in the years to come, provided that he is healthy. His ability to put a major dent in any draw is undeniable and he seems probable to add to his current total of Grand Slam titles.

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However in the next half year tennis fans might see Nadal slip down to a ranking between 6th and 8th. That circumstance would make his draws a little bit tougher and it could give him a hill to climb all over again. Claiming a couple more Grand Slam titles may certainly be in the cards for the Spaniard but with the potential of wrist problems resurfacing, back problems resurfacing, or leg problems resurfacing Nadal probably won’t throw together a full calendar year of stellar results again. In short, his days at No. 1 might be behind him permanently even if his ability to win any individual tournament remains credible.

Top 10 Super Bowl Moments In History


Top 10 Super Bowl Moments In History

The Super Bowl is upon us. The media is salivating on media row for any tidbit of bulletin board material. Players have thrown their cell phones in the dumpster to avoid cousins that are asking for last minute tickets to the game. And I am sitting here thinking about all the Super Bowl moments that I have enjoyed over the years. I have only missed watching one of these world championship games and that was due to a power outage. We had to listen to the 49ers rout Miami in 1985 on the radio. Here are my top ten favorite moments from the greatest show on earth. This is my personal list, so feel free to share your favorites.

super bowl 1 best moments 2015

  1. The moment that Super Bowl I kicked off. It was not a great game. There were only about two camera angles from what I could tell from watching a replay on the NFL Network last Saturday. The halftime show likely consisted of a high school marching band. But the game was set up and played. That first step has led to the monster event that we get to enjoy as a national holiday each year.

super bowl predicts afc conference

  1. Joe Namath’s prediction of a win for the lowly AFC conference got lots of attention and luckily they actually won the game. This moment gets credit for the Super Bowl being perceived as a true decider of the NFL Champion. The NFC was no more an automatic victor.

desmon howard super bowl xxxi best moments in history 2015

  1. Desmond Howard saved Brett Favre’s legacy in Super Bowl XXXI. The kick returner was the difference in the game and won the MVP trophy. He scored on a 99 yard kickoff return and ended the night with 244 yards returning the football. Patriots win this game if the Pack doesn’t have that secret weapon.

donovan mcnabb throwing up best super bowl moments in history 2015

  1. Donovan McNabb’s meltdown in the last few minutes of the Super Bowl versus the Pats was one for the ages. A team is going to struggle when the leader is allegedly throwing up on the field just before a last chance drive to take the lead. Joe Montana was spotting celebrities in the stands before his 92 yard march versus the Bengals back in the day. That cool factor separates the great from the good.

neil odonnell threw cowboys game best super bowl moments in history 2015

  1. In one of the more suspicious couple of plays from a Super Bowl, Neil O’Donnell threw two interceptions directly to Larry Brown of the Cowboys. I’m not saying that O’Donnell was throwing the game on purpose, but Bill Cowher should have choked the guy on the sideline after the second pick.

tom brady patriots win super bowl xxxvi best moments in history 2015

  1. Tom Brady and the Patriots began a drive that leads to a last second field goal to beat the Rams in Super Bowl XXXVI. It was the beginning of a dynasty that is still intact 13 years later. I remember John Madden saying how it was a mistake for the Pats to try to go for the win in regulation. Turns out that having guts paid off for Belichick and company.

scott norwood failed field goal super bowl best moments in history 2015

  1. Scott Norwood missed a field goal that could have given Buffalo the win against the Giants. Instead it sailed wide and the Bills lost that Super Bowl along with three more in a row. Who knows how things may have changed in the next three years if he had hit the FG.

david tyree super bowl xlii catch best moments in history 2015

  1. David Tyree’s unbelievable catch kept the Giants alive in the fourth quarter against the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII. Eli Manning is the luckiest QB in Super Bowl history, having had two impossible catches by his wideouts to help him to a win in two separate Super Bowls.

marcus allen super bowl xviii run best moments in history 2015

  1. Marcus Allen’s cutback run against the Redskins in Super Bowl XVIII was the best run ever in the big game. Allen put on a show that night that will never be forgotten by me. The Redskins had no answer for him and this one run broke their backs.

joe montana super bowl xxiii 92 yard touchdown best moments in history 2015

  1. Joe Montana ripping the hearts out of Bengals fans in Super Bowl XXIII. He calmly took his team 92 yards for a touchdown to take the lead with 34 seconds left. The greatest QB in history made the best comeback in Super Bowl history with this drive. Tom Brady has led his team to some last second championships, but has always needed a field goal to help him out. Montana got a TD in the toughest of situations.

Reevaluating NFL’s Most Overrated Players 2015

reevaluating nfls most overrated players 2015

The most overrated player list I came up with toward the beginning of the 2014 NFL season needs to be graded out. I like to be a fair guy, so I don’t want to leave a guy on the list that deserves a little more credit noted. Like I mentioned before, the list is not completely full of guys that are just plain no good. Some of the players just fail to live up to either their own hype or that of the media.

A few of the players on the list got their act together as the season went forward while some stayed about the same. Still other guys went further downhill as if they are begging to start their insurance sales careers. I will drop a few extra names at the end for players that did very little this year in comparison to their perceived ability. Let me start by re-evaluating the guys on the original top ten list.

ben tate shirtless most overrated nfl players 2015

  1. Ben Tate did not have a good first year as a starter. That is putting it mildly. Turns out it is much easier to come into a game and chew up yardage after Arian Foster has ripped the defense’s will to compete than it is to be the number one running back. Tate was eventually cut by the Browns after he made no impact on the team at all. He was picked up by the Vikings only to suffer the same fate as he was quickly released three weeks later.

colin kaepernick most overrated nfl football players 2015

  1. Colin Kaepernick did himself no favors this year to get off the overrated list going forward. His Niners took a major step back to mediocre as a team. His stats certainly did not impress anyone. He was a middle of the road passer and had just nine more touchdowns than he did interceptions. Also, his QB whisperer has left the team so we will see if Kaepernick has an even bigger fall off next year without Harbaugh.

jay cutler most overrated nfl football player ever 2015 images

  1. Jay Cutler sucked this year and was even worse than this list could make him out to be. The Bears ownership became really concerned about their teams’ future as they realized what a grave mistake it was to give this inept QB 100 million dollars. The head coach and the GM were fired, and if there are any takers Cutler will be sent packing eventually.

tony romo still most overrated nfl football player ever 2015

  1. Tony Romo lead his team in a commendable fashion this year. He didn’t try to do too much and he played through a lot of pain. If not for a bad call in the Green Bay playoff game, his team would have been playing the Seahawks for the right to be in the Super Bowl. Romo took a step forward this season and didn’t need to break any records to do it.

julian edelman most overrated nfl football player 2015 images

  1. Julian Edelman is still no elite receiver. He was good not great in the regular season as he tried to be Welker-lite. He had a pile of catches but just four TDs. That said, he has been a boss in the post season. Without him, New England loses to the Ravens.

eli manning most overrated nfl football player 2015 imagews

  1. Eli Manning did improve upon his 2013 disaster of a season. But a great deal of that improvement came because of Odell Beckham. The rookie receiver made some epic catches and caught fire midway through the year as a dominant wide out.

eric decker most overrated nfl football player ever 2015 images

  1. Eric Decker got a taste of life with Geno Smith as his passer. Not an easy gig is it Eric? It is hard to judge Decker because of the QB he was handcuffed to, but the wide out did have a couple of big games. His stats were not bad as he had 74 catches and five touchdowns. I must say I was impressed considering his situation.

rob gronkowski gronk most overrated nfl football player ever 2015 images

  1. Rob Gronkowski can make all the talk go away about his health issues if he has a big Super Bowl. He went back to being the dominating tight end this season. He was timid at the start of the year but once he became comfortable on that knee once again, he started embarrassing defenses. Best tight end in football as long as he is healthy.

mike wallace most overrated nfl football player ever 2015 images

  1. Mike Wallace is just about done in the NFL. I hope he can get a job doing something football related, because his ride is about over. Hopefully he saved his money because his next gig will not pay nearly what the NFL did.

robert griffin iii most overrated nfl football player ever 2015 images

  1. Robert Griffin III did nothing to make me rethink his spot at the top of my overrated player list. His team rotated quarterbacks more than I could keep track of in 2014. He simply does not get it. If he has not been humbled enough in the past two years to recommit himself to improve his craft, he will be serving as a career backup very soon.

Here are a few extra players that didn’t live up to their hype this year.

cam newton most overrated nfl football players ever 2015 images

– Cam Newton should stop with the whole Superman display after he scores a touchdown and acts like a fool. He is a phenom with his size and running ability, but he might want to spend more time on his passing accuracy than his celebration techniques.

phillip rivers most overrated nfl football players ever 2015 images

– Phillip Rivers let his team meltdown again this year after a hot start. He just doesn’t have what it takes to lead the Chargers to a successful playoff run.

jonas gray most overrated nfl football players ever 2015 images

– Jonas Gray may not be on many people’s radar, but after he went for 200 yards versus the Colts he certainly thought he was special. He may well have been too. But oversleeping and missing a team meeting on Belichick’s team is a no no. He failed to make any impact the rest of his season.

roddy white most overrated nfl football players ever 2015 images

– Roddy White got a lot of attention for his ‘Hard Knocks’ appearances but fell off this year. He didn’t make the big plays that the Falcons needed as Julio Jones took over the lead at wide out. White has been a special player for a long stretch, but father time is on his heels.

josh gordon most overrated nfl football players ever 2015 images

– Josh Gordon didn’t see the field much this year due to his drug suspension. But the best receiver from 2013 messed up again late in the year after getting back on the field. He managed to get suspended by his team for the last game of the year by missing a team function. Talent wasted.

Marshawn Lynch’s Beast Mode Showed Up

marshawn lynch beast mode showed up for super bowl week 2015

Marshawn Lynch spoke for a lot of players when he used the same answer for all 29 questions hurled his way on Super Bowl media day. The beast mode phenom stated plainly and truthfully, “I’m just here so I won’t get fined.” No matter the question, no matter the reporter, the answer stayed the same for the four minutes and 51 seconds that Lynch was required to stay at the podium. It was a great few minutes of television and to be fair, Lynch warned the reporters around him that he planned on using the same answer to each question, “I’m just here so I won’t get fined.” Of course that didn’t stop the media members from trying.

There are tons of athletes who don’t want to talk to the media before and after games. It is OK for them when things are going good, but after a bad game, who wants to share their feelings with a microphone in their grill? Marshawn Lynch doesn’t want to talk to the media at all, ever, no matter if things have gone well or not. He simply is not that kind of guy. Some people are not wired to be all smiles for the camera. Russell Wilson is great with the media as is Tom Brady. Lynch just wants to be left alone.

Lynch’s statement also spoke for every regular worker out there. When we are at work, most people are here so they won’t get fined. Our fines come in the form of missing a day’s pay if we don’t show up to do a job we may not be thrilled about. Or if we don’t go to work for a few days we get a big fine in the form of missing multiple checks after we are fired. You think the guy riding on the back of a garbage truck would be there if not for the threat of not getting paid for that day? Of course not, so he just goes through the motions. That’s all Lynch did.

Some people are mad and think that Marshawn Lynch should still get fined even though he fulfilled his obligations. He did make a mockery of the whole process like he has done in the past with locker room interviews. But what is the league going to do, mandate  using a certain amount of different words or face a penalty? Or better yet, should the NFL hire a few writers to put out predetermined answers for guys like Lynch? Ridiculous of course. The man does not want to talk so let him be. Besides that fact, he got the NFL plenty of attention with his answers. That is the goal of having players speak to the media anyway. It grows the league by getting exposure for the players.

Anyone in the media who has a problem with the way Lynch went about his business at media day should check themselves. He gave everyone fair warning not to waste their time. There were plenty of other Seahawks available that like to talk. Richard Sherman is a very good athlete to interview and loves to talk. Russell Wilson gives honest answers and is a great story coming from out of nowhere to be one of the most successful young QBs in the game. The Seahawks defensive end Michael Bennett had a stack of great lines that would have been more interesting than Lynch’s literal one liner. Not to mention Gronk was in the house as well. He may be the biggest personality of any player in the Super Bowl.

I get it. If the NFL did not enforce fines, then too many players would just ignore the media altogether. The athletes’ lives would be a bit easier and it would give them more free time. But the fans would miss out on special moments like Russell Wilson’s interview after his comeback against Green Bay in the NFC Title Game. I also loved hearing the very pissed off Aaron Rodgers after his team’s collapse in the same game, as he had to take the podium. No fun for Rodgers, but riveting for fans like myself.

marshawn lynch seattle seahawks challenges media for super bowl week 2015

The NFL benefited from the sideshow that was Marshawn Lynch on media day. I’m sure there were several mentions of the one liner on late night shows. Youtube has to be full of parodies of his four minutes and 51 seconds of saying nothing much. Even Katy Perry, who will provide halftime entertainment for the Super Bowl, used Lynch’s line at her presser this week. More people know who Marshawn Lynch is as a result of his being there only to avoid a fine. More casual fans care about the game if only slightly. There are 100 thousand people out there that recited that line this week that couldn’t name either coach in the big game. That is exposure.

Lynch met his obligations and instead of a fine I think he deserves a bonus for his media day exploits. That’s right, a bonus. His session was the most talked about, so maybe the NFL should scratch him a check and institute a bonus system for future media days. The player with the most Twitter mentions or Youtube views gets a $10K bonus for entertaining the masses. That’s exactly what Mr. Beast Mode did this week. Are you not entertained?

Novak Djokovic Moves To Australian Open Finals With Wawrinka Win


Novak Djokovic Moves To Australian Open Finals With Wawrinka Win

Stan Wawrinka was the only tennis player to have defeated Novak Djokovic at Melbourne Park, but that wasn’t the case today. The worlds number one tennis champion reached his fifth final today with no signs of stopping anytime soon. You can check out the full highlights video below, and if you missed this incredible match, they’re worth watching.

When they’ve met at grand slams recently, Novak Djokovic and Stan Wawrinka haven’t disappointed.

The two combined to orchestrate another great spectacle at the Australian Open and this time it was world No. 1 Djokovic who outlasted the defending champion to book his spot in the final.

novak djokovic jumps for stan wwawrinka balls at australian open 2015

Last year, Wawrinka had downed Djokovic 9-7 in the fifth set when the pair met in the quarterfinals in Melbourne en route to breaking the stranglehold of tennis’ Big Four but the Serb prevailed Friday 7-6 (1) 3-6 6-4 4-6 6-0 in a match that had more plot twists than a low-budget horror movie.

When Djokovic clinched the hard fought affair — it was the fourth straight time the pair went to five sets at a grand slam — he joined Roger Federer and Stefan Edberg as the only men in the Open Era to make five finals in Melbourne.

Djokovic improved to 9-0 in semifinals and finals at the Australian Open and that includes three wins over his opponent in the final, Andy Murray. On Thursday, Murray won an ill-tempered clash against Tomas Berdych thatlanded the Scot’s fiancee in hot water.

Djokovic’s streak appeared to be in jeopardy as the fifth set began, however.

stan wawrinka waving bye to novak djokovic after losing australian open 2015

With the Serb creaking, Wawrinka erred on break point in the first game when he sent a routine backhand long. Djokovic took advantage of a deflated Wawrinka to break in the next game and didn’t look back.

While the duo combined to make 118 unforced errors — to go along with only 69 winners — there was drama aplenty and still some brilliant shot-making.

“Describe the match? Strange,” Wawrinka told reporters.

Wawrinka needed eye drops to rectify an issue in the first set and Djokovic had to be told by the chair umpire that he won the third set, such was his level of concentration.

Djokovic blew a break lead in the fourth and Wawrinka hit one of the shots of the tournament — a backhand drop volley — to save a break point later in the fourth. On other occasions, he drew gasps from the crowd by crushing his flat, one-handed backhand.

Whereas Djokovic looked solid on his serve in his previous five matches, Wawrinka broke him five times.

But the Swiss not only lost his first tiebreak of the tournament — having previously gone 5-0 — he imploded and was thumped 7-1.

“It was very emotional, very tense, as it always is against a top player in the semifinals of a grand slam,” Djokovic told reporters. “Of course, judging by the last two matches we played here … we could expect something like that, a five-setter. So the battle was great.

“It was no different this year from the previous two years in terms of, you know, fighting from both sides. The only difference was that the fifth set went completely my way.

“But, again, it was a tight first opening game of the fifth set where he had some break point opportunities, missed an easy ball.”

Despite the topsy-turvy nature of the semifinal, Djokovic claimed he was content with his form ahead of the final against Murray, his longtime friend and tennis rival.

“I think I have much more positive things to reflect on in my game and then all the matches that I played so far in the tournament than the negative,” Djokovic said. “I’m in the finals. At the end of the day, that’s why I’m here, you know, to try to get far in the tournament.

“Getting to the finals in any way possible is a great achievement. I’m going to try to use that for build up of the confidence for finals.”

His record against Murray in Australia — he defeated the sixth seed in the 2011 and 2013 finals — works in Djokovic’s favor. But then, in both of Murray’s grand slam successes, he beat Djokovic in the final.

“He’s been playing some great tennis these couple weeks,” said Djokovic. “From my side, it’s going to be necessary to perform at my best and play the best match of the tournament if I want to win.

“Obviously it’s finals. There’s no clear favorite. But as you mentioned, the record I have in finals against him here in Australia, we played couple times, can serve maybe as a slight mental edge. But not much.

“I don’t think he’s going to feel that on the court. I’m sure he’s going to be very motivated to win his first title here. I’m going to, of course, give my best that that doesn’t happen.”

Cause for concern for Serena?

Like Djokovic, Serena Williams has never tasted defeat at the Australian Open once she’s progressed past the quarterfinals.

The world No. 1 holds a 16-2 record against her foe in Saturday’s women’s final, Maria Sharapova.

But the 18-time grand slam winner cut short a first practice session Friday because she was unwell.

She went on to practice later.

“I had a false start (this morning),” Williams said in a statement. “I wasn’t feeling really well. I’ve been sick with a cold all week and I got better, then I got worse this morning.

“I just had to go back (to the hotel), relax and take a nap, rejuvenate my body. I rescheduled practice for this afternoon. It went well … I felt better.”

If the second-ranked Sharapova snaps her 15-match losing streak against Williams, she would claim a first major outside Roland Garros in seven years.

Seattle Seahawks Look to Start a Dynasty


Seattle Seahawks Look to Start a Dynasty with Super Bowl xlix

There is an unwritten rule in the NFL that a team can only be considered a dynasty if they win more than one Super Bowl. The Pittsburgh Steelers won four during the 1970s—that’s a dynasty. Joe Montana and the 49ers were a dynasty, even Eli Manning and the New York Giants and Ben Roethlisberger and his Steelers could be considered dynasties.

There’s one other dynasty (although tainted by multiple accounts of cheating) left in the NFL today: the New England Patriots. After winning Super Bowls XXXVI, XXXVIII, and XXXIX and then earning a spot in Super Bowls XLII (18-0 heading into the Super Bowl) and XLVI and now Super Bowl XLIX the Patriots have secured their spot in history. They are now looking to win their first Super Bowl since 2004.

russell wilson seattle seahawks dynasty hopes 2015 images

After winning Super Bowl XLVIII last season, the Seattle Seahawks are looking to be the first team to win back-to-back Super Bowls since the Patriots did it in 2003 and 2004. The Seahawks are looking to form a dynasty of their own against the best team of the decade.

The Seahawks will certainly have their work cut out for them. As Pete Carroll, Richard Sherman, and Earl Thomas III look to form their dynasty they will be charged with beginning the end of the Patriots’.

marshawn lynch arms open for seattle seahawks dynasty wish 2015

Where the Patriots have had the best overall team in the NFL for years, the Seahawks have formed their winning recipe with a lockdown defense which fuels their offense. The Seahawks had the number one defense in the NFL during their Super Bowl run last season, and this season they were behind only one team—the Patriots.

The Patriots seem to be one of the only teams in the NFL that are able to keep new talent circulating in constantly. When one Pro Bowl level wide receiver levels or retires they are almost immediately replaced by someone even better. The Patriots most recent acquisition is tight end Rob Gronkowski. Gronk may have his fair share of injury problems, but when he plays at full health the offense is absolutely unstoppable.

seattle seahawks malcom smith ready for win against new englad patriots super bowl xlix

No doubt this Super Bowl will be one for the ages. The top two teams in the NFL will be going all in: one to extend their dynasty, the other to begin their own.

HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Ep 10 Recap: Who’s Your Baby?

how to get away with murder ep 10 recap whos your baby

The time has finally come (or came). Last night we saw the winter premiere of the much anticipated How To Get Away With Murder and it was everything. It answered a lot of questions that we were left with from the first nine episodes and we found out why exactly the Keating Four were in the woods trying to get rid of a body. So here it is (there are spoilers). Let’s jump right in.

We open up to see Annalise getting ready in her traditional routine, putting on her wig, make up  and more. A voice over shows us that she is being interrogated by police about Sam’s affair with Lila and his whereabouts. Of course she doesn’t give them anything that can lead to the truth of what happened- Sam is dead (in case you’re just tuning in).

annalise looking at dead sam how to get away with murder 2015 images

We are clued in to how she reacted when she found Sam dead on the floor at their house. We are taken back to the scene and Wes tells her what happens, how it all led to them killing him. We find out that Annalise is the one who tells him to take the body and burn it. She tells him that he had to die because of what he did to that girl so it’s okay.

Later, we are taken back Annalise’s house where the murder happened with cops and forensics there dusting the “crime scene.” The students are there, looking all suspicious and stuff. She calls Wes into her office and tells him to tell them to get it together. She also tells him to not tell Rebecca. Annalise promises that she will get the charges against her dropped and everything will be okay.

Each member of the Annalise’s team is interviewed about their interactions with Sam and when they saw him last. Here also, I think Annalise is playing some kind of mind game on Rebecca. She apologizes to her for not going to the police sooner because then she would have never been implicated in the murder. However, because Wes is pussy whipped, the joke may actually be on Annalise because as he and Rebecca lie in bed together they mention something about keeping “it” (whatever it is) from Annalise.

how to get away with murder annalise with police 2015 ep 10

As things get more heated with questioning from the police, we find our weakest link in the group this episode too- Connor. He tries to convince Michaela that they should go to the police and turn themselves in.

Next, one of the moment’s we have been waiting for – who is the daddy of Lila’s baby. Annalise is handed the DNA results by Frank. She opens up the letter in his presence and we find out low and behold… Sam is the father. She breathes a sigh of relief which causes Frank to ask her what the hell is going on because not wife should be relieved that her husband is the father of another woman’s baby. She looks at him deeply and then tells him something. What she said to him we do not know but from the way he confronts Laurel, it just may be what really happened.

We see from a video tape Annalise obtained from an abortion clinic that Sam went with Lila to get rid of the pregnancy. They argue about it in front of a staff member who was later called to testify at a trial to show that Sam was more than likely Lila’s killer.

Michaela is breaking down as she and Connor come closer to going to the police. They enlist Laurel to join them (strength in numbers) in going to the police to tell them the truth. She relents and agrees to.

how to get away with murder sams dead 2015 images

At trial, the evidence entered against Sam proves to be effective as they are able to get the charges against Rebecca dropped. Annalise worked hard to get that judgment and everyone has something to say about it. While in the bathroom, to catch a breather it looks like, she overhears two women talking about how heartless she is. She bursts out the bathroom stall and you can see their hearts drop. She stares them down in silence, washes her hands and walks out.

Michaela, Laurel and Connor go the police only to be ambushed by Wes and Annalise. How did they find out? Laurel told Wes who told Annalise. She meets them at the station and tells them that she knows they are the ones who killed Sam. She eases their minds by telling them that she understands and doesn’t blame them. Annalise promises help them and that they will get away with the Sam’s murder. Her sweet talk works and the kids are back in the game.

All seems to be well and the first hurdle has been passed. The show ends with the final interview- Connor. He gives an interesting take on the whole situation, saying that Annalise is a woman who seeks out justice for her clients and all the while she was living with a monster. I must say that all of their interrogation sessions have been pretty convincing. The only one who was kind of shaky is Michaela.

how to get away with murder viola davis ep 10 recap images 2015

Anyway, it ends with Connor at the police station and Annalise at home. We see her touch Sam’s pillow, flop down on the bed, grab said pillow and hold it. Then she gets a phone call from Connor, “I think we have a problem.” Cut to the police station, it is a stern faced Hannah Keating, Sam’s sister played by the awesome Marcia Gay Harden. She tells the cops that her brother is not the murderer that Annalise is painting him to be.

Annalise hangs up the phone with, “Oh shit” on her face. From the looks of it, Hannah’s arrival in town is going to shake things up.