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BRING IT! Ep2 Recap: Miss D Loses Her Cool Real Fast 2015

BRING IT! Ep2 Recap: Miss D Loses Her Cool Real Fast 2015

We are back for another week of dancing and drama on the Lifetime hit TV show “Bring It.” You know, this show is a lot more watchable than many other reality TV garbage that is out there. Yes, Ms. D is crazy for how she goes at it with the girls and their moms. Yes the moms are something else for thinking that their daughters walk on water and should be the main attraction every week. But the way that their girls dance and seeing the culmination of it all at the end of the episode does keep me watching the entire time.

This week was no different. Ms. D and the girls brought the madness as they faced off against The Divas of Olive Branch. The Divas have beaten the girls on two separate occasions so when they came to Jacksonville, Mississippi for the Battle Royal competition, tensions were definitely high.

Ms. D knew that she needed something different and something fly in order to win the big trophy this time around. She pulled out all the stops and brought in the “most famous hip hop dancers in the south,” a male dancing duo, to help the girls gain the edge during the hip hop trio category at the competition.

bring it miss dianne has two black hot gay men dancers 2015

The guys are harder than Ms. D in how they coach and what they expect. Five girls were up for the part and of course it was tough. Meanwhile, the moms outside are looking in wondering who the hell these guys are in there because Diana doesn’t even let them in so how the hell is she letting these two men in. Selena and Tawantza have formed a bond because they both know how it feels to be the new mom. I guess they feel the other ladies still look at them as outsiders.

Inside the Doll House, the girls have danced the choreography they were given and three were picked. Diana is happy with their choices because she knows that the girls are the ones to get it done and you know she’s going in swinging

Now Ms. D does not like Neva, the coach for the Divas (um does she like anyone). Apparently, Neva brought up the fact that Diana used to do porn or as Ms. D put it, she used to “make adult movies.” Ms. D says that that was her past and it is something she doesn’t really talk about. She was super pissed the Neva brought it up so she is defiantly on her “hit list.”

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The day of the competition comes and as the girls are getting ready, Tawantza comes in the back to take a picture of her daughter Zatia. Well Ms. D was not having that. Tawantza argued that other parents were in the back and Diana said that if you are not helping, you don’t need to be back there. Of course that did not set well with Tawantza and I totally get it. If that was my daughter, I would want to be back there too. Who the hell is Diana to tell her that she can’t be where her child is? I understand that she has a “system,” but it seems that her “system” is based on her need to be in control because truth be told, there is no reason for parents not to be able to see their child before they perform.

Anyway, as the Dancing Dolls head out for competition, they run into the Divas and Neva back stage. They exchange fake pleasantries before it gets heated. Something was said by Neva to Ms. D and she replies saying something about Neva’s eyebrows being fucked up. Low blow there Diana. Neva prides herself on being a lady because she is a diva and “divas don’t act like that” so she did not respond to the insult.

The ladies each take their respective places on the opposite sides of the stage and Ms. D sees that there is a trash can prop center stage with DD4L (Dancing Dolls 4 Life) on it. She goes over to it, looks at it and then symbolically pulls her pants down (like she is shitting in it) and walks away. When I saw this, it didn’t sit well with me because she needs to conduct herself better. She is defiantly straight hood in the way that she acts and I haven’t see anything lady like about her. How are the girls to act when the woman they probably spend most of their time with acts like a fucking hoodrat? Don’t get me wrong, she has a drive and determination but she really needs some class.

The girls perform, each doing their thing. The trio competition is over and next is the full team competition. While the DD is performing, the captain of the Divas is having a “conversation” on stage with the other girls. They make stank faces and call them, according to Ms. D and the girls, bitches. As soon as DD does their part, Diana steps on stage with a ready to fight stance telling them they need to stop talking. Neva comes on stage and Diana tells her that her girls were talking during the competition, which apparently is an unspoken rule, and calling the Dancing Dolls out of their name.

Neva denies that her girls did any of that because they are Divas and “we don’t act like that.” She feels that Diana is using this as a tactic to win. The announcer comes over and Ms. D tells him what happened and he says he will let the judges know.

At this point, Neva is pissed the fuck off and she and the girls pack up before the awards ceremony. I have to say that I feel Neva on this. I think that Ms. D’s behavior is out of order (she is always out of order) and whether or not the Divas were calling her girls bitches, she could have handled it better. Diana saw them leaving as accepting defeat, Neva saw it as taking the higher road because she was not going to stay there and be talked to or treated that way. Neva was the better coach.

In the end, the Dancing Dolls won both competition categories and redeemed their title as the baddest in the land… That is until next week.

UNDERCOVER BOSS Recap: Jessica Herrin From Stella & Dot

UNDERCOVER BOSS Recap Jessica Herrin From Stella Dot

This week on Undercover Boss the CEO of Stella & Dot, Jessica Herrin goes on a quest to observe the inner workings of her company. This direct sales jewelry company is based in San Francisco and New York City. Herrin started out designing jewelry in her living room and now enables 30,000 entrepreneurs to make a living selling her jewelry.

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For her first undercover mission as a woman named Nicole she went to the distribution center in Ohio to work as a picker. When she arrived she was introduced to Tyler, the distribution center employee she would be working with. Tyler said he felt like Nicole was beginning to flirt with him. Nicole said Tyler was dynamic and passionate about his job. Tyler then confessed he grew up in a poor neighborhood and his older brother is currently battling addictions. He also told Nicole that working for this company was a building block in his life.

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On her second undercover mission Nicole went to New York City to work in one of the company’s design studios. She met Maria, the employee she would be working with for the day. Maria immediately felt that Nicole looked like a Barbie. She then showed Nicole what tools she would need to perform her job and showed her how to put together a piece of jewelry. Maria said that she uses her own design ideas when she does her job. She also felt that Nicole was talking too much while they were working. Maria told Nicole she needs to practice putting together the pieces of jewelry. The two then talked about Maria’s children and the fact that Maria was currently going through a divorce. Nicole said she was inspired by Maria’s spirit. Maria then said she wants to become a full time jewelry designer to support her family.

For the third undercover mission she went to Iowa to work as a stylist. Nicole met the stylist she would be working with, Grace, at a coffee shop. Grace told Nicole she was going to take her to a trunk show of the company’s jewelry. She then said that she greets her customers as soon as they walk into her office and she gives them the best possible service. At this point Grace started to recognize Nicole as being a familiar face. This made both women uncomfortable and Grace quickly figured out Nicole was really Jessica. According to Grace she knew right away who Nicole was. The two then headed off to the trunk show held in a private home. Nicole said she could tell the guests were enjoying themselves at the show. Grace did express that when her customers asked about charms that she wasn’t very good at explaining them and she’d like to get better at it. Grace then confessed to Nicole that she lost her father to cancer when she was only 16 years old.

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For her fourth undercover mission she went to Arizona to work in the Delight Center. She then met Jade, the employee she would now be working with. Jade then took a call while Nicole listened and then offered for Nicole to take the next call herself. Nicole got nervous and talked over the caller, which Jade advised her not to do. Jade then talked Nicole through how to help the caller. Jade then commented that Nicole looked like she had been doing this job for a long time. Nicole said that she was happy Jade took the time to instruct others on how to do what needs to bet done. Jade then told Nicole that she wants to make her children proud of her. Nicole said she was very impressed with Jade and that she seemed much more mature than her 24 years.

Back in San Francisco, Nicole went back to her real identity and brought in each employee she worked with on her undercover missions. She then told each of them they were on Undercover Boss.

When she met with Grace, Jessica gave her a piece of the company’s jewelry and rewarded her with a spa day. Grace thanked Jessica for teaching her it’s possible for a woman to be strong and run her own business. Jessica then said she was making a $10,000 donation to a cancer organization since Grace’s father died of cancer.

When she met with Maria she told her she was extraordinary and a very talented artist. She then gave Maria a promotion to sample designer, as well as a raise. Jessica then said she was paying for Maria’s son to go to school for architecture. She also paid to enroll Maria’s daughter into a dance class. In addition, Jessica told Maria she would pay her family’s rent for a year.

When she met with Tyler she told him he was incredibly sweet and that she talked to Tyler’s managers about him. Jessica then said Tyler inspired her and she was giving Tyler a new pair of shoes for every yearly anniversary he marks with the company. She also gave him $5,000 to help with expenses. Jessica also told Tyler she was giving him $20,000 to put towards his education.

undercover boss stella dot jessica herrin working blonde look 2015

When Jessica met with Jade she said she was a very good and patient employee. She then promoted Jade to lead associate at the Delight Center. Jessica told Jade she is an extraordinary mother and that she was going to send Jade and her family on a week- long Disneyland vacation paid for by the company. Jessica then gave Jade $15,000 to ease her financial burdens.

Afterwards Grace’s business increased by 15% and she took the $10,000 Jessica gave her and gave it to the doctor who treated her father for cancer. Maria was able to spoil her kids and Tyler was able to pursue his passion for psychology. Jade moved into a home with her children as a result of the rewards she was given for succeeding so well at her job and impressing her boss.

EMPIRE Ep 105 Recap: Cookie Gets Bi-Leveraged

EMPIRE Ep 105 Recap Cookie Gets Bi-Leveraged

Apparently when Empire creator Lee Daniels said he was shedding some light on hidden issues in the black community, he proposed to do so through a series of gay and lesbian sex scenes every episode. Seems Mr. Daniels is taking notes from Shonda Rhimes (How to Get Away With Murder) in keeping it real with what’s going down and up in this world. I’m just waiting for him to throw out a ‘Bye, Felicia” to those disapproving homophobic ones.

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This week it is revealed in the teaser that Tiana, who walked in on Hakeem last week in a bubble bath with his love lady, is in fact a lesbian. No wonder this chick is still hanging on the bratty little asshole’s arm. She has a hot blond waiting for her at home.

Lucious proposes to Anika with crooner Anthony Hamilton singing at the piano. He presents her with an 18 carat diamond ring (the same one Richard Burton gave Elizabeth Taylor… the first time). All of this, it seems is a set up to get her dad to help him. We find out this week too that Anika’s father is white. Hmmm, I didn’t see that coming. Her mom is a brown skinned bougie black woman who you can tell believes “all black men ain’t shit.” Lucious uses his power of persuasion to convince her doctor father to serve as the doctor to certify that he is in good health in order for the IPO to take place. He promises that Anika will become a billionaire if he dies. Aye you Lu, did you forget that you have three kids and a crazy baby momma that helped fund your business? There seems to be no end to his lies and the measures he takes to get what he wants… Hmph… just like a man.

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Meanwhile Hakeem shows his dad his new song “Drip Drop” which he wants to do a million dollar video for. Lucious tasks his oldest, Andre, to find the money for it and when he says that it is going to cost too much, Lucious (being the loving father that he is) tells him “if you can’t find the money for this then I don’t know what you are good for.” Damn, daddy, that’s cold.

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This week too, we finally find out who Cookie is testifying against. Back in the day, she saw a fed get killed by some gangsters and the agent assigned to her promises safety if she rats on them. She testifies in front of a grand jury and then tells the agent that she is now “Dead woman walking.” Yea that sounds about right.

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She then travels to Philly to visit her sister, played by Tasha Smith, to tell her about a rose that was left on her doorstep, believing it was the man she ratted out. Cookie tells her to watch out because he knows that she used to run with her too. She offers her cousin $5000 to get rid of this problem for her.

Andre then goes to his wife, Rhonda, who happens to have access Tiana’s girlfriend India, I guess she is a model or something. She leads Andre to a part of the studio where Tiana and her boo (not Hakeem) are cuddling and kissing on a chase behind a clothes rack. Um okay, because they would not hear nor see you recording them. They then, to further their scheme to tear apart Empire just so Andre can put it back together, uploaded the video to media outlets and social media in an attempt to bring negative light to what Hakeem is doing. Clever, clever Andre. I mean, you can just feel the love this family has for each other. SMH.

Then Hakeem’s whack ass says that his album is going to put Drake, J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar on notice. Sure Keem. Cause you can really rap. The thing that irritates me about Empire (well one of the things) is that it makes the characters so connected to famous people I guess in an attempt to make it as real as possible. But it feels just comes off as inauthentic.

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Hakeem finds out through crew members looking on their phones, about Tiana and India. He confronts her and tells her “whatever you do reflects off me.” Um weren’t you just lip locking in a tube with an older woman? When the hypocrisy stop?

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He wants to quit the video shoot refusing to work with her. Lucious tells him to do the math, “if your girlfriend has a girlfriend what does that mean… two girlfriends.” He tells him to let that fact get to him and handle the situation like a Lyon. Hakeem meets India and he and Tiana go on to finish the video. This gives a peek into the kind of world these famous people are a part of and create. Most of the stuff is just for show nothing is real, just for looks. What kind of life is that?

Andre has a stupid ass idea to drop the idea in Hakeem’s “goons” to rob Jamal who is in a studio session recording his next song. They hear Dre talk about a $20,000 watch and some shoes and these niggas actually go to the studio to rob them. They especially refer to a watch which Jamal does not have, putting in his mind that Hakeem sent them. After one of them shoots a guy in the arm, the engineer of the studio comes in with a shot gun and runs them all out. As much of a bogus plotline this was, it did what Andre wanted to do. Jamal suspects Hakeem and thus their feud deepens.

The guys recording Jamal dip after the botched robbing and Cookie convinces the engineer to find a whole new crew to finish the song. They come in and get right to business. Cookie finally gets there and shows how proud she is of Jamal. They enjoy a moment of excitement over the song. This is probably the most real relationship and interaction on the show. Each week, Taraji P. Henson becomes more and more believable as Cookie and Jamal is the best of the “no name” actors.

Jamal surprises Hakeem and confronts him about what happened at the studio. Hakeem denies knowing about what happened. They get into a fight and Jamal punches him in the stomach. Hakeem then calls Andre asking for more money to drop the video before Jamal drops his song. Of course he obliges.

empire 105 dangerous bonds cookie killing 2015

At the end of the episode, Luscious pays Cookie a visit to thank her for getting Tiana back in the game with Hakeem. We find out that Lucious is the one who left the rose on Cookie’s doorstep in honor of their anniversary. They reminisce for second then she realizes that she has made a terrible mistake, quickly calling her sister to call of the hit. But it is too late as her cousin has already done to the due.

It is getting crazy and dangerous. The climate in a few weeks is sure to be explosive.

FIFTY SHADES OF GREY Director Lost Final Word To E.L. James


FIFTY SHADES OF GREY Director Lost Final Word To EL James

No one likes to give up the last word, and apparently “Fifty Shades of Grey” author E.L. James is no different. It appears that she fought extremely hard with director Sam Taylor-Johnson on the very last word of the highly anticipated big screen adaptation of her book and won. As writers know, this is a very unusual event in Hollywood as many are quickly cast aside the minute they sign over the rights to their books.

Rarely does a studio give the author of a book they’re adapting to the big screen much control, but as the Hollywood Reporter reported today, “Fifty Shades of Grey” author E.L. James had so much control, she was able to overrule director Sam Taylor-Johnson on the ending of the film.

Well, not everyone is Erika Leonard, the real name of E.L. James. After purchasing the rights to her overwhelmingly popular book in a frenzied auction back in March 2012, Universal gave much more control to the author than is normal. As we know, when everyone clamors for something in Hollywood, studios make rash decisions they come to regret later. James has made sure the studio hasn’t forgotten their promises to her and has freely exercised them all.

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The heated battle between James and Taylor-Johnson is over the very last word in the film which, as readers of the book know, is rather important. She wrote the script with Kelly Marcel (Saving Mr. Banks) and felt that her versions of “Fifty Shades of Grey” was perfect all the way to the very last word. The director had Patrick Marber (Notes on a Scandal) do a rewrite changing the very last word to a color familiar with readers of the book. We’re keeping this article spoiler free so people who’ve not read the book won’t be given the ending of the film.

This wasn’t the first fraught dealing that director had with James, but it appears to have been the biggest and most traumatic for her.

“It was difficult, I’m not going to lie. We definitely fought, but they were creative fights, and we would resolve them. We would have proper on-set ‘barneys,’ and I’m not confrontational, but it was about finding a way between the two of us, satisfying her vision of what she’d written as well as my need to visualize this person on-screen, but, you know, we got there.”

As anyone who has made a movie knows, tensions rise over the smallest things, and studios rarely give any control to screenwriters or authors who are to close to the source material to be as objective as a director. Audiences will most likely not notice the difference, but readers will and more than likely voice their opinion on which word ending was the best.

“Fifty Shades of Grey” hits theaters on Feb. 12.

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Family Tension With Nick Gordon

bobbi kristina browns world unfolds after coma 2015

Sadly, more odd news keeps seeping out about Bobbi Kristina Brown’s world as she remains in a medically induced coma, leaving doctors no choice but to wait and see if she will regain consciousness. Rumors are coming everywhere from drugs being found at a second police search in her home, to associations with convicted drug distributors, and now restraining orders taken out against Nick Gordon, who many thought was Bobbi Kristina’s husband until this week.

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s family hoped that prayers would help see her through, but People reported today that doctor’s have informed them there is nothing more they can do for actress/singer Whitney Houston’s daughter.

Late Wednesday evening, the family received the news while tensions among them have grown worse after Brown was moved from North Fulton Hospital to Emory University Hosptial in Atlanta, GA. A family member said:

“Everyone is coming to the hospital to say goodbye. Bobby [Brown] has been crying nonstop since yesterday. What’s worse is that if you saw her, you’d think she was just sleeping peacefully.”

Yesterday, we reported that Bobby Brown‘s attorney confirmed that Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon were not married, and that it had never been the case. Now more news has surfaced the both the Brown and the Houston family aren’t on good terms with Gordon.

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Marion “Pat” Houston, who is married to Whitney Houston’s brother and is responsible for the trust fund left for Bobbi Kristina issued a restraining order against Gordon, who was then 19, back in March 2014.

According to court documents, she claimed Nick “made threatening comments and posted photos of guns with the intention of making petitioner fearful for her personal safety.”

Family members have said that he was frequently asking Pat for an increase in Bobbi Kristina’s monthly allowance, leading family members to believe that he was just after her money. The family has never kept it quiet that they disapproved of the couple’s relationship since they were raised as brother and sister when Whitney Houston raised him as her own. They feel that this extremely close bond allows him to take advantage of Bobbi Kristina.

“He’s one of the only people who can actually get through to her sometimes, and I think he sometimes uses that to his advantage,” a family member told People in 2012.

While the family dysfunction swirls around her, Bobbi Kristina remains in a medically induced coma after being found unconscious facedown in a bathtub full of water on Jan. 31. Doctors are leaving it up to the family to decide how long they want to keep her on a ventilator.

Currently, police are considering this a medical incident, Spokesperson Lisa Holland said. She went further to say that investigators had found nothing to indicate it was drug or alcohol related.

Bobbi Kristina Browns Sage Continues To Grow

Contrary to this statement, TMZ reported yesterday that unnamed family members have confirmed that over the weekend, the police went back to search the home more thoroughly, and unlike the first time, they found and seized several items.

The police will not confirm this, but family members are saying otherwise. Unnamed law enforcement officials have also confirmed to TMZ that they believed from the beginning that drugs were the only explanation for Bobbi Kristina ending up facedown in a bathtub full of water similar to her mother, actress/singer Whitney Houston nearly three years ago. The police source stated that they didn’t find anything in their preliminary investigation because they were only looking for things “out in the open”. The second time was much more thorough.

This sad incident comes less two weeks away before the third anniversary of Whitney Houston’s death on Feb. 11, at the Beverly Hilton just hours before she was to attend a pre-Grammys bash.

Serie A Soccer Game Week 21 Review 2015


Serie A Soccer Game Week 21 Review 2015

At the start of the current season Rudi Garcia’s AS Roma looked in good condition to not just challenge Juventus’ hegemony over Serie A and finish second, but firmly wrestle from their Turin rivals’ grasp the prized and long awaited Scudetto.

But alas, the season is yet again turning out to be a case of ‘what if’ for the Roma faithful. There wasn’t much to separate between the two teams after the first 17 rounds of matches, but since then Roma had played three consecutive draws to allow Juventus to firm up their iron grip on the league.

Week 21 of Serie A didn’t see any change in fortunes for Garcia’s team as they went down in the 39th minute courtesy of a Massimo Maccarone spot-kick. Left-back Maicon scored in the 57th minute to draw the scores level. Roma couldn’t force a result as they ended their fourth consecutive league match in a draw.

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It did not turn out to be very costly for Roma as Juventus were held to a scoreless draw at the Stadio Friuli by Antonio Di Natale led Udinese. The result means Massimiliano Allegri’s side maintain their seven point lead at the top of the table as they look set to retain their league title.

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In another top-three clash, third placed Napoli defeated Chievo Verona. The match saw two own goals, one from each side until Manolo Gabbiadini scored the 62nd minute winner to justify manager Rafa Benitez’s decision to buy him in the just concluded winter transfer window from fellow Serie A side Sampdoria.

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In two of the most surprising results of game week 21 in Italy, 19th placed Cesena defeated fourth placed Lazio 2-1. Though the result didn’t affect their league standings and they retained their respective positions.

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In the other big shock, 13th placed Torino defeated a resurgent Sinisa Mihajlovic’s Sampdoria 5-1 courtesy of a hat-trick from Fabio Quagliarella. The result saw the Turin-based side rise to 11th as they attempt to consolidate their mid-table standing. Whereas, the defeat didn’t affect the Blucerchiati for the time being and they stayed fifth.

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In a mid-table battle, sixth placed Fiorentina and seventh placed Genoa played out a 1-1 draw. A win for either side would have given their hopes of a finish in next season’s Europa League a big boost, but as things stand they are both away from the automatic qualification for the second tier of European football.

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Atalanta defeated Gianfranco Zola’s Cagliari 2-1 to leave the Rossoblu precariously close to the relegation places. Zola was appointed after a run of unfortunate results under Zdenek Zeman and if the results do not improve in the near future the prospect of relegation will stare right in the faces of the Cagliari fans.

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Against Hellas Verona, the Argentine, Paulo Dybala showed everyone why he was pursued by Arsenal among other clubs in the winter transfer window when he scored in the 18th minute for Palermo to cancel out the eighth minute opener by Panagiotis Tachtsidis. Andrea Belotti’s 79th minute strike sealed all three points for Palermo as they climbed one position in the table to seventh. Hellas Verona stayed 14th.

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The two Milan sides faced opposite results in their weekend fixtures. The January arrivals of Xherdan Shaqiri and Lukas Podolski at Inter Milan are not the having the effect that manager Roberto Mancini had in mind. Their 3-1 loss to Sassuolo was Nerrazurri’s second consecutive defeat as they slipped from 10th to 13th in the table. Both the big signings started the match but their impact left the Inter faithful high and dry. Mancini has the onerous task of arresting their alarming slide as they cannot afford to lose more ground over their rivals.

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On the other hand, Filippo Inzaghi’s AC Milan enjoyed a 3-1 win over rock-bottom Parma, which saw the Rossoneri climb two places to ninth on the table. Summer signing Jeremy Menez scored twice while Cristian Zaccardo scored the third goal for Milan. For Parma Milan old boy Antonio Nocerino got their solitary goal.

The result will buy Inzaghi more time with Silvio Berlusconi at the helm of Milan, whereas Parma are staring relegation in the face after collecting an appalling nine points after 21 round of games.

NBA All-Star Break MVP Frontrunners


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The 2014-2015 NBA season is a little over half way through, which means the 2015 All-Star Break is almost here. In the second half of the season the competition will be even more intense. The Western Conference is extremely tight this season with only 9 games separating the 8th seeded Phoenix Suns and the 2nd seeded Memphis Grizzlies. With the race for the playoffs heating up, the race for the 2014-2015 NBA MVP award is heating up as well. Let’s take a look at one frontrunner and one Dark Horse candidate for the NBA’s most prestigious personal award midway through the season:

steph curry golden state warriors nba mvp all star games 2015

Steph Curry, Golden State Warriors: No big surprise that the team with the best record in the NBA is home to the player most likely to win MVP this season. The Warriors sharp-shooter has been absolutely lighting up the court this season, averaging 23 points per game along with over 8 assists, all well shooting over 39 percent from beyond the arc. In his six seasons in the NBA Curry has emerged as one of the best shooters in the game. The Warriors have made the playoffs the past two seasons, but both times they were the 6th seed; so Curry never really got the recognition he deserved. The Warriors still haven’t lost 10 games, making Curry’s outstanding performances this season impossible to ignore.

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Anthony Davis, New Orleans Pelicans: The 2012 1st overall pick in the draft had a slow start to his professional career in New Orleans, but he has gotten significantly better every season since. In his 3rd season, Davis is averaging a double-double of over 24 points and 10 rebounds per game. The main reason Davis is a dark horse candidate for MVP is because of how valuable he is to the Pelicans. Davis leads the league in both Player Impact Estimate (PIE) and Player Efficiency rating (PER), two advanced stats used to calculate how much of a team’s success is due to that one player. In fact, Davis is on pace to set the NBA all-time record for PER if he continues at the pace he’s going. Davis also played a key role in snapping the Atlanta Hawks 19 game win streak, finishing with 29 points and 13 rebounds.

Google Fiber Rolling Out Quicker In US Than Most People Think

google fiber rolling quicker across us than most people think

Google is an innovative company that performs multidimensional tasks at a time. Google is always ready to provide quality services to its users. It has gained success and reputation among its users especially after the achievements in Gmail, Google+, Google photos, etc. this is the only search engine optimization that provides several applications on smartphones, iPads and iPhones.  Every New Year brings some resolution from Google into the world of technology and developments. Google has planned an internet connection and employ it in Kansas City, Prove and Austin and successfully spreading its services. They have seen successful results of their internet connection this internet connection provides 100 times faster speed as compare to the current basic broadband.

Most of the people think that Google could not achieve success in internet connection. It has become a vast industry now. People cannot survive, move and make business activities without having internet connections in their homes, offices, shopping malls and even in transports. Internet has penetrated so widely in our daily activities that we do not feel any attraction in the PCs or mobiles who are not linked to the internet connections. The demand and supply of smartphones, iPads and iPhones has increased due to the requirement of internet all the time. People use to play games, download different items, and search several websites and contact with each other through social websites all the time.

Some of the companies are unsuccessful in giving satisfactory internet services. People have become so updated that they do not compromise on these companies and immediately quit. People also think that Google will not be able to move on the internet connection market where several big companies are already operating. People have experienced their quality and do not want to choose or experience a new one that does not have any expertise in this field. Google has astonished people once again with its excellent internet connection services in the form of Google fiber.

google fiber rolling out in us for 2015

Google fiber help its users by providing better connection services and speed to follow their daily tasks. It provides a new platform and contribute in the economic development. It opens new ways of technology for the users to improve their life. It has gained an attraction throughout the country now. Now, they are expanding their services in 18 new cities. Cities and companies are eager to bring the Google fiber into their cities for a long-term investments. Now Google is planning to check the opportunity areas where they can expand their connection services in more detailed way. They are also concerned to check the cities map in detail process so that they can easily spread fibers miles away by using the current infrastructure of the cities such as poles and underground conduit, but avoiding water lines and gas pipes.

Internet connection speeds are not only the big concerns for business owners, students and children who want to play games and searching their study materials. It has become a great concern of global business environment. Every small and big business firm is based on the internet.

Novak Djokovic’s Yearlong Rise To Number One Tennis Champion

Novak Djokovic rise to tennis champion 2015

Novak Djokovic’s 2014 season, relative to what we’d become used to in recent years, was perhaps a little bit of a letdown. Djokovic started the year off as the World No. 2 and he was a disappointment at Melbourne Park, losing to Stan Wawrinka in the 2014 Australian Open quarterfinals. However despite that surprise loss the Serb still sent notice that he would be challenging for top spot on tour a little while later. During the American hard court swing he claimed both Indian Wells and the Miami Masters with more success to follow.

Here’s a look at what the Serbinator accomplished last season and what fans can expect following his 2015 Australian Open title.

novak djokovic beats rafael nadal at rome master 2014

When the 2014 clay court season started, Djokovic hinted that he might be able to claim the second Grand Slam of the year at Roland Garros. Firstly, he’d defeated Nadal at the Rome Masters, just ahead of the 2014 French Open, and that made the Serb appear as though he was at top notch form. Then Djokovic, having won every other major at least once, plowed through his half of the draw in Paris, losing only two sets en route. Ultimately it was Nadal that would claim the Roland Garros title however Djokovic’s runner-up finish helped keep him in the mix for top spot on tour.

novak djokovic beats roger federer 2015 images

It was during the grass court season that Djokovic, despite losing the French Open final, managed to wrestle away the World No. 1 ranking from Nadal. The Spaniard, ineffective on the grass courts since Wimbledon 2012, was a middle round casualty at the All England Club. Djokovic, on the other hand, added a second Wimbledon title to his Grand Slam collection with a five-set win over Roger Federer in the SW19 final. That title allowed Djokovic to surpass Nadal in the rankings and he, the Serb, began his third stint as the top-ranked tennis player in the world.

novak djokovic reacts to losing for kei nishikori 2014 tennis

But his momentum did not continue immediately after Wimbledon. The North American summer hard court tournaments were both disappointing and forgettable for fans of the Serbinator’s. Djokovic did basically nothing in both Toronto and Cincinnati, losing both tournaments in the round of sixteen. At the US Open in September Djokovic looked quite sharp through five rounds however he then fell in the semifinals to Kei Nishikori, a relatively inexperienced player.

novak djokovic beats milos raonic paris masters 2014 images

But despite what has to be called a bad patch of results, the World No. 1 turned things around during the late hard court season. He claimed a title in Beijing in straight sets, defeating Tomas Berdych in the final. Djokovic also claimed the Paris Masters (d. Milos Raonic) and the Serb would go on to win the 2014 ATP World Tour Finals (d. Roger Federer, walkover).

novak djokovic loses to ivo karlovic in doha 2014 images

While 2014 finished great for Djokovic, very early 2015 didn’t start great as Djokovic fell to Ivo Karlovic in Doha. However that result would not provide insight into how he would do at the Australian Open. The Serb, having already enjoyed so much success down-under, claimed yet another championship from Melbourne Park, defeating Andy Murray in a four-set final on February 1st.

With the Grand Slam title, Djokovic consolidated his position as the World No. 1 and many are now wondering what to expect for the rest of 2015.

One major question that surrounds Djokovic right now is if he can complete the illusive career Grand Slam with a title at the French Open?

Perhaps the odds makers can provide some insight into answering that question. Bwin, for instance, has Djokovic priced as a co-favorite alongside Nadal to win the 2015 French Open. Betfair, another sportsbook, actually make the Serb the outright favorite.

Another question with Djokovic is where he will fit with the all-time great players. It’s true that the current World No. 1 now has eight Grand Slam titles to his credit. However that total is still well behind two contemporaries of his: Rafael Nadal has fourteen while Roger Federer has seventeen. It is hard to start thinking of Djokovic as one of the greatest players ever when he might only be called the third best player among his contemporaries.

2015, even if Djokovic sweeps the Grand Slams, will not see the Serb come close to Nadal’s total. However this year could see Djokovic creep up another list.

novak djokovic yearlong rise to number one tennis champion 2015

As of the February 2nd rankings, the reigning Australian Open champion has spent a total of 132 weeks as the top ranked player in his career. Rafael Nadal’s total of 141 weeks is within reach and Djokovic could even catch John McEnroe before the end of 2015, a player who spent 170 weeks atop the world tennis rankings.

But how much further Djokovic can go up the list may be limited. He will turn 28-years old in 2015 and while that is not a vast age for athletes in general, it is up there a bit when it comes to tennis. He could start facing issues with consistency in the seasons ahead, although not necessarily the 2015 season.

In conclusion, Djokovic does not show any immediate signs of slowing down. He will surely falter here and there as even the best players suffer upsets at times. However in general it will probably be up to the other players on tour to elevate their games to catch the Serb. At the moment, he seems well ahead of the field and he is very likely to finish 2015 ranked as the World No. 1 player again.

Michael Fassbenders STEVE JOBS Hitting Theaters October 2015


Michael Fassbinders STEVE JOBS Hitting Theaters October 2015

The “Steve Jobs” biopic seemed to langer around Hollywood for some time, but Universal has gone into warp speed with director Danny Boyle so it will hit theaters right around the fourth anniversary of his death. Just knowing that this film has quite the production team and cast, we can expect something miles above the other forgettable film that hit and missed badly in 2013.

Director Danny Boyle is wasting no time with his “Steve Jobs” biopic, the Hollywood Reporter reported today, and Universal has already got it slated for an Oct. 9, 2015 release date.

The studio had only just confirmed that the film had begun shooting in San Francisco late last month with Michael Fassbender playing the Apple co-founder. Seth Rogen stars as the other co-founder, Steve Wozniak. Universal chose a rather busy weekend competing with Warner Bros. “Vacation” reboot, Halle Berry’s “Kidnap” and Chris Pine’s “The Finest Hours.”

Michael Fassbinder Will Be STEVE JOBS As Filming Begins

“Steve Jobs” is based on the biography by Walter Isaacson and has been delayed several times over the past few years when it was with rival studio Sony Pictures. David Fincher was originally tapped to direct and everyone from Leonardo DiCaprio to Christian Bale came and went until it moved over to Universal where it gained much more traction.

The Sony hacking scandal which resulted in several embarrassing leaked e-mails released in December show that Fincher pulled out of the project after getting pressured from Angelina Jolie who wanted him to direct her “Cleopatra” movie. This had a domino effect with DiCaprio bailing out. He was replaced by Bale who, like his name, jumped out right before Sony decided to call it quits on the project which was getting to be as temperamental as Jobs himself.

Apple fans will be delighted to know that Boyle is filming in the very same garage that Jobs and friends built the first Apple computer. The film will center around three major events in the Apple creator’s life: for the original Mac, for the NEXT cube computer, and for the Apple iMac that happened after Jobs was brought back to literally save the company he founded. Sorkin will be shooting in an unorthodox three-act structure of just three scenes. We saw what going against the script rules did for Richard Linklater’s “Boyhood” so this should be interesting to see how it turns out. It can only be better than the previous attempt which starred Ashton Kutcher.

Seattle Seahawks Byron Maxwell Hits Free Agent Market

seattle seahawks byon maxwell hits free agent market

After a disappointing loss to the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLIX, the Seattle Seahawks will be facing the biggest threat to making it to a third Super Bowl in a row—the salary cap. This has an affect on must-sign Byron Maxwell.

The Seahawks lost a tough one to the Patriots which came down to the last real play of the game. The Hawks had the ball, 2nd and goal form the one yard line. In what is now being called the worst call in Super Bowl history, Pete Carroll had Russell Wilson throw the ball instead of handing it off. Well, Malcolm Butler picked off a horrible pass by Wilson; and just like that the Patriots got to hoist the Lombardi Trophy on a game that they really didn’t win.

Either way, the Seahawks now have to deal with the cap room issues. The Seahawks have a few things to worry about here: cornerback Byron Maxwell is a must-sign free agent, Super Bowl XLVIII MVP Malcolm Smith will certainly want a good chunk of change to stay in Seattle, and players like Russell Wilson are also approaching the end of their contracts. In fact, the Seahawks have already announced plans to extend Wilson’s contract this offseason and make him the highest paid quarterback in NFL history.

byron maxwell seattle seahawks contract up for grabs 2015byron maxwell seattle seahawks contract up for grabs 2015

Problem: the Seahawks want to give over $20 million a year to Wilson, an average and extremely replaceable part of their team. There is a salary cap in the NFL, so paying one player a ridiculous amount of money means less money to go to the rest of the team. Also, Richard Sherman recently signed a contract extension with the team and his salary is set to increase from about $1.3 million in 2014 to $10 million in 2015—a huge cap hit for the team that’s trying to keep all the pieces to their Super Bowl squad in place.

The Seahawks need to focus more on resigning members of their defense than paying Wilson. Maxwell has already made it clear that he plans to test the free agency market this offseason, and he certainly won’t be giving the Seahawks a home-team discount. As Maxwell put it, “I’m the prettiest girl at the dance”—he has no problem letting the Seahawks know that he knows what he’s worth. “But yeah, it’s one of those things I’m excited about it. I would love to stay here but…I’m ready to see what’s out there,” Maxwell continued.

The Seahawks have one of the best defenses in the NFL, so just losing Maxwell wouldn’t be the end of the Legion of Boom; but it would start an ugly trend in Seattle if the Seahawks decide to pay Wilson a ridiculous salary instead of resigning Maxwell. It is decisions like this that tend to ruin Super Bowl franchises.

For example, the Super Bowl XLIV champion New Orleans Saints have had huge problems with the cap since winning the big game. The Saints have made it back to the playoffs three times in the five years since their big win; however, they do seem to get noticeably worse every season, culminating in a 7-9 finish this past season. The problem is that the team had to clear out so many key players in order to pay Drew Brees and Jimmy Graham that the team as a whole is not able to compete at a Super Bowl level anymore.

Sure, Maxwell will probably want a ridiculous sum; but he will not be asking for $20 million a season. However, Wilson is not the Seahawks only obstacle to resigning Maxwell. After it was rumored for most of the 2014 season that the Hawks would cut running back Marshawn Lynch at the end of the season in order to free up almost $10 million in cap room, the Seahawks have reportedly extended a contract to the power runner that would make him the highest paid running back in the league behind Adrian Peterson (perhaps this is the Seahawks way of apologizing for not running him on the goal line).

As I said, salary issues eventually ruin good teams. Byron Maxwell may very well prove too expensive to keep in Seattle, but if he walks it will surely start an ugly trend for the Seahawks.

Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Saga Continues To Grow

Bobbi Kristina Browns Sage Continues To Grow

The saga that is Bobbi Kristina Brown’s rush to the hospital and subsequent hospitalization continues. So many rumors have come out about how it all happened and if she is indeed going to make it. Every day that passes is beginning to feel like an episode of Empire. A quick update: Brown has been moved from North Fulton Hospital in Roswell, GA to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. TMZ is reporting that tensions between Houston and Brown family are rising quickly over who has access at the hospital.

As one source put it, “The Houston family is sick of the Brown family acting up, as they always do.”

The most recent update since last night is that Bobby Brown‘s attorney Christopher Brown of Brown & Rosen put out a statement clarifying that Nick Gordon is not Bobbi Kristina’s husband and never was contrary to statement she made to TMZ.

“We are currently investigating the events that led to the hospitalization of Bobbi Kristina,” Christopher Brown of Brown & Rosen, legal counsel for Bobby Brown said. “To correct earlier reports, Bobbi Kristina is not and has never been married to Nick Gordon.”

As reported early today by Movie TV Tech Geeks’ Curt Johnson, Bobbi Kristina was found by Nick Gordon, the man she calls her husband and his friend Maxwell Byron Lomas, face down in a tub in her Roswell, GA home. We don’t know exactly how long she was without oxygen, she has been on a ventilator for at least the last several days, she is surrounded by family, the police initially didn’t find drugs at the house when they did their first sweep but did when the visited the residence a second time, and her condition goes back and forth from bleak to getting better.

As fans of her mother Whitney Houston we were all upset and sad that Whitney met her demise the way she did. And it is clear based on Bobbi Kristina’s social media postings and interviews that she was still having a hard time dealing with her mom being gone.

Another report, that seems to not be getting a lot of attention, is that there is a strong possibility she suffered cardiac arrest during the whole ordeal which leads us to the dreaded assumption that most of us feared to be true- she overdosed.

This whole situation sheds a serious light on the emotional and mental health of those who have lost loved one and who struggle with drug addiction. As much as we want to believe otherwise, the chances that Bobbi Kristina was still doing drugs is high. The fact too that Gordon’s friend Lomas was arrested for drugging his own girlfriends not too long ago begs the question, why the hell did she have people like this around her in the first place?

bobbi kristina brown not married to nick gordon dad says 2015

When I first heard that the family would not allow Gordon to see her, I thought that they were out of order because regardless of how they feel, he is Bobbi Kristina’s husband. But we have found that to be a lie. The two never married according to her dad Bobby Brown and the Houston family backs him on that. Then it all made sense why they didn’t want him around. If he cared for her as a husband, he should have helped to create an environment that was conducive for her healing and growth. People who struggle with addition or who have in the past should not have enablers around them. Perhaps, however, Bobbi Kristina kept him around because he allowed her to do what she wanted, even to her own demise.

With new information being released around the clock (the whole world is watching) this is my conclusion of it all. Bobbi Kristina is a 21 year old girl who needed her mother. She has been damaged by the fact that Whitney is gone (and more than likely by other life events) and probably doesn’t have a great relationship with her father, so she turns this man who then takes advantage of her. He had no business calling himself her husband when a ceremony never officially happened. That sounds shady itself. She is now paying for the actions of her decision and her inactions to get help and heed advice.

It is unfortunate and despite the reports that things are getting better, to me, that’s just media talk for “we can’t let ya’ll know the truth yet.” We should all take a note from her family and plan for the worst.