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Oliver & Connor’s Thorny Birds For HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Recap

Oliver & Connors Thorny Birds For HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER Recap

If you missed last week’s How To Get Away With Murder on TGIT (Thank Goodness It’s Thursday), you missed some really important updates that tied up some loose strings from the winter premiere, Killer Christmas. Go see my recap to get up to speed.

This week we pick right back up with Annalise’s sister in law, Hannah, played by the amazing Marcia Gay Harden, who is in town to get to the bottom of what happened to her brother.

annalise spents her holiday in hotel drunken stupor for how to get away with murder

Shonda Rhimes and the crew give us a glimpse into what Annalise did during the holiday season. It looks like she went to some hotel and had an all-out crying fest. Awwww.

annalise how to get away with murder on marcia gay harden stalker 2015

In present time, Annalise comes home to see Hannah waiting for her. She gets straight to the point and questions her about her brother, asking her why she hasn’t considered foul play and why she went away after Sam left (went missing). These are some hardcore questions that any caring sister would ask.

Next we see the Keating Four… or Five… back for the next semester, each trying to find some semblance of normalcy. Colin lets everyone know that Hannah is in town and for some reason Wes believes that Annalise should have told him. He storms into her office questioning her. She tells him that she didn’t want to burden him. Just then Bonnie barges in to let her know that a woman is there about needing a lawyer. Annalise is super mean to her because she doesn’t believe that she is a real victim but someone trying to figure out more information about Sam’s trial. Annalise walks away after giving her the third degree only to dramatically turn around and stare at her when the woman says that her husband is holding two girls captive in their basement. Talk about a case.

Of course Annalise takes it. This woman was a captive herself of her “husband” since the time she was 16 years old and is now coming forth. Annalise goes to the DA to get a plea deal for the lady. The Keating Four doesn’t think they should take the case because she is an accomplice but good old Annie thinks differently.

We find out that Laurel visited her family in West Palm Beach over the break. She is Hispanic which I didn’t know (did you?) She pretty much goes off on her family at the table (probably out of anxiety) and her father banishes her telling her to go back “home” to Philadelphia.

Hannah gets more and more intense with Annalise telling her that if she is nog toing to give her the info she needs, she has to use other unorthodox forms to find answers. This woman is tough; and does not back down.

In other news, Annalise and Nate are sleeping together again and can you really blame her I mean look at him. So much eye candy my teeth hurt. But I digress.

connor gets back with oliver for how to get away with murder 2015

Colin tries to get back with his boyfriend and by try I mean he acts like his cheating and other issues didn’t happen. He makes him believe that he is recovering from drugs and ends up staying there watching a movie. When Colin later comes outside, his car is gone. Which really sucks because… oh yea… they transported Sam’s dead body in his car. Oh damn, but like everything with this murder, it all went up in flames. I love this relationship because it’s like so many that we’ve all gone through whether you’re straight or gay. You meet that really messed up person who you think you can fix, and no matter how hard you try to resist them when you know it’s going to end badly, you just keep coming back for more hurt. Oliver is playing this so real as he’s someone not used to having anyone really look his way, and now he’s got someone who’s very attractive but with more baggage than Kim Kardashian on a weekend getaway! There’s a very funny scene with The Thorn Birds that Oliver has rented, and tells Connor that he can’t go out with him because if he doesn’t watch this movie, it’ll….expire. What a great funny scene, and I’m rooting for these two.

The case Annalise takes on takes a turn for the interesting when she lady admits to drugging the girls being held captive so that they would not be awake when they were rapped. Yea this is controversial especially among the Keating Four but then it is revealed the woman has taken the last baby that was born for her own.

how to get away with murder annalise comforting crazy woman 2015

This woman is actually crazy because she has the baby, who is now around four years old, in a place by herself… with a giraffe. We see the girl emerge with her companion holding the hand of a police officer after Annalise was able to get her location from the crazy lady.

Also, Laurel thinks Frank knows that the Keating Four killed Sam and it’s weird because their interaction has the other thinking that they are talking about something else. It pretty much builds up that Laurel or one of the others is going to tell him.

Then, the student crew has a round table of sorts on Annalise’s porch to talk about what happened so that they will not go crazy. Colin confronts Laurel about ratting them out to Annalise and lets her and everyone else know that he doesn’t trust them. Then, Hannah shows up and asks, “Who are all of you?” Oh Hannah, if you only knew.

how to get away with murder marcia gay harden working bonnie for hannah 2015

But Hannah has some tricks up her sleeve to find out what she wants to know and starts with Bonnie using the fact that Bonnie was in love with Sam in an effort to get her talking.

We find out that Annalise lied to the woman she was representing in order to know where the little girl was. SHE resigns as her lawyer and walks out. We also find out that a lead that they got on Sam is one planted by Frank at the request of Annalise.

Finally, Annalise cooks a meal for Hannah and herself and before they even get to cutting the chicken, they argue and Hannah calls her out saying, “I am done with it… I want the truth.” Annalise tells her to go ahead and ask. She tells her that she lied to the police and that she did everything she could to cover Sam’s tracks. They shed tears over the fact that Sam is gone.

And in the last scene, Rebecca is watching TV when it is reported that Sam’s remains have been found in a landfill.

It’s getting hot in here for sure.

TOP CHEF BOSTON Recap: Holy Moly Gregory Mei

top chef boston finalists holy moly gregory mei 2015

This week on Top Chef Boston the finals are taking place in Mexico. It is now down to Doug, Mei and Gregory to battle it out for the winning position as Top Chef of the season. Mei stated she was disappointed in herself over her performance in the kitchen last week and that she needs and wants to win for herself and Melissa, who was eliminated last week.

top chef boston remaining costestants 2015

Doug then said that the atmosphere between himself Mei and Gregory has become intense as they live under the same roof until the competition is over.

top chef boston padma laskshmi with enrique farjeat 2015

The chefs arrived at a vegetable farm to cook for its executive chef. Padma then announced that that this is going to be the last quickfire challenge this season. The chefs were then tasked with creating a dish using Chapolote, a.k.a. Mexican chocolate. They were then told they have to make two chocolate dishes; one that is sweet and one that is savory, both using Chapolote. The chefs were also tasked with gathering their own ingredients from the vegetable farm. They were also presented with a chocolate table featuring various types of chocolate.


Mei said it was important to make sure the flavor of the chocolate was properly balanced with the other flavors in her dishes. She also said she needs to win because she needs Melissa by her side for the next challenge and the winner of the quickfire challenge gets the sous chef of their choice from the other chefs who have competed this season.

Mei presented a chocolate yogurt with fresh mint for her dessert dish. Doug made white chocolate whipped cream for his dessert, which Gregory implied wasn’t going to be good enough for the judges.

Doug presented his seared hen dish with chocolate on the side. He presented a bowl of melted chocolate for his dessert and said that he had hit a wall with this quickfire challenge.top chef escamole gregory with padma tasting quick fire boston 2015

Gregory made seared lamb with white chocolate sauce and vinagerette. His dessert was carrots blended with ginger and rosemary as well as chocolate.

Doug was praised for his dish being cooked but told his flavors weren’t well balanced. Gregory’s lamb seemed to please the judges. It was then announced that Gregory won the quickfire challenge because his lamb was cooked perfectly. This gave Gregory the option of choosing his own sous chef for the elimination challenge.

The three remaining chefs were then told they had to work together to make a six course meal using Mexican ingredients, which is the final elimination challenge of the season. The chefs were then sent to shop for the ingredients they would need. It was announced that their sous chefs could both shop and cook with them, Gregory got first pick of sous chefs and he chose George. Mai then choose Melissa as her sous chef and Doug chose Katsuji as his.

top chef boston finalists picking for elimination round 2015

After seeing the ingredients they have to use in their dishes Doug said he is screwed for this challenge. As they drove to the store they discussed what they might want to prepare the next day. This helped them determine the ingredients they need before they even got to the store.

Doug went on a frantic search for ant eggs to use in one of the dishes. He then joked that he picked Katsuji as his sous chef because Katsuji speaks Spanish. Mei said she was excited to be working with a type of fungus to add to one of their dishes.

Mei talked about the fact that if she wins this competition her family will finally be proud of her.

top chef boston doug with katsuji tanabe 2015

Each chef had to make two of the six dishes they would be serving for the Elimination Challenge. Gregory chose guava to use in his first dish because it makes for a tart and spicy soup. Mai made the second course, which included avocado, pears and guacamole. Doug did espinoles and Mexican cheese. He also made Spanish tortillas with ant eggs. Mai made the fourth course and had Melissa making pasta for it. Gregrory did Poblano for the fifth course and said he wanted to represent it as best he could. The last course was a cheese dish made by Doug.

Gregory said the keyt to success was starting the meal with a very memorable dish. The first course was then presented by Gregory. His chilled guava soup with bay scallops was deemed to have a fresh taste and a good balance of flavors. Tom also said the texture of the soup was very good. Mei then expressed her fear that her guacamole dish may be too simple for the judges. The judge declared that the avocado was sliced beautifully but they wanted some of the flavors to be stronger than they were.

top chef boston diners eat ant eggs 2015

As Doug presented his dish he explained that he felt the need to make tortillas. The judges did say they wanted the dish to be more flavorful and that the texture was not prominent enough in the dish.

Mei then presented her dish and the judges said the flavor was great and the pasta was well made.

Gregory said it was important to nail his second course after having such success with the first one. He then presented his second course to the judges. The flavor and texture of his dish were praised by many of them.

top chef boston gregory makes it to final round

Doug then presented his final course with cheese, charred pickles and chips. He was told that his cheese dish was far from boring and that this was quite an accomplishment because many cheese dishes are boring.

top chef boston doug and mei last two for finalists 2015

After trying all six courses the judges discussed their compliments and complaints about the dishes that were made. Mei was praised for making an original and interesting dish and Padma said it was one of the strongest dishes they had tasted so far.

top chef boston finalists 2015

Upon arriving at the judges table Tom praised the chefs and Padma picked their brains. It turns out Gregory is going to the finals and Mei is going with him.

THE WALKING DEAD Mid-Season Catch Up 2015

THE WALKING DEAD Mid-Season Catch Up 2015

The mid season finale of The Walking Dead wrapped with a truly great episode. The show runners could have left us with a cliff hanger to keep us guessing until tonight, Feb. 8, when the show gets cranking again. But they entered the mid season break with a clean episode that left no open ended story lines. Except one that we got a glimpse of after the credits rolled. I am sure quite a few folks missed the very last scene, thinking the episode had ended.

Below are the first two minutes of tonight’s episode, “What Happened and What’s Going On” to check out.

walking dead sgt bob running from rick grimes and falling coda 2015

In the opening scene we get to see Sgt. Bob, who rammed Sasha’s head into the window, making his run for it. Unfortunately for Bob, Rick Grimes was in hot pursuit in a much more aggressive manner than even Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane in his prime. Rick told the man to stop but the cop would have none of it. So Sheriff Grimes gave him a taste of his own medicine when he rammed him with the police car andpossibly broke the Sgt.’s back. The dirty cop tried to have a conversation with Rick, but the baddest man left on the planet wanted nothing to do with it. Rick noted that all he had to do was stop, aka do what I say. Then he ended Sgt. Bob’s life.

walking dead preacher gabriel finds barbecued foot for coda 2015

We then got back to the church, where Carl and Michonne are with baby Judith and the preacher man. Carl tries to talk Father Gabriel into taking up a weapon. No point in trying to stay out of the fight any longer is Carl’s argument. Gabriel seems to give into it, only to later be show using his machete to pry up the flooring in his room to escape. He makes a getaway only to end up with a nasty view of reality as he checks out a rotting human leg on a grill. That is almost enough to turn him around and head back to the protected church. The pile of walkers that break through the glass door nearby tip the scales even more and Father Gabriel turns into Rev Run as he hightails it back to the boarded up church. The preacher man put everyone there in big time danger by drawing the group of walkers back with him. He makes it to the front door and Michonne axes the boarded up doorway to let him in. The apocalyptic ninja warrior did all that hacking with baby Judith safely attached to her in a backpack. The backpack was also suitable for the zombie slaughter that happened after the walkers entered the doorway. The group makes it into a separate room to escape through Gabriel’s floor hatch. The coward turned brave as he guarded the door for Carl, Michonne, and Judith to slip out. Gabriel was able to make it out too. The shot of the female walker landing face first on the machete was a great special effect. The creepy part of this scene was the church sacramental message over the archway which read, “He who eats of my flesh has eternal life.”

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As we get back to Rick’s crew, we see him and Daryl discussing what to do about the fact that they are down from three cops to just two to trade for Beth and Carol. There is a lot of distrust among these dirty cops. That tends to happen with rape and other misdeeds. The two remaining police officers say they will go along with saying that Sgt. Bob was killed by a group of rotters.

walking dead zombie walkers attacking gabriels church

After Abraham gets his mental game back, he comes rolling in the firetruck to stop the church from leaking zombies all over Carl and Michonne’s team. It is good to see Big Red back to being helpful and over his depression from last episode.

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There is more talk between Beth and Dawn as Beth is labeled a cop killer. That is a strange term used in this world. It doesn’t hold quite the weight it does in a civilized world. Officer O’Donnell sneaks up on the two and hears what’s been going on. He makes a couple of threats and it is apparent to me that he is not long for this world. I would have bet 20 to one on Dawn in this showdown. O’Donnell appeared to me more likely to have been holding his wife’s purse in public than solving any crimes pre-apocalypse. As expected, Dawn gets the upper hand on the weakling cop in a nasty fight, but Beth finishes the guy off with a shove down the elevator shaft.

walking dead hospital cops kept tied up by rick grimes gang 2015

The episode gets to the meat of things when Rick is shown drawing out the police to let them know of the swap proposal. Hostage swaps always get messy in film so I was worried about this plan all along. Rick lets the two police officers know that his crew is “close” when they inquire. The sniper shot on a nearby walker let them know just how dangerous this man was who stood before them.

Once the swap is set up, Beth preps for the worst with a scissor shank up the sleeve of her cast. The trade off of two cops for Beth and Carol starts off well enough. I thought there might even be no conflict at this particular point. However, Dawn just couldn’t let it go peaceably. She decided that she needed Noah back, as if he belonged to her somehow. Rick protested and looked like he might bite her throat out, but Noah offered himself up to stop any violence. That’s when Beth decided to end the rule of Dawn with her shank. It was a good move too. I even believed she caught Dawn off guard, as she planted the scissors into the cop’s neck area. However, Dawn was ready enough to quickly blow the back of Beth’s head clean off. A nasty scene indeed. The cute blond’s cranium exploded in brains and blood. This led to Daryl going temporarily insane and blowing Dawn’s brains out. By some miracle, there is not a full blown shootout in the hallway. The remaining police force seemed relieved that Dawn’s brains were splattered everywhere. And Rick’s team of killers held their rage in check.

walking dead carol darryl cry when beth dies 2015

As Abraham’s crew joined with Michonne and Carl make their way to the hospital, we witness the exit of Rick’s team along with Noah. Daryl carries the lifeless body of Beth. As Maggie sees her departed sister we got the most emotional scene ever in The Walking Dead series. Maggie’s scream as she falls helpless to the ground, combined with tough guy Daryl’s sorrow, brought out the waterworks for many Walking Dead fans. It was the prefect ending to the mid-season finale.

daryl carrying beths dead body on walking dead 2015

After the credits did roll, we did get one tiny cliffhanger. Our old friend Morgan is still tracking Rick’s group. He enters the church and eventually finds a map that has a reference to Rick Grimes written on it. This scene is supposed to get viewers coming back with excitement tonight, and it but it was unnecessary. The hospital exit scene with Daryl carrying Beth was the right place to drop the mic.

NBA Weekly Recap: Steph Curry Shows Mavericks His Warriors Side


Last week was another exciting one in the NBA world. Fans were treated with a possible NBA Finals preview when the Warriors traveled to Atlanta and multiple 40-50 point performances from some of the best players in the league. Here’s a recap of the biggest games of this past week:

new orleans pelicans nba beat thunders 2015

New Orleans Pelicans 116 at Oklahoma City Thunder 113: The Thunder defeated the Pelicans 102-91 on Wednesday in New Orleans without Kevin Durant. Russell Westbrook tied his career high with 45 points in that game. Friday, the Pelicans traveled to OKC to take on the Thunder with Durant back in the lineup. Easy win for the Thunder right? Apparently not. Anthony Davis put up 41 on the Thunder, proving to be too much for them to handle. Even Westbrook’s career-high 48 points wasn’t enough. With two seconds left down by 3, Westbrook was fouled on a three point shot and made all three free throws. Well, with one second left the Pelicans had one last chance. Tyreke Evans inbounded the ball to Davis, who proceeded to hit the buzzer beater of the season. Seriously, if you haven’t seen it yet go check it out. It’s amazing what this man has accomplished this season.

NBA Weekly Recap: Steph Curry Shows Mavericks His Warriors Side

Dallas Mavericks 114 at Golden State Warriors 128: The big news story from here is Steph Curry’s 51 points. The Mavericks were actually winning by as much as 22 in this game, but that was no problem for Curry. With 51 points and 10 three pointers Curry had no problem leading the Warriors back and eventually blowing out the Mavs 128-114.

steph curry pushed down warrior style by atlanta hawks 2015

Golden State Warriors 116 at Atlanta Hawks 124: Like I said earlier, this could very likely be a preview of the NBA Finals for this season; and it certainly lived up to the hype. The Hawks showed the entire league to way to beat the Warriors. The key to beating the 39-9 Warriors with the best one-two punch backfield in the NBA is not by trying to slow down Steph Curry (26 points and 9 assists) and Klay Thompson (29 points). Trying to slow these two down is a hopeless cause. Instead, the Hawks won with a very balanced consistent attack. The Hawks had seven players in double figures, including Jeff Teague with 23 points. As a result, the Hawks now have the NBA’s best record, sitting at 42-9. If this is indeed the NBA Finals matchup, it would be on par with the Miami Heat San Antonio Spurs Finals match up from 2013.

Top Moments From 2014-2015 NFL Season

Super Bowl XLIX is now over, marking the end of an amazing 2014-2015 NFL season. As the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots battled it out in what was easily one of the best Super Bowls in current history. Tom Brady overcame the Deflategate controversy to take home his fourth title with the Patriots.:

super bowl xlviii seahawks broncos rematch 2015 images

Super Bowl XLVIII Rematch: The most highly anticipated game of the 2014 NFL season came in Week 3 when the Denver Broncos traveled to Seattle for a Super Bowl rematch. After crushing the Broncos 43-8 in the Super Bowl, the Seahawks came into this game 1-1 after a loss to the San Diego Chargers. The Broncos on the other hand came in having won their first two games and looking for revenge. The Super Bowl was a huge flunk for the Broncos defense, as half of them were injured. And, if that weren’t bad enough, the offensive line didn’t even try. Everyone knew this game would be better, but it was a lot closer than people thought. Playing the toughest road game of the season, Peyton Manning showed the world why he’s the best. With time running down in the fourth quarter, Manning led the team down the field for two touchdowns in a row against the top ranked defense to force overtime. Unfortunately for Manning (although he’s probably used to it by now), his team let him down in overtime by giving up a touchdown to the Seahawks on the first possession.

odell beckham jr breaks internet top moments in 2014 nfl season

Odell Beckham Jr. Breaks the Internet: If you haven’t seen this catch yet, then you must not have a computer. There isn’t much to say about this, but it definitely had to be mentioned. With a Dallas Cowboys defender interfering with him, falling backwards into the end zone with the flags flying above him Beckham made the greatest play of the NFL season. In what looked like an effortless catch, Beckham somehow secured the ball with one hand for the touchdown. Don’t think this is a one-time thing either, there are multiple videos of Beckham making insane catches like this that date back to his days with the LSU Tigers. If you don’t believe me go look up his warm up routine before the Pro Bowl. In fact, with the help of New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, Beckham set the Guinness World Record for the most one handed catches in one minute with 33. Insane

ray rice beating down girlfriend hot images 2015 nfl

Ray Rice Debacle: Unfortunately, this has to make the list. As if it weren’t bad enough that Ray Rice knocked his fiancé out cold and then dragged her out of an elevator, Roger Goodell tried to cover it up. After only issuing a two game suspension to Rice despite hearing exactly what happened in the testimonies from Rice himself, the video of what happened in the elevator was released to the public and the nation was outraged. Sure, Goodell can claim all he wants that he didn’t see the video; but no one will believe him. Even if he didn’t see that video, it is because he did not search at all or want to see the video. Everyone else had the video but him (or so he says). Obviously, after the video was release Rice was suspended indefinitely due to the public outrage; however, Rice eventually took this ruling to court and was immediately reinstated after the judge found that Goodell knew about what happened in the elevator.

Finally, after letting the Patriots and his good friend Robert Kraft off for Spy Gate and cheating for their Super Bowl rings, absolutely ruining the Saints for paying for performance (a system that other teams including the Tennessee Titans and Baltimore Ravens admitted to having as well), and then screwing up the Ray Rice situation there were finally calls for Goodell to retire. As a fan of good honest football, I can only say I wish.

  • Their Work Is Not Done: Peyton Manning And Tom Brady Need to Win One Last Time

Woman Killed In Bruce Jenner Three Car Accident

Woman Killed In Bruce Jenner Three Car Accident

Bruce Jenner is having one of those days that is bringing even more media attention on himself. This afternoon, he was involved in a three car accident that has left one woman dead after reportedly being rear ended and then struck head on by a Hummer.

Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner has been involved in a three car crash, Variety reported today. The crash was on the Pacific Coast Highway, and it’s been reported that one person was killed and as many as seven people have been injured.

Sgt. Matt Dunn reported that the crash happened shortly after noon near Corral Canyon Road, and that Jenner was driving one of the vehicles.

TMZ is reporting that it appears Jenner caused the crash, and they have moment by moment photographs showing the exact point of impact when he crashed into a white car ahead of him causing considerable damage. Eyewitnesses told them that Jenner rear ended the white car causing it to go into incoming traffic where it was then struck by a Hummer. The woman driving this car has died.

woman killed in white car after bruce jenner rear ends her 2015

Already in PR crisis mode, the “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” family told TMZ that Jenner was being chased by as many as five paparazzi at the time of the accident. Jenner told police he had not been drinking and passed a sobriety test.

Jenner was on his way back from picking up his Polaris UTV at a wounded veterans group he had loaned it to.

There will obviously be more to this story as the days go on, and we’ll report to you what we find out.

Daniel Craig Proves James Bond Can Get Hurt With SPECTRE Knee Injury


Daniel Craig Proves James Bond Can Get Hurt With SPECTRE Knee Injury

It’s not the first time that Daniel Craig has been injured on the set of a James Bond film, but it was a bad enough one for the “Spectre” production to come to a halt. The 46-year-old actor, who plays the lead role in the franchise, sprained his knee while shooting a fight scene for the “Skyfall” sequel which is due to hit cinemas in November.  You can check out some production stills below from the 007 movie.

Daniel Craig suffered an injury during a fight scene for the upcoming James Bond film “Spectre,” the Hollywood Reporter reported yesterday.

daniel craig running to overturned car in spectre movie

Craig hurt his knee during a dramatic action scene being shot at Pinewood Studios in Buckingham, England. The injury was severe enough to cause filming to be brought to a halt with extras being sent home. As the 007 films are very expensive with a tight production schedule, any issues like this can cause quite the panic.

Craig has said in interviews that the script for “Spectre” is much better than “Skyfall” which should excite fans as that film was easily one of the best starring him.

spectre daniel craig james bond filming crash injury 2015 images

Sources within the production told the British newspaper, The Sun: “Bond bosses would have been panicking. Filming deadlines are so tight, any sort of delay can bring mayhem to the schedules.”

A spokesperson for the movie claimed that Craig was on the mend and would be filming again this weekend, but there has been no word or site of him on set.

daniel craig car on fire for spectre 2015

This isn’t the first wrench thrown into the production schedule as producers had planned to shoot key scenes on the 15th century Ponte Sisto bridge in Rome, including having Craig leap from a helicopter, but that has been stopped. Religious campaigners since the bridge holds special significance with links to Pop Innocent X, and this led them to hold protests in the Italian capital. Director Sam Mendes had been prepared to begin shooting in that location in March, but things are on hold as they continue looks for a less controversial site.

daniel craig running stunt for james bond spectre film 2015

Former 007, Sir Roger Moore jokingly tweeted that he was ready to don the tuxedo once again if needed.

Spectre” is the fourth James Bond film that Craig has starred in, and it began filming in December with Sam Mendes. Naomie Harris (Moneypenny), Ben Whishaw (Q), Rory Kinnear (Bill Tanner) and Ralph Fiennes (M) will be returning. Christopher Waltz is a new face in the cast set to play a classic 007 villain.

“Spectre” is set to be released in theaters Nov. 6 as long as no other production delays happen.


Gil Kenan’s POLTERGEIST New Images Land With Some Creepy Hands


Gil Kenans POLTERGEIST New Images Land With Some Creepy Hands

Poltergeist” was one of those first horror films I saw at the theater, and I can still remember the impact it had on me so, like many fans of the original, I had my doubts when word came that it was going to be remade. Thankfully, the word also came with the name Sam Raimi, who did a pretty amazing remake on his own classic cult film “Evil Dead.” Check out the trailer below along with some first look images that hit this week.

poltergeist remake rosemarie dewitt feeling spirits 2015 images

Sam Raimi’s “Poltergeist” trailer and poster have arrived, USA Today reported yesterday, and they’re looking very good.

Gil Kenan is directing the classic 1982 horror movie from Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg, and this time you’ll be able to see it in 3D. Most of the time when a classic film gets remade, fans of the original get worked up feeling that there’s no need to redo something great. Fans of the “Evil Dead” film felt the same way, but original creator Raimi showed them that he could breathe new life into a classic. From the look of the trailer, this could be the case once again as it has that creepy feel I remember the original one giving me at the theater.

poltergeist remake kennedi clements golden orbs 2015 images

Kenan is well aware of the pitfalls of remaking a classic and had this to say about it. “Whenever someone approaches material that’s so beloved, there’s a reflexive reaction to be worried,” he said. “It’s a responsibility we take very seriously. We’re working to make a Poltergeist film that lives up to the original’s legacy.”

David Lindsay-Abaire’s script focuses on the Bowens (Sam Rockwell and Rosemarie DeWitt), who unsuspectingly move into a home that’s already home to spirits that don’t really appreciate their presence. Keeping with the original film, their eight year old child (Kennedi Clements) is abducted by the angry entities and it’s up to supernatural researcher and clairvoyant, played by Jared Harris to save her.

poltergeist remake kennedi clements spirit watch 2015 images

The remake updates the story taking it into the 21st century meaning there’s even more technological devices for the spirit world to enter.

“The original film commented on how we’ve let television get out of control, babysitting our kids,” said producer Raimi. “It’s only gotten worse with the handheld portable devices. Screens are everywhere.”

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Hooper’s “Poltergeist” was PG, but at that time it felt like it really pushed the limits. This one is already rated PG-13 so they’re hoping to recreate the same creepiness.

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“The film is super-scary. And it’s scary on its own terms,” said Kenan.

poltergeist remake poster 2015 images

“Poltergeist” will hit theaters on July 24.

Nick Gordon Alleged Target For Police In Bobbi Kristina Brown Case

Nick Gordon Alleged Target For Police In Bobbi Kristina Brown Case

As if the Brown family didn’t add enough drama to Bobbi Kristina Brown’s world, it appears that the Atlanta police have begun a criminal investigation in this case that keeps unfolding as dramatically as an episode of Empire. It seems that between family members and sources popping out from everywhere, the police department is working overtime…not to mention those reporters at TMZ.


Recent news that has also serviced is that a judge issued a warrant for Bobbi Kristina Brown for failure to appear in court on a traffic summons.

The warrant from the Alpharetta Municipal Court in Georgia was issued Jan. 28 after she failed two weeks before to appear on a charge of operating a 2010 Lexus with an expired tag, according to court papers obtained by ABC News. The warrant has since been dismissed.

Atlanta police have started a criminal investigation into the case of Bobbi Kristina Brown, TMZ reported today.

Originally, police were calling the situation a medical incident, but certain injuries have suddenly piqued their interest. The nature of the injuries are still unknown, but TMZ reports that multiple sources, including many family members, have said there is a history of violence between Bobbi Kristina and boyfriend Nick Gordon. This information, along with the injuries are leading authorities to target Gordon at the moment.

Mutual friend, Max Lomas, who discovered Bobbi Kristina facedown in a bathtub full of water, stated that he arrived at their home around 9 AM last Saturday. Gordon was around, but when asked about Bobbi Kristina, he told Lomas that she was in the bedroom. It wasn’t until an hour later that the body was discovered when a cable serviceman needed access to the bedroom so no one knows exactly how long she was without oxygen. TMZ also reports that Lomas claimed Gordon allegedly cleaned up their home along with removing blood stains.

Law enforcement sources are claiming that Lomas’ attorney insisted on immunity before his client spoke to the police, but as of Friday, there has been no immunity given to him. He has not spoken to the police any further while Gordon has also retained legal services.

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Bobbi Kristina is still in a coma with no signs of potential recovery. As we reported yesterday, Bobby Brown is refusing to take his daughter off life support due to his religion and belief that God will deliver a miracle. These feeling have not been shared by her doctors, who have advised that she will not improve and stopping life support is the most appropriate choice. Family members have talked to him about this, but as of this morning, he is remaining steadfast to his beliefs.

This sad incident comes less one week away before the third anniversary of Whitney Houston’s death on Feb. 11, at the Beverly Hilton just hours before she was to attend a pre-Grammys bash.

Rosie O’Donnell Leaving THE VIEW Again Along With Latest Wife


Rosie O'Donnell Leaves THE VIEW Again Along With Latest Wife

Everyone was expecting Rosie Perez to be the first to exit ABC’s troubled talk show The View, but the other Rosie beat her to it. Rosie O’Donnell made it nearly five months on the show before splitting again as she did during the 2006-2007 season. There had been plenty of rumors of backstage and onstage bickering, but this time O’Donnell’s not blaming Elizabeth Hasselbeck for her exiting next week. Page Six got the scoop on this one.

While the gossip columns have been following O’Donnel’s antics on the set of The View, they’ve not paid attention to her personal life, which has been floundering as she and her wife Michelle Rounds have decided to split up. With all the tumult, she feels it’s better to leave the daytime show and focus on her five children. She and Rounds separated in November after being married for nearly three years. They were married in a private ceremony in June 2012, and they adopted a baby girl, Dakota in 2013.

Rosie’s rep, Cindi Berger, confirmed the marital split, as well O’Donnell’s departure from “The View,” in a statement Friday night: “I can confirm that Rosie and her wife Michelle split in November. Rosie has teens and an infant at home that need her attention. This has been a very stressful situation. She is putting her personal health and family first. ABC has been wonderfully understanding and supportive of her personal decision to leave ‘The View.’ Next week will be her last.”

“Rosie is an immensely talented star who comes in each and every morning brimming with ideas, excitement and passion for the show,” an ABC rep said in a statement to THR. “When she told us that she wanted to exit The View, we respected and understood her desire to put her well-being and her family first. We’re delighted she’s still part of the ABC family with upcoming guest appearances on The Fosters. And we know she’ll return to The View often with her unique point of view and updates on her work and her family.”

The View tried shaking things up in September to stave off low ratings numbers after the wretched year with Sherri Shepherd and Jenny McCarthy which drove viewers off in the demographics that ABC covets. Bringing back Rosie O’Donnell seemed like a good idea as you never knew what she would say, and that kept viewers coming back whether they liked her or didn’t. Adding Rosie Perez, hoping to pull in a different demographic along with Republican Nicole Wallace just hasn’t had the impact they were hoping for.



German Bundesliga Soccer Game Week 18 Review: Augsburg Surprise


German Bundesliga Soccer Game Week 18 Review Augsburg Surprise

After the long winter break, the Bundesliga resumed with round 18 of action. Going into the break Bayern Munich were the runaway leaders with 45 points from the first half of the season, 11 points ahead of their nearest rivals Wolfsburg and the league all but sealed.

It was a just of question of how soon will the Bavarian giants wrap up the league title. Will they break their last year’s record of winning it in the fewest possible week? The fact that Pep Guardiola’s team were yet to be beaten in the league having won 14 and drew the other three the answer was quite apparent.

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Round 18 of German top division kicked off in regal style with the reigning league leaders and defending champions Bayern Munich pitted against their closest rivals Wolfsburg lying second on the table. To most outside observers the writing was on the wall, it was going to be three points in the bag for the Bavarians as they marched their way to the title for the third season in a row. But what followed was beyond everyone’s wildest dreams.

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Kevin De Bruyne assisted the fourth minute opener that was converted by Bas Dost to give Wolfsburg a surprise early lead. In the first half injury time the Dutchman doubled Wolfsburg’s lead. Surely, Bayern Munich were going to put three past Wolfsburg in the second half, is what everyone thought. But an irrepressible De Bruyne on the score sheet in the 43rd minute. Juan Bernat pulled one back for the Bavarians but a second strike by the Belgian in the 73rd minute sealed Guardiola’s team’s first loss of the campaign and subsequently left the fans at Volkswagen Arena in absolute ecstasy.

The other important question in Germany was about Borussia Dortmund. Will the Jurgen Klopp’s team arrest their alarming slide in time and rescue their season? They went into the break lying 17th in the league, having collected a mere 15 points from their 17 games, less than 1 point per game. It is hard to believe they are the same team that proudly walked on to Wembley to play the Champions League final less than two years ago.

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The task at hand wasn’t easy, they were to play Bayer Leverkusen, 14 places separated the third placed Roger Schmidt’s team from Jurgen Klopp’s men. A scrappy match where Borussia Dortmund completed a mere 44% of their passes, their worst statistic since these records are being kept, ended in a scoreless draw. Not convincing, but not a defeat. Surely, a step in the right direction. Regarding the scrappy nature of the match, Klopp rightly said: “You can’t expect champagne football from a team fighting relegation.” No one would fault his assessment.

There are three more German giants facing the prospects of relegation if results don’t improve, and soon. At the end of the first half of matches Hamburger SV, VfB Stuttgart, and Werder Bremen were lying 14th, 15th, and 16th on the table respectively with each team having accumulated an identical 17 points and their standing being decided on goal difference.

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Werder Bremen climbed to 12th in the table with a 2-0 win over Hertha Berlin, who are now 15th just one point shy of relegation scramble. Cologne dealt a 2-0 loss to Hamburger as they wrestle firmly in the relegation battle now along with fellow strugglers Stuttgart, who lost 1-0 to Borussia Monchengladbach. The narrow win saw Die Fohlen rise to third on the table as they look for a return to the Champions League this season.

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The biggest win of week 18 of matches, however, belonged to Mainz who dealt a crushing 5-0 loss to the Bundesliga new boys Paderborn, as Mainz consolidated their mid-table standing. Roberto de Matteo’s Schalke defeated Hannover courtesy of a 32nd minute strike from Marco Hoger. But most problematically for Schalke they lost their talismanic striker Klaas Jan Huntelaar after he was red-carded for violent conduct and subsequently got banned for six matches as a result.

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In perhaps, the most unexpected result of the week, apart from Bayern Munich’s loss, rock bottom Freiburg defeated ninth placed Eintracht Frankfurt 4-1 as Christian Streich’s team look to mount their challenge for Bundesliga survival. The result saw Freiburg jump to 14th, while their opponents maintained their ninth placed standing.

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In the last match of round 18, this year’s surprise package Augsburg continued their spectacular run as they defeated Hoffenheim 3-1 and maintained their fifth place on the table as a result, Hoffenheim stayed seventh.

Soccer Preview: Great European Derbies This Weekend 2015


Soccer Preview Great European Derbies This Weekend 2015

What a fantastic weekend for football (or soccer for you Americans) fans. So many great derbies to look out for, not just in England, but also in Spain, Portugal and France.

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The early kick off in the Premier League would be between the North London sides, Tottenham and Arsenal. Spurs will be the hosts for this crunch tie as both the teams are fighting for the coveted Champions League spot. Alexis Sanchez has been ruled out of the tie at White Hart Lane, but Mesut Ozil and Theo Walcott are back after missing most of the matches in the first half of this campaign. When these two sides met in September last year, the match ended in a 1 – 1 draw, and in the same fixture at White Hart Lane last season, Arsenal got one better of their arch rivals. But this time around, Pochettino’s Spurs have accumulated a good force to defeat the Gunners. Harry Kane and Christian Eriksen have had a fantastic year so far and they would cause all sorts of troubles for Arsene Wenger’s men. This old rivalry will surely start this weekend’s action with a bang.

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Saturday won’t just start with a bang, but also end with it as Liverpool travel to Goodison Park in their quest to pick up three more points this weekend. Everton finished fifth on the Premier League table last season, but after 23 game weeks they are in the bottom half of the table. Roberto Martinez’s troubles would only amplify if they lose against their bitter rivals. Brendan Rodgers’ side are now back in form after a slow start to the season and after the comeback of Daniel Sturridge, we can expect the Reds to score more goals than the earlier part of the season. Also, Liverpool cannot afford to lose points now, if they want to retain their Champions League spot. Earlier this season in September 2014, this match also ended in a 1 – 1 draw. And in the fixture at Goodison Park last season, Everton held Liverpool in a 3 – 3 draw. Both the teams had a fantastic last season, as Liverpool came in touching distance of the league title while Everton almost made it to the Champions League spot.

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The other great match on Saturday will be in Spain as the city rivals, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid go head to head at the Vicente Calderon. Carlo Ancelotti’s team are currently enjoying a seven point lead over the third placed La Liga champions. Also, Cristiano Ronaldo will be back after serving his two match ban for violent behavior against an opponent player. If Atleti lose this weekend, then their chances of retaining the league title will become very bleak. With 17 matches to be played, we can’t say anything with certainty.

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Juventus vs Milan will yet another classic this weekend, but at present there is a big difference in the quality of both the teams. The Old Lady are currently ruling the roost with 50 points and Milan are eighth with 29 points. After 21 game weeks, there is a difference of 21 points between the two sides. The chances of Milan picking up three points at the reigning Italian champions’ home stadium are not very bright. The most we can expect from the San Siro based outfit is that they hold Juve to a draw and share the points.

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Last but not the least, Sporting vs Benfica is yet another interesting tie this weekend. Although not as popular as rest of the big European leagues, the Portuguese league features some very exciting fixtures. If you enjoy watching good end to end action, then it is a match you should tune in to this weekend.