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‘Supernatural’ 15.19: Did Inherit the Earth give fans a happy ending?

I don’t know why I ever entertained the thought that “Supernatural” might go out without all kinds of emotions and reactions, since the show has always inspired those in its fans – so why should its last few episodes be any different? Last week’s episode brought intense and varied reactions and saw the loss of Castiel; this week’s episode was very different but it somehow managed to engender varied reactions again.

We didn’t lose any of the remaining three major players, however, and I’m still shocked about that. I had convinced myself, in an attempt to somehow prepare myself for the anguish, that either Sam or Dean or both were going to die in 15.19. I was so on edge I could barely think of anything else on Thursday (which makes work challenging) and I had my box of tissues and glass of wine at the ready. Slice of pie too, and fuzzy blankie. Not that any of that is going to be all that helpful next week, probably. But I was so convinced that we were losing at least one of them, that I spent most of the episode hyperventilating and hypervigilant, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And then…. it didn’t.

Until the moment the credits rolled, I was half hiding my face behind my hands certain that something horrible was going to happen and take all the good feelings away. I sat there in shock for a good few minutes after, probably muttering out loud “is that… it?”

It was also confusing because this penultimate episode (forgive me, but everyone in this fandom is using that word because it holds special meaning to us and how often do you get to use it properly?) – anyway, this penultimate episode felt so much like the end. Like the series finale, not just the season finale. There were lots of “let’s just leave it right here, okay?” posts on Thursday night. This fandom does not get to have feel-good endings. It just doesn’t happen. Not as a season finale, that’s for sure. We’ve been so conditioned to tragedy befalling us if we let our guard down, I think there was a collective “HUH?” from all over the world when this episode ended and Sam and Dean were still alive – and Jack was… Well, Jack. But also, for all intents and purposes, God.

The writers of this episode are not fandom favorites, and they’re known for episodes that have so much going on, it makes your head spin, and this episode wasn’t an exception to that. There were things that made me scratch my head, but they also managed to tie up a ridiculous number of loose ends in a relatively satisfying way, so I’m not going to quibble too much. Maybe I just desperately needed something that felt like a happy ending, because I’m willing to just let myself feel good about this one. There is only one more episode left, and I want to hang onto any good feelings I can find about my favorite show EVER, for five days longer.

Special kudos for the amazing music in this episode, which really enhanced the story and made me feel more than I might have. Christopher Lennertz and Jay Gruska have knocked it out of the park so many times for so many years, making “Supernatural” so much more powerful and emotional than it would have been without their talent and how much they care about the show. I’m so appreciative. This episode was Lennertz; the series finale will be Gruska.

How many boxes of tissues will I need when the Winchester family theme plays for the last time? I don’t think there are enough in the universe.

The episode picks up pretty much where ‘Despair’ left off, Sam and Jack realizing the world is empty as we see scenes of empty streets in cities all over the world, mournful music playing that makes the scene so much more cinematic than it would have been otherwise.

Supernatural Inherit the Earth with New York City deserted ala covid 19

Dean drives up to join them, finding a shell-shocked Sam and Jack.

Sam: I couldn’t save anybody…

Jack: (looking stricken already) Where’s Cas?

Dean: He saved me. Cas is gone. Jack, I’m sorry.

SPN Dean Winchester tells Jack Castiel is dead 1519
SPN Jack reacts to Cas being dead 1519

Jack gasps, heartbroken. Sam looks even more shocked and guilt-stricken than before.  He calls people, getting only cell phone answer messages. That little detail seemed so real, like exactly what any of us would do, unable to believe that everyone is really gone.

The three walk down the deserted street, mournful eerie music playing, into deserted diners with the beer tap still running, like the best apocalypse fanfic.  (With a little homage to Jensen’s Family Business Beer Co)

SPN Winchester brothers and Jack walking down lonely road 1519
Supernatural homage to Jensen Ackles Family Business Beer 1519

Jack calls to Castiel but gets no response. As he walks dejectedly by some plants and trees, they wither and die as he passes.

Sam can’t shake his guilt.

Sam: I did this. We didn’t give Chuck what he wanted, we tried to rewrite him and the whole world paid the price…

SPN Sam Winchester guilty for trying to rewrite chuck and hurting world 1519

Dean and Jack disagree, and Jack is the one who speaks the message that will always be inextricably linked with this show for me.

Jack: You can’t just give up.

Always Keep Fighting.

The Winchesters do seem to give up, though. They meet up with Chuck and tell him he’s won, that they’ll give him what he wants.

Sam: We’re giving up.

Dean: I’ll kill Sam, he’ll kill me. We’ll kill each other. But first, you have to put it back – the people, the birds, Cas. You gotta bring him back.

SPN Dean Winchester reacts to seeing Chuck back 1519
SPN Sam Winchester reacts to Chuck coming back 1519

They are willing, both of them, to sacrifice themselves to save the world – as they have always been.

Chuck really is sadistic, though. He doesn’t find that story ending as compelling as he thought, deciding to leave the Winchesters and Jack wandering through a deserted world, dealing with their overwhelming guilt.

Chuck: Knowing it’s this way because you wouldn’t take a knee.

SPN Chuck appears to Winchesters 1519


Next day, at the bunker. Sam finds Dean passed out drunk on the floor. (Nobody but Sam Winchester looks that good roaming the halls in their PJ’s and bare feet, and nobody but Dean Winchester looks that good after passing out drunk on the floor)

SPN Sam Winchester in bunker looking for Dean 1519
SPN Dean Winchester passed out drunk in bunker bed 1519

Jack starts hearing voices and realizes there’s something else out there, so the three head out in the Impala. They stop for gas – at a gas station set paying Homage to Route 66, a Winchester origin story per Eric Kripke. There Dean finds something alive – a dog! He’s overjoyed, names it Miracle, and carries it back to the car to show Sam. We should all have known things weren’t going to go well, but like Dean, I so wanted to believe there was other life, and I so wanted to see Dean Winchester have a moment of happiness.

SPN Dean Winchester holding big shaggy dog Miracle 1519
SPN Sam Winchester shocked at Dean with Miracle dog

Sam: You’re gonna let a dog sit in the Impala?

(Which is weird because Sam is the one in canon who has always wanted a dog, and in all the best fanfic too. Huh.)

Dean happily puts Miracle in the car, stopping to bestow some affection, and he’s so happy and it’s just heartbreaking (also the dog right now is everyone who’s ever been the object of Dean Winchester’s affection)

SPN Dean Winchester happy to have Miracle dog in Baby 1519

For a second. Then, as Dean grins, POOF. Dog gone, Chuck standing in a field nearby smirking.

Dean looks so wrathful I don’t know how Chuck wasn’t scared, God or no God.

SPN Dean Winchester angry he can't save dog from Chuck 1519

Dean: I can’t even save a friggen’ dog.

Sam: There’s no one left to help.

Poor boys, their whole sense of purpose is taken away. Chuck really is a cruel, cruel capricious god.

They push on and find the source of the message Jack is hearing in a church, which gives us a gorgeous scene. Really, everything about that scene is amazing and belongs in a feature film. The lighting is beautiful thanks to Serge Ladouceur’s genius, rows and rows of candles and flashes of lightning through the stained glass windows, the music is a mix of suspense and drama, almost sounding gothic – everything combines to keep my heart in my throat but also make me want to sigh with the perfection of it.

SPN Michael in church telling Winchesters Adam is gone 1519

It turns out to be Michael, who tells them that Adam is gone.

Dean: Poor bastard, he never caught a break.

Damn, that is really true. I loved that the show had Michael and Adam both existing, and I was sorry to hear Adam was no longer there – and instantly a little suspicious of Michael without Adam’s long-time counsel. Michael expresses surprise that humanity so embraced the idea of God as benevolent, and says that he was part of how that happened, leaving behind instructions for angels and prophets to “burnish his image on Earth”.  That was an interesting little speech to add to “Supernatural’s” unique take on God and religion.

SPN Mikey church speech showing allegiance to Lucifer 1519
SPN Sam Winchester realizes Mikey allegiance to Lucifer in church 1519
SPN Dean Winchester to Mikey Daddy's boy about choosing Lucifer 1519

Dean: Daddy’s boy.

It’s apparently where Sam and Dean got a clue about where Michael’s eventual loyalty would lie, but at the time I didn’t put the pieces together, so kudos to the writers for that.

They bring Michael back to the bunker to see if he can read the God book (he can’t).

Sam and Dean sit together on the stairs in the kitchen, feeling defeated.

SPN Sam Dean Winchester sitting in kitchen defeated 1519
SPN Dean Winchester defeated before Lucifer call 1519

And at that very low moment, Dean’s phone rings – the display reads “CASS”.

Dean gasps and picks up, asking hopefully “Cas?”

Castiel’s voice says he’s hurt, can they let him in?

SPN Fake Castiel call to Dean Winchester from Lucifer

And, of course, Dean bounds up the stairs and opens the door – to find Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) standing there.


That was a difficult moment, to say the least – for Dean, obviously, and for Sam – but also for a fandom still grieving Castiel’s death the week before. That brief moment of hope was snatched away, and a character that many either love to hate or just plain hate was there instead. It was – a lot.

Lucifer: What’s up?

SPN LUcifer whats up killing Betty so she can read Gods book

What followed was a series of events I think I described as ‘boom boom boom boom’ in my live tweet of the episode. Lucifer says the Empty booted him and sent him to find God’s book, he brought Betty the reaper with him, then ten seconds later he kills her so she becomes the new Death and can read God’s book.


SPN Lucifer in bunker with Betty Death 1519

Betty: Hand over the book.

Sam and Dean: Huh?

Betty: Wow, slower than they look.

Death aka Betty goes off to read the book.

Michael and Lucifer have a nasty brotherly spat in which Lucifer taunts “Mikey” that their dad had no love to give anyone, including him.

Betty reads the book, opens it and confirms that yep, the way to kill God is in there.

Betty: I know how God ends.

Dean: Are you sure?

Betty: I’m Death.

Dean: You’ve been Death for like an hour!

SPN Dean Winchester to Betty You've been death for like an hour

Oh, Dean. Never change.

Betty’s sassiness is at an end though; Lucifer snaps her out of existence.

Me: Huh? I didn’t think he could do that.

Lucifer can’t resist crowing about his victory, saying that actually “Pop let me out of the Empty, said Mikey’s a cuck.”

SPN Lucifer gloating to Mikey Mikey's a cuck
SPN Mikey reacting to seeing Lucifer 2020

I had to go to Urban Dictionary to figure out the exact meaning of that word – which, btw, there isn’t one. But the top definition is a man who’s desperate for acceptance, approval and affection (usually from a woman apparently, but whatever). At the time, I thought, what a weird thing to say. I guess Sam and Dean paid attention though.


A man who lets his wife or girlfriend have sex with other men. Often the man lets her do whatever she wants and treat him like shit.
(Short version of 

John watched his wife get fucked by another man. What a cuck!

Lucifer tries to convince Jack to come with him and team up with his father and grandfather, but a jealous and pissed off Michael grabs an archangel blade and stabs him to death. Lucifer dies (again) and Jack absorbs the energy released, though we don’t realize it at the time.

SPN Mark Pellegrino Lucifer dying in bunker finale 1519
SPN Sam Dean Winchester find lucifer dying in bunker 1519

Sam and Dean (and the rest of us): But will it really take this time???

Michael confesses to being a bit winded from that fight, which was amusing because he got tossed across the room once and then stabbed Lucifer. Dean is empathic, though, so Michael lets his guard down a little, complaining sadly that Chuck “didn’t even reach out to me”. 

Dean notices, though again, we don’t know it at the time.

This is a Smart Winchesters episode, and that always makes me happy.

Supernatural Mikey Dean with Dean Winchester `1519
SPN Mikey Dean Winchester realizes where Chuck is 1519

Smart Sam takes a stab at figuring out what’s in God’s book, since it’s apparently in Enochian (why can’t Michael read it?) and reports back that there’s a spell that can finish Chuck, but it requires a specific location and time. They head to the beautiful Vancouver beach that we saw lots of behind the scenes filming at – and Jake Abel’s brilliant short ‘Bravelecki’ – and they perform the spell.

Which doesn’t work.

Chuck appears in a white suit (Rob Benedict looks handsome, what can I say?).

SPN Rob Benedict Chuck appears on beach in suit finale

Michael: Father.

Chuck: Son. I appreciate the heads up.

Me: Uh oh.

Chuck, however, says it’s too little too late, he can’t forgive Michael the earlier betrayal. Boom, goodbye Michael. And Jake Abel, who fandom has come to love very much indeed.

SPN Michael on beach with chuck before dying Inherit the Earth
SPN Chuck kills Michael on beach for betrayal 1519

Jack once again, unbeknownst to us, absorbs all that energy.

Chuck gets a little meta, because Dabb and company can’t resist.

Chuck: That’s it, I’m cancelling your show.

Sam: (matter of fact) Well, one for the road, then.

He hauls off and punches God right in the face. Sam Fucking Winchester, folks! (Sure, it doesn’t hurt Chuck, but it was still a badass moment)

Chuck raises his hand to snap the Winchesters out of existence and then says what the heck, “I can get my hands dirty.”

SPN Chuck snaps fingers but nothing happens power is gone 1519

Smart smart Sam, goading him into it. Chuck proceeds to beat the crap out of the Winchesters. Some lucky fans got to watch these scenes being filmed and shared some of the bts photos, which saw Jared and Jensen’s stunt doubles literally being launched into the air! Chuck beats them bloody, breaks their bones. And yet again and again, the Winchesters keep getting back up.

Chuck: Cmon guys, give it up now.

He breaks Sam’s arm.

Chuck: Stay down.

He breaks Dean’s leg.

The music is mournful and sad, the Winchesters bloodied but not broken. As hard as it was to watch, it was also such a perfect scene for “Supernatural.” This is what Sam and Dean are all about. They always keep fighting, they never give up, they are flesh and blood and human, and they hurt and they bleed and their lives are never easy – but they fucking never stop getting up. It’s such a big part of why I fell in love with this show and these characters.

Chuck: Fellas, give it up.

Sam and Dean, faces ground into the sand, blood everywhere. Sam half crawls to Dean, pulls him to his feet and supports him as they stagger together, bloody – but smiling.

Sam Dean Winchester bloodied on beach having beaten Chuck SPN 1519

Chuck: Why – why are you smiling?

Sam: Because you lose.

Behind him, Jack is angry. VERY ANGRY. Chuck tries to snap Jack out of there, but nothing happens. He snaps again. And again. And Jack steps forward, grabbing Chuck and using his newly absorbed power to take the rest of Chuck’s power and energy away into himself. Chuck collapses to the ground, and Jack snaps his fingers, healing Sam and Dean.

Sam and Dean: We won.

There’s a lot of exposition, which is something these writers also seem to end up with, but this time we’re learning along with Chuck that this has been a heist all along, planned by Smart Sam and Smart Dean as soon as they realized that Jack was a ‘power vacuum’ sucking all the energy into himself. They were wise to Michael and expected the betrayal – counted on it. (How they figured all this out from dying plants I don’t really know, but I’m going with it anyway)

Chuck: This is why you’re my favorites! For the first time, I have no idea what happens next. So this is where you’ll kill me? To die at the hands of Sam Winchester. At the hands of Dean Winchester, the ultimate killer. It’s kinda glorious.

But the Winchesters have had enough of Chuck writing their story. They’ve got free will now, and they know who they are.

Dean: Sorry, Chuck. See, that’s not who I am. That’s not who we are.

I think he’s known it for a while, I’m good with who I am and good with who you are, and Castiel’s heartfelt insistence that he knows who Dean is in the last episode cemented that awareness even more.

Dean Winchester lets Chuck know hes now human 1519 SPN
SPN Sam Winchester makes Chuck human 1519
SPN Chuck realizes he is human now 1519

They walk away, leaving Chuck to be human. To grow old, get sick, die.

Dean: And no one will care, or remember you.

It’s the worst fate imaginable for a narcissist, which is pretty much what Chuck was.

Rob Benedict does an amazing job here, because he actually made me feel for Chuck as they drove off, scrabbling in the dirt and pleading “Guys, guys, wait, wait!” and then quietly sobbing as the Impala roars off, the music turning even more tragic.

I couldn’t help but feel bad – it was Rob Benedict, I mean!

Sam, Dean and Jack stop at Showalter’s gas station (an homage to their director and long-time “Supernatural” crew person John Showalter).

SPN Sam Dean Winchester stop at Showalters gas station with Jack 1519

Jack quietly restores the world, bringing back the people and the animals and the hustle and bustle, as the song “Get Together” plays. I happen to love that song, and it evokes such a different and hopeful time, that it made me start to cry instantly. I love a montage! Even the dog is back. Miracle!

Jack is changed, but Jack is also still Jack, and Alex Calvert does a great job as always showing us both. Dean wants him to come back to the bunker with them, wants to buy him a big screen tv, but Jack says no, he’s not “coming home.”

Jack: In a way, I’m already there. I’m everywhere.

Sam: So you are him.

SPN Jack states he is God to Winchester brothers 1519

Jack: I’m me. But I know what you mean. I’m around. I’ll be in every drop of falling rain, every speck of dust that the wind blows, and in the sand, in the rocks, and the sea.

He says that Amara is with him, that they’re in harmony. And when Dean protests that people will have questions and need answers, Jack lays out the way he’ll be God.

Jack: And those answers will be in each of them. Maybe not today, but someday. People don’t need to pray to me or to sacrifice to me. They just need to know that I’m already a part of them and to trust in that. I won’t be hands on. Chuck put himself in the story, that was his mistake. But I learned from you and my mother and Castiel that when people have to be their best, they can be. And that’s what to believe in. I’m as close as this.

He holds his hand over his heart.

And then, Jack says goodbye, the same hand raised that he always used to say hello, and I can feel the tears well up again.

SPN Jack God giving final goodbye to Winchester brothers finale 1519
SPN Dean Winchester goodbye to Jack God 1519
SPN Sam Winchester fighting tears goodbye to Jack God 1519

Sam: See ya, Jack.

He walks away, disappears as the Winchesters watch. I think they’re gonna miss him.

I got even more emotional going through the screencaps for that scene to include them here, seeing the sadness on Sam and Dean’s faces as they know they need to say goodbye to Jack. Alex Calvert once again did such a brilliant job with this scene, turning Jack into a benevolent and otherworldly being while still retaining the essence of what made him Jack. As a parent, it struck me as a depiction of that moment when you know you’ve raised your child the best way you can, when you’re filled with pride and you know you have to let go and let them be their own person, but it makes your heart ache to say goodbye.

A part of you just wants to buy them a big screen tv and have them come back to the bunker, but you know that’s not what’s best for them. Sometimes “Supernatural” is so quietly brilliant; the expressions on Sam and Dean’s faces encompass all those mixed feelings, the pride and the sadness. So much of this show has been about loss – its inevitability, how we face it, how it shapes us. How we incorporate it into our lives and keep moving on. The loss of the show itself, one final lesson.

The last two scenes killed me in a different way, and are what I’ll always love about this episode. They felt like a series finale, and maybe we’ll always see them that way.

Sam and Dean sit together in the bunker, drinking beers. A scene as iconic as any in this show.

SPN Winchester brothers have final drink for finale 2020

Dean: To everyone that we lost along the way.

Sam: You know, with Chuck not writing our story anymore, we get to write our own.  Just you and me, going wherever the story takes us. Just us.

Dean: Finally free.

It’s obvious in the take they used that it wasn’t just Sam and Dean getting emotional at that moment – it was Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, returning from the long unexpected hiatus and becoming Sam and Dean again, knowing they’re nearing the end of the road for these characters who have meant so much to them. Jared’s visibly tearful and choking up. Jensen notices, as attuned as they always are, and throws an arm around him, squeezing his neck in reassurance – so unscripted that Jared startles, and then sees the reassuring look and returns it. The Winchesters always have each other’s backs – and so do Jared and Jensen.

With a soft look at the people behind the cameras, the beloved crew who’s like family to them, they get up from the table and head out.

SPN Jensen Ackles Jared Padalecki saying goodbye to fans and crew 2020

And we see that behind them they’ve carved two new names into the table – along with the SW, DW and MW, are ‘CASTIEL’ and ‘JACK’.  The most fitting remembrance the Winchesters could give, a part of their legacy.

Supernatural Winchester table wih names Jack initials

Jackson Browne’s ‘Running on Empty’ starts to play, another of my favorites, the quintessential road song, full of longing and acknowledgement of the difficulties but also the thrill and freedom of the open road. We get a montage of scenes from all fifteen years of the show, from baby Sam and Dean in the pilot, through so many of the people they’ve met along the way. People who have become important to the fandom in real life too, through social media and conventions and all the reciprocal interactions that have made this truly the SPN Family.

Young Sam Dean Winchesters in Baby Impala 2020
Caps by kayb625
SPN montage with Bobby before finale episode
Supernatural montage Dean Winchester with Castiel before he died
Happy holiday meal Winchester brothers with Jack SPN finale

I started sobbing as soon as Sam and Dean got up from that table and didn’t stop until long after the credits had rolled – and the Impala and her boys had driven off into the sunset.

It’s the exact ending I’ve always imagined for the show – the one that’s on the cover of There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done. It felt so right, and so much like the end.

Supernatural 15.19 episode ending baby winchester riding off into future 2020

I’m still a little shell shocked that we have another whole episode before “Supernatural” is over. I’m grateful, but I can’t help but worry that this feeling of satisfaction is going to be blown to the high heavens.

On screen, Sam and Dean close Baby’s trunk.


Eerie without the “we’ve got work to do” though, that I wish I would hear, because even after fifteen years, I’m not ready for this journey to end.

There was a lot that I liked about this episode and a lot that many fans liked, but also some things that left people wanting more. With the prior episode ending with Dean sitting crumpled on the floor, sobbing over the loss of Castiel, it was a quick progression to a ‘happy ending’ within one episode for sure. The loss of Cas was acknowledged by Dean, Sam and Jack, but the episode had so much packed into it that there wasn’t a lot of time to process that loss, either for the characters or for the fandom.

The bait and switch phone call was particularly painful for fans who were hoping for Castiel’s return. I’m in the group that still thinks, despite what we’ve been told, that Misha Collins and Castiel will be back in some way in the final episode (and if so, that will be the best job of keeping a secret the powers that be have ever done!)

So, the rushed wrap up wasn’t what I tend to hope for from my television shows, with so much packed into one episode, but the story was a satisfying one nevertheless. This show has always been about fate versus free will, and its characters have all had their own journeys toward refusing to color within the lines and stick to the script, instead fighting to (in the words of Dean Winchester), make our own future. They did that.

Castiel rebelled when the other angels couldn’t even conceive of going against God’s plan, for the love of humanity that was inspired in part by his love of one man. Jack went against his own destiny – the very idea of a Nephilim as so evil that Castiel once killed one just for what they were – and defied both his own father Lucifer and his grandfather to do what he thought was right. What he learned from the example of his human mother and his father figures, Cas and Sam and Dean.

And then there’s the Winchesters. Pawns in a story that God himself took a liking to,  the people they cared about taken away for their entire lives, eventually their very reason for living – saving people, hunting things – taken away by the revelation that Chuck was pulling the strings, so they were left with nothing. And yet, they never gave up. When Dean struggled to accept Jack’s potential for goodness, Sam refused to give up on it, pushing his brother to do the same and modeling from the very moment they met that he believed in Jack and loved him. Castiel and Sam and Dean didn’t have the best role models of how to be dads from their own fathers, but they stepped up to the plate and all helped raise Jack – who defied expectations and found his own moral compass.

It was a literal and figurative F you to the idea of fate and the helplessness and hopelessness that come with it, and it was the message that most of us have taken to heart from the show: Always Keep Fighting. That mantra saved the world from Chuck’s destruction as Castiel sacrificed himself, Jack tapped into his inner goodness, and Sam and Dean Winchester literally refused to stay down and give up for as long as it took to set up Chuck’s downfall. Bloodied and bruised and broken, but still fighting. That was the most iconic Winchester moment possibly ever and embodied what the show has been all about.

I’m trying to stay away from meta readings at this point and just enjoy the end of the show within its fictional world, but there’s something satisfying too about the idea of my favorite fictional characters ever breaking free and reclaiming their own narrative. As a psychologist, I can’t escape the parallel that this is what we all do as we work through our own challenges and traumas and choice points.

We take a flawed narrative that’s keeping us from being who we are and finding our own happiness, and we rewrite our own story. We break free from the constraints of the problematic one that’s keeping us stuck, and we start from a point of freedom to craft our own narrative. Sam and Dean driving off into the sunset will forever be in my head now as the perfect metaphor for what it feels like to rewrite our own stories and take ownership of our own lives.

And that is pretty damn hopeful.

Of course, there’s one more episode left. I spent most of this episode waiting for the other shoe to drop – for something horrible to happen that negates the unlikely victory that we just witnessed. I’ve been a “Supernatural” fan for a long time, and I know the show giveth and then it taketh away. When the credits rolled, I let out a gasp of shock and disbelief – a happy ending? What??! There’s speculation that none of it was real, that someone will wake up and find it was all a wishful thinking dream, but I don’t think so.

That said, I don’t know what will happen next week. I’m not in the know or spoiled for it any more than anyone else. But I have my guesses. I think we’ll see Cas again, and a few other important people. I think we’ll have to watch one or both of the boys die at some point in some way, and no matter how that happens, it is going to destroy me. I’m not even opposed to it story-wise, but I’m not going to be able to watch it without falling apart. They’re too important to me. I do think, though, that ultimately we will get some version of a happy ending anyway, somewhere, somehow. I’m not counting on it, but I’m hoping.

Still, when Carry On starts to play next week, I just hope I can still see through my tears. (The show will end on November 19, 44 years to the day from the original release of the Kansas classic, Carry On Wayward Son. “Supernatural,” unique and special to the end).

With that, the lyrics to mull over until next week…

Carry on, my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more


Once I rose above the noise and confusion
Just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
I was soaring ever higher
But I flew too high

Though my eyes could see, I still was a blind man
Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man
I hear the voices when I’m dreaming
I can hear them say

Carry on, my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don’t know

On a stormy sea of moving emotion
Tossed about, I’m like a ship on the ocean
I set a course for winds of fortune
But I hear the voices say

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more no!

Carry on
You will always remember
Carry on
Nothing equals the splendor
Now your life’s no longer empty
Surely heaven waits for you

Carry on my wayward son
There’ll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry
Don’t you cry no more

No more!

TikTok hopes Donald Trump forgets ban while Apple’s new M1 Macbook Pro revolutionizes

With Donald Trump soon to leave the White House, popular video-sharing app TikTok is hoping for a more positive future. It’s been in a limbo mode since Trump stepped in to try and shut it down.

Making matters worse, was when the president suggested getting a cut if he okayed a sale to Microsoft. Oracle wound up purchasing TikTok. Now the app is asking a federal court to intervene. They’ve obviously learned a thing or two from Trump.

TikTok’s Chinese owner, ByteDance, has until Thursday to sell off its U.S. operations under an executive order that Trump signed in August.

Trump in September gave his tentative blessing to a ByteDance proposal meant to resolve U.S. national security concerns by placing TikTok under the oversight of American companies Oracle and Walmart, each of which would also have a financial stake in the company. But TikTok said this week it’s received “no clarity” from the U.S. government about whether its proposals have been accepted.

The deal has been under a national-security review by the interagency Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, which is led by the Treasury Department. The Treasury Department didn’t return emailed requests for comment this week.

“With the November 12 CFIUS deadline imminent and without an extension in hand, we have no choice but to file a petition in court to defend our rights and those of our more than 1,500 employees in the US,” TikTok said in a written statement Tuesday.

Trump has cited concerns that the Chinese government could spy on TikTok users if the app remains under Chinese ownership. TikTok has denied it’s a security threat but said it’s still trying to work with the administration to resolve its concerns.

The legal challenge is “a protection to ensure these discussions can take place,” the company said.

The Trump administration had earlier sought to ban the app from smartphone app stores and deprive it of vital technical services, but federal judges have so far blocked those actions.

TikTok is now looking to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to review Trump’s divestment order and the government’s national-security review.

apple brings out new m1 macbook pro crossed with iphone 2020

Apple’s New Macs Crossed With iPhone

Apple is rolling out new Mac computers powered by the same kind of chips that run iPhones and iPads, a move aimed at making it easier for its most popular products to work together.

For instance, Macs using the new chips will be able to run the same apps designed for the iPhone’s mobile operating system, although it appears some developers aren’t immediately keen on making those apps available for Macs. Apple didn’t demonstrate any other interoperability features based on the new chips, although analysts expect more cross-pollination.

The new Mac lineup unveiled Tuesday will be in stores five months after Apple announced it would abandon its longtime partner Intel in favor of using its own processors for Mac computers. Apple said its new Mac chips make possible faster processing speeds, sleeker designs and longer running times on a single battery charge.

“Advancements of this magnitude only come from making bold changes,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said during Apple’s event Tuesday. He added that Apple’s own chips will usher in new technologies and “extraordinary battery life” from the computers. “This is exactly why we are transitioning to Mac Apple silicon at Apple,” Cook said.

As Apple states:

M1 is here. Our first chip designed specifically for Mac, it delivers incredible performance, custom technologies, and revolutionary power efficiency. And it was designed from the very start to work with the most advanced desktop operating system in the world, macOS Big Sur. With a giant leap in performance per watt, every Mac with M1 is transformed into a completely different class of product. This isn’t an upgrade. It’s a breakthrough.

For instance, some Macs have eliminated a cooling fan inside the machines, helping slim down their design.

The transition to the new in-house chips could also create stumbling blocks for Apple and other software makers aiming to adapt existing Mac software so it will also run smoothly on the new models.

Initially, Apple will only be putting its chips in smaller computers — the 13-inch MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro, as well as the Mac Mini desktop. The company expects it will take another two years before all its Macs are running on the in-house chips.

All three new computers are supposed to be available in stores next week, with prices starting at almost $700 for the Mac Mini to $1,200 for the 13-inch MacBook Pro.

The new Macs are debuting amid high demand for laptop computers as consumers, companies, schools and government agencies adjust to a work-at-home shift triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if a vaccine eases the threat posed by the novel coronavirus, people still are expected to be working more frequently from home than they previously did.

Apple’s Mac sales surged 17% during the first nine months of this year compared to 2019. The company’s iPhone revenue fell 9% over the same span as people continued to hold on to their older models for longer periods or bought devices powered by Google’s Android software instead.

Apple still get four times more revenue from iPhones than it does from Macs Sales of Macs also lag far behind those of PCs made by Lenovo, HP and Dell that run Microsoft’s Windows software and primarily use chips made by Intel and AMD.

Since co-founder Steve Jobs death in 2011, Apple hasn’t been making much innovation until now. While Jobs brought in the Mac computer, the iMac all-in-one desktop, the iPod, iPhone, and the iPad, the company has only brought in the Apple Watch. Granted it became a booming business, outselling the entire Swiss watch industry in 2019.

By combining all of its devices under the same common code and chips, Apple will be able to connect everything together with its desktops, laptops, phones and watches. This would have made Jobs very happy indeed.

Many are also wondering if this could challenge the PC market as a better battery life, thinner designs and possibly, a lower price tag would do wonders. But we’re talking about Apple, and they’re not always known to focus on a bargain.

Britney Spears loses case to regain independence

It’s been over a year when Britney Spears went to court to regain control of both her life and career. As an artist trying desperately to get out from under a man’s control, Spears will have to wait even longer as a US court has rejected her attempt. The judge did say she would consider future appeals for his dismissal or outright removal.

Many people have forgotten the long sad story of Spears not having any control of her life or career for the past twelve years. Her diehard fans have kept vigil with #FreeBritney campaigns to no avail.

Britney Spears fears her father and will not resume her career so long as he has power over it, her attorney said in court Tuesday.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny declined to suspend James Spears from his central role in the court conservatorship that has controlled his daughter’s life and career for 12 years as Britney Spears’ attorney Samuel D. Ingham III requested at the contentious hearing. But the judge said she would consider future petitions for his suspension or outright removal, which Ingham plans to file.

“My client has informed me that she is afraid of her father,” Ingham told the judge. “She will not perform again if her father is in charge of her career.”

The pop star has been on an indefinite work hiatus since early 2019.

James Spears’ attorney, Vivian Lee Thoreen, defended what she said was his perfect record in his run as her conservator, which has seen her net worth go from in debt to well over $60 million.

Thoreen argued that the disruption caused by his removal would do her the very harm the suspension is meant to prevent.

“I don’t believe there is a shred of evidence to support my client’s suspension,” she said.

Thoreen also objected to Ingham’s statements about the father-daughter relationship as inadmissible hearsay.

The judge did approve that a corporate fiduciary, the Bessemer Trust, will now serve as co-conservator over her estate along with her father, which Britney Spears had requested.

Most of the attorneys involved, along with Britney Spears’ parents, took part in the hearing via phone and videoconference. The pop star did not attend in any form.

The conservatorship, known in many states as a guardianship, began in 2008 when she was having serious mental struggles and an often public meltdown. The arrangements are normally limited to people with severely diminished ability to make decisions for themselves, and are meant to be temporary, but Britney Spears, 38, has remained under court control longer than anyone expected.

Ingham on Tuesday called her a “high-functioning conservatee” who deserves at least notice of the actions her father is taking, which he has declined to provide.

Ingham said Spears has not spoken to her father in a very long time.

Thoreen argued that the reason father and daughter have not communicated is because Ingham has prevented it.

Britney Spears has acknowledged that the conservatorship was necessary when it began, and probably saved her career, and she remained silent both in public and in court for nearly all of its existence, with her attorney acting mostly as a neutral observer.

But starting in August she began publicly seeking to choose who had power over her, asking for greater transparency in the court’s often secret moves, and even declaring that she was sympathetic to fans who have increasingly demanded in protests and online posts that those in control must #FreeBritney.

Dozens of those fans protested outside the downtown Los Angeles courthouse as they do for every Spears hearing, and a few, wearing #FreeBritney face masks, sat in the courtroom that was sparsely attended because of coronavirus spacing guidelines.

For most of the conservatorship James Spears also served as conservator over not just his daughter’s finances but her person, giving him great control over her life decisions. He stepped down temporarily from that role last year, citing health reasons, and Britney Spears has requested that his temporary replacement, Jodi Montgomery, be made permanent.

In documents requesting James Spears’ suspension, Britney Spears said he had no intention of working with the Bessemer Trust as co-conservator, and that he meant “to retain full functional control of her assets, books and records in the face of Britney’s objections.”

She also cited his recent failure to notify her that her business manager had resigned and he had appointed a new one.

James Spears’ attorneys argued that in appointing a new business manager he was only keeping the continuity of his daughter’s business flowing and doing his job as conservator, and had no legal requirement to inform her of his moves.

Thoreen also defended Mr. Spears’ record as conservator. “When he assumed the role, Ms. Spears was fighting tens of millions of dollars in lawsuits. But under his guidance,” Ms Thoreen said, “her business operation was now worth $60 million.”

His attorneys said in court filings that his “sole motivation has been his unconditional love for his daughter and a fierce desire to protect her from those trying to take advantage of her.”

Most of the proceedings in the Spears conservatorship have been closed to the public, making Tuesday’s hearing a rare glimpse into the family drama happening behind the scenes.

Britney Spears’ mother and James Spears’ ex-wife Lynne Spears, who has been allowed to take part as an interested party, said through her attorney that her daughter should not be forced to obey her father’s unreasonable demands, calling their relationship “toxic.”

“It has broken Lynne’s heart that things have come to this point,” the attorney, Gladstone N. Jones, said.

Jones said Lynne Spears has no ill will toward her ex-husband, but she thinks it’s “time to start fresh” and remove him.

“Contentiousness is not uncommon in families,” Jones said, “but this is not a usual family.”

PlayStation 5: Making your right choice with console and accessories

In just one more day, the PlayStation 5 will be here. If you haven’t pre-ordered one, don’t worry, Sony is making sure to produce an extra million consoles as they know demand is extremely high for their high-powered gaming unit. The marketing hype actually measures up, but for those of you wondering what all you really need, which version suits you best, and if you even need one, we’ve got all the answers for you.

This is great for those of you shopping for that special holiday gift but don’t know anything about gaming or consoles. Don’t forget to check out all of our 2020 Holiday Gift Guides.

solid gold version of ps5 console

Yes, It Comes In Gold

For those that truly have it all, Sony PlayStation 5 will be out plated with 24K gold. Truly Exquisite is doing luxury customized limited editions in Platinum, 24K Gold, and 18K Rose Gold starting at $10,000. It’s fun just to look!

Where To Begin

The PlayStation 4 era, which started in 2013, is over. Unless you want a used console or encounter clearance stock somewhere, finding a PS4 will likely become more and more difficult. Although big PlayStation titles such as Horizon: Forbidden West and Spider-Man: Miles Morales will still launch on the PS4 in the next year, new-PlayStation shoppers have a new choice: the $500 PlayStation 5 and its somewhat slimmer sibling, the $400 PlayStation 5 Digital Edition.The $500 PS5 launches on November 12, 2020. Most preorders are already sold out, but you can check availability at the following store pages: Best Buy, Walmart, AmazonGameStop

If you have a big collection of physical PlayStation 4 games, if you want to watch 4K Blu-ray discs on your console, or if you’re a deal hunter looking for discounted new and used games on disc, you should get the standard PlayStation 5 so that you can use its UHD Blu-ray drive.

The $400 PS5 Digital Edition launches on November 12, 2020. Most preorders are already sold out, but you can check availability at the following store pages: Best Buy, Amazon,  GameStop

The PlayStation 5 Digital Edition costs a hundred dollars less, and other than its lack of a UHD Blu-ray drive, it does everything the standard version does. If you don’t want to spend $500 on a new console, if you don’t buy or watch movies on UHD Blu-ray, or if you don’t care about disc-based games, the Digital Edition might make more sense, especially for anyone who takes advantage of a PlayStation Now game subscription.

If the only reason you’d buy a new console is for brand-new games that you can’t play on your existing PlayStation 4, you probably don’t need to rush into the next generation just yet. Games that take advantage of the PS5’s upgrades are still just trickling out. But if you spend a lot of time with your PlayStation 4 now and are ready for immediately noticeable improvements in console boot times, game loading, and some performance and visual improvements in the games you already have, you can get that on a PlayStation 5 right now and leave little of your PlayStation 4 library behind.

playstation 5 digital versus disc console version ps5

What’s the difference? PlayStation 5 vs. PlayStation 5 Digital Edition

The PlayStation 5 and the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition are almost identical to one another, with the same internal components save the inclusion of a UHD Blu-ray drive in the main version. That UHD drive carries a premium, though—the PlayStation 5 is $500, a full $100 more than the PlayStation 5 Digital Edition. However, we’re concerned that the hundred dollars in savings for Digital Edition buyers may evaporate in the long run.

Digital downloads and retail discs see about equal sales numbers for high-profile games. Although digital games go on sale more often than they used to, disc games still go on sale at steeper discounts in more places more often. And just as important for some players, disc-based games can be bought, sold, and traded. If you can save $20 per game by buying used discs, the more expensive PlayStation 5 pays for itself after five used games—something that seems likely over the life of a console.

Deciding to upgrade from a PlayStation 4

On top of its basic quality-of-life additions, the PlayStation 5 will provide new games that are simply not possible on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One—eventually. For now, though, there aren’t many brand-new experiences exclusive to the PS5, which isn’t unusual for a console launch. Instead, you’re mostly getting prettier, better-performing versions of games—sometimes significantly better—that will usually be available on other platforms, as well.

For example, although Spider-Man: Miles Morales has some next-gen graphical features like ray tracing (and looks great, don’t get us wrong), it’s also launching on the PS4. Demon’s Souls looks stunning, but it’s a remake of a PlayStation 3 title from 2009. You’ll probably be waiting until the spring of 2021 and the debut of Insomniac’s Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart for something truly, wildly different.

ps5 amazing game graphics spider man miles morales

New games with great graphics (eventually)

It might be some time before you see huge differences from what the PlayStation 4 could produce, but the PlayStation 5 does feature a new generation of graphics hardware that is much more powerful than the components of previous-generation consoles, and the results should still be noticeable in a variety of ways. In most new games, you can expect higher resolutions, higher frame rates, and more detailed characters and environments, all with better image quality. Effects should also be more pronounced and sophisticated, as the new graphics hardware in these consoles can manage greater amounts of fancy tricks such as smoke and fog that has physical properties and lighting that behaves and reflects more like light does in the real world.

That last part is particularly likely to improve as the generation progresses. The PlayStation 5’s GPU is capable of hardware-accelerated ray tracing, a type of graphics rendering that allows for much more sophisticated visual effects and lighting. Launch titles such as Spider-Man: Miles Morales use ray-traced reflections for much more realistic reflective surfaces, as does Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs: Legion. But ray tracing has been referred to for years as the “holy grail” of video game graphics, and developers have only scratched the surface of what they’ll achieve with it in the next several years.

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Higher frame rates paired with faster, more responsive performance

Even if games aren’t taking advantage of all the graphics improvements right away, the hardware improvements of the PlayStation 5 will be noticeable in other ways. The PS5 has a dramatically more powerful CPU—in the neighborhood of four times as powerful as its predecessor in raw speed and the number of cores and threads, to say nothing of seven years’ worth of efficiency and other improvements. This means faster user interfaces, faster load times, more sophisticated character and game behaviors, and just more stuff on screen at any given moment.

But the biggest improvements will be most apparent in frame rates, which should hit 60 frames per second much more often than on the PS4. The more frames per second, the more often the controller and the game are communicating, which means more-responsive controls.

A number of games originally released for the PlayStation 4, such as 2018’s God of War and 2020’s Ghost of Tsushima, include “performance” modes that have unlocked frame rates, and these games and many others will see huge improvements in performance and responsiveness on the PS5.

Shorter load times thanks to faster storage

As on the new Xbox Series X and S, all your games and saves on the PlayStation 5 will be stored on a much newer and much faster type of storage, based on NVMe technology. This component should bring a huge improvement in console startup, game bootups, and even in-game load times. We’ll be interested in clocking these differences for ourselves.

A new user experience

The PlayStation 5 features a new user interface that Sony has designed to take advantage of the console’s solid-state storage and faster CPU to allow for faster navigation and some new features.

As soon as you boot up the PlayStation 5, the difference is clear. The PS5 transitions from fully powered off to its user login screen in just over 20 seconds or so, and it comes back from standby mode in about six seconds, a considerable improvement over previous-generation consoles.

Once you log in, you’re greeted by an overhauled dashboard. The cross-media bar of the PS4 has transformed into several quickly accessible groups, arranged into buckets like games, media apps, and settings. Hitting the PlayStation button on the PS5’s DualSense controller now brings up something called the Control Center, which is intended to immediately surface the most common and important options most players need while they’re using the system. This panel includes notifications, music playback controls, audio levels for headset wearers, friends lists, and system standby.

The new Activities feature allows developers to provide informational windows and progress trackers in game, including picture-in-picture video playback for titles that support it. Plus, developers can provide instant jumping-on points from the dashboard, so you can, for example, open multiplayer mode without traversing additional game menus—if, that is, the game in question supports the feature. The PS5’s system software also includes a setting that (for reasons beyond our understanding) we haven’t seen since the Xbox 360’s launch in 2005: You can tell the console to default to certain settings in PS5 games—such as inverted look controls, first- or third-person view, and other commonly tweaked preferences—so you don’t have to change them game by game.

The new OS is an attractive change of pace from the PS4, and in some ways it’s faster to navigate than its predecessor. If you’re trying to get to a game or app as quickly as possible, you’ll need to press far fewer buttons to do it. But once you want to do anything more involved, it’s still quite a lot of navigation to get where you might want to go. Still, we appreciate that the PlayStation 5 is providing a superficial but appealing bit of new-console smell.

We’ll have more to say in the coming weeks about the PlayStation 5’s user experience as we get more time with the final version of the software.

ps5 controller better than anything out there

Choosing accessories for the PlayStation 5


The PlayStation 5 comes with a new controller that Sony is calling the DualSense. It retains the touchpad and share buttons from the DualShock 4, along with the same basic layout, but Sony has also made some significant changes. The DualSense is somewhat larger than its predecessor, closer to the size of Microsoft’s Xbox controllers of the past decade or so, with bigger face buttons, tighter sticks, and more pronounced triggers. Sony has also added a light texture on the back side of the controller grips, much as Microsoft has on the Xbox Series X and S controllers.

But the big changes are inside. The DualSense has added resistance in its triggers, which games can use and customize to create different kinds of feedback to increase immersion. Instead of using vibrating motors, the DualSense uses coil actuators for a similar though more varied effect. It also once again includes a speaker, a built-in microphone array (with a noise-cancelling mic on the bottom of the pad), and a USB-C port for charging.

The results range from fun and minor to almost transformative in certain circumstances. The included speaker is of much higher quality and makes sound effects coming out of the controller much more tolerable than they were with the DualShock 4. In turn, these sounds pair with nuanced vibration that provides a level of physical feedback that’s nearly textural. The haptic triggers are also capable of providing a remarkable amount of tension, which games are able to use in a variety of ways that we’ll be able to discuss in more detail later. You’ll be hearing a lot about this controller over the coming weeks, we’re sure, and the PS5 even comes with Astro’s Playroom, a simple-looking game with adorable platformer gameplay designed to demonstrate all of the DualSense’s various features.

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If you already have, or are planning to buy, a standard gaming headset with a ⅛-inch connector, it will continue to work if you plug it directly into the PlayStation 5’s DualSense controller. For game sound and chat via USB, you need an officially licensed headset (though the audio-balance controls may or may not work on a case-by-case basis).

Sony PS5 Pulse 3D wireless headset

The best way to embrace PS5’s new Tempest 3D AudioTech

Acoustic Design: Drivers: Weight: Compatibility:

Official companion accessory

  • Potential of Tempest 3D AudioTech
  • Easy to use
  • Very comfortable
  • Built-in microphone could be better 

Sony’s official PS5 headset is, unsurprisingly, a top performer. Sharing the same design language and aesthetic that the PS5 and its accessories have, the Pulse 3D headset maintains a subtlety in its form – there’s no extruding boom mic, and all the tech is discreetly hidden. 

Underneath the stylish frame, however, you’ll find all the necessary tech to immerse your self in the PS5’s Tempest 3D AudioTech, with the Pulse 3D headset being the best way to get the most from your new console’s audio. In practice – and with only a couple of game’s to test it on, it should be noted – the headset delivers gloriously rich and detailed sound as you traverse Astro Playroom’s noisy noisy platforms, and gives multi-layered audio detail in the roar of combat in Miles Morales.

However, it is in the quieter moments that the Pulse 3D headset and the PS5’s Tempest audio magic really combines to create magic: spaceships zooming past your head in Astro, or footsteps’ exact direction of travel being discernible in Miles Morales. Early signs are awesome and we can’t wait to see how this tech is deployed in the Pulse 3D headset in the likes of Resident Evil Village, Demon’s Souls and Gran Turismo 7. A high-bar has been set early, and the PS5 headset market already looks like strong one with the Pulse 3D headset kicking things off ‘officially’.

Just like the new Xbox consoles, the PlayStation 5 lacks the optical audio output that the PlayStation 4 and other previous-generation consoles included. That means gaming headsets and audio receivers can’t connect to a PS5 via optical audio (the D-shaped port) as they could with past consoles. However, many headset manufacturers are expected to offer firmware updates to enable proper USB support for the PlayStation 5 in their existing headsets. If you have a headset that supports USB, do a quick Google search to make sure it’s officially supported. This situation is likely to change eventually as hardware manufacturers have more time to get a handle on the new consoles.

hottest ssd drives for ps5 console 2020


The PlayStation 5’s internal storage consists of an NVMe-based custom memory component with a base capacity of 825 GB. However, after accounting for the operating system and other system files, the PS5 leaves only 667 GB of usable storage space for games. That storage space could fill up quickly, with games like Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War eating up 133 GB of that drive and many other games taking up 50 GB or more.

Unfortunately, for the time being it’s mostly bad news for people who want more room for their PS5 software. The PS5 includes an expansion slot for a particularly fast type of drive that you’d ordinarily put in a regular desktop PC (an NVMe drive via an M2 expansion slot). However, that slot is currently disabled until Sony determines what drives meet the transfer-speed requirements needed to match the storage component inside the PS5. Until Sony puts out a list, buyer beware. And as of this writing, PS5 software cannot be moved to any form of external storage, even as an archive to avoid having to re-download a game in the future. The PS5’s UI will inevitably see updates, and it’s conceivable that Sony could add this feature before long (and possibly in time for the launch on November 12), but for now you’re stuck with the built-in storage.

For backward-compatible titles, however, there are external storage options. Drives occupying the middle ground are plenty fast, at least, and likely to be cheaper than upgrading additional NVMe storage down the line. You can play PS4 software directly from an attached SSD. Just plug in an external, portable SSD drive, such as the Samsung Portable T5 SSD we recommend, another similar drive, or a plain SSD attached via a USB-to-SATA cable.

If you’re most concerned about storing a lot of PS4 games for later, a USB hard drive like the Seagate Backup Plus Slim or the Western Digital My Book is your most affordable option. Load times will be only somewhat better than on the PlayStation 4, and you can’t use such drives for PS5 software, but you can’t beat the price per gigabyte.

Any drives you’re already using with a PlayStation 4 console should work on the PlayStation 5. Plug them in, and compatible PS4 games you have installed will appear automatically and should be playable barring any required updates.

playstation plus versus playstion now hot holiday gifts


retail price
multiplayer access
Free games
while subscribed
Stream games
to console or PC
PlayStation Plus$10$60YesTwo per monthNo
PlayStation Now$10$60Only on PS Now gamesHundredsYes

Anyone who wants to play online multiplayer games needs a PlayStation Plus subscription. PlayStation Now is more like Netflix for video games.

PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now

If you’re at all interested in playing multiplayer games on the PlayStation 5, a subscription to PlayStation Plus remains indispensable. Though Plus offers access to at least two free games per month, the quality of those games is unpredictable. However, Sony is sweetening the pot for early adopters of its new console: PS5 PS+ subscribers will receive access to the PlayStation Plus Collection, which consists of more than a dozen highly rated older PlayStation 4 titles.

If you get a PS5 Digital Edition without the disc drive, or if you never had a PS4 and want to explore all the currently available games at a low price, PlayStation Now, Sony’s on-demand game-subscription service, might make sense for you. PS Now provides streaming access to a collection of PlayStation titles, including a number of PS3 titles (the only way PS3 native software will probably ever be playable on the PS5), and it offers downloadable access to a number of PlayStation 4 games that will also be playable on the PS5. Sony doesn’t commit to timely releases of some major games to PS Now the way Microsoft commits to that on its equivalent service, Game Pass. But the PS Now library still offers access to hundreds of games. Of course, you lose access to them if you cancel your subscription.

Importance of Social Media Marketing

From one generation to another, old-school Jordan Belfort to the new age Kylie Jenner, marketing and business strategies have been improved and adjusted to our modern-day lives. 

We left what was once considered the best behind and have since, come up with new, cutting-edge tactics most businesses can’t do without. 

Here lies a plethora of ideas and solutions behind the important role social media plays in today’s business. Even the oldest and biggest brands have had to accommodate and adapt their ways to fit in with the new generation and narrative. 

So in the name of prosper and change, let’s see what the new age of social media has to offer.

Get To Know Your Audience

Before promoting anything, it’s very important to get to know your clientele. Who are they? How old are they? What are their interests? Location?

All of these need to be answered, roughy at the very least. You have to outline the center of your targeted clientele and cater to their needs as much as possible. Here are some interesting and useful stats you should know:

Around 72% of teens and young adults use Instagram.

80% of B2B social media leads are driven by LinkedIn. 

Social media is the biggest inspiration for new-age consumers. 37% of all consumers find their products through social media.

The second favorite video consumption platform is Facebook, right after YouTube.

In addition to the before-mentioned stats, adjusting the way you export visual media and products is of high importance.

Furthermore, altering your approach to best fit your most prominent audience and clientele members will boost sales and create more buzz on your website. In traditional wording, giving the people what they want has never failed to see daylight!

Work With Relevant Influencers

We are all fairly aware of the impactful wave of influencers that have emerged on social media platforms in recent years. What was once considered a “college dropout” line of work is highly praised today. My, my, how the times have changed?!

In relation to the new outlook on social media jobs, bigger companies and brands have decided to dip their toes into this social media pool. Especially if it contained the best-suited influencer to cater to their specific clientele. 

Since influencers have a wildly close relationship with their followers, brands have found a way to utilize this association by placing their products right in between. 

The influencer would receive money, the brand would receive exposure and sales, and the people? Well, they would purchase goods according to their needs.

In such situations, even the most creative of ideas have emerged on the surface of Instagram. People endorsing themselves? Without anyone knowing? These Instagram zombie accounts are a topic of their own, definitely with exploring too.

Find an influencer whose audience is a good fit for your brand, and try to do business with them. Influencer marketing is one of the biggest markets on the internet today! It would be brand suicide not to get involved in such a powerful industry!

Create Hype Using Side Features and Tools

Sometimes, it’s the little things social medial platforms have to offer that really sticks with people. For example, Instagram Stories are some of the biggest hype and anticipation makers the internet has to offer. 

Before any new launch, project, blog post, or video – always leave little hints and bits of the project on your Story. This will build interest in what’s to come, making users wait for more until they get the finished product. 

Additionally, using editing apps and “beautifying” the way you present such information via your Stories is important as well. Folks are more likely to interact with visually pleasing information. Try to keep that in mind!

If you are blessed with more than 10.000 followers, you have the amazing Swipe Up feature. Promoting anything with this game-changer accumulates the best kind of numbers. 

Since users quite literally have to “swipe up” to get to the page that’s linked, this will result in more click than usual.

All in all, don’t forget to occasionally shift your focus on the smaller features social media has to offer. They are just as vital and useful as the bigger, more obvious ones.

Best Practices: How to Promote Your YouTube Channel on a Small Budget


Despite creating good video content and running an awesome YouTube channel, you may never achieve your desired number of subscribers if you do not promote your channel. Your video needs to be found by the right audience to get a new subscriber. If these new viewers find your content interesting, they may want to stick around till the end. Plus, there are literally millions of videos out there now so getting lost in the bunch is very easy. Standing out from the pack is where the work really starts.

Let’s say, if ten people see your channel, probably only eight may want to watch, and if they find your video interesting, you may find six viewers still hanging around till the end, and three of them will subscribe. Hence, it is important that even if you promote your YouTube channel with any paid services (click here for more information); you need to ensure your content is awesome.

Due to the always increasing population of viewers on YouTube, small and big businesses have been exploiting this social network to reach out to their right audience, but as more businesses come in, the game becomes more expensive. YouTube advertising plans may be more than the budget your small business can allocate to ads, so the next question that comes to mind is, how can a small business promote their channel on a small budget?

If cost is your major setback, the good news is that there are less expensive ways you can gain more views and increase your YouTube ranking, which is elaborated in this article.  


If you have a few bucks and can afford YouTube Ads, you should bear in mind that effective ads should be a short film that will be intriguing to your audience. Your videos should quickly grasp the attention of your audiences in its first few seconds.

Your video ads should be quick, fun, and also explanatory. Think carefully about the call to action to introduce to your ads. Also, don’t forget to organize your channel to ensure viewers easily connect whenever they click your call to action and land on your channel. You can visit this page to learn more about how to promote your YouTube channel on a low budget.


YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world; they come second after their parent company ‘Google’. Every minute more than 300 videos are being uploaded to the platform; hence, the platform will prioritize channels with the best SEO. Several free keyword search tools can help you get ranked by the YouTube algorithm. For example, an SEO tool called the public is a website that shows you the basic keywords that people in your industry are asking about.

SEO takes time to perfect, but with constant practice, you may become a guru. Always check your performance statistics of each video, as this will help you to know which SEO strategy is bringing in more subscribers for you.


Some newbie believes that thumbnails have no direct impact on their channel’s performance on the search engine; they believe it is not a prerequisite for a video to appear on the first page of search results. Unknowingly to these newbie’s that just like descriptions, thumbnails can immensely increase your video click-through rate. This means that the thumbnail is the trigger that persuades a new viewer to choose your video over another.


It may sound funny, but if you do not ask your viewers to do a thing, they may not react. No matter how interesting your content is, even if it is the first result on the YouTube search engine, you may fail to grow your channel if you do not include a call to action.

Your video may have all the information a viewer needs, but there is a high chance that they will forget to give thumbs up or subscribe to your channel. Therefore, you need to introduce a reminder. All you have to do is ask your viewers to hit the like button and subscribe if they enjoyed your video. After working hard to create an awesome video, it should not be a problem for you to ask for a little favor in return.

Although annotations may be a great tool to get subscribers, nothing works better than a personal request. Excite your viewers by giving them a glimpse of what they should expect from your next video; this always works.


The best way to keep your channel going is to have enough videos for your subscribers. Unfortunately, the more videos you create, the messier it becomes to navigate through your channel. To avoid getting a viewer frustrated on your channel, you should consider creating a playlist. Playlists help you group your videos into categories, keeping your channel organized, appealing to your audience. Playlist directs a subscriber to the relevant content without them digging for it. Here you can learn more ways to promote your YouTube channel.


There is no better way to promote your YouTube channel than delivering the trendy or latest topics to your viewers. Keep your channel trendy with informative and awesome video content, and watch how your channel will rapidly improve. Don’t leave your channel to pop up videos such as “Best ways to win customers in 2015” you need to update your content t “Best ways to win customers in 2020.” Even if the method is still the same, changing the headline makes your viewers feel they are with the right mentor.


Influencers can play a huge role in promoting your channel. Inviting an influencer to feature in one of your videos as a guest is a boost to both of your businesses because both of you get exposure to each other’s audience. You do not need to feature high paid influencers, there are several influencers that your small budget can invite, and some are ready to get featured for free if you already have a big community.

‘Supernatural’ 15.18: In The Middle of Sociopolitical Turmoil, Here Comes Despair

This has been a hell of a week. The United States presidential election happened on Tuesday and Americans (and most of the rest of the world) waited through constant anxiety attacks to find out who won as results trickled in. Everyone was on edge, tensions were high, and I really could have used my number one comfort show, “Supernatural.” On Thursday, the third to last “Supernatural” episode ever aired in the midst of all this uncertainty and anxiety – an episode ominously titled ‘Despair’.

True to “Supernatural” form, its third to last episode aired in the middle of unprecedented chaos and caused even more chaos, both in the fandom and more broadly in terms of anyone watching trending topics that night. In fact, #Supernatural not only trended, but #Destiel and #Putin trended – often in the same tweets. Who the hell had that one on their 2020 bingo card??

Supernatural Top 20 best episodes ever mttg fangasmspn images
Check Out FangasmSPN’s Top 20 Favorite Supernatural Episodes

As “Supernatural” ends its run, it’s no longer the major player on Tumblr that it once was, but on Thursday all those 2012 “Supernatural” accounts rose from the dead en masse to comment on whether or not “Destiel Is Canon” with a mind blowing range of unironic celebration posts alongside an equally mind blowing array of shitposts and hilarious memes  making fun of the show for how that possibility played out. I admit I never thought that if “Supernatural” once again ruled Tumblr memes, it would be for making fun of a scene that was the opposite of intended to be funny.

But it’s been that kind of a week. I have mixed feelings all over the place that I still haven’t sorted out and the US Presidential election was just decided Saturday after 987 years, so I’m not likely to sort them out any time soon. Instead, I’ll try to dig into the entire episode, not just those three minutes, and see where it brought us, for better or worse.

The episode picks up right where 15.17 left off, Sam helping an injured Jack. Jack tells them all to leave him, for their own good.

Jack: I don’t wanna hurt you, don’t let me hurt you…

Alex Calvert is so good at making me feel for Jack, that plaintive ‘don’t let me hurt you’ going right to my heart. Dean has changed his tune completely, insisting passionately that they’re not gonna give up on him. Poor Dean must have whiplash with how the writers keep making him change his tune so often.

Billie appears, blaming them for her plan not working and then zapping Jack out of there to the Empty.

SPN LIsa Berry Billie zaps Jack to The Empty Destiny

Which means we get to see Rachel Miner again, so yay. Jack promptly explodes, though, so boo. The explosion wakes everything up and makes a lot of noise and totally pisses it off. Enraged, the Empty attacks Jack, crushing his head.

 Poor Jack, he’s been through a lot in the last two minutes.

SPN Rachel Miner squeezing exploding Jacks head 1518
Supernatural Jack eyes glowing begs the empty to save him 1518

Billie gives us some exposition about the Empty being pissed at her too for sending an explosive Jack there, and reminds us that the Empty can’t come to Earth unless it is summoned, which we already knew, but okay. And Sam reminds us what we figured out last week about Billie’s plan – that anyone who was resurrected will die, including Sam and Dean. Billie also is pissed that Sam took the God book and wants it back, refusing to return the maybe still alive Jack until Sam gives it to her. Sam finally goes to get it; instead of putting it in her outstretched hand, he drops it on the table instead. Sassy, Sam.

SPN Sam Winchester angry yell at Billie

Billie underestimates the Winchesters for some reason and walks away to read the new portion of the God book, her scythe left behind and her back to the Winchesters. She zaps Jack back to them but insists he’s coming with her, since he’s still “useful”, and that’s when Dean has had enough. He grabs her scythe and attacks her, injuring her. She zaps herself out of there, leaving Jack (and her scythe) behind.

Lisa Berry can be very scary indeed and she proves it in this episode, telling the reapers in her library that “the plan has changed.”  Uh oh.

SPN LIsa Berry to Death The plan has changed 1518

That night, neither of the Winchesters can sleep. Dean drinks in the dark, and Sam joins him. Dean slides a glass and the bottle to his brother and they settle in, mirror images of each other. It’s a beautifully filmed scene from director Richard Speight, Jr. but melancholy as hell.

Dean: Sam, I’m sorry…about everything.

Sam: Dean, you don’t have to…

Dean: I pulled a gun on you! I couldn’t stop… we were so close to beating him… I couldn’t snap out of it.

Sam: Yeah, well, you did. And you’ve snapped me out of worse.

SPN Sam Winchester drinking gushing with Dean 1518
Supernatural Winchester brothers drinking at table 1518

Dean: Mmm

Sam: You have.

Sam is hanging onto hope for both of them, saying they’ll regroup. Somehow.

Dean raises his glass.

Dean: To somehow

They clink glasses, drink together in the dark.

SPN Sam Dean Winchester sitting silent drinking Destiny

I loved that scene, perfectly depicting how the Winchesters work. They get each other and need few words to come to an understanding after there’s been a breach in that understanding. They sit in companionable silence after, sharing the burden of what’s to come.

Meanwhile, AU Charlie and her new girlfriend Stevie enjoy some home cooked breakfast before a hunt, which is all normal and nice until…

Supernatural AU Charlie with girlfriend Stevie breakfast 1518


Stevie vanishes, plate full of scrambled eggs crashing to the floor and shattering.

Charlie: Stevie?

She calls the Winchesters and they rush to her place, which makes me cry because it’s called “Kim Manor”, a shout out to the late “Supernatural” director Kim Manners, who was so influential in crafting the show and making it what it is. I’m guessing that’s director Richard’s Easter egg, but it could be anyone’s, since they all loved and miss Kim.  

Supernatural Kim Manner manor 1518

While Sam and Dean meet with AU Charlie, Castiel has a chat with Jack, asking him how he’s feeling. Jack confesses that now that the plan is ended, his destiny averted, he feels lost, unsure of his purpose.

Jack: I wanted to make things right. I was ready to die. For Sam, for Dean, for the world.

Cas: You never needed absolution from Sam and Dean, or me. We care about you because you’re you.

Jack confesses that he’s scared, and Castiel agrees, saying that he is too.

SPN Castiel sits with Jack on Impala Destiny

It’s a nice moment between Castiel and Jack, ending with Cas gripping Jack’s shoulder in reassurance.

Inside, Charlie regrets falling in love again, and bristles when the Winchesters tell her what’s going on and why Stevie may have disappeared. She lashes out at them, which didn’t seem very fair to me, since it’s only because of them that any of the AU people escaped their world before it was destroyed in the first place. Bobby calls and says that another AU hunter just vanished, and everyone realizes that it’s happening – that anyone who’s been resurrected is in danger.

Sam: Eileen…

They race to Eileen’s house, Sam texting her on the way, when suddenly the texts stop. Sam glances at Dean, wordlessly conveying his alarm, and Dean floors it.

SPN Eileen text to Sam Winchester stops showing trouble 1518
Sam Winchester reacts to Eileen being in trouble

They pull up to find her duffel and phone on the sidewalk next to her car, her last text to Sam unfinished.

Dean (in full big brother concern mode): Sammy?

Sam: (straightening up) No no no, I can’t. If I let myself go there, I’ll lose my mind. I can’t right now. We have to get everyone to safety.

Sam Winchester sees Eileen has texted him Supernatural 1518

Dean agrees, but says that while Sam does that, he’s going after Billie.

Dean: I started it, I’m gonna end it.

(He did??)

Dean: We didn’t make Chuck pay, but Billie? Her I can kill.

Cas offers to go with him, and Sam agrees to the plan after Dean says they have no choice.

The whole conversation is a little unclear to me, since I’m not sure why Dean says he started “this” or why they have no choice but to go after Billie now, but they all seem in agreement that they do.

Sam: Be careful.

Dean steps forward and I start to cry because oh shit, it’s not even the end of the episode and we have a Sam and Dean hug? That only happens when things are very very very bad.

Dean steps back and ducks his head, makes sure Sam is looking him in the eye before he asks, “Okay?”

Sam nods, and I cry harder because big brothers, man.

Both Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles did an amazing job with this scene, putting so much emotion into their performances. Sam looks devastated, swallowing it all back because he has no choice, and Dean has always been the most devastated by seeing the people he loves in pain.

SPN Dean Winchester giving phone to Sam from Eileen 1518
SPN Dean Winchester holding Sams neck lets go reap a reaper 1518

Dean: Let’s go reap a reaper.

Sam and Jack head toward an abandoned silo that Donna found; when they stop to get gas, Sam notices how down Jack is. Surmising he’s feeling useless, Sam says that he needs Jack to drive so Sam can do some research, hoping to give Jack back some feeling of usefulness. Daddy Sam to the rescue.

SPN Jack and Sam Winchester gassing up at silo 1518

They meet up with Donna, so we get to see her ‘D Train’ license plate again and I’m glad to have Briana Buckmaster back before the end. Another hug, which makes me emotional again – doubly so because it’s been so long since most of us can hug anyone not in our ‘bubble’ in real life. This was the last episode filmed before Covid, so Sam and Donna could share a nice long hug.

SPN Donna Briana Buckmaster says goodbye to Sam Winchester 1518
SPN Sam Winchester hugs Donna tight pre covid 19 1518 Destiny

Donna says Garth and Jody and the girls are all on alert, and they’re joined by AU Charlie and AU Bobby and the rest of the AU hunters in the silo, which they paint wards all over and enhance them with a spell from Rowena. Bobby reminds Sam that he’s the boss and that people listen to him (and, oddly, that they have no port-a-potty). Jack’s hands start to feel funny, and when he goes to pull up a plant that’s mysteriously grown inside the silo through an opening near where he was painting, the plant withers and dies.

(So Jack will be the next Death then, I’m guessing? Or the bringer of both life and death? Like Chuck and Amara?)

Sam looks around, once again the ‘Chief’, at the AU people making up their beds and settling in, feeling responsible for them like he did when they all first came back from the apocalypse world.

SAm Winchester looks at Bobby trying to save him SPN 1518
Sam Winchester in silo with AUs trying to save them from Billie 1518

Then suddenly one of the kids who’s with them disappears, just like that. Panic ensues, and while Sam stands there helplessly watching, one after another the AU people get zapped into nothing ala “Avengers: Infinity Wars.”

Charlie: Sam, what do we do?


Sam turns to Bobby.


Sam Winchester standing next to Bobby in silo SPN 1518
Bobby goes poof gone in front of Sam Winchester in silo SPN Destiny

Donna: Sam!


It’s only Sam and Jack, looking around at the empty silo in horror.

SPN Sam Winchester reacts to Donna going poof and gone 1518 Destiny

We are supposed to be feeling horror too, but unfortunately we don’t have any real connection to any of the Apocalypse World people so it doesn’t have anywhere near the impact that it did when Thanos did it. AU Charlie and AU Bobby were never our Charlie and Bobby, and it’s clear even in this episode that they have no connection to or affection for Sam and Dean. The only death that made me gasp was Donna’s because that was our Donna and because we didn’t expect it, thinking that only people who had been resurrected or brought from another world were at risk. Apparently, it’s everyone.

Sam and Jack exit the silo, looking around at the eerie quiet.

Jack: Sam? Was it just them?

Sam: I don’t know.

SPN Sam Winchester sees people disappear 1518

We see empty swings still moving back and forth at a playground, empty baby carriages, abandoned gas stations. I definitely read this fic once. Okay, more than once.

Supernatural homage to The Day After empty playground swings

Dean and Cas, meanwhile, go after Billie, Dean armed with her scythe. Which was, frankly, really hot.

Billie: Is this where I say, hello, boys? Hello, boys.

Lisa Berry gives me chills at that moment.

SPN Dean Winchester holding scythe up hunting Billie Destiny

Dean is pissed as hell at this point, after seeing AU Charlie and his brother lose someone they cared about and how much that hurt them, so he’s all for killing Billie. She, however, gets the upper hand and attacks Castiel, choking him.

Billie: Remember when you stabbed me in the back, Castiel? Because I do!

Supernatural Billie holding Castiel up by neck 1518

Dean grabs the scythe and manages to cut her again, pinning her against the wall with it.

Dean: Call it off! Stop killing my people!

Billie (laughing bitterly): I didn’t hurt your friends. I’m guessing it’s Chuck.  You’re in the wrong place, Dean.

She also lets them know that when Dean cut her, that nick was actually fatal. She’s dying.

Billie: You killed me, Dean.

And there’s just one thing she’d like before she dies.

Billie: I’d like to see you dead.

SPN 1518 Dean Winchester cutting Billies neck with scythe
SPN Billie tells Dean Winchester he killed her with cut Destiny

Richard Speight, Jr. filmed an awesome pursuit scene then, Dean and Cas escaping back into the bunker through the secret door and trying to get away, Billie taking her time following them through the bunker’s long hallways, menacing as she stalks after them, taunting them, scraping her scythe along the walls and leaving sparks in its wake.

Billie: I’m so glad you came…

SPN Billie Lisa Hall arrives giving Dean a heart attack Destiny

Dean collapses, clutching his heart.

Billie: It’s always been you, Dean. Death defying. Rule breaking. Everything I love to put down. You are human disorder incarnate.

I love all those themes coming together, all those times Dean really has defied death, defied the ‘natural order’. All those warnings he ignored about how dangerous all that was.

Dean staggers, and Cas throws an arm around him and pulls him along.

Supernatural Castiel helping heart attack Dean Winchester down hall after Billie

Cas: I’ve got you.

They barricade themselves in a room, and Cas draws Dean’s knife from his pocket and cuts his hand, painting a blood sigil on the door to stop Billie’s attack on Dean’s heart. It works temporarily, but both Dean and Cas know that it won’t stop her forever. Time is not on their side.

Billie bangs on the door.

Dean sags, hopeless.

Dean: We’ll lose. I led us right into another trap. All because I couldn’t hurt Chuck.

(What??? Dean certainly was all for hurting Chuck, so I don’t think that’s on him.)

Dean: Because I was angry…It’s all I know how to do…

(Huh? Everyone was on board with this plan, Dean. And why wouldn’t you be angry? What is with this show and the pathologizing of anger, even instrumental anger?)

Dean: Everybody is gonna die, Cas. Everybody. I can’t stop it. I’m sorry.

Supernatural sad Dean Winchester everybody is going to die cas I can't stop it

Dean’s sorrow snaps Cas out of his own hopelessness, and he confides to Dean that he made a deal with the Empty to save Jack’s life, so that if he has a moment of true happiness the Empty will be summoned. And that’s the only thing that can go up against Billie.

Cas: I always wondered, what it could be, what my true happiness could even look like.  I never found the answer.  The one thing I want is something I know I can’t have.

Castiel is tearing up now, though he looks hopeful and is smiling through them, and I feel my own eyes welling up.

Supernatural Castiel smiling through sobbing tears to Dean Winchester 1518

Castiel: I think I know now. Happiness isn’t in the having, it’s in just being. It’s in just saying it.

Dean looks confused, not understanding what Cas is talking about, or why he’s both crying and smiling.

Cas: I know how you see yourself. Destructive, angry, broken. Daddy’s blunt instrument motivated by hate and anger.

Dean flinches, forehead creased in confusion and recognition.

Supernatural Dean Winchester confused by Cas Daddy talk 1518

Cas: But that’s not who you are.  Everyone sees it.  Everyone who knows you knows that what you’ve done, you’ve done for love.  That is who you are.  You’re the most caring man on earth, the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.  Knowing you has changed me.  You cared — so I cared. About you, about Sam, about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you.  You changed me, Dean.

Misha is openly sobbing now, and so am I. It felt as much like Misha’s heartfelt message to Jensen and to “Supernatural” as it did Castiel’s message to Dean, and the genuine emotion really got to me.

SPN Castiel sobbing saying goodbye to Dean Winchester Destiny

Dean: (beginning to tear up too)  Why does this sound like a goodbye?

Cas: Because it is. I love you.

Dean: Don’t do this, Cas!

SPN Dean Winchester reacts to Castiel saying goodbye 1518

But Castiel looks determined, and entirely at peace with his decision. The familiar black goo of the Empty starts to seep through the wall behind them, and Dean turns to it, looking stricken.

Cas: Goodbye, Dean.

(A nice call back to Castiel’s signature ‘Hello, Dean.’)

The familiar strains of Jay Gruska’s family theme start to play, bringing even more tears (to me, in real life).

Castiel clutches Dean’s shoulder, then abruptly tosses him aside and gives himself over to the Empty.

SPN Castiel tossing Dean Winchester to The Empty 1518
SPN Dean Winchester thrown to silo floor from Castiel Destiny

The black tendrils start to engulf him, for a second looking like his angel wings behind him, and then they engulf Billie too, pulling them both into it and disappearing through the wall, leaving Dean on the floor, alone, a bloody handprint on his shoulder (an intentional call back to the handprint Cas left on him when he pulled him out of hell – apparently something Richard, Berens, Misha and Jensen came up with together)

SPN Castiel smiling empty toss 1518
SPN Black Wings come out of Castiel back in fron t of Dean Destiny
SPN Billy pulled through wall with Castiels black wings 1518

Outside the silo, Sam calls Dean’s “other other phone” and gets voicemail.

SPN Sam Winchester trying to call brother Dean Destiny

Crumpled on the floor, Dean stares at his phone, the screen reading “Sam” as it buzzes again and again.

He puts it down, burying his face in his hands and sobbing.

SPN 1518 Dean winchester crumbled on floor as Sam calls him mttg
Caps by kayb625

Cut to credits.

My immediate reaction as the episode ended was to start yelling at my tv screen that there’s no way Dean wouldn’t answer his phone when Sam has just been through another phone interaction that ended with Eileen being (presumably) dead. I still think that didn’t make sense, but I’ll go with:

a) he’s still in shock and crushed by the sudden loss of Cas and

b) he doesn’t want to tell Sam that they’ve lost someone else important to them.

I was also still wiping tears off my face because Misha Collins really went there in that last scene and, knowing it might be his last on the show, it hit me extra hard. This show has meant so much to its cast, and their relationship with each other has been so strong and so life changing, that I have no doubt that some of those tears were Misha’s tears. The reality of that – of their real life emotions at that moment – pulled all my own real life feelings of loss right to the surface. (Today in an online panel Misha said that he and Jensen went to Jensen’s trailer for a drink after shooting that scene, so yeah. I can’t even imagine how emotional they were, in real life.)  Cue ugly crying.

I was thrown out of my sobbing a little as I started to wonder if the scene was in part about the show trying to cater to its fans and keep all of them happy (which is never actually possible). I’m not always against some fan service, but I didn’t want to be pulled out of that moment when Misha had me entirely pulled in. I’ve said before that Robert Berens is deft at writing scenes that intentionally provide for multiple interpretations, and this was another one of those.

There were plenty of cues to read it as a declaration of romantic love if you were looking for one (and perhaps waiting a very long time for one). But it was also ambiguous and open for interpretation as the agape that angels are supposed to specialize in, an ‘I love you’ not an ‘I’m in love with you.’ Misha said today at a panel that it was his intention that Castiel’s declaration was one of romantic love despite the ambiguity, so at least for the person portraying the character, that’s his interpretation and what he was conveying.

There are, predictably, a million different reactions from fandom. Some people who ship it are feeling very happy and lord knows happiness is a rare and precious thing these days so you go, people, revel in that happiness. Others who ship it are feeling let down because this seemed one sided, or worse was both one-sided and a someone-comes-out-and-gets-thrown-into-hell-for-it trope. There are accusations of homophobia being thrown around, and warring factions of yay and boo that I wish weren’t happening in the midst of everything else going on in this world.  

Fans who don’t ship it are also divided, some of them interpreting it as a platonic declaration of Castiel’s love and fine with that (interpreting the thing he wants and can’t have to be accepting that Cas loves Sam, Dean and Jack and is loved in return but not being able to stay and actually have that). Other fans who don’t ship it but love the character wanted his sacrifice to be more about love of humanity than romantic love for one human so were not as fine with it, or were just caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events and are more confused than anything.

In other words, there are a lot of very different perspectives on this episode. I was surprised because there was a lot of lead up to Castiel wanting more than anything to be part of a family, accepted and loved by Sam and Dean and as a father to Jack. Just a few episodes ago, he expressed his joy and sense of fulfillment in being a parent to Jack, so I expected that would be the happiness that would eventually take him as he sacrificed himself for his family and his son.

I was thinking a lot about Castiel’s evolution after this episode, and realized that the show has moved away from its initial depiction of angels as non-gendered and fearsome and awe inspiring, to portraying them as very human, from Serafina as besotted with Adam to the fangirl angel wanting an autograph that Chuck encountered in Heaven last episode.  I loved Lee Majdoub’s portrayal of Hannah as essentially non-binary that he wrote about in There’ll Be Peace When You Are Done, but the show seems to have abandoned that idea and gone with a gendered conceptualization. That was necessary to allow what Castiel said in this episode to have the meaning it has for a lot of fans, I realize now, but I do miss the original take on angels.

The fact that Cas was yanked away and sent to Turbo Hell (the Empty) immediately after his declaration of love caught the attention of seemingly every corner of the internet (Misha acknowledged the criticism of the show playing into the bury your gays trope in the panel today as well). That part has been the fodder for an incredible number of memes all over the internet with a lot of criticism for the show and this episode for potentially sending someone who just came out to their best friend straight to hell, along with a bunch of pretty problematic other deaths all in the same episode.

Tumblr: As if people needed more reason to fear coming out, now they have to fear being yeeted into the abyss.

Suffice it to say, this has been one of the most controversial “Supernatural” episodes ever, which is a lot to take when there are only two left. While some of the memes are hilarious, it also kinda hurts to see so much making fun of the show when I just want to take it seriously as it comes to an end. Most of the larger general audience just seems confused.

In keeping with “Supernatural” always being the most improbable of little television shows on the CW, this episode ran on the Thursday night after the US election, when emotions were running high and people all over the world were on pins and needles waiting for results and glued to social media and the news. First #”Supernatural” trended, and then, as the Dean and Cas emotional scene ended, #Destiel trended too – incongruously mixed in with US election results! If that wasn’t weird enough, a tweet went viral that has inextricably paired Destiel and Vladimir Putin.

@Lilyloo: Future history books: The 2020 election was shaken by one singular even. On November 5th, Destiel became canon, and one long-time “Supernatural” fan was so overwhelmed by the news they chose to resign their job. That man was none other than Vladimir Putin.

(There was, at the time, a rumor going around online that Putin had in fact resigned). The juxtaposition of Destiel and Putin is definitely a legacy that nobody saw coming for “Supernatural,” I’m fairly certain. And while it was again hilarious, it added to how surreal the entire night felt for this fandom.

It’s not a night I’ll soon forget, that’s for sure!

The episode definitely kept my attention, and there were quite a few scenes that were beautifully directed and acted. Richard Speight, Jr. has a good eye for making the show as gorgeous as it should be, and for creating the suspense that a scene like Billie’s slow almost casual pursuit of Dean and Cas needed. The little touches, like Billie dragging her scythe along the wall, the scraping sound and the sparks flying, were perfect. Richard said in a convention panel this weekend that it was very hard to be in the room filming the emotional scene between Dean and Cas, that it was “very powerful to be in that space”. He said there was nobody who wasn’t affected by it, which I’m sure is true – Misha’s emotions certainly affected me!

As to where we are with two episodes to go and where the rest of this episode took us, I’m not super happy about Billie ending up being a villain. I always loved the snarky but mutually respectful relationship between Dean especially and Death, and I’m sorry that changed so much. Lisa Berry did an amazing job but I wish that evolution hadn’t happened. And what ever happened to all that about Death reaping God someday?

Bringing back the AU people wasn’t my favorite story line either – I didn’t like it in the first place, so it’s disappointing that a story line I so disliked had to make a return in the third to last episode. I love love love original Charlie and Bobby, but the AU versions always seemed a cheap way to bring back some of the fandom’s favorite actors without undoing the deaths that maybe weren’t a great idea.

I never cared about the AU versions because they never knew or cared about the Winchesters, so why should I? Making the big goal of this episode saving the AU people didn’t give me much investment in that part of the plot, and neither did Billie as a villain (who really just wanted to put the universe back into working the way it was supposed to, so not all that villainous really). Most of Sam’s interaction with Eileen has also been offscreen, so as much as I love Shoshannah Stern to the moon and back, she wasn’t here for me to get invested in that relationship very much either and once again she exited the show offscreen.

I am also a bit disappointed that Cas didn’t get to say anything at all to Sam in terms of goodbye, that their relationship which had also grown so close was just disregarded, and that Jack, who Cas loves like a son, doesn’t even know that he sacrificed himself and is gone. I do think we’ll see Cas again before the show ends, as much as they’ve gone to great pains to make us think we won’t, so maybe he’ll get that chance then. My Sastiel-shipping friends are feeling pretty sad right now, so I’ll hope for a better goodbye for them.

I think I’m a little disappointed too that Castiel’s ending has been overshadowed by all the discussion of Destiel being or not being canon – by real life fandom disagreements instead of a collective mourning for the fictional character who had such a fascinating evolution and learned so much about free will and choice and fighting for what you believe in. “I did it all for love” is an appealing trope, but in terms of Castiel’s hero’s journey, not the ending everyone was hoping for. However, some fans definitely were, and Misha seems happy and satisfied with his character’s ending and real people’s feelings are always more important to me than fictional characters, so I’m gonna go with that.

I think this was important to Misha and something he wanted to give to his fans who have supported him for so many years so passionately, and felt that he could give them a conceptualization of his own character’s journey that many people could relate to. It is a beautiful message that there’s happiness in just being your real self and speaking your own truth, no matter what that is – and that one’s happiness does not hinge on anyone else’s acceptance or approval. It just is what it is, and saying it is joyful in itself. Misha did an incredible job showing us Castiel’s joy in that, even as the Empty comes for him and sweeps him away; you can see the satisfaction on his face, the still radiant happiness he’s feeling. All the kudos, Misha.

As for me, I’m going into the final two episodes feeling incredibly fragile. I’m sad that there are so many divided reactions to this episode out there and that so many people are criticizing the show so brutally right now as it comes to an end.  And I really don’t know what to expect from the next episode or the finale at all at this point. Now that we know everyone is gone, I’m guessing everyone will be restored, so that takes some of the gravity away. Whether that’s a good or a bad thing, I honestly don’t know.  I guess I just hope what we have to look forward to is not only despair….but I’m afraid to totally count on that! This is “Supernatural,” after all. And just the fact that it’s ending means the next two weeks are going to be painful indeed.

‘Let Him Go’ tops box office overshadowed by Joe Biden win


Writing about the weekly box office totals has become more depressing each week, so I have missed a couple weeks since the last update, but things haven’t gotten any better. Kevin Costner’s “Let Him Go,” was able to hit $4.1 million, but that’s because there’s been such a scarcity of new releases. Most of the big movies like James Bond’s “No Time To Die,” and “Dune” were pushed back to 2021 so audiences willing to hit the movie theater are frothing for anything.

We’re still waiting to see if Patty Jenkins “Wonder Woman 1984” will actually hit on December 25 as COVID-19 cases hit the 100K daily mark here in the United States. As fast as it is rising, don’t be surprised to see another shutdown during the holiday season.

Focus Features has been able to stay active during the pandemic due to parent company Universal Pictures inking a deal with AMC Theatres. This deal allows Universal and Focus to release their movies with on-demand platforms within 17 days of the theatrical debuts. AMC received a cut of the digital revenues. This is why Focus Features is seeing two of their films in the top 2 slows of the box office charts.

Joe Biden, finally being declared the next president of the United States also stole the spotlight as more people felt like dancing in the streets (literally) rather than holing up in a dark box. Theater owners are stepping up the pressure on Congress that they can’t wait for Biden to get into the White House in January, They need desperate action now.

John Fithian, head of the National Association of Theatre Owners, is issuing the dire warning on behalf of the theaters who make up his trade organization. Unless Congress passes “Save Our Stages,” a bipartisan effort to get billions of dollars of grants to concert venues and theaters hit hard by COVID-19 shutdowns, the exhibition industry will suffer from a devastating wave of bankruptcies and liquidations. Fithian says the clock is ticking and he is pushing for the bill to get passed in the “lame duck” session that will take place between November and Biden’s inauguration in January. Despite earning support from both Republicans and Democrats, that might be a tall order. “Save Our Stages” is part of a larger stimulus bill, the details of which are being fought over by the two parties, who remain very far apart.

“Let Him Go” stars Kevin Costner as a retired sheriff and Diane Lane as his wife. The couple leave their Montana ranch to rescue their young grandson from the clutches of a dangerous family living in the Dakotas — a confrontation that ends in violence. Lesley Manville, who scored an Oscar nomination for her work in another Focus release, 2017 “Phantom Thread,” co-stars. “Let Him Go” was written and directed by Thomas Bezucha, the filmmaker behind “The Family Stone.”

“War With Grandpa,” a Robert De Niro family comedy from 101 Studios, took third place, grossing $1.5 million to bring its total after three weeks to $13.4 million. Open Road’s “Honest Thief,” a thriller with Liam Neeson, was fourth with $1.1 million, pushing its haul to $11.2 million.

Christopher Nolan’s “Tenet” rounded out the top five with $905,000 domestically. That pushed the sci-fi thriller’s stateside haul to $55.1 million. Globally, the movie has grossed $350.8 million. Given that Warner Bros., the studio behind the film, has announced that “Tenet” will launch on home entertainment in December, the movie has largely wrapped up its box office run. Given its $200 million price tag and marketing costs, “Tenet” will likely fall short of profitability.

Warner Bros. said “The Witches,” the Robert Zemeckis adaptation of the Roald Dahl novel, generated $3.5 million in overseas box office, bringing its total to $10.1 million. In the U.S., “The Witches” opted to debut on HBO Max instead of screening in theaters.

Disney’s re-release of “Toy Story,” picked up $505,000 some 25 years after it first opened in theaters and became a family classic. The Mouse House has been pulling in box office from their re-releases like “Hocus Pocus.”

At this point, theater owners like AMC are happy to take whatever then can for ticket sales, but as box office numbers continue staying under $10 million with most under $1 million, it’s hard to say how long they’ll be able to remain open. It “Wonder Woman 1984” decide to push off until 2021 (it’s very likely to do that), don’t expect your favorite multi-plex to stay open much longer.

It’s a sad state of affairs, but this is what a pandemic allowed to run rampant does to our world.

North America Box Office

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Comscore. Box office number courtesy of Box Office Mojo.

1. “Let Him Go,” $4.1 million.

2. “Come Play,” $1.7 million.

3. “The War with Grandpa,” $1.5 million.

4. “Honest Thief,” $1.1 million.

5. “Tenet,” $905,000.

6. “Toy Story,” $505,000 (Re-release).

7. “The Empty Man,” $277,000.

8. “Spell,” $150,000.

9. “The New Mutants,” $110,000.

10. “Love and Monsters,” $100,000.

11. “The Dark and the Wicked,” $65,000.

12. “After We Collided,” $62,000.

13. “2 Hearts,” $61,000.

14. “The Call,” $16,131.

15. The Spongebob Movie,” $14,000.

What To Expect From Movie Theaters Now

It’s been nearly three months since movie theaters started reopening in the U.S., but there is still a fair amount of consumer confusion about moviegoing in the COVID-19 era.

Movie studios and theater owners have found themselves in the unique position of having to re-educate audiences on how to see movies now. Warner Bros. even recently revamped the website for “Tenet,” Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi espionage thriller, to help take some of the mystery out of going back to the movies.

north American theaters open but barely surviving tenet

Here’s what you can expect from theaters now.

What City/States Are Theaters Open?

Indoor movie theaters remain open in most states, except New Mexico, although some are on a county-by-county basis, including California, Massachusetts, Maryland, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon and Wisconsin. Last weekend, theaters were cleared to open begin opening in some New York State counties at under 50% capacity and this weekend San Francisco will join in too. New York City, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles remain closed, however.

Which Theaters Are Even Open?

Regal theaters are currently closed in the U.S, and independent cinemas vary by location, but AMC Theaters (the nation’s biggest chain) and Cinemark are largely up and running. Approximately 54% of screens are open in the U.S., according to the National Association of Theater Owners.

What New Movies Are Coming Out?

Yes, there are movies being released in theaters almost every week, although there have been quite a few major fall movies, like “Black Widow,” “No Time To Die,” and “West Side Story,” that have moved to 2021.

The biggest release since reopening began in late August is “Tenet,” which is still playing on around 1,800 screens. Current offerings widely available also include the Liam Neeson thriller, “Honest Thief,” a PG-13 horror movie with Gillian Jacobs called “Come Play,” the R-rated horror “The Empty Man” and the comedy “The War With Grandpa” with Robert De Niro. There are also “retro” releases, like “The Nightmare Before Christmas,” “Hocus Pocus” and “Monsters Inc,” which are available for $5 tickets at AMC. And this weekend, Fathom Events is bringing “Apollo 13” back to theaters for its 25th anniversary.

Theater Safety Precautions

During the long shutdown, the National Association of Theater Owners helped spearhead the development of a sweeping set of protocols and guidelines called CinemaSafe that over 400 companies representing over 3,100 locations have committed to. They include mandatory masks for employees and patrons, social distancing, reduced capacity, mobile ticketing, modified concessions, air filtration, employee training and enhanced cleaning. Anyone not feeling well is also asked to stay home.

What’s Up With Concessions? Can You Buy Them Now?

Yes, in most locations. San Francisco has a concession ban and Chicago has recently suspended dining and bar services at theaters. Customers are generally allowed to remove their masks while consuming concessions.

What Viewing Options Do You Have?

There are a few options for seeing movies. You can buy tickets regularly, wear a mask and social distance in the theater (theaters with assigned seating do this automatically and others have taped off seats and rows). Or, some chains like AMC and Cinemark and some theaters are renting screens for private viewing parties for up to 20 people. Pricing varies by movie (new movies tend to start at $149 whereas back catalog classics can be $99) and location. Cinemark is even offering “ private gaming party ” pricing ($99 for 2 hours) where you can play your own video game on the big screen.

Just How Safe Is It Now?

Health experts recommend wearing masks and maintaining social distance when outside and avoid going out when sick. Indoor spaces like movie theaters, restaurants and malls mean prolonged exposure, which could mean greater risk.

“At this point, with cases surging, I’m not sure that being indoors for two hours with folks is a really good idea,” said Lisa M. Lee, a public health expert at Virginia Tech.

Private viewing parties — with safeguards — might be a way to lessen the risk, however.

“If you have, for example, a family or a pandemic pod that you stayed with and everyone has agreed to be safe and to maintain physical distance and masking and all the precautions, that could be an option,” she said.

But in general, drive-ins or an outdoor screening “would certainly be a lot safer,” Lee said.

“We’re never going to have a zero-risk situation with this because we have far too much community spread at this point, so we all have to pick carefully what we’re willing to risk and that’s an individual decision,” Lee continued. “But it’s also really important that we avoid putting other people at risk, which is the issue in a closed space with other people that you don’t know are infected.”

My Top Twenty ‘Supernatural’ Episodes

We’ve been after Lynn to do her favorite “Supernatural” episodes, and after enough badgering, she’s come up with her top ones. For all of you still looking for a great holiday stocking stuff to get for that special friend or someone, don’t forget her library of “Supernatural” books you can get here. Several of them have become bestsellers with good reason, and she has truly proven herself to be a real “Supernatural” Super Fan!

We were honestly afraid we would be losing our FangasmSPN after “Supernatural” came to end its fifteen-year reign, but thankfully, she’s found another Eric Kripke show to write about with “The Boys” on Amazon Prime. That was a big sign of relief for us as Lynn is a true treasure!

The team here wanted to do a fun Web Story with her Top 20 so here it is in 2 Parts with some different fun pictures than here in the article. You’ll be able to see these on mobile or just click here for Part 1 and here for Part 2.

Now we’ll let Lynn give her Top 20 “Supernatural” episodes.

I’m not even completely sure these are my “Supernatural” top twenty, because there are so many others that I love, but this is what popped into my head when I sat down to think about my favorite show and all its amazing episodes, as it heads into its final episodes.

20.  Prophet and Loss: Season 14 Episode 12

The only late season episode to make my favorites list, this episode is the culmination of Dean’s suicidal desperation-fueled determination to lock himself in the Ma’lak box to ensure that Michael (currently trapped in his head) won’t be able to destroy the world – or the people Dean loves. While overall the Michael story line didn’t enthrall me, the final scene in which a terrified and angry Sam lashes out at his brother in a last ditch attempt to get him to change his mind was so riveting it’s unforgettable. Jared has said he struggled mightily with the scene, so emotional he couldn’t deliver the lines, and Jensen has said that Dean’s eventual pulling Sam in for a hug was as much Jensen hugging Jared as Dean hugging Sam. That genuineness came through, and their tears inevitably inspire some of my own.

Supernatural bloody mary best episodes ever

19. Bloody Mary: Season 1 Episode 05 

The scariest “Supernatural” episode of all, in my humble opinion. Sam and Dean try to help a family being haunted by the childhood slumber party favorite, Bloody Mary. I am just superstitious enough to start screaming “don’t say it don’t say it” to my television, because WHY would you do that?? The first time I watched this episode, I made the mistake of watching with my daughter with all the lights turned off in the room. When Bloody Mary climbed out of that frame ala The Ring, we started clutching each other and screaming our heads off. I still can’t watch that episode in the dark!

18. Just My Imagination: Season 11 Episode 08  

Sam’s imaginary childhood friend Sully (the brilliant Nate Torrence) gives us some cherished insight into Sam and Dean’s childhood, and even more empathy for just how difficult that was for both of them. Dean’s eventual expression of gratitude and remorse, that Sully was there for Sam when he couldn’t be, was both heartbreaking and heartwarming. And Sully’s reminder to Sam that being afraid does not preclude being a hero? Spot on. This episode also starred Carrie Genzel, who will forever be remembered as having sparkle all over her face, and was the first directed by Richard Speight, Jr. — and would not be the last.

Supernatural everybody loves a clown dean winchester smashing baby with pipe 2020

17. Everybody Loves A Clown: Season 2 Episode 02

Dean Winchester sad angry spn 202 best episodes

I have to include this episode here, since it’s the one where I finally legitimately fell head over heels for this show. Up until this episode, I had been watching mostly because a friend was hooked and wanted to share the love, but “Supernatural” hadn’t seeped into my bones yet. This episode, however, made me look at the show in a whole different way – and I haven’t been the same since. ELAC begins with the boys saying goodbye to their dad. Sam and Dean’s tears – Jared and Jensen’s tears – felt so genuine that I stopped what I was doing (grading papers, oops) to just stare at my tv screen, totally pulled in. When Sam confessed just how not all right he was, Jared’s emotional portrayal grabbed me by the heartstrings. And when Dean finally let his own heartbreak out, taking a sledgehammer to his beloved Impala, I gasped out loud.

SPN Sam Winchester everybody loves a clown

The amount of emotion, pain, rage, that Dean was holding back here – it’s palpable, the screen practically quivers with it as we watch. I remember thinking my god, who are these actors? How can they show so much emotion with so few words? How had I overlooked the complexity of these characters and not realized how nuanced and complicated they were – and how much they indeed felt? It’s not the mystery of what’s happening with the clown in this episode that’s compelling, it’s the tension of what’s going on between Sam and Dean as they grieve their dad. “Supernatural” was entirely character-driven back then, and I was hooked as a result. Deeply.

Bad Boys Supernatural Sam Winchester hugging jack outreach best episode ever

16. Bad Boys: Season 9 Episode 07 

More insight into the boys’ childhood, this time with a focus on Dean’s. I love flashback episodes! More fodder for the John Winchester’s A Plus parenting file, because leaving Dean in a boys’ home for troubled teens to teach him a lesson when he was just trying to keep him and Sam fed as KIDS? Ouch. Sam realizing that Dean’s time there was in fact a positive – and ours that he gave all that up in an instant when he saw young Sam in the Impala needing him – were enough to make me reach for the tissues.

15. Croatoan Season 2 Episode 09 

Croatian Supernatural Winchester Brothers best episodes ever mttg

An early favorite, when everything the boys faced seemed so disturbing and so scary. The mysterious carving on the telephone pole, Sam’s visions. I love the ambiguity of the early seasons, as Sam and Dean struggle with figuring out what’s black and white and what really is not. But the real appeal of this episode is showing us in no uncertain terms just how committed Sam and Dean have become to each other by this point in the show’s run.

Even if Sam had turned out to be infected by the virus, Dean was unwilling to leave him – and in fact, unwilling to go on without him. Dean’s outburst of “You make a move on him, you’ll be dead before you hit the ground, you understand me?” I got chills. For real. Fandom has long argued about the merits of the brothers’ codependence, but it has been one of the hallmarks of the show and something that makes it unique – and to me, at least, compelling.

Supernatural Pilot episode 101 best episodes ever

14. Pilot: Season 1 Episode 01

This episode is a retrospective favorite because it holds tremendous nostalgic significance now. When I first saw it, I had no clue how many of its lines would become iconic, and personally meaningful to me. Sam and Dean call each other ‘bitch’ and ‘jerk’ and it meant nothing then – it means so much now. Every other line of the pilot is iconic at this point! The episode also does a great job of setting up the relationship between these two brothers, showing us a little of who they are and how they’ve chosen different paths, but also making it very clear that the bond between them is still there and still strong. We’ll only find out just how strong as the season goes along, but the seeds of it are right there from the start thanks to Kripke’s brilliance and Jared and Jensen’s instant chemistry.

Supernatural Lazzrus Rising 401 Castiel best episodes ever FangasmSPN

13. Lazarus Rising: Season 4 Episode 01 

Written by Eric Kripke and directed by the venerable Kim Manners, the Season 4 opener is “Supernatural” at its best. Dean’s resurrection with its Manners signature crane shot, his emotional reunion with Bobby and then with Sam, and the dramatic introduction of Castiel all stand out. In two of my first books on “Supernatural”, Misha wrote about watching that episode with then writer and later showrunner Sera Gamble and some others.

When that scene came on, lightbulbs sparking and blowing out as Castiel walked in with trenchcoat and tie and the shadow of his majestic wings behind him, Gamble turned to Misha and said ‘your life is about to change’. He didn’t believe it at the time, but she was absolutely right. Castiel, instead of being on the show for a couple of episodes, remained until the final episodes, an integral part of ‘Team Free Will’. Bonus points for the iconic handprint and Castiel’s line “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” and for Sam giving Dean back the Samulet, after wearing it himself the whole time Dean was gone.

12. Changing Channels: Season 5 Episode 08  

One of the most innovative “Supernatural” episodes, Changing Channels sees the return of Richard Speight, Jr. as the Trickster – and eventually reveals that he is actually the archangel Gabriel. It’s a pivotal episode for that reveal, but it also has some hilarious moments as it spoofs everything from CSI to Grey’s Anatomy to a Japanese game show, with Sam and Dean stuck inside the meta world and Castiel frantically trying to get them out. Bonus points for the Herpexia commercial that Jared and Jensen nailed.

11. Scoobynatural: Season 13 Episode 16 

Another of the show’s most innovative episodes and its only true crossover, the combination of “Supernatural” with Scooby Doo is one of the cast’s favorites too, as Jared, Jensen and Misha have often said. Somehow they managed to make the episode seem like both a true “Supernatural” episode and a true Scooby Doo episode, complete with the requisite montage and the required Scooby Doo ending (with Dean in a red ascot doing his best imitation). Also, Velma was absolutely right about Sam’s shoulders.

Supernatural Mystery Spot Sam holding Dean Wincheseter

10. Mystery Spot: Season 3 Episode 11  

“Supernatural” does Groundhog Day but with a turn toward the tragic. This episode is an unusual mix of very funny and very very not funny, as Sam endures his brother dying again and again in increasingly innovative and unexpected ways. Jared Padalecki shows us Sam’s agony and desperation as he tries again and again (and fails again and again) to save his brother, and the humor becomes darker and darker as the episode goes on. We (and Sam) get a glimpse of who he’ll be without his brother, an automaton, very nearly a madman. The Trickster is trying to teach him a lesson about how he needs to be able to let Dean go, but I think the lesson that Sam (and I) both learned is that the Trickster is a dick! (See what I did there?)

bad day sam I lost my shoe Supernatural

9. Bad Day At Black Rock: Season 3 Episode 03  

This is one of my favorite comedic episodes of “Supernatural”, showcasing the formidable comic talents of Jared and Jensen, including a gift for physical comedy. Dean’s rabbits foot-enhanced almost superhero abilities that culminate in Ackles’ perfect delivery of “I’m Batman” and Sam’s misadventures trying to stay put in a chair in the middle of a motel room that unexpectedly catches on fire are both priceless scenes. The whole motel room saga shows off Padalecki’s ability to make me cry from laughter, and makes this one of those episodes I go back to again and again. Extra points for Jared’s plaintive “I lost my shoe” and one of the show’s most awesome guest stars, Sterling K. Brown.

Supernatural A Very SPN Christmas best episodes ever mttg

8. A Very “Supernatural” Christmas: Season 3 Episode 08

Every show needs a holiday episode, and in true “Supernatural” fashion, this show has one that is anything but traditional. It starts with a ghoulish Santa shoving a bloodied dad into his sack in front of the shocked (and surely traumatized) eyes of the man’s small son on Christmas Eve and stays dark for most of the episode. Instead of Santa, we get a seemingly harmless suburban Christmas-loving couple who are actually minor gods collecting some sacrifices. There’s plenty of humor woven in, but there’s also violence (including the start of the show’s weird obsession with pulling out fingernails, eww). As always with this show, my favorite thing about this episode is what it shows us about Sam and Dean’s childhood and their relationship.

Flashbacks to a Christmas Eve and two little boys abandoned in a motel room, Dean stealing presents to give Sam a Christmas, still a heartbreakingly young child himself. Sam figuring out the truth about what their dad does and that monsters are, indeed, real. Dean’s guilt over not being able to protect his little brother and make it okay. And, oh my heart, Sam gifting Dean the amulet originally meant for their father, an acknowledgment of the part that his big brother played in taking care of him.

The last scene is one of my favorites in the series, the boys holed up in yet another motel on Christmas Eve, exchanging gas station gifts and drinking eggnog that Jared spiked for real to surprise Jensen. Serge Ladouceur works his magic on the last shot, Christmas music playing, Sam and Dean framed in the window, snow falling, and lights reflecting on the shiny black surface of the Impala just outside. Brilliant.

Sacrifice SPN Winchester brothers healing hands best episodes

7. Sacrifice: Season 8 Episode 23

The first part of Season 8 was definitely not my favorite season at all, but the second half picked up steam and made a lot more sense. By the second half, Season 8 is a story of finding one’s humanity, with Mark Sheppard and Misha Collins as well as the Winchesters taking us along on their characters’ journeys, which culminate in this episode, the season finale. Castiel is human by the end of the episode, confused and wandering and alone, needing to find his place in a world that’s never been his. Crowley too finds some humanity by the end. We all fell way more in love with Crowley than we were probably ever supposed to thanks to Mark Sheppard’s brilliant portrayal, and in this episode the demon regains a lot of his humanity with the help of injections of Sam’s blood.

sacrifice spn castiel as human best episodes
sacrifice crowley Supernatural best episodes

He struggles with long-buried emotions, finally and tearfully confessing his all-too-human need to be loved. Padalecki was amazing all season too, as Sam determinedly went through the trials, once again willing to sacrifice himself to save the world.  The final scene, as Dean bursts into the church to stop the final trial because he’s found out that it will kill Sam, is one of those iconic moments I’ll never forget. Sam’s genuinely confused, broken, “So?” just about killed me.

sacrifice Supernatural angels falling from sky

Sam has been trying to convince Dean to have the will to live, and in the last episode Dean turns the tables, correcting Sam when Sam insists he’s done nothing but let Dean down. “Don’t you dare think that there is anything, past or present, that I would put in front of you!” And then another gorgeous scene, the angels falling from the sky as Sam and Dean and Cas look on. “Supernatural” really does know how to put on a season finale!

Supernatural all hell breaks loose Dean Wincheseter firing gun close up

6. All Hell Breaks Loose (Parts One and Two): Season 2 Episode 21 and 22

I’m putting these together because they really did play as one episode, with an excruciating week long lag in between in which I did more crying than I have ever done over fictional characters in my entire life. I still can barely watch that scene of Part One without sobbing – Dean so relieved to find Sam and Sam’s face breaking into an equally relieved grin to see his brother come to save him, and then the crushing realization that that is not what’s going to happen. The absolute agony that Jensen Ackles brought to the screen as Sam died in Dean’s arms was almost unbearable.

SPN All Hell breaks loose Dean Winchester hugging Sam tight best episodes ever

I was unspoiled; shocked. I had never seen anything like it on television. And then Dean doing the unthinkable – selling his soul to bring his brother back. “Supernatural” had done such a good job of making sure we truly understood the brothers’ relationship that I never doubted that decision for a second. Jim Beaver and Jensen Ackles also deserved some kind of award for the simple scene in which Dean admits to Bobby what he’s done, and Bobby realizes for the first time just how messed up Dean is.

Season 2 really was a masterful season, with this two-parter taking us on a rollercoaster ride of despair and then into a moment of celebration, the culmination of a two-year fight, as Dean shoots the Yellow Eyed Demon. Of course on “Supernatural” nothing is that simple, and we end faced with Dean’s one year to live – and Sam’s determination to save him. In other words, “We got work to do.”

SPN Swan Song castiel reaching down to Dean Winchester

5. Swan Song: Season 5 Episode 22

Originally intended to be the series finale, Eric Kripke wrote and directed the fifth season finale – and it was, in fact, Kripke’s swan song as showrunner and writer for the show, though he remained an executive producer throughout “Supernatural”’s fifteen years. Misha Collins, Jim Beaver and Jake Abel all brought their A games to the episode, which ramps up to a fever pitch by the time we reach the iconic and devastating final scene.

Jared Padalecki’s portrayal of both Sam and Lucifer are a master class in acting, and Jensen Ackles’ depiction of Dean’s struggle to accept the sacrifice Sam is determined to make to save the world (but destroy himself) is equally powerful. When Bobby and Castiel warn that there’s nothing Dean can do to help his brother, that all he’ll see if he goes to Stull Cemetery is Sam dying, Dean Winchester responds with a line that describes my favorite fictional character better than any other. Dean: “Well then, I ain’t gonna let him die alone.”

Sam Winchester gripping Dean by collar SPN Swan Song

The moment when the Impala drives into Stull Cemetery, classic rock blaring, made me burst into tears. There’s not a wasted second as Lucifer explodes into violence, but even as Lucifer/Sam is beating him senseless, Dean keeps reassuring his brother “I’m here, Sam, I’m not gonna leave you.” And that, in the end, is what saves the world. Sam looks at his brother, and he looks at Baby, and all the things that make her their home, and he remembers what’s really important – family. He breaks Lucifer’s hold and sends both himself and Michael (with their brother Adam) plunging into the pit.

Sam Winchester being blown by windy Dean SPN Swan Song

A resurrected Castiel heals a battered and utterly broken Dean.  I imagine that’s where the show would have ended, but because it was already renewed for Season 6, we do see Sam again at the end, peering through the window where Dean is living with Lisa and Ben. I remember being like WTF all summer long, waiting to find out what the hell was happening. Ah, the good old days of “hellatus”. Bonus for the sort of confirmation that Chuck the writer is actually God, which would turn out to be a lot more problematic than it seemed at the time many years later!

Supernatural red meat jared padalecki leaning back on baby

4. Red Meat: Season 11 Episode 17

There are two episodes in Season 11 that made this list, and Red Meat is the first. It may be the most suspenseful episode of the series because director Nina Lopez-Corrado is that good – the first time I watched, from the very first frame as the Winchesters are fighting for their lives, until the last scenes, the suspense did not let up. I watched with my heart in my throat as the werewolf picked up a gun and fired and Sam crumpled to the floor in agonizing slow motion, Dean watching in helpless horror. When we snapped back to “48 Hours Earlier” I might have screamed NOOOO at my television.

SPN Red Meat Dean looking at dead Sam Winchester
SPN Red Meat Sam winchester asleep dead by fire

As we follow the story, Dean’s frantic attempts to save his brother as he fights off constant panic and Jared’s vivid depiction of Sam’s physical agony and dogged determination to survive and get back to his brother had me literally sick to my stomach with nerves. The heartbreaking scene where Dean discovers Sam has died (been killed actually) and has to leave him there to get the civilians to safety destroyed me. He leaves a lamp on for his brother, promising to come back for him, and I used up an entire box of tissues. Equally heartbreaking was Dean’s purposefully dying to appeal to Death. Jared and Jensen sold their characters’ pain so well in this episode that you cannot help but feel a visceral pain yourself just watching. All the kudos for that acting, as painful as it is to watch.

supernatural baby winchester brothers smiling inside impala

3. Baby: Season 11 Episode 14 

Dean Winchester singing excited inside baby

Robbie Thompson is my all time favorite “Supernatural” writer, so it’s no surprise that there are multiple episodes of his in my favorites list. Baby is another imaginative and innovative episode – and is often cited by Jared and Jensen as their favorite one to film. The entire episode takes place from the perspective of the Impala, as she watches the brothers solve a case and take down a monster, but also just live their life on the road as they did for so many years, road food and drink between them as they banter and tease each other and make it hard to know whether we’re watching Sam and Dean or Jared and Jensen. 

Dean singing “Night Moves” to Sam and Sam eventually joining him, Jared ad-libbing the lyrics changed to “Out in the backseat of my brother’s ’67 Chevy”? Priceless. Jared and Jensen have both talked many times about how much fun it was to film because they rigged up cameras all over the car and then they just let the two of them drive. They did the slates and the cut and everything else as they drove away together – and they relished it. Not many shows would trust their actors to do all that, but by Season 11, this cast and crew were more like family than anything else.

fan fiction supernatural winchester brothers with fans

2. Fan Fiction Season: 10 Episode 05 

This is another of Robbie Thompson’s gems. Written as a “love letter to the fans” for the show’s 200th episode, it’s one of the so-called “meta episodes” that comments on the show within the show. The young women who portray the actresses at the all-girls school are all amazing and the musical numbers are some of the best things to come out of the show. Add to that the real life emotional reaction of Jared and Jensen to watching and listening to the heart-wrenching performance of a slowed down ‘Carry On Wayward Son’ and this one is an instant classic.

Thompson gets fandom, so his commentary lands deftly, from the affectionate poke at the show’s most popular ships to the ultimate acknowledgment that we all see the story of “Supernatural” through our own perspectives – and that’s okay.  The ending scene, with Dean hanging the facsimile of the Samulet on the Impala’s rearview and the boys driving off into the distance, never fails to make me tear up, in the best of ways.

supernatural the french mistake winchester brothers in shock best episodes

1. The French Mistake: Season 6 Episode 15  

Season 6 of “Supernatural” may not have been my favorite season, but it does have my all time favorite episode. With writer Ben Edlund’s brilliance, The French Mistake is the meta episode to end all meta episodes – Jensen and Jared playing Sam and Dean playing Jared and Jensen playing Sam and Dean! And Misha playing Castiel – but not the real one. All three are so incredibly hilarious that I cannot watch some scenes without collapsing in laughter even though I’ve seen them dozens of times. Castiel being an asshole is priceless, and all three in the ‘bad acting’ scene make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.

french spn magazine FangasmSPN wrote for MTTG

Add to that a nice little sentimental twist at the end, as the brothers value their being brothers over possibly living in a world without monsters. “We’re not even brothers here, man” will never not make me tear up. Bonus points: I’m sort of in this episode? Yes it’s a real stretch, but I wrote an article in the issue of “Supernatural” Magazine that is in the fake Jensen’s trailer. That’s not why it’s my favorite though – it’s because no matter what is going on in the world, this episode makes me feel better. In fact, I think it’s time for a rewatch!

Now, off to watch those remaining episodes of “Supernatural!”

Robots get the boot from Walmart, Trump conspiracies flounder

Humans can sign with some relief as they’ve won the short-term battle against robots taking their jobs. It might be short lived as technology continues the march forward, but it’s some good news in today’s world.

Walmart is laying off the robots it had deployed in about 500 stores to keep tabs on what’s on and not on the shelves.

The retailer said Monday it has ended its relationship with startup Bossa Nova Robotics, which builds roving robots equipped with cameras for identifying out-of-stock and misplaced products.

Walmart said in a statement it has “worked with Bossa Nova for five years and together we learned a lot about how technology can assist associates, make jobs easier and provide a better customer experience.” It said it is still testing other new technologies for tracking inventory and moving goods.

The Wall Street Journal was first to report the ending partnership Monday, citing unnamed people familiar with the situation who said the retailer found human workers could get similar results. There was also some concern about how shoppers reacted to robots doing the work, according to the report.

Bossa Nova, which was founded in 2005 in Pittsburgh didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment Monday.

sharpiegate conspiracy from donald trump to joe biden not true

Donald Trump Allies Get Trumped With Sharpiegate By Facts

Trump and his allies have tried everything from ‘Sharpiegate’ to partisan poll watchers for the 2020 Presidential Election, but facts are stopping them in their tracks quicker than usual.

While much of America was sleeping Wednesday morning, President Donald Trump’s leads in crucial battleground states began slipping — and that’s when online falsehoods about the election started surging.

More than 100,000 votes that Democratic nominee Joe Biden picked up in Wisconsin were evidence of “outright corruption,” one Twitter user surmised. The ballots were “MAGICALLY” found, claimed another.

In fact, Biden’s early morning comeback in the closely watched Midwestern state was simply the result of absentee and early votes being counted.

With the outcome of the U.S. presidential race still in limbo, Trump and his supporters seized on — and spread — online misinformation about legally cast absentee and mail-in votes in battleground states. They used it as fodder to support the president’s baseless declaration on live television early Wednesday that Democrats were trying to “steal the election” from him.

“They are finding Biden votes all over the place — in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So bad for our Country!” Trump wrote in a tweet hours later. Trump’s campaign filed lawsuits Wednesday in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, paving the way for him to contest the election’s outcome.

It’s standard practice in the United States to continue counting votes after Election Day.

Social media companies kept busy trying to counter the deluge of online misinformation, but experts say it is hard to completely blunt the impact.

Researchers at the Election Integrity Partnership, a group of some of the world’s top misinformation researchers, found that mentions of voter fraud rose dramatically immediately following Trump’s early morning remarks.

The unfounded allegations exploited public confusion over how elections are managed at a time when many voters were looking for help interpreting the unfolding results, said Kate Starbird, a University of Washington professor and online misinformation expert who is part of the group.

Many voters may have gone to sleep Tuesday assuming Trump’s leads in states like Wisconsin would hold, only to see Biden take the lead overnight.

“You’ve got this post-election uncertainty,” Starbird said. “We’ve seen a lot of things that were looking good for Trump in the night shift to blue, and we’re seeing attempts to delegitimize these shifts.”

On social media, the misinformation was rooted in allegations that the election had been stolen from Trump.

More than 221,000 retweets on Twitter mentioned stealing the election in a 24-hour period starting on Election Day, compared to just 10,000 tweets about the topic on Monday, according to an analysis from VineSight, a tech company that tracks online misinformation.

Terms like #StopTheSteal were mentioned nearly 120,000 times on websites and social media platforms throughout the day Tuesday. Philadelphia and Pennsylvania were referenced more than any other city or state, according to a similar analysis from media intelligence firm Zignal Labs.

Pennsylvania was a hot spot for election misinformation Tuesday. There were misleading claims about discarded Trump ballots and voting machines being shut down at polling locations circulating across Facebook and Twitter.

Misinformation continued to swirl about the state into Wednesday as the state remained undecided, including vague claims on social media that ballots had just been “found” in the state and shouldn’t be counted.

Others jumped on a data error in a map of Michigan that showed Biden getting a huge spike in votes in an update of results, with tweets shared thousands of times that said it showed “fraud.” Decision Desk HQ, which tacks election results and published the map, confirmed it was an error that was corrected.

And fake images garnering tens of thousands of Facebook interactions included memes featuring cardboard boxes labeled “Emergency Democrat Votes” and a stock photograph of a woman with the caption, “Hang on, we found more votes!” People falsely claimed on social networks that counting mail-in ballots amounted to corruption.

When Milwaukee election officials finished counting the city’s roughly 169,000 absentee ballots and uploaded the results around 3 a.m. Wednesday, pro-Trump social media accounts suggested it was a fraudulent “ballot dump.” Trump won Wisconsin in 2016 but Biden picked it up on Wednesday.

The count of the absentee ballots was live streamed on YouTube for anyone to watch and when it was finished, Milwaukee police escorted the city’s elections director from a central counting location to the county courthouse to deliver thumb drives with the data. Wisconsin law requires the results of those absentee ballots be reported all at once, Wisconsin Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe explained Wednesday.

“There are no dark corners or locked doors in elections,” Wolfe said.

Social media steps up to protect democracy

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube kept their promise to stay on full alert when it came to a true 2020 election result as President Donald Trump was part of the misinformation flow. What started as seemingly smooth sailing on Election Day was quickly put to the test by the president and his administration.

Several months ahead of the election, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube promised to clamp down on election misinformation, including unsubstantiated charges of fraud and premature declarations of victory by candidates. And they mostly did just that — though not without a few hiccups. Tuesday saw most of these plans go without any issues. Labels were added to misleading post by Trump and others that there weren’t any immediate outcomes to the presidential race. News anchors on TV cited and applauded those fact-checks by Twitter and Facebook.

But overall their measures still didn’t really address the problems exposed by the 2020 U.S. presidential contest, critics of the social platforms contend.

“We’re seeing exactly what we expected, which is not enough, especially in the case of Facebook,” said Shannon McGregor, an assistant professor of journalism and media at the University of North Carolina.

One big test emerged early Wednesday morning as vote-counting continued in battleground states including Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. President Donald Trump made a White House appearance before cheering supporters, declaring he would challenge the poll results. He also posted misleading statements about the election on Facebook and Twitter, following months of signaling his unfounded doubts about expanded mail-in voting and his desire for final election results when polls closed on Nov. 3.

So what did tech companies do about it? For the most part, what they said they would, which primarily meant labeling false or misleading election posts in order to point users to reliable information. In Twitter’s case, that sometimes meant obscuring the offending posts, forcing readers to click through warnings to see them and limiting the ability to share them.

“What we actually saw on Election Day from the companies is that they were extremely responsive and faster than they’ve ever been,” said Graham Brookie, the director of the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab. But now, he said, misinformation was solely focused on the results and undermining them.

“You have a hyperfocused audience and a moment in time where there is a huge amount of uncertainty, and bad actors can use that opportunistically,” he said.

The video-sharing app TikTok, popular with young people, said it pulled down some videos Wednesday from high-profile accounts making election fraud allegations, saying they violated the app’s policies on misleading information. For Facebook and YouTube, it mostly meant attaching authoritative information to election-related posts.

For instance, Google-owned YouTube showed video of Trump’s White House remarks suggesting fraud and premature victories, just as some traditional news channels did. But Google placed an “information panel” beneath the videos noting that election results may not be final and linking to Google’s election results page with additional information.

On Tuesday, as Americans voted across the country, falsehoods about broken voting machines and biased poll workers popped up repeatedly. But the companies weren’t tested until Mr. Trump — with early results showing how tight the race was — posted on Twitter and Facebook just before 1 a.m. Eastern time to baselessly lash out at the electoral process.“They are trying to STEAL the Election,” Mr. Trump posted on the sites, without being specific about who he meant.

Twitter moved quickly, hiding Mr. Trump’s inaccurate tweet behind a label that cautioned people that the claim was “disputed” and “might be misleading about an election or other civic process.” Twitter, which had started labeling Mr. Trump’s tweets for the first time in May, also restricted users’ ability to like and share the post.

On Wednesday morning, Twitter added more labels to posts from Mr. Trump. In one, he tweeted that his early leads in Democratic states “started to magically disappear.” In another message, Mr. Trump said unnamed people were working to make his lead in the battleground state of Pennsylvania “disappear.”

Twitter also applied other labels to posts that falsely asserted victory. One was added to a post by Ben Wikler, head of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, in which he asserted prematurely that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had won the state. The Associated Press and other news outlets later called Wisconsin for Mr. Biden, though Mr. Trump called for a recount.

On Wednesday afternoon, Twitter also affixed context to tweets from Eric Trump, one of Mr. Trump’s sons, and Ms. McEnany when they preemptively claimed that Mr. Trump had won in Pennsylvania, even though the race there had not been called. The company also fact-checked other assertions from Mr. Trump claiming victory in several battleground states such as North Carolina and Georgia, where the race has not been called, and restricted his false statements about voter fraud from being shared.

“As votes are still being counted across the country, our teams continue to take enforcement action on tweets that prematurely declare victory or contain misleading information about the election broadly,” Twitter said.

“They’re just appending this little label to the president’s posts, but they’re appending those to any politician talking about the election,” said McGregor, who blamed both the tech giants and traditional media outlets for shirking their responsibility to curb the spread of misinformation about the election results instead of amplifying a falsehood just because the president said it.

“Allowing any false claim to spread can lead more people to accept it once it’s there,” she said.

Trump wasn’t alone in attracting such labels. Republican U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis got a label on Twitter for declaring a premature reelection victory in North Carolina. The same thing happened to a Democratic official claiming that former Vice President Joe Biden had won Wisconsin.

The flurry of Trump claims that began early Wednesday morning continued after the sun rose over Washington. By late morning, Trump was tweeting an unfounded complaint that his early lead in some states seemed to “magically disappear” as the night went on and more ballots were counted.

Twitter quickly slapped that with a warning that said “some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.” It was among at least three such warnings Twitter applied to Trump tweets Wednesday, which make it harder for viewers to see the posts without first reading the warning; it did the same on a post from another individual that Trump sought to amplify.

Much of the slowdown in the tabulation of results had been widely forecasted for months, because the coronavirus pandemic led many states to make it easier to vote by mail, and millions chose to do so rather than venturing out to cast ballots in person. Mail ballots can take longer to process than ballots cast at polling places.

In a Sept. 3 post, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that if a candidate or campaign tries to declare victory before the results are in, the social network would label their post to note that official results are not yet in and directing people to the official results.

But Facebook limited that policy to official candidates and campaign declaring premature victory in the overall election. Posts that declared premature victory in specific states were flagged with a general notification about where to find election information but not warnings that the information was false or misleading.

Facebook also issued a blanket statement on the top of Facebook and Instagram feeds on Wednesday noting that the votes for the U.S. presidential election are still being counted.

Twitter was a bit more proactive. Based on its “ civic integrity policy,” implemented last month, Twitter said it would label and reduce the visibility of Tweets containing “false or misleading information about civic processes” in order to provide more context. It labeled Trump’s tweets declaring premature victory as well as claims from Trump and others about premature victory in specific states.

The Twitter and Facebook actions were a step in the right direction, but not that effective — particularly in Twitter’s case, said Jennifer Grygiel, a professor at Syracuse University and social media expert.

That’s because tweets from major figures can get almost instant traction, Grygiel said. So even though Twitter labeled Trump’s tweets about “being up big,” and votes being cast after polls closed and others, by the time the label appeared, several minutes after the tweet, the misinformation had already spread. One Wednesday Trump tweet falsely complaining that vote counters were “working hard” to make his lead in the Pennsylvania count “disappear” wasn’t labeled for more than 15 minutes, and was not obscured.

“Twitter can’t really enforce policies if they don’t do it before it happens, in the case of the president,” Grygiel said. “When a tweet hits the wire, essentially, it goes public. It already brings this full force of impact of market reaction.”

Grygiel suggested that for prominent figures like Trump, Twitter could pre-moderate posts by delaying publication until a human moderator can decide whether it needs a label. That means flagged tweets would publish with a label, making it more difficult to spread unlabeled misinformation, especially during important events like the election.

This is less of an issue on Facebook or YouTube, where people are less likely to interact with posts in real time. YouTube could become more of an issue over the next few days, Grygiel suggested, if Trump’s false claims are adopted by YouTubers who are analyzing the election.

Unlike Twitter, Facebook did not restrict users from sharing or commenting on Mr. Trump’s posts. But it was the first time Facebook had used such labels, part of the company’s plan to add context to posts about the election. A spokesman said the company “planned and prepared for these scenarios and built the essential systems and tools.”

YouTube, which is not used regularly by Mr. Trump, faced fewer high-profile problems than Twitter and Facebook. All YouTube videos about election results included a label that said the election might not be over and linked to a Google page with results from The Associated Press.But the site did encounter a problem early on Tuesday night when several YouTube channels, one with more than a million subscribers, said they were livestreaming election results. What the live streams actually showed was a graphic of a projection of an election outcome with Mr. Biden leading. They were also among the first results that appeared when users searched for election results.

After media reports pointed out the issue, YouTube removed the video streams, citing its policy prohibiting spam, deceptive practices and scams.

On Wednesday, One America News Network, a conservative cable news network with nearly a million subscribers on YouTube, also posted a video commentary to the site claiming that Mr. Trump had already won the election and that Democrats were “tossing Republican ballots, harvesting fake ballots and delaying results” to cause confusion. The video has been viewed more than 280,000 times.

Farshad Shadloo, a YouTube spokesman, said the video did not violate the company’s policy regarding misleading claims about voting. He said the video carried a label that the election results were not final. YouTube added that it had removed ads from the video because it did not allow creators to make money off content that undermined “confidence in elections with demonstrably false information.”

Alex Stamos, director of the Stanford Internet Observatory, said the tech companies still had a fight ahead against election misinformation, but were prepared for it.

“There will always be a long tail of disinformation, but it will become less impactful,” he said. “They are still working, for sure, and will try to maintain this staffing level and focus until the outcome is generally accepted.”

But Fadi Quran, campaign director at Avaaz, a progressive nonprofit that tracks misinformation, said Facebook, Twitter and YouTube needed to do more.“Platforms need to quickly expand their efforts before the country is plunged into further chaos and confusion,” he said. “It is a democratic emergency.”

“Generally, platforms have policies in place that are an attempt to do something, but at the end of the day it proved to be pretty ineffective,” Grygiel said. “The president felt empowered to make claims.”

‘Supernatural’ 15.17 Unity brings out major emotions and reactions from SPNFamily

Three more episodes of “Supernatural” to go before the show comes to an end, so my highly emotional investment in every episode continues. Everyone is different in their way of coping with the show ending – some are pulling away, trying to protect themselves from the impending loss.

Some are more invested than ever, determined to savor every last moment with their favorite characters. Some are just trying to hang on until the end. I’m clearly doing a terrible job of protecting myself or pulling away, since near the end of this episode I ended up bursting into tears and simultaneously screaming at fictional characters on my television as though they were standing in my living room. With guns drawn.

I’ve never loved a show that I knew so well that I had different expectations for an episode depending on who its writers were. I like Meredith Glynn’s writing a lot, so I was already emotional knowing this was her swan song episode for “Supernatural” (though I’m excited she’s joining the SPNFamily who are over at The Boys next season!) Of course, it’s not the writer who decides where the story arc goes, though, especially at this point in the series.

I guess all that is to say I went into this episode with both anticipation and trepidation – and came out with a lot of feelings (and also profoundly emotionally exhausted). Mostly the episode worked for me, even if I had to do a fair amount of thinking about it to be okay with all of it. But I used up a lot of tissues.

The episode title tells us what will happen in it, which was inevitable considering there are only three episodes left. On each side, those who were ostensibly on the same team but at odds needed to come together so we could go into those final episodes with the battle lines clearly drawn. Sometimes that means plot comes before character in order to get from Point A to Point B, and that never makes me the happiest, especially with a show that I watch for the characters more than for the plot. Ideally the two goals aren’t antithetical. So with the title, we already knew where we were headed – it was just a matter of how to get there and would I enjoy the ride?

The first scene was very pretty. Amara in a pool in Iceland (which according to Emily Swallow was filmed in frigid weather, so argh poor Emily). Shooting stars fill the sky, reflected in her eyes as she looks up, and she says softly, “Welcome home, brother.”

“Supernatural” really is a sibling story, and Amara’s feelings for Chuck are as deep and complicated as Sam and Dean’s for each other. She’s a sympathetic character in this episode, which made me feel very bad for her throughout.

Much of the episode unfolds simultaneously, so they used chapter title cards of ‘Dean’ ‘Sam’ and ‘Amara’ to let us know that – which hasn’t been done before, so it pulled me out of the story momentarily. I don’t think we needed them, but I guess I see what they were going for.

At the bunker, Sam calls Cas, both of them frustrated at running into dead ends as they desperately try to ‘find another way’. Sam gives Dean the cold shoulder, things between the brothers strained and chilly after their car argument last episode.

Dean: So this is how it’s gonna be, you giving me the silent treatment?

SPN Dean angry at Sam for giving him silent treatment 1517

They fall right into another argument, Dean insisting that “this is the only way” and Sam snapping back, “Don’t you ever get tired of saying stuff like that? Our last chance, our one shot…”

He’s so angry he’s ridiculing Dean, making fun of him for his sincerity and insistence.

SPN Sam Winchester mocking Dean for sincerity Unity

Dean insists that they don’t have to like it, but “you and me, we gotta get it done.”

The “you and me” theme runs through the episode, for both pairs of siblings, as they struggle to get back on the same page. I really like Meredith’s examination of the bond between siblings and how deep it runs, and how complex it can be – something the show has always had as an underlying theme.

Amara interrupts to let them know Chuck is back, and to ask how they’re planning to cage him (which of course, they aren’t.)

Amara: When God caged me, he had four archangels. Do you have four archangels?

SPN Amara asks Dean if he has four archangels Unity

Dean: No. We’ve got one Jack.

It was possibly the only humorous beat in the episode that made me snicker – much of the episode was more about reaching for the tissues than laughing.

Amara says she’s sorry she didn’t get a chance to know Jack and hopes when this is all over, she’ll be able to. Everyone – including me – feels incredibly awkward and so bad for Amara. Dean’s lies have fooled her completely, and it’s hard to watch. Kudos, Emily Swallow, for making me feel for her.

Dean obviously feels bad too, but not bad enough to tell her the truth (another theme of this episode).

Instead, he thanks her for helping to save the world.

Amara reiterates her certainty that she and Dean will never hurt each other, not realizing there are a lot of loopholes in that promise. Dean sighs and feels bad after their conversation, but steels himself and soldiers on. He’s single-minded, focused on the plan that he believes is the only way to break Chuck’s hold on them.

There’s a brief but touching conversation between Sam and Jack (we don’t get to see enough of them together, so I’m grateful), Jack asking Sam if he’s disappointed in him, or angry?

SPN Sam tells Jack sacrificing your life takes courage Unity

Sam says no, that sacrificing his life for a cause takes a lot of courage.

Sam: I still think it’s wrong, though.

He proves that when he refuses to come with Dean and Jack as they follow Billie’s instructions for the final step of Jack’s transformation, questioning why they’re going just on Billie’s word, which – good question, Sam!

Dean tries to talk Sam into it, again insisting it’s supposed to be “you and me”.

Dean: We have to do this, it’s in the book!

SPN Dean to Sam about killing Jack We have to do this Its in the book

Sam: Blindly following orders? Does any of this feel right to you?

Dean: It doesn’t matter how we feel!

SPN Sam Winchester to Dean Blindly following orders does any of this feel right to you

I also love that Meredith wove a subtle theme of the importance of emotions into this episode too. Especially when Dean’s feelings (anger at least) have been so pathologized this season, I liked the reminder that it in fact DOES matter how we feel. Emotions are as important to our decision making as logic, giving us valuable information to guide our choices. Sam will eventually get through to Dean not with facts, but with feelings.

Sam at this point in the story plays a card that usually works on Dean, saying that they don’t give up on family, but this time it doesn’t work.

Dean: Jack’s not family!

SPN Dean Winchester to Sam Jacks not family 1517

There was definitely a collective gasp from the fandom at that moment. Dean says he does care for Jack and he knows how Sam feels, but…

Dean: He’s not like you. He’s not like Cas.

Some melancholy and very effective musical score starts playing, and we see that Jack overheard what Dean said, but still insists “I’m ready.”

Sam Dean Winchester react to Jack ready to die Unity
SPN Jack ready to be taken to his death Unity

Dean clearly feels bad, but once again, he soldiers on. They hit the road, Dean glancing at Jack sideways from time to time, Jack stoic. It’s pretty heartbreaking.

Cas returns to the bunker after they’ve left, and we also get some Cas and Sam bonding, which we also don’t get enough of. Their friendship and family bond isn’t explored too often in canon, but it’s regarded fondly in most of fandom, so it was nice to see.

Cas: You stayed behind to find another way, huh? I would’ve done the same.

The melancholy music plays as they settle in to research, understanding each other and on the same page the way Dean is clearly not. Cas and Sam are both listening to their emotions as well as looking for facts, and that’s put them in a different place than Dean for the moment.

Meanwhile, Chuck comes to talk to his sister in a beautiful garden that set dec worked wonders with, expressing his discontent with everything he created and his wish to do a “hard reset” to start over again.

SPN Unity 1517 Amara Title Card
SPN Amara looking up at sky at Chuck Unity

Amara, however, has come to care about the world and about humanity, and doesn’t want to go along – and he needs her to do the reboot. Amara takes Chuck to Heaven, hoping that his adoring angel “fans” will make him feel the love and change his mind. Nope.

Amara: I wanted you to feel the love.

Chuck: (raspberries)

SPN Chuck gives raspberries to Amara Unity

Some of these scenes were Rob Benedict level cute, but Chuck remains unconvinced. He also tells Amara that she and Dean and whatever their thing was, he didn’t write that.

Chuck: Eww, gross.

Amara: I want balance, brother and sister again united, but on behalf of this world.

Chuck: I always get what I want.

Amara: I guess that makes you the villain.

Chuck: Villains get all the best lines.

Not in this show, I think to myself, but go on, Chuck. He snaps his fingers to get out of the bunker where Amara has landed them, but nothing happens. He appears angry, demanding, “is this a trap?”  Of course, now we all know that he wasn’t either surprised or angry – since he set the whole thing up. Amara and everyone else are just going along with his plan.

You know, I do see why Dean is so pissed off and desperate to end all this. It’s like a parallel process  here – I am also pretty effing done with nothing that happens on this show being “real” instead of written by Chuck! I almost don’t know how to watch it anymore, questioning everything that happens. It sucks the enjoyment out of things – like Dean says later in this episode, it sucks the life out of things. How good can anything feel if it’s not really my favorite characters doing it or saying it? Which is why I do get where Dean is at – but more on that later.

Back to Dean and Jack in the car, and the heartbreaking.

Jack: I don’t need you to be sorry. I’m not like Sam, or Cas. I understand.

The thing is, that is true. I have a fondness for Jack, in part because Alex Calvert plays him flawlessly and it would be hard NOT to have a fondness for him. But I don’t think he’s family in the same way that Sam is, he hasn’t been around that long and he hasn’t had Dean’s back consistently for decades like Sam has. He isn’t family in the same way that Cas is, after a decade of ups and downs and working their way to the same side to fight together.

They don’t have the history that Dean has with Sam, or with Cas. And as much as they have all had ups and downs and betrayals, neither Sam nor Castiel have killed Dean’s mother. If I try to imagine how I’d feel about someone who killed my mother (or my daughter) I’m not sure I could ever get to a place where that truly wouldn’t matter or I would entirely forget, even if I was able to forgive.

My heart still breaks for Jack because he doesn’t have a family, and that’s not his fault – and he longs for acceptance from the Winchesters and Cas. So I simultaneously want that for him and also understand why Dean struggles with complicated feelings for Jack. Ouch all around.

They arrive at the place Billie sent them to, Jim’s Gems, and meet up with – not Jim, but Adam. As in “the first dude off the assembly line”. And his companion, a beautiful woman.

Dean: So, that makes you Eve?

Actually no, it’s Serafina, an angel. This whole segment was weird. For some reason, Adam and Serafina do a lot of making out.

Dean: What’s happening?

SPN Dean Winchester Jack watch Serafina and Adam making out again Unity

Me: Exactly what I was asking!

Other than some meta inspiration, I have no clue what the point of all that was. But Serafina is another angel whose loyalty is to humans instead of to God, so that may be a commentary that comes into play next episode when we get Castiel’s ‘chapter’ of the story. Adam hates God and apparently it’s his and Serafina’s plan to kill him, helped along by Billie. I have no clue why this doesn’t make anyone more suspicious. Adam asks Jack to identify which gem was touched by God; Jack says they all have the divine in them. Their existence makes them divine because God is in everything.

This seems like it might have some consequences for everyone’s big plans, btw. Hmm.

Jack passes the weird test, while the very weird Serafina goes on about how amazing it is to Dean.

Serafina: Think of everything that had to happen for you to get Jack to this moment. It was meant to be.

Again, you might think that would ring a bell for Dean and make him suspicious. Is it fate or free will? How much of this is orchestrated and who’s pulling the strings? Are there really any coincidences in life?

Serafina pulls out a knife and stabs Adam, who turns around at Dean’s what the hell is happening and just says “Dudes, chill.”

SPN Dean Winchester reacts to Serafina cutting out Adams rib 1517

She carves out one of his ribs and pulls it free.

Me: Ohhhh. Adam’s rib. I get it.

Dean, alas, did not.

Dean: What the hell is this?

Come on, Dean, you’re smarter than that!

Adam’s rib is powerful enough to create life – or destroy God. When Jack fuses with it, he’ll become “like a metaphysical supernova, collapsing into a living black hole from which nothing can escape, not God, not Amara.”

Me: Umm, but won’t that suck everything else into it too?

Adam: Once it starts, you can’t stop it. You dig?

SPN Adam and Sera give Jack his rib to absorb Unity

Jack: (deadpan) I dig.

They drive away, but Dean stops to pull the car over and part of me thinks he’s going to say no, don’t do it, Jack. Instead he sort of apologizes to Jack for what he said about Jack not being family, saying that Jack didn’t need to hear that, especially not with the weight he’s carrying for “us, and for the world.” He thanks Jack, like he thanked Amara, but while he’s clearly conflicted about the plan, once again he doesn’t take it back.  He does, however, try to explain – to Jack and to us.

Dean: When I found out about Chuck, it’s like I wasn’t alive, not really. Like my whole life I’ve never been free, really free. But now, me and Sam, we’ve got a shot at living a life without all this crap on our backs. And that’s because of you. I want – I need to say thank you, Jack.

Dean Winchester says thank you to Jack in Impala car SPN

Jack: (solemn) You’re welcome.

The phone rings, and Dean looks at Jack.

Jack: It’s time, isn’t it?

Dean: It’s time.

Jack takes out the rib and it absorbs into him, his eyes glowing. Dean looks upset and conflicted, but he doesn’t yell “No!” at the last minute.

SPN Jacks eyes glowing after eating a rib SPN 1517

They drive on, Jack now a ticking time bomb and my heart in my throat.

The suspense of the episode ramped up really well by this point, so I was on the edge of my seat and full of way too much adrenaline. Well done both Meredith and director Catriona McKenzie and composer Christopher Lennertz, who did a kickass job on this episode (as always).

SPN Sam Winchester title card 1517

Back at the bunker, a frustrated Sam throws the book he’s been reading on the floor just as Castiel walks in. He picks it up, and Sam apologizes.

Cas: I understand, I feel it too — hopelessness.

Sam Winchester frustrated with Chucks death book SPN Unity

Once again Cas and Sam bond, both of them feeling defeated but convinced that something is just not right about Billie’s plan. Sam wishes out loud that he could just talk to her. Cas misunderstands, pointing out that there are no safe ways to summon her.

Cas: I will not let you end your own life!

SPN Cas To Sam Winchester I will not let you end your life

Luckily that wasn’t Sam’s plan but I liked Castiel’s reaction, a reminder of how much the three of them really do care about each other.

Sam then remembers something Sergei said (even though I think Sam was unconscious at the time, but…) about the key to Death’s library being in the bunker, so Cas and Sam start scouring the bunker for it. Cas finds the box, Sam reads the Latin inscription (which is always kinda hot, ngl) and a door and a keyhole magically appear on the wall.

Sam Winchester Cas react to keyhole magically appearing in wall SPN Unity

Cas wants to go with, but Sam asks him to stay behind in case Dean beats Sam back so Cas can buy him some time, and in he goes.

Castiel sends him off with a vote of confidence, saying that he doesn’t think Sam is crazy – in fact, he thinks Sam’s moral compass is functioning perfectly.

Thanks again for those nice Sam and Cas moments, Meredith.

In Death’s library, Sam finds dead reapers – and a being killing them who happens to be Rachel Miner!

Sam: Meg?

The Empty: Sorry, she’s still dead.

The Empty tells Sam sorry shes still dead in Library with Cas SPN 1517

The Empty is pissed, trying to reach Death because they had a deal that would allow the Empty to be all hers again and the entity itself to go back to sleep, but Castiel’s visit left the Empty with trust issues. Oh, and also? Billie’s agenda is that she wants to be the new God.  Put everyone back where they belong, angels off Earth, demons back to hell, what’s dead stays dead, etc.

Honestly, most of that doesn’t sound so bad to me – except for the part where Billie is doing all this because she wants to be the new dictator. That sounds like bad news.

The Empty knows that Sam is in Chuck’s Death book and that Billie has said he should be dead, except that she needs him, so decides to hurt Sam to get Billie to come back. Sam, however, outsmarts her – and damn, do I love me some smart Sam! Even in the midst of being tortured, he manages to gasp out “Wait, stop! Billie sent me!”  I might have yelled happily at my tv screen at that.

SPN Sam Winchester outsmarts The Empty with Chucks Death Book Unity

Sam weaves an impromptu story about Billie sending him to get the book and not saying why, but asking him to assure The Empty that she’ll keep her promise. (Also that Billie is on Earth, because he knows the Empty can’t go there. Yay smart Sam!)

The Empty: And if you’re lying?

Sam: (standing up confidently) I guess you have two choices, but if you kill me, you lose – and you’ll never go back to sleep….

Sam Castiel in library with Meg The Empty shot SPN Unity
Sam Castiel with Meg The Empty SPN

It works. Sam returns with the book and tells Cas ‘We have to stop it!’

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the bunker, Amara tries one last time to convince her brother, telling him it’s not too late.

Chuck: Shut up, Amara!

And then we learn that Chuck isn’t trapped at all. This has all been part of his plan.

Chuck (with an evil smirk): Listen! Dean, brought to the edge of doubt. His sense of duty, his rage, winning out…. This… this is my real ending….

Chuck laughing that hes immortal to Amara SPN

It’s clearly the one that he showed Becky, that so horrified her.

Chuck: They can’t kill me. What part of omniscient do you not understand?

Amara protests that they’re not going to kill him, but cage him, and Chuck gives her a sad and chilling smile.

Chuck: There’s no cage. They’re going to kill me, and they’re going to kill you too.

Amara is stricken, and Emily Swallow portrayed that sense of betrayal so well, my heart really ached for Amara.

SPN Chuck tells Amara they will both be killed 1517
SPN Amara realizes Chuck has betrayed her

Amara: But Dean can’t hurt me…

Chuck: (cruelly) No, but he can lie to you.

He uses her moment of betrayal and heartbreak to manipulate his sister once more.

Chuck: The only ones who ever really got us is us, you and me.

He says he wants balance, what she wanted, and that they can create something new together. He holds out his hand, and a grief-stricken and isolated Amara takes it; she becomes black smoke and is absorbed into her brother.

SPN Chuck merges with Amaras face and body
SPN Chuck with his and Amaras eyes Unity

It’s a chilling moment, with Rob nailing Chuck’s villainous smile.

In the hallway on the way to Chuck and Amara, Sam pleads with Dean to listen to him.

Dean Winchester SPN Title Card 1517 Unity

Sam: This was all Billie’s power grab, she’d become God.

Dean: As long as Chuck dies, I’m good.

Sam tries to block his brother, tries to get him to listen, and Dean confronts Sam, steely with resolve, a decompensating Jack limping along beside him.

Dean: Get out of the way, Sam! We don’t have time, Jack lit the fuse!

In a move that sent me leaping out of my chair and screaming at the tv screen, Dean pulls out his gun and points it squarely at Sam’s chest.

Sam Winchester calming Dean down with gun 1517
Jensen Ackles Dean holding intense gun on brother Sam Unity

Dean: Move. Move, Sam.


Sam: Dean, don’t do this!

Dean Winchester holding gun close to Sams chest SPN Unity

Dean looks unhinged, absolutely desperate.

Dean: I don’t wanna do this, but this is everything!

When Sam doesn’t move, Dean cocks the effing gun and I’m still screaming.

Dean: Get outta my way.

Dean Winchester pulls gun on Sam get outta my way SPN 1517

Sam tries to tackle him, Dean starts throwing punches.  Sam tries again and Dean throws him off, but Sam will not give up. He tells Dean that if Billie takes over, everyone will go back to where they belong – the hunters from the AU will go back to nothing, everyone they saved, Bobby, Charlie, Eileen… and that’s just the beginning.

I am not really sure what Sam meant by ‘and that’s just the beginning’ but he might have wanted to mention that the Winchesters would be in that group too, since they’ve both died and come back multiple times – and since Billie would clearly relish their deaths finally taking. Why didn’t you include that, Sam? Dean’s whole reason for wanting Chuck dead, so he and Sam could have freedom and meaning in their lives – all that won’t happen because they’ll be gone too, right?

Dean is way too far gone to think that clearly though.

Dean: We don’t have a choice!

Sam: We always have a choice!

Dean: I’d trade ‘em all for Chuck, in a heartbeat.

Sam pauses, and Jared’s handsome face crumples as he goes on, his voice halting now, cracking with emotion, appealing to his brother.

Sam: What about me? Would you trade me?

Sam Winchester to Dean would you trade me SPN Unity

Dean’s face crumples now too, and I’ve replaced screaming at the tv with sobbing uncontrollably in my living room. Not sniffling, but full on sobs, like all my love of this show and these characters suddenly overwhelmed me as Sam told their story, the one that has meant so much to me for so long.

Dean looks devastated already, wanting so badly for his brother to understand his pain and rage. Ackles puts so much emotion into the scene that you can almost see Dean shaking, barely contained desperation coiling his entire body up tight.

Dean Winchester pained rage making Sam understand SPN 1517

Dean: Chuck has to die, he has to… otherwise he’ll keep us tap dancing forever and I can’t live like that, man, I won’t!

Dean is so desperate here, he so needs Sam to see how much pain he is in, how intolerable this all is to him.

Sam does understand though, that’s the thing. And as much as the Winchesters struggle to communicate a lot of the time, when they’re broken open and honest with each other, it does get through.

Sam: I know you feel like that now, but you’ve gotta trust me!

Music that evokes the brothers’ theme begins to play, as tears stream down my face.

Dean looks away, overcome with emotion. Cas and Jack huddle on the floor, looking up at the Winchesters in shock.

Intense Dean Winchester face with gun on brother Sam Unity
Castiel and Jack on floor shocked Dean is shooting Sam Winchester SPN 1517

Sam: My entire life you’ve protected me. From Dad, from Lucifer, from everything, I didn’t always like it, but, you know, it’s the one thing I could always count on.

Dean is broken open, tears shining in his eyes, his chin quivering as Jensen Ackles so obviously feels it all with him.

Sam: It’s the only thing I’ve ever known that was true.

Sam Winchester to Dean My entire life youve protected me SPN Unity

Sam is equally broken, tears running down his cheeks, Jared Padalecki making what Sam is saying so unbelievably genuine, and maybe a touch of real-life true also. Dean and Sam are not the only brothers here.

Sam: So please, put the gun away.

Dean looks down then, hearing Sam finally, looking at the gun like he can’t believe he had it out.

Dean uncocks his gun.

And at that moment Chuck bursts through the wall. Furious. Despite the fact that Rob Benedict is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met – Chuck is terrifying.

Chuck: Are you kidding me?? You did it again!

Rob Benedict Chuck screams at Winchesters You did it again UNity SPN
SPN Chuck bursts through wall as Winchester Castiel take Jack Unity

Once again, this Dean didn’t kill this Sam.

Castiel protests and Chuck turns on him, calling him the ‘self hating Angel of Thursday’ in a call back to how Eric Kripke came up with the name for the character in the first place (for a show airing on Thursday) and makes a Swan Song reference too with ‘the one off the line with a crack in his chassis’. I appreciate those little things.

Chuck: You know what every other version of you did after gripping him tight and raising him from perdition? They did what they were told. But not you. Not any of you. You’re all too broken. And you know what you do with broken toys?

Dean: Screw you, Chuck.

Chuck: No, screw you. Have fun watching Jack die.

Winchesters and Castiel carry off a collapsed Jack ready to die SPN 1517
Caps by kayb625

And that’s where we leave off, Jack collapsed, his face beginning to decompensate, all three of his father figures gathered around him calling his name.

It took me at least an entire day to calm down enough to rewatch the episode and try to figure out why I had such a strong emotional reaction and whether or not the characters made sense or, in the case of Dean at least, were written out of character at some points. Meredith usually writes Dean like I see him, so I don’t usually have that reaction. But Dean pulling a gun on Sam? That one was hard to swallow.

Dean Winchester is my favorite fictional character in the history of – well, me – and so I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure him out. I’ve understood his anger this season when others seemed to think it was either irrational or pure pathology. His rage has made sense to me since he found out about Chuck’s manipulation, and what he said to Jack in this episode made that even clearer. The Winchesters have lived a hard effing life.

They’ve endured tragedy after tragedy after tragedy, physical and emotional and psychological torture, literally been to HELL. The only thing that gets them through that, that allowed them to be mentally stable and to feel okay about who they are and what their life is about, has been the difference they have made in the world. The relationships they’ve forged, the change they’ve made, the good they’ve done. If all of that – both the incredible pain and the good they’ve done – have merely been Chuck’s manipulations, then life loses all meaning. Like Dean says, are you really even alive at all?

I have obviously never been in Sam and Dean’s epic level life situation, but I’ve worked with enough trauma survivors to know what it’s like to work or live in a toxic environment in which someone else has ALL the power and you are merely something to be manipulated and toyed with and sometimes tortured for that person in power’s amusement. If you’ve had even a little taste of it, as most of us have, you know how soul crushing it can be. Add to that what Dean has been through in losing his parents, regaining his mother, then having her killed again, and if you don’t understand his anger, I don’t know what to tell you. That part of it, I get.

I don’t know if Dean would have pushed Jack into this, but it is Jack who made the call – and Dean understands being determined to make that kind of sacrifice. After all, he wanted to do the same thing. He walked into the garden to take out Amara as a ‘bomb’ knowing he wouldn’t survive it. He fought hard to lock himself into the M’alak box for eternity to get rid of Michael. Dean Winchester is no stranger to sacrifice; neither are Sam or Castiel. So Dean may not like it, but he gets it, and I think he feels like it was Jack’s choice.

At the same time, I also get where Sam and Cas are coming from. Billie has been extra harsh and extra suspicious for a while, so why would Dean believe her so easily and go along with her plan so blindly? She wasn’t telling the whole truth about the M’alak box when she said that was the only way, so why is he so sure this time is different?  Sam has good instincts, and he’s not as blinded by his anger as Dean is, hanging onto some hope and willing to fight to the last second to see if they can save the world but also save Jack too. Sam and Cas are tuned into all their emotions, and using them to try to determine what is and what isn’t real here.

The emotional scene between Sam and Dean will go down in show history as one of my favorite scenes. There were so many echoes of other times that one brother has been the only thing standing in the way of the other going down a dark dark road. Dean’s refusal to leave Sam giving him the strength to take control from Lucifer. Dean’s insistence that he was real to Sam when nothing else was, so he could be “stone number one” to help Sam get back to reality.

Sam alludes to that here, reminding Dean that he’s always been the one thing Sam could count on – Dean’s love and protection the one thing he always knew was real. He’s also letting Dean know that it goes both ways. That Dean can trust him, because Sam’s love is just as real. That because they are real and their relationship is real, that is something meaningful that Chuck cannot take away.

You and Me

It’s the theme of “you and me” that runs through the entire episode. And the entire show.

Was it OOC for Dean to point a loaded gun at Sam’s chest? It was, definitely. I understand his desperation, but the very thing he’s so desperate for – a life for him and his brother – is precluded by him shooting said brother! At first, I was pretty confused about that moment, but I’ve since come to some understanding of it.

  1. I don’t believe for a second that Dean Winchester was going to actually shoot his brother at point-blank range in the chest. I don’t think Sam believed that either – there was no point where he looked frightened. And
  2. we’re supposed to believe that some of this, at least, was Chuck’s machinations. How much of Dean’s reaction is Dean and how much was amped up by Chuck? I don’t really like the whole Chuck as puppet master plot because it means we as the audience never know either. I want my favorite characters to just BE my favorite characters and I don’t want to have to constantly second guess, was that them or was that Chuck? But in this case, that’s what we’re being told, so maybe Chuck was really the one who pulled that gun out and pointed it at Sam’s chest.

So, I’ll go with it and appreciate that scene for how much it made me feel. I often say this show makes me tear up and that is true, but it’s not often that I break down into uncontrollable ugly crying. This episode – that scene – made me do that. And I appreciate a show that can make me feel that much, after all this time.

Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins have all said that in these last few episodes, their own emotions were running high and inevitably creeping into their performances. I have a feeling we’ll see a lot of that in the next episode with Misha and Castiel. I think we saw some of that here between Jared and Jensen too. They have said many times that they’ve looked out for each other over the course of these fifteen years, and that nobody else but each other could really understand the experience they’ve shared. I think Sam’s words must have rung true for them as well, and that awareness made me extra emotional.

Thanks for that, Meredith. And for all the times you’ve made me feel and brought these characters’ journeys to life.

Every week, every episode, is another goodbye now, and I’m having a hard time with that. At the same time, I appreciate this journey and the people who’ve shared it with me more than ever.

Despair 15.17

Next week I think we’d all better have entire cartons of tissues ready. The “Supernatural” end really is near and episode 15.18 Despair says it all.